Your rhetorical, whether Taylor with be proud of my interpretation, was answered. Hide behind the mods? Correct me if Im wrong, but your post seemed to imply that I should delete comments from people who post false information, which is censorship. kaiser permanente Much like other tendon injuries, it presents as a dull aching pain along the front of the ankle or the lower shin, on the outside of the leg. Pain that seems to be getting worse, does not improve, or lasts longer than a few months could be due to structural changes in the foot or ankle, or an underlying condition. Youll never need help from a guy like me. Your actions betray someone who is upset because your belief that you could condescendingly put someone in their place failed miserably. It determines how your bodyweight is spread and carried by the bones and joints of your feet. DISHONEST!!! All have failed to provide reliable evidence and reason to support that the correlation is in fact strong. You really need to realize that your feelings dont make a real argument. Ive built some compelling cases, and by the responses I have received, many agree with that assessment. Dude. in online discussions? You are now trying to discredit that support with drum roll unsupported allegations that the support have the agenda of promoting sexist views. speaks for itself. Changing your footwear to a well-made running trainer that you feel supports the shape of your arch may prevent further painful changes to the structure of your arches. Be as righteously indignant as you want, but I have not be hostile to anyone who has not repeatedly been hostile to me first. Dummy. Apparently your ego is so bruised by losing that you need to rationalize that anyone that defeated you must be resorting to ridiculous means. All of this happened. You have claimed that Phineas is Lachlan, that Jim is Phineas, and that I am Phineas. Really Dannius, a moderator should be completely aware of that. Nice going, LOSER. Ad hominem is itself a logical fallacy, and your entire arguments are built around them. Definition, Prevalence, Correlates, Sequelae, and Management Seriously, Dannius, Live Action News reputation has probably been damaged by your biased adjudication. rather than reasonable debate.. Not only that, but girls with tattoos specifically have no idea that their cool designs will be destroyed by aging. I refuse to stick my dick into a walking comic book. It is caused by swelling in a small pocket of fluid, known as a bursa, or bursae if more than one is affected. Romance 02/13/22: Surprise (4.41) Was our son's wife cheating with a co-worker? In reality, your self-righteousness and how you will stoop to DISHONESTY to try to win a debate makes any site you moderate one that is likely to become nothing but a travesty. The problem with most feminists and social justice warriors is that they need to pretend that men and women are equal in every way. I was not aware that all this discussion was going on behind the scenes. Take anti-inflammatory drugs to ease the pain and swelling. Do you even understand that? Youre quite the loser., Oh, and just where have you been admonished for using a figure of speech. You havent been able to show that, yet, I have shown that it is not. You do realize that parroting doesnt work in situations like this. However, if they advocate your services as is, then it reflects poorly on their standards. That would be a false dichotomy there Dannius. Inone study, a group of ten runners trained exclusively with deep water running for four weeks and compared 5km race times pre deep water running and post deep water running. In reality, the demonstration of how posters like Jim H behave is absolutely on topic in any given discussion. Please tell me. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. You are as DISHONEST as you expected to be now. The underhanded methods of social justice warriors is easily demonstrated by witnessing how you use fallacy after fallacy in an attempt to deceive people into thinking you are dedicated to mature debate. Insoles and arch supports can help but its best to visit a foot specialist, such as a podiatrist, to get ones designed specifically for your foot shape. Its a higher probability that you will secretly call yourself a cunt too. You get your arguments neutralized and you just pretend that it wasnt. Memory usage: 64272.0KB, Pinched Nerve in Hip: Causes and Remedies, Hip Revision Recovery Time and Ways to Shorten It, 9 Best Double Chin Exercises That Work Fast, Unable to bear weight on the leg affected. No. Review my posts, you will see that you, Phineas, and Jim H are deemed as either working in collusion, or even the same poster, NOT because they share the same views, but because of the expected coincidences of when one poster answers or runs interference for the other. So much so that I now use aqua jogging as a cross training activity in the summer, even when I am not injured. They arent interested in dating other men. Go check out what Argumentum ad Hominem is and is not. At least she comes with a warning label! Some people are just repulsive and seem to revel in it. You tell yourself whatever you want about that, carry on at ROK or wherever else, Sorry, but I do not need your permission or endorsement to tell the truth about how some people behave online. Then Geezus keeps at it and gets his comment deleted. If that sounds a lot like a crazed fundamentalist attitude, well, it is. Your comment to Phineas was deleted not just because it was off-topic, but because you choose to do nothing but accuse others of dishonesty and sock puppetry rather than contributing anything real or relevant, which you continue to prove even in this discussion.. But okay, lets discuss Charles Taylor. Learn about 15 possible causes of why your ankle hurts at WebMD. That too failed as this intellectual was shown to be employing numerous fallacious arguments. spherical earth They dont have argument anymore if they ever did. Instead of accepting the reality that you are wrong, you become defiant and expose your true colors as a sycophant of Jim. Firstly, my assertion is that, by your behavior (and the details have been relayed to you many times before) it is unlikely that you are actually male. Seriously? No. When I kept running on it before, the pain spread up where I think the actual muscle is, round to the anterior and more lateral side of the leg, making it painful to weight bear/walk on it. And most of all __6__ You IGNORE clear and concise refutation and just repeat the same old lies again. Huh. How people take the truth in no way changes the truth being told. You have not refuted the allegation about Jim H. Though a few exercises might cause discomfort, generally exercise is highly likely to help you instead of causing any major harm. In fact, there are many reasons deposited checks can bounce, and the most common reason is that the check originator does not have enough money available in their account. Are there any remedy meant to help? Anti-inflammatory drugs can ease the pain, but rest is key to healing. A valiant effort, Dannius, but as you can see, I will cut through hollow speech mercilessly. The side that is asking you to debate outside of a certain space is usually the side that recognizes that said space is biased in favor of certain individuals. Come on, try and delete me here, coward. Typically, children like you think people owe you an experience to your liking. Youre also playing semantics with the hasty argument, and its obvious. You can find examples of exercises that could help you on our exercises for the toes, feet and ankles page. Just where have I made unprovoked abusive comments? Something he never did to them, and with good reason. the moderator betrayed both his/her lack of neutrality as well as his/her lack of understanding how important exposing DISHONESTY is to maintain a proper debate. He showed a talent early on for maths and When you started to lose not just the debate, but your reputation and dignity, you had to resort to calling in the cavalry and post as DanniusAwesomus. Momma and several of her sisters are worried about her too. What you are trying to describe is really, invalid application. Your opinion counts for very little. I also believe that you should be free to express how you feel about this.-. Is as much a definite box as correlating a penchant for self-righteousness and immaturity is. It is obvious and the grave you see is the one that you buried your reputation (be it as Phineas or as Dannius Awesomous) in. This autoimmune disease causes your body to attack healthy tissue. Medication-wise, I am still in limbo. This has been an absolute game changer for me when I am injured. You tell yourself whatever you want about that, carry on at ROK or wherever else you enjoy spending your time bitching about others. Initially, it may hurt only at the beginning of a run, then fade. As far as my credibility in making that determination? Your over-played bravado is a thin veneer, Phineas. EnerDels battery packs provide an off-the-shelf solution to enable the electrification of buses, commercial vehicles, trains, subways and trams to address urban mass transit needs. inhabitants. Shes a habitual liar just like Geezus proved. It's caused by damage to the strong band of tissue, called the plantar fascia, which runs from the heel to the base of the toes. You are allowed to baselessly do that, but no one else is? Dont even try to say that they arent. __2__ You see only the things you want to see (I never put women in a negative light, you just say it is.) However, since the tibialis anterior has a well-defined and simple role in running, we can devise treatments that follow the same universal rules that apply to all running injuries. Also, it has already been demonstrated that showing habitual LYING is not the fallacy of Argument ad Hominem. It is caused by a damaged or irritated nerve and often becomes more painful over time. As far as the logic, you are misrepresenting a trend as a panacea, and, pretending that unless a model is 100% accurate, it cannot be effectively used. Far more DISHONEST than most trolls. Do I do nothing but offer justification? Meh, youre fat so who cares what you think. Oh, and I am not guilty of any of your unfounded accusations. Even if we only considered the latter third, homosexuals compromise 3% of the population. Ive never encountered any issues with any positions or career paths based on my tattoos. The obligation was to prove your arguments wrong, and I have done that. It is not irrelevant. Just how much credibility do you think that site has? Noticed how you ignored the part about your abusive comments. Repeat 10 times. I will call you uncivil, your arguments ridiculous, your paparazzi sexist, your manhood cheap, etc). You are the face of DISHONESTY and why few have much patience left for self-righteous bullies like you. Overuse injuries might also lead to capsule damage, labrum, or cartilage, which can result in limping, painand inflammation. Go ahead, go up to the next woman you encounter and tell her with your most handsome smile, you look manly today. Just make sure youre prepared to receive a proper slap, Id also recommend wearing a cup just in case. He is a pussy. Otherwise, your doctor will request an appointment for you. You are here to try and win what you know you lost. This is a large part of why the current GOP candidate has been so successful. Addresses are easy to spoof. WebGet MLB news, scores, stats, standings & more for your favorite teams and players -- plus watch highlights and live games! X X X X X X X. There is no name calling, no vulgarity, etc., but it may still be over the top in terms of attitude. Your actions are that of a much more emotional being than most men. In fact it is how you apply specious misrepresentations that betrays it. No. Wow sorry that youre having so much trouble getting laid that you have to vent your frustration in ill-versed articles that have absolutely no proper sources except your shitty life. Even you do not believe such a thing. So do you need to keep going around and around about this for some reason, or can you wrap this up in a final statement or something and lets both move on? BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTF? You may be mistaking hollow for relevant and simple, and cutting through for lengthy rebuttals which are honestly lacking in substance. U R SOOOO right Matt! Most likely, you are the same troll that invented the sock puppet Donald Drumpf and every other one with the same repeated dumb arguments. Hurting my own cause? Our two goals should be to reduce stress on the injured area and make the injured area stronger and more resilient. That doesnt mean a person cannot use different I.P. Furthermore that assertion is on-topic (and pointing out when someone is being dishonest or has a habit of such is on-topic). It is helpful to those that carry such wrong notions to get the advice from those that have better information or have deduced the truth via better reasoning. I think I got your fortune cookie tonight. I dont understand why she left the ones she did. Lets use your logic. What the hell, troll. What? As I expected, you repeatedly did all that then attempted to turn it back on me by referring to my posts as Ill cut you speeches and mud-slinging. Thats exactly what you did with Phineas and its probably a safe bet thats what you did with Jim. You ran out of material faster than most trolls. .and I am referring to how this article is backed up by science. Youre not doing too well as a troll. The article is accurate enough since scientific studies show that the amount of tattoos and personality faults like solipsism are correlated. While there is much in your post related to women, me, and other topics that I would love to address, I will keep this relatively brief and relevant.. That is what happens when Millennials are sheltered to the point that they think they are actually special snowflakes that the entire world must bow to (really, that is how you act). Get back to school and finish grade 8, moron. If anyone is whining, it is you. Perhaps I just need to work on some strengthening exercises. Clearly, dERp is a ring-leader (be it self-appointed or by sheer volume of participation). ***** ***** She is dishonest to the point that it is a psychological illness. Show me one instance, in context, where Phineas made such an effort. Or would you agree that they may be perceived as grasping for straws, at least by the commenter who knows your accusation to be incorrect, and probably to some observers as well? open to all It does not matter how much you try to create the appearance that there is any logic, proof or reasoning behind your accusations about me. If scar tissue causes problems later on, you might need surgery. Really, Dannius, this type of faulty logic does not do your case much good. As such, it often has little consideration for the feelings of those who are sensitive to unpleasant realities. ******************** Try and grow up, loser. In fact most just get hostile when they are challenged. Now, your pathetic attempt to bully is done at least until your next set of childish posts,, That face should be as popular as the Laughing Cartman! Often, these changes are painful and can affect your ability to do things. Youre cracking me up, but at the same time you are dead accurate. You can start to assume all crazy/boring/slut women get tattoos and piercings, but its not the same to then say all tattooed and pierced women are crazy/boring/sluts. Fluid running is an awesome deal when you consider it comes with the belt (highly recommended for better form), the waterproof headphones (game changer for making pool workouts fun), a tether (to add variety to the workouts you can do) and the guided workout app (to make your cross training structure and a whole lot more interesting). Now, let me ask you to identify with where Im coming from in regards to some of your posts. It is all part of the calculated moves by propagandists to gain the confidence of moderators. Im not familiar with Calvin, but Im sure he was every bit the good moderator if you say so. All you are doing is your usual, Ignore refutation and repeat your same debunked false assertion. What are you doing this weekend? But I can see that you do nothing but post inflammatory, off-topic insults, and when you finally goad someone into responding with frustration, you call them a woman and pretend they started it and should be banned. You dont attempt to refute this, because you probably realize that you really cant. It is you that is clearly offended by the article, troll. All the attempts by you as Phineas just proves that you are a COWARD, a LIAR and generally a very DISHONEST individual. /sarc. I will not be responding to your hostile and repetitive comments again. The exact words being: Typically, social justice warriors always think it is their privilege and theirs alone to do the pushing and shoving. Now, you are trying to deflect this into how it is inflammatory to the point that you feel women are justified in trying to physically injure or maim a man (yes, sports cups are meant for men so it is implied) to identify how someone is behaving by sex. Once again, that was clearly a mistake and I should have let you embarrass yourself with your own comments without me dignifying them with responses. But, with workouts directly in my ear, it's changed the whole experience and I actually look forward to the workouts. The tattoo thread is now officially re-opened! You gloss over the nature of your accusations, then attempt to flip the script and imply Im the one being sexist and using logical fallacies. WebDiscover the latest breaking news in the U.S. and around the world politics, weather, entertainment, lifestyle, finance, sports and much more. Im sure you were correct. The anterior tibialis, or more accurately called the tibialis anterior is a muscle-tendon unit that runs down the front of your shin, just on the outside of your shin bone. You can also stay (as long as the good people at ROK decide you can) but what you cant do is pretend that your arguments are valid when they are not. Although Id love to continue this, Im not here to argue with your opinion of women which I find to be rather sexist by the way or your opinion of Jim or Phineas, or your opinion of me. Wow wicked virtue signaling just there. *********************** Your sham justification for how your name calling is always mitigated, but Jims is not? It is you that denies that it is relevant. Your reputation has been irrevocably sullied by your irreverent and DISHONEST approach. Internet sites and applications earn certificates to provide some assurance that what they provide is as they advertise, and that no malicious information is lurking in their delivery. Most foot or ankle surgery aims to correct the position of the joints by resetting the bones or fusing a joint in the corrected position. You just say it. When have I ever used that millennial pejorative? It is basically, A LIE. However, none should speciously confuse that with promoting falsehood, and knowingly promoting it after such fabrications have been exposed (more on this in a moment). Let me save you some time You cant. I dont know if anybody agrees but I dont see anything being done. One more than one occasion I have pointed out the up votes coming from people who never post on the thread they up vote her on. When that failed, the moderator appeared to try and end the engagement. Youre just as much a LIAR as those sock puppets you protect. Where have I related that? Exercise, including physical therapy, can help. You are sounding a lot like Phineas with the trust me excuse. It could be that recognizing that ones very foundation is fallacious is something to fear. Other allegations? We cannot gloss over how, given the ability to promote LIES, propagandists use debate as a forum to ply their mischief. In my opinion, youre clearly misusing the quote. I noticed that your last response to Phineas-the-troll has disappeared. Go figure. That loser, Phineas is using the same old crap arguments in responses to me:, The tattooed women in my family/friend circle are all fairly normal. LOL. Your fucking ignorant. Let me guess, you will try yet another false accusation along with a passive aggressive insult and consider that winning. is a priori, its a myth of a myth It is disingenuous to repeatedly suggest that such rigor is directly necessary. Really? That you collude with Jim H is obvious due to how you allow him all sorts of liberties while denying anyone who opposes him of even uttering a word if they detect his is telling lies. If they seem repetitive they are only so because they refute your repeated lies. X X X X X X X. I dont start fights, in fact I defuse them. Youre a COWARD. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,, You are smart and funny. I get votes from many individuals. You are lying on the very post I am responding to here. If you are in pain and think your arch shape has changed speak to a healthcare professional about treatments. Sexual Abuse of Boys Jim H is rationalizing to avoid admitting that he is a liar and a troll. Everyone derives great pleasure in watching you make a fool out of yourself with these recycled crap arguments and insults. No. You prove this by how you are obviously a sycophant of Jim H. You talk as if people havent actually been witness to both Phineas and your denouement here. Oh. The most frequent cause that leads to hip pain over the long-term is joint swelling or arthritis. There is no current evidence that complementary adaptations, such as magnetic insoles, are better than using standard, cushioned insoles or well-fitted footwear that properly support and protect your feet. You can find a private podiatrist by visiting: Physiotherapists are trained to use movement, exercise, manual therapy, and advice to help get your foot and ankle moving again. You may need to be careful and protect the injured area for several months, until it has fully recovered. If you have been harrassed by DGCJ, AKA were-homo (hat tip Mars), the following .gif may offer you a few minutes respite from this nuisance. I derived incrediblepleasure from shoving my cock in her mouth to shut her up. It is becoming apparent that all these things are delusions to protect the denial you have. So Nope! Do you really wonder why the world is sick of you entitled idiots? When I discovered today the extent of this entire situation, both on LAN and here, I ran it by my boss. No one has yelled liar anymore that was required. Is that a problem for you?. This group of conditions causes your skin and connective tissues to thicken. Certainly you can have the opinion that to say this is inflammatory. So lets assume all crazy women get tattoos. You have no authority here, and that lofty attitude cannot hide your inability to address the points or challenges put forth. If youre going to LIE like that, you will be called out on it). I detect that you think being a woman is an insult, yet I have not couched it in that sense. Neo Bourgeois Christum is homophobic. If you agree to wrap this up, you could make a final statement, Ill make a final response, and you close it out with a final final statement. You have been CHALLENGED many times to refute what he postulates. Silbernagel, K. G.; Thomee, R.; Eriksson, B. I.; Karlsson, J., Continued Sports Activity, Using a Pain-Monitoring Model, During Rehabilitation in Patients With Achilles Tendinopathy: A Randomized Controlled Study. Chances are high that all three are either the same person, or from the same group of Social Justice Warriors. Logic too funny, Dannius. While many commenters may indeed share your emotional argument that I am this or that, the fact that few shy of your minions (yes, it is obvious who those people are since your few up-votes are always the same individuals) agree with your feelings is telling. No. Dont be trying to say that artistic license is the same as making assumptions because it isnt. just like I did. I find him, his ego, and the trashy comments he makes, all disgusting. Both of you merely deflected from it. You are trying to deflect from that. Based on some comments I have seen from you, I know you are capable of debating relevant issues free of personal attacks, and I hope you will do so at LAN. ***** Because you are obsessed with boring, verbose arguments with people who mildly disagree with you and care not one bit about the arguments you put forth. The truth? Come on man. Exercise can help reduce pain and stiffness in the feet and ankles. Some of this new anarchy especially neo-feminist anarchy is some scary stuff. That is propaganda, and should be removed from any discussion forum that wants to at least appear as not promoting an agenda. I hope you rot in hell or become someones bitch in prison. Road trip for "the girls" of the book club. This condition can be resulted from various factors, including posture problems, overusing the joints, hip injury, or other condition like rheumatoid arthritis. You have an agenda to push the SJW narrative and you got busted. Bashing women? You really have little credibility left when you try this kind of weak play. That you can taunt and attack people all you want, but others get deleted when they address your DISHONESTY is compelling proof that you are fully aware of that advantage and exploit it. You see this as a back-and-forth, yet it really is I presenting a reasoned and reasonable position, and you merely saying nah! She is not even talking about her alter egos now. That is what having tattoos is all about. When that fails. Context? What happened here? You can never go wrong with wishing a Jewish Person Shalom., Again, so sorry I first saw this now. Im not asking that in a condescending way, Im asking straight up, and Im also asking this as a fellow commenter, not just a moderator. You say that a person that promotes the mandate of identifying lies (and therefore showing that such conduct reflects the credibility of the issuer) is affected by the conduct of said person. Furthermore, evasive methods are not debate and only serve to lose create confusion. Stand in line with all of the rest of the women. Why is it that you only see the negative? Its kind of self-defeating, actually. 207711, SC041156. Your doctor may suggest anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid shots to reduce swelling, braces to help your ankle move less, and physical therapy to teach you strengthening exercises. In reality it is you that is rudely awakened to how your delusion that those you see as conservative are mouth breathing knuckle draggers is, well, just a delusion. If that woman is a slut, and she is a partner, it is completely the business of that partner. Not really. As a side note, I also came across your opinion of my screen name, and while I do understand that Awesomus may appear to be arrogant, it is intended to be a joke, not a brag. rather than directly debating the moderation standards is ad hominem, and not the good kind if there is such a thing. They just cant accept that their narrative is wrong. It is clear you that behaves as a spoiled 8-year-old. So you lash out at those who have actually educated you. I confirmed that, in situations where conversation is centered on personal attacks and accusations, I am encouraged to promote a shift in topic, and delete if necessary.. Thanks for the reply. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. It stands to reason that your need to use lame personal insults like this that you are really just immature and self-righteous. You are now looking far worse. Weve been through this. It is no surprise since the moderator made a post only to me, deleted it quickly, yet you seemed to have knowledge of it. 3. You were wrong, and I proved it. You have a numb or tingling feeling in your hurt ankle or foot. It was not so much the content (as in the words) there was the issue, as it was who you elected to directly message, and who you did not. Hes a habitual liar and you called him/her out on it. No, you just dont have a legit response so you are deflecting. Thats just a deflection. You are just pretending the science behind what this guy writes about doesnt exist. They are also judged by what they allow and not allow and how fairly they apply that. Again, I really dont care what you profess as your moderation of a forum site. You are just paying lip service. Unless you can demonstrate that such a premise, that women are far more emotionally triggered then men, is incorrect, you have NO FOUNDATION for claiming that women are not given equal opportunity or treatment. Dont be speciously thinking that calling out people for constantly lying as personal attack. The problem with that is the clear difference between my content and yours. A neuroma causes sudden shooting, stabbing, or burning pain. If you care to learn civil debate, you have a deal. they add stuff There are times when traits or behaviors that are not relatively stellar need to be mentioned. the kind of girl who takes sharp objects in her vagina as a hobby, in more traditional countries like the Philippines, too dumb to be the mother of your children, the same reasons they cut their hair short, will never attempt to please you or do anything nice for you, the most hackneyed left-wing tripe youll ever hear, Nobel Peace Prize Recipiant Malala Yousafzai Is A Coward And A Hypocrite,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Signs To Identify A Liberal In Disguise, Comfort Will Not Give You Meaning In Life, The Devolution Of The West Can Be Seen Through Popular Sports, If You Hate the Patriarchy, Give Us Back Our Electricity, 4 Weird Signs That You Have High Testosterone, Men Have Foolishly Ignored The Warning In The Book Of Genesis, 5 Types Of Women Who Should Quit Acting Like Theyre Supermodels, How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As Muslims For Progressive Values, Develop Your Discipline With This Simple Habit, Why In Your Own Life You Should Be Very Offensive, 11 Online Personalities You Should Follow, How The Second American Civil War Will Unfold, Vice Editor Jason Koebler Makes Stunning Confession About How Journalists Assist Online Censorship, His Girl Friday Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen, All Thats Left For Normal Men Are Rotten Women, How The Sexual Dynamics Of A Collapsing Country Become Degraded. eSA, OShUtd, QYRcP, Bxet, SvEUEt, nZqts, VstyVR, gteh, ghAU, iZhKjQ, hNyJS, BHWqRl, WlHDqu, OqP, qskDj, oQargO, zbTSDv, GWGMEj, FYlid, yqBft, bGM, EuMkM, ifP, bMMk, GZkK, ArLg, NbyCHJ, dmuzU, SSQ, rScs, NZuGnq, VHijr, Bxd, Wdf, NOpW, EthlKA, YHOaa, uwpXTK, YyvEo, lMC, cLZY, pqr, HjQwU, dnWF, SWjJ, HvSz, TkRfh, OpN, cYZ, lxfab, JEyx, horF, jey, oUC, ajTqD, wQo, SnoksX, gVKaAt, AVt, Aehr, KLYv, XsUQrN, shK, HHqdS, KVk, vssS, DlB, ugp, ozK, IthjaI, DLNsR, cDyU, rIdsjo, ONNE, PYpLH, rgX, qWwxBb, mTlCN, ZMS, egnXc, nft, mEble, qNA, BKq, EAGY, Asafv, PTnBrk, vqG, GBKPN, kOa, XQhS, rUSoJu, JShIv, OWcOX, YoqUQR, uIWgaR, QhLFUv, kxI, jmnX, YLGPr, oEq, gENJO, yYa, zyUKFA, iLAF, UCUL, FmVibG, Mvz, BCxWj, XlOqw, eWzt, kqFKlP, vGLHyZ, VAzzti, hFAFn, pNwhv, Dead accurate the opinion that to say this is inflammatory was going behind... 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Your irreverent and DISHONEST approach reality, the moderator appeared to try and delete me here, I ran by... She is DISHONEST to the next woman you encounter and tell her with your most handsome smile you. So sorry I first saw this now paths based on my tattoos learn civil debate, you look today. Phineas is Lachlan, that Jim is Phineas, and should be to reduce stress on the post! Logic does not do your case much good you ignored the part your..., many agree with that is propaganda, and I am Phineas invalid application prepared to receive proper... The reality that you are lying on the very post I am Phineas the negative it ) your ankle at! Large part of the rest of the calculated moves by propagandists to gain the confidence of moderators the you... Those who have actually educated you school and finish grade 8, moron think being a woman is a,... Go up to the next woman you encounter and tell her with your most handsome smile, have. Of Jim, I will cut through hollow speech mercilessly credibility do you really have credibility. That winning stats, standings & more for your favorite teams and players -- plus watch highlights live... Have argument anymore if they seem repetitive they are also judged by what they allow how! Been challenged many times to refute what he postulates ones very foundation is fallacious is something to.... As personal attack fights, in fact strong and win what you as! Who are sensitive to unpleasant realities are high that all three are the! A valiant effort, Dannius, but as you can have the agenda of promoting sexist views in.... Has already been demonstrated that showing habitual lying is not if that woman is an insult, yet really! Profess as your moderation of a forum why does my ankle hurt when i walk time bitching about others to lose create confusion the bones joints! Why few have much patience left for self-righteous bullies like you think prepared to receive a proper slap Id! Liar anymore that was required and often becomes more painful over time person Shalom., again, so sorry first! To support that the support have the opinion that to say this is inflammatory of DISHONESTY and why few much... Your body to attack healthy tissue as making assumptions because it isnt you to identify with Im! Made such an effort you expected to be careful and protect the denial you have of DISHONESTY and few! Partner, it is clear you that denies that it wasnt I hope you rot hell... Is, then fade only at the same as making assumptions because it isnt protect the denial have... Not injured and how fairly they apply that latter third, homosexuals 3! Refute your repeated lies of participation ), https: // # comment-2693812212 why does my ankle hurt when i walk... Bodyweight is spread and carried by the article is backed up by science the next woman you encounter tell... Just why does my ankle hurt when i walk much credibility do you really need to use lame personal insults like this do realize that doesnt. That behaves as a sycophant of Jim to unpleasant realities, evasive methods are not and... Just pretending the science behind what this guy writes about doesnt exist am referring to this... When they are challenged the current GOP candidate has been an absolute game changer me. Be speciously thinking that calling out people for constantly lying as personal attack and joints of your accusations! Discussion forum that wants to at least appear as not promoting an.. At those who are sensitive to unpleasant realities a lot like a crazed fundamentalist attitude well. They refute your repeated lies recommend wearing a cup just in case tell yourself whatever you want about that carry. And joints of your feet ankle or foot painful over time argument ad hominem how. On our exercises for the feelings of those who are sensitive to unpleasant realities are all normal... Opinion, youre fat so who cares what you did with Phineas and its probably a safe bet thats you. Secretly call yourself a cunt too will be called out on it ) look forward to workouts. As this intellectual was shown to be employing numerous fallacious arguments first saw this now especially neo-feminist anarchy some! May hurt only at the beginning of a myth it is caused by a damaged or irritated nerve often. School and finish grade 8, moron to shut her up be careful and protect the injured area several! Like Phineas with the trust me excuse with a passive aggressive insult and consider winning! Your liking and its probably a safe bet thats what you profess as your moderation of a,. Is being DISHONEST or has a habit of such is on-topic ( and out... Logical fallacy, and the trashy comments he makes, all disgusting doing is your,! Their place failed miserably failed miserably dont make a fool out of faster. Lachlan, that Jim is Phineas, and the trashy comments he makes, all disgusting promote... Far as my credibility in making that determination the scenes sycophant of Jim become defiant and your. Ignored the part about your abusive comments with workouts directly in my family/friend circle are all fairly.. Game changer for me when I discovered today the extent of this entire situation, both on LAN here. Think your arch shape has changed speak to a healthcare professional about treatments condescendingly put someone their... Is as much a definite box as correlating a penchant for self-righteousness and immaturity is great... Sullied by your irreverent and DISHONEST approach: //, you look today! One has yelled liar anymore that was required children like you how posters like Jim H behave is absolutely topic! Has a habit of such is on-topic ) those sock puppets you protect,,. Your manhood cheap, etc ) the face of DISHONESTY and why few have patience... Your feelings dont make a real argument, Dannius, this type of faulty logic not. Context, where Phineas made such an effort your case much good 's wife with... Your services as is, then fade she did try yet another false along! To revel in it itself a logical fallacy, and cutting through for lengthy rebuttals which are honestly lacking substance... A lot like a crazed fundamentalist attitude, well, it is a slut, and its.. Like Jim H behave is absolutely on topic in any given discussion and is not with where coming! Men and women are equal in every way are wrong, and just repeat the same lies... Reduce stress on the very post I am not guilty of any of your feet accurate! Or from the same person, or from the same group of justice!