Book value or cost shall not normally be adjusted for depreciation except upon specific written order of the Court. 8. If less than all of the interrogatories and answers thereto are marked or read into evidence by a Party, an adverse Party may read into evidence any other of the interrogatories and answers or parts thereof necessary for a fair understanding of the parts read into evidence. October 13 Taiwan chipmaker TSMC says quarterly profit $8.8 billion An attorney-in-fact shall attach a copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit to the Appearance Form. Specifications may be amended by filing a Motion with the Court, which may be granted or denied upon such terms as the Court may deem reasonable. All Motions for a license to sell, mortgage, or lease real estate, shall contain a description of the real estate sufficiently accurate to make a conveyance thereof, and shall likewise contain a reference to the book and page number of the decedent's or ward's deed or title, as recorded in the Registry of Deeds. My Commission Expires:________________________ 2. PETITION - Notice by Publication. 3. The names and addresses of the following Persons: (c) any individual acting in loco parentis to the child; or. When a copy of an inventory is sent to a Party or a Beneficially Interested Person, failure to object within ten (10) days after the date the inventory is filed in the Court, shall act as a waiver of the right to object to the inventory and the right to any further notice concerning any hearing on the inventory. Rule 54. Assure that all relevant evaluations will be completed prior to the final hearing on the merits. Unless the Court, for good cause shown, shall otherwise order, no restraining order or preliminary injunction shall issue except upon the giving of an injunction bond by the applicant, in such sums as the Court deems proper, for the payment of such costs and damages as may be incurred or suffered by any Party who is found to have been wrongfully enjoined or restrained. Specifications shall be filed within such time as the Court may order. copy fee); Motion Successor Guardian of Person Jurisdiction of a Probate matter may be transferred out of state by following the procedure outlined above, except that the transferring Court shall forward certified copies of the file to the receiving Court and shall retain the original file. In hand. Rule 111. Where a trial has been scheduled in one case prior to the scheduling of another matter in another Court, or elsewhere, where an Attorney or Party has a conflict in date and time, the case first scheduled shall not be subject to a continuance because of the subsequently scheduled matter which is in conflict as to time and date except as follows: After any such sale, the Fiduciary shall notify the Court of the net proceeds of the sale within thirty (30) days following receipt of such proceeds. The date, time, and place of the hearing on the Petition for termination of parental rights. If the Court finds that a Motion, which is made pursuant to this Rule, was made frivolously or for the purpose of delay or was necessitated by action of the adverse Party that was frivolous or taken for the purpose of delay, the Court may order the offending Party to pay the amount of reasonable expenses, including Attorney's fees, incurred by the other Party in making or resisting the Motion. Tangible Personal Property may be referred to in summary form; provided, however, that such summary designates where detailed lists of the applicable Tangible Personal Property may be located. Its county seat is Sturgeon Bay. Notice of right to counsel, of the procedure to follow to obtain appointed counsel, and of the role that counsel can play in Court proceedings. TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDERS; PRELIMINARY INJUNCTIONS. A description of the agency's progress toward arranging an adoptive placement for the child. With the exception of a case which has been accepted for appeal by the New Hampshire Supreme Court, any non-criminal matter which has been pending without action for two calendar years from the date of the last court action may be dismissed by the court. MATTERS BEFORE MASTERS AND REFEREES - Amendments and Assessment of Costs. If the Fiduciary makes an allocation, such as the computation of a formula marital deduction gift, involving non-probate assets, it shall be explained in detail; provided, however, that the non-probate assets involved in such computation may be stated in summary form. The form in substance shall be as follows: County of ___________ Month, Year. Whether there will be a request for a view and, if so, who shall pay the cost in the first instance. Citations/show cause (RSA 545:26-a and 550:2) $ 50.00/each occurrence 2. All accounts shall be rendered on a cash basis, except in extraordinary circumstances upon specific written order of the Court. (a) Costs. Opening statements shall not be argumentative and shall be no longer than fifteen (15) minutes each, and closing statements shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes each, unless otherwise permitted by the Court. Whenever a will containing a charitable trust, charitable remainder trust, or charitable bequest is presented for probate, the Register shall send a copy of said will to the Director of Charitable Trusts within fourteen (14) days after the will is allowed. As good cause appears and as justice may require, the Court may waive the application of any rule. Rule 86 relating to trustees' disclosure shall apply to this rule. For Administrators, accounts shall list all receipts by source (other than the principal value of real estate, unless the real estate has been actually sold by the Fiduciary) and all disbursements by payee. The Register may refuse to accept any Petition, Motion or Pleading that the Register determines does not comply with these rules or statutory procedure. ADOPTIONS - Proof of Birth, Guardianship Pending. If service of process cannot be completed within the time set forth in the orders of notice, upon written Motion, the Court may extend the Return Day and the date for completion of service upon such terms as justice may require. 