On TAG Heuer, product categories are on the first level in the homepages main navigation. The gifting UI includes a detailed explanation of the gifting features, including any additional fees, such as wrapping services. Includes user reviews and tool pricing. An excellent example of that? Customers can switch out backgrounds, icons, and chop and change the home screen as they see fit. [paypalsubmit class:primary-button email:mahmoud-facilitator@uxbert.com itemamount:000_11ecom_300 itemname:000_11ecom_300_name return_url:http://uxbert.com/ cancel_url:http://uxbert.com/ sandbox], Award Winning Web & Mobile UX, Usability & Ecommerce Consultancy | KSA, UAE, UK, 2022 UXBERT. Its a simple feature that showcases Todoist has really done their user research and identified one of their users key tasks. UX Design refers to the term User Experience Design, while UI Design stands for User Interface Design. Its about keeping the user experience going, allowing the real world to interrupt but not quite break up the experience. Adriano Trenahi, Product Design Manager at Eventbrite. Dont squander this opportunity to build empathy for your users and demonstrate the value of the work you do., As the person (or team) responsible for designing the research project, talking to participants, conducting tests, and analyzing the results, you are well qualified to make actionable recommendations about how to act on the findings of your research., What you dont want to do is mistake agnostic recommendations based on data with your own opinions about how people should use your findings., Content marketer by day, thankless servant to cats Elaine Benes and Mr. Maxwell Sheffield by night. In our Product Lists & Filtering usability research, sites with mediocre product list usability saw abandonment rates of 67-90%. A test participant at Newegg inadvertently tapped a product list item when he was trying to open the sorting tool (first image) and wound up on the product page (second image). A UX research report is a summary of the methods used, research conducted, data collected, and insights gleaned from user research.. Test new features with your users before you mass-release. Show results. The spacing between the sorting tool and the product list item is about 1.1mm. It was developed by Tomer Sharon when he was Head of UX at WeWork. Set a goal up front. What we love about this design, is the high personalization level that is achieved via handwriting. Home Depots shopping cart link is easy to locate in the site-wide header. They share this piece of content in a story format, one that most are familiar with thanks to Instagram and give users one-click options to share their story with friends. Its a good idea to store these in a repository as well, so that they can be easily accessed and added to over time.. UX design portfolios are your chance to showcase your top skills and best work. An excellent introduction to understanding what UX is, followed by its elements and processes. Explain the methods you used to recruit participants, conduct sessions, and analyze results. Overlaid text on the homepage of Pottery Barn is difficult to read. Theres something truly masterful about a product that fits users lives and grasps their attention. Uber does it with two and does it very well. It should come as no surprise, then, that Amazon invested a great deal of effort into making Kindle accessible. Loves to travel, has a terrible sense of direction. It also works as a prime UX design example for UX designers out there. A prime example is when a user makes a search with specific requirements, which can take a few moments. This means that users arent overwhelmed and dont lose focus on the matter at hand. Electricians. Although many users land on other pages first (like intermediary category pages or individual product pages), the homepage is still a vital part of your e-commerce site. Skyscanner always tells users what is going on. Lesson learned? Moment faster is a key principle of a great user experience. The system status visibility works well with the HBO app, because it always tells users when the system is working to react to a user action in a similar way to Skyscanner, HBO keeps users calm. 5 keys to socializing your UX work. Browse all of our content by a context unique to your (companies) needs. If theyve clicked on a scope that is too narrow, the breadcrumbs provide an easy path back to a broader product category. Single Item Movers. Now that weve shown you a number of positive UX design examples, its time to look at the flip side. Thank you! Last Minute Movers. Include a new functionality or redesign of one of the functions. The intrusive live chat (or video) dialog on Currys (UK) can make a poor impression on users. ALL LEFTS, 13 Psychology Principles All UX Designers Should Know, Interaction Design, Psychology, User Experience, Web Development, Interested in UX Design? Essentially, I UX'd my presentation. Vodafones mobile site provides sufficient white space around the company logo, and the icon is placed away from other features on the page. 3. You may want to provide people with multiple formats and ways to interact with findings., Sometimes people ask me how long a piece of content should be. Were huge fans of a well designed tab system here at Justinmind because they can be surprisingly tough to get right and deliver a huge impact on the user experience. Use this layout to see what new elements you can add to your presentation to improve its design. The website itself has a lot of features that most UX designers will appreciate, from its consistency in visual design to its visual hierarchy in search results. Home Painters. Its clear now that HBO took some notes from veterans in the streaming service business, like Netflix. This makes it easier for new users to learn their way around the app, because once theyve seen the behavior of the app in response to one user action thats it. Users and designers all have a big margin to find products that thrill, help, solve, organize and even bewilder. How can they spot a bad job listing? 1. Things like typing out your email are made easier by the app suggesting the most common email providers, like @gmail.com as a suggestion for users logging in or registering. Theres a high chance people are coming to it hungry, which means they want their need to be met in the quickest way possible. After each user interview, create a snapshot of the interview in a collaborative tool (Roberta uses Miro). The app has a tricky job. Its the design pattern of lazy format at its finest. Simple, icon-driven UX design on the N26 mobile app. If your shopping cart isnt carefully crafted, it could lead to a high cart abandonment rate. Its true that some of the UX design examples on this list have more eye-catching features, but preventing users from making errors can be quite complex. This may seem small, but to users it makes a real difference. UX design is all about researching the needs of the people who will be using your website and then placing those needs at the center of the user experience design process. Store Pickup is included as an alternative shipping option, where users will not overlook it. There's a little bit of everything in hereGoogle Slides decks, Figma templates, Miro boards, Notion docs, even a couple old-school reports (gasp!). Find small ways to support your users by providing them the information they need upfront to complete their tasks. Jamie Choi's portfolio. Traditional research reports (like the ones still produced by scientific and academic researchers) are typically long text documents with detailed explanations of participant sampling, methodologies, analyses, etc. Instagram makes for a prime user experience design example that makes the maximum from the available space. The app is easy to navigate, drag and drop-friendly and gives you that ingrained sense of gratification when you cross a task off a to-do list. Their password guidance in their welcome form is a fantastic example of this. This is aside from having a range of settings that are meant to not only make it comfortable to read, but to also make it easier for users with moderate visual impairments. Starting the presentation by clearly stating what you want to have accomplished by the end of it is generally a good approach. UX design is booming, but where do UX designers find job opportunities? Something went wrong while submitting the form. It goes to show that the general layout of Instagrams screens was carefully planned to showcase the content and allocate a bit of space for other features. By simply suggesting the right thing, the app allows users to move forward without any friction or stress. It would also consider more aspects such as voice commands or proximity sensors. Here are some examples of brands that offer good examples of mobile UX elements and features. Home Depot displays detailed shipping options at the Cart step to improve the checkout UX, listing cost estimation with speed and delivery date. Left-align all your content. Its consistent, its visually pleasing and comes in a reasonable size. By giving users complete control over their boards and user permissions, the app effectively blends into the workflow of the user without any friction. To help us answer these UX design FAQs, we spoke to Adriano Trenahi, Product Design Manager at Eventbrite (previously eDreams & Mango). Always use equal margins on all sides1 inch. This is the most relatable email Ive received, 31 Creative UX Research Presentations and Reports Templates and Examples. There are standard ways of evaluating UX. But despite their professional relationship, the roles themselves are quite different, referring to very different parts of the process and the design discipline. I usually respond with the infuriatingly enigmatic answer that it should be as long as it needs to be but as short as possible., That mantra applies just as well to user research reporting. UX is only good when its aesthetics follows. In-house SEO manager, usability enthusiast and patron of all sleep-deprived designers. Its smooth, easy to grasp and offers wonderful readability. Your users experience needs to be consistent, error-free, and flexible. The real magic, however, lies in the interface design of both its website and app. Presentation Designer Long Beach CA.If you're looking to take your presentations to the next level, look no further than presentation gurus. Trello is one of those UX design examples that took user control to a whole new level. Helping a user get value from your app and reach their Aha! Additional images are visible as thumbnails placed below the main image, immediately apparent to users when they arrive on the page. Disney+ has made quite the splash since its debut in the world of streaming content. Content UI Design Usability UserbyJayan Narayanan. Quick, clear, and user-friendly. There are plenty of ways in which you could do that, good UX designers would aim to reduce effort and avoid unnecessary taps by predicting and prompting suggestions on the phone interface. Instagram has become such a popular app. ux design presentation examples. A great experience can not only deter someone from leaving, but it can encourage them to use your app even more. During this wait time, users are reassured that the search is taking place, that the wait isnt due to some error in the system. If theres a way to simplify or automate a key task, design accordingly. Oops! We love that every little detail in this UX design example follows a consistent trail of behavior and appearance. Is it possible to have good UX with bad UI? We can help transform your boring data into stunning slide decks that will engage and inform your audience. It sends a message to new users that the user experience here will be straightforward, intuitive and comfortable. Amazon Kindle has been in the ebook game for a long time now. And even if they did, they likely wouldnt know what to do with mountains of raw data. That feeling of relief and easiness when completing a task or using a service are also indicators of good UX. Bad UX, such as issues during the checkout experience, leads to frustrated users and abandoned purchases. They sit at the top of the food chain and for good reason. Apples checkout provides a full cost estimate in the Cart step and includes Store Pickup in shipping options. It makes for a great UX design example of allowing users to customize their searches to perfection. As you click through to find your restaurant, youre given fewer options and eventually, a list of restaurants broken down by user needs: something fast, something cheap, something rated well. moment by focusing on a users job to be done. Spacing between tappable elements at Newegg presents a consistent problem for users. Once you learn the value of UX, you understand that user experience can be the biggest differentiator between competing products on the market but what does good UX design actually look like? Youve put a lot of thought, time, and energy into designing a research plan, recruiting participants, conducting interviews, analyzing the data, and synthesizing your findings. Filled with guidance and examples on how to ensure delivering an excellent UX. When summarizing your research for stakeholders, keep it concise. Miro enables users to build the board they need and learn as they go with modal popups as they navigate their way through building a board. The pillow also makes the first word in the second line of the description, through, difficult to read. No one likes to be told they need their go-to password to be stronger and fulfil criteria its never had to before. There is one aspect of the user experience that we think this UX design example got absolutely right: error prevention. Theres also a clear indication of the earliest in-person pickup time. Using familiar faces like the hamburger menu, the app offers users a comfortable way to enjoy Instagram and all its features. 12,000+ annotated designs for systematic inspiration. Advocate for content design with these storytelling tips. Categories and subcategories are divided into manageable chunks that dont overwhelm the user. IDEO's human-centered design process chart 8. Another thing that we love about H&Ms website is their breadcrumb navigation. The autoplay features from Netflix are quite possibly some of the most intrusive and heavily debated UX features to grace the planet. Lesson learned? Users can see applied filters and easily adjust selections on John Lewis. A thorough presentation covering the basics of UX Design and how its implemented. Some folks have even advocated ditching reports entirely., Butas Katya Hott argued on UX Collectiveeven if youve involved stakeholders early and often and have a clean, tagged, and organized research repository, there is still a lot of value in sharing a summary of the whys, hows, and outcomes of your UX research.. Here are 11 brilliant UX design examples to learn from. The link for filtering is slightly better spaced than the sorting widget, but its still too close to the product list items, with a spacing of just under 2mm. Avoid using too much jargon, especially if youre sharing with non-researchers.. A different participant had a similar issue as he was trying to open filtering. Youre welcome to jump straight to those templates (LINK! Handyman Services. The live chat function on Dicks Sporting Goods is available via a static link and is initiated by the user to avoid live chat usability issues. This particular autoplay feature was met with a great deal of controversy and debate. They have a middle, with the bulk of information on where we want to go - how we will get there and what that might bring us in terms of benefits. First, the minimalism of the general interface is quite impressive. Weve shared a number of good UX design examples in this post, as well as some poor examples, to help you understand what recommendations and guidelines look like when theyre implemented during the design process. They dont need to learn about other reactions and behaviors of the app which shortens the learning curve by a lot. This situation creates the need to understand two fundamentally different types of users each with their own objectives and goals. In part, thats the allure of the industry. Gucci has bespoke images with clear text overlays on the homepage. Chewy provides robust thematic filtering and live-updating of the product list as users apply filters. The store itself offers a wide variety of items for customers, creating a need for exceptional navigation design that connects it all. Image source: n26.com. UX Design; Accessibility; Design Collaboration; Mockups; Design Handoff; Design Ops; . As one user said, I dont wanna video call an expert. "Eclectic.". One of our team members will be in touch with you via email or phone call soon to provide you with further details. You can also create a dynamic collection of insights within your repository to help stakeholders wrap their heads around all those nuggets of information. There is also a clickable image of Included Accessories on this page. Introduction to team members and their roles. User Experience Research Templates and Examples. These Shopping Cart page design examples can provide guidance on which elements can improve the Shopping Cart UX. Another way in which Disney minimizes errors is by including confirmation messages when tasks are accomplished with success. UX & Design Riyadh: Usability Guidelines for Websites & Mobile Appsby UXBERT Labs. Interested in working with us? A PwC survey of 15,000 consumers found that one in three consumers will leave a brand they love after one bad experience. The TAG Heuer homepage interlinks different content sections so users can easily cross-navigate product guides and the product catalog. Steal a page from our playbook: This guide from the UI Research Guide includes a list of survey writing best practices, QA checklist items, and sample questions to help PwDRs design more impactful surveys. Uber, in truth, needs to cater to two sides of the same coin: the riders and the drivers. Second, theres the wonderful option of group chat owners to pin messages in the chat, to be easily found by any user in it. It uses static content sections to display products on the homepage. Weve compiled 31 templates and great examples of user research reports, summaries, case studies, and slide presentations to make it easier for you to share research findings with your stakeholders and teammates.. The ability to practice a language completely alone, in their own device, skyrocketed in popularity during the confinement due to the pandemic. From basic things like the number of guests to fine details like breakfast or pool preferences, the website offers it all to users. N26: Anticipating user needs. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. We love it, because it manages to keep everything organized, showcasing outstanding information architecture and labelling of items. The text that overlays the images on the Gucci homepage is legible and easy to read, so users can decide what path to take to continue browsing. Grafisk design Visual Design - VD Visual Design (VD) is the emotion . First, theres the brilliant use of a tab system to help users manage their uploaded files. Free shipping information is clearly visible near the top of the page, in the Buy section, instead of a site-wide banner which many users will ignore. None of the e-commerce sites listed below achieved high performance across all 700+ UX elements in our testing. Its a simple yet unique way of showing appreciation as opposed to hitting a like button. UX designers are the in-house voice of the customer. WestWing is another UX design example for a system that runs efficiently. With offices in Dubai and Riyadh, ourteam of UX Researchers, Designers, and Developers deliver custom designed and built software tohelp businesses succeed. It almost feels like the author is drawing and writing in front of the viewers' eyes. A UX portfolio presentation is about showing your future employer and team that you can articulate your ideas, process, and concepts in a clear and concise style. Tripadvisor knows that most people will have a very specific set of requirements for their preferred stay on a trip. No user enjoys having to take the time to type out information. Design, prototyping and design systems solution chosen by the . Gamification still works wonders and its expected to be a $30.7 billion market by 2025. The cart link is visually emphasized in the site-wide header on Home Depot so its easy for users to find. 90% of users have stopped using an app due to poor performance. Good UX design can make routine tasks that people typically dont enjoy more pleasant. Jeremy Stokes' creative UX portfolio. Headspace's inspiring UX retention strategy 06. Its also a good way to keep stakeholders looped into research as it happens. Along the way, we'll show you how to use these insights to create a seamless user experience. Once youve concluded your interviews, do a final synthesis using the takeaways you put together along the way., This synthesis can be shared with stakeholders (and the wider company) as a slide deck (see above), a written summary, or both.. The entire experience is rapid, done in a few clicks, and fills bellies as quickly as possible. It gives a mix of what people love: entire homes, pet-friendly homes, or unique stays. The action of booking is simple and at the top of the fold. 10 best beginner UX portfolio examples 1. This slideshare busts UX and UI myths, breaks down the elements of UX and explores what UI is, followed with new trends and disciplines for UX design. They go hand in hand. Instantly get the report plus Baymards UX research insights by email. No matter how large or small your company is, making incremental changes to your UX can make it easier for your buyers to find items, fill their carts, complete seamless transactions, and become repeat customers who buy from you again and again. Ultimately, it can be challenging to create a product that is meant to help people in their daily work. We particularly love the Headspace apps focus on gamification to build user retention. A UX designer (user experience designer) focuses on building a positive experience for someone and a businesss product. Vueling is a prime example of a UX design that nailed the tab navigation right on the head. Think about ways you can gamify your brand experience. Limited Time Offer Mediums clap your appreciation feature was fantastically innovative when it first aired, and it still is. Much like Duolingo, Headspace manages to bring a competitive edge to the educational world. The mobile site for Vodafone UK helps users avoid accidentally leaving the checkout process. Bakes a mean chocolate tart, makes a mediocre cup of coffee. Thats why we created a list of 20 wonderful examples where the UX design was on point. 2. Lesson learned? Dealing with users looking to overcome stress and anxiety, sleep better, and live a mentally healthier life, its critical that the app experience is as smooth as any meditation they practice. Norman Doors. And a deck can be as in-depth or as lightweight as necessary, depending on the nature of your research and the needs of your stakeholders. UX matters. A lot of ink has been spilled on why the traditional format is not the best way to communicate UX research findings to stakeholders and the wider team. 18 UX Design Examples: Inspiration for Improving User Experience. Leverage user data stories in your designs and deliver users content thats entirely unique to them. The platform focuses on video game live streaming, including even esports events like massive competitions. Revolut is leading the charge with its user-friendly banking app that allows users to customize their own experience as they like. Product categories displayed in the main navigation allow users to immediately see what type of site theyve landed on and the types of products offered. Process diagram template design for UX designers 6. 7. Slides decks are a popular way to report user research findings. Spotify gets pride of place on this list of UX design examples for their innovative use of data, sticking to formats people know, and creating an experience that has the potential and ease to go viral. Research users needs and problems in your design process and use the data to determine what matters most to them. A test participant on Newegg accidentally tapped a product list item while trying to open the sorting tool. For this, they get pride of place in this UX design examples list. Tbh, the clues in the name with this one. Using a smart vertical system, Tripadvisor allows users to add all the preferences they could possibly think of. How do they arrive to the website? In fact, Amazons Kindle helps users with its own assistive technology, VoiceOver. Targets product page includes a video within the main image gallery with a Play icon to let users know its available. Read about Atomic Research Nuggets in the UX ResearchField Guide. Its fast and efficient, helping users with suggestions that adapt from countries to cities and even areas. Deal of controversy and debate that will engage and inform your audience thematic Filtering and live-updating of the fold user... Crafted, it could lead to a whole new level engage and your! 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