3. Motion: A written Pleading or oral request to the Court requesting the Court to take particular action. An order of notice shall be issued, returnable, at the election of the Party who takes out the same, subject to the requirements of service, at any Return Day within three (3) months from the date thereof. Filing Fee: There shall be no filing fee for such a motion or petition. (c) Security. The Parties may extend such time by written agreement. The notice shall be given orally by the Judge in open court in the presence of the defendant or, on application of an Attorney for the State or of an Attorney appointed by the Court for that purpose, by an order to show cause or an order of arrest. WILLS - With Charitable Trust, Charitable Remainder Trust or Charitable Bequest. Interest and penalties paid in connection with late filing of tax returns, late payment of tax liabilities, of any nature, probate citations for late filing or failure to file reports or accountings, shall be shown separately and explained. (1) At the time that the Petition to Prove Will is filed the petitioner shall also file the original will sought to be validated. Answer: A written response to a Petition. DATE: ____________________ SIGNATURE ________________________. 3. The Surface Pro 9 is a cross between a laptop and a tablet and has 19 hours of battery life. (3) No recording, photographing or broadcasting equipment may be moved into, out of, or within the courtroom while court is in session. "I hereby certify that I have personally examined and compared this copy against the original instrument and find this copy to be a true copy of the original in every respect save this certification. d. Sequence and Timing of Discovery. To the extent permitted by Rule 1.2 of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney providing limited representation to an otherwise unrepresented litigant may file a limited appearance on behalf of such unrepresented party. A statement of compliance shall accompany all Appearance Forms. The Petitioner shall include with a Motion for notice by publication an affidavit describing the Petitioner's efforts to locate and serve the absent parent. No Attorney shall be compelled to testify in any Cause in which the Attorney is retained, unless the Attorney has been notified in writing, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing that the Attorney will be summoned as a witness therein. NOTICE OF DECISIONS - Uncontested Matters. The request for oral argument or evidentiary hearing shall contain the reasons why the oral argument or evidentiary hearing will further assist the Court in determining the pending issue(s). 7. Rule 69. Disputes about pool coverage will not ordinarily be resolved by the court, and the court may deny media organizations requests to photograph, record or broadcast a proceeding if pool agreements cannot be reached. (d) All Fiduciaries shall be prepared to present the originals of all documents or other papers at issue in any hearing. Any Party propounding interrogatories shall provide the opponent with notice, substantially as set forth in the following form, of the obligation to answer said interrogatories within thirty days. a) Request that Proceedings be Recorded. The Court shall hold any Motion for ten (10) days before acting thereon, unless assented to by all Parties. If the petition for termination is granted, the Court shall require the Division for Children, Youth and Families social worker to transfer the termination of parental rights case to the adoption unit within ten (10) days of the expiration of the appeal period and send a letter to the Court confirming such transfer. 1. MOTIONS - Objections and Oral Argument. Anyone not a Party to the action requesting access to confidential information in the file shall be advised to follow the procedures outlined in the "Guidelines for Public Access to Court Records.". Any objections or denials must be raised in a separate Pleading. All facts well alleged in the Petition, and not denied or explained in the Answer, will be held to be admitted. of Person Not Heard From; Petition Guardian, Foreign Guardian A factor which may be considered by the Court in determining whether good cause for withdrawal has been shown is the client's failure to meet his or her financial obligations to pay for the Attorney's services. The Court shall review the amount of the guardian's bond in light of the additional assets received by the guardian. Where a plaintiff successfully moves for summary judgment on the issue of liability or a defendant concedes liability, the Parties must provide the Court with a statement of agreed facts sufficient to explain the case and place it in a proper context so that the Court might more readily understand what it will be hearing in the remaining portion of the trial. B. No such equipment shall be used or set up in a location that creates a risk of picking up confidential communications between lawyer and client or conferences held at the bench among the presiding justice and counsel or the parties. A Withdrawal is not effective until the motion to withdraw is granted by the Court. Rule 50. Pursuant to RSA 170-C:13, costs of giving notice and advertising shall be paid by the Petitioner. J. Post-Termination Case Review Hearings. Given the strong presumption under New Hampshire law that photographing, recording and/or broadcasting court proceedings that are open to the public is allowable, this subsection is not intended to impose lengthy or onerous advance notice requirements; instead, it recognizes that frequently such requests will be filed only shortly before the proceeding in question is to begin. Rule 106. (2) The court shall schedule a hearing on the Petition and shall cause notice to be sent to all interested persons via first class U.S. mail. In the event an objection is made to such determination, a written Motion may be made to the Court to rule on such determination. Gains and losses on disposition of property shall be netted and reported with receipts. The form in substance shall be as follows: County of ___________ Month, Year. The Court may act on a Motion on the basis of the Pleadings and record before it. Issuance of Court Order. An explanation of the need to respond immediately to the notice, both to prepare for trial and because important hearings will take place prior to trial. Rule 128. [Reserved for Future Use]. 4. Compensation of Attorneys, professionals, and Fiduciaries shall be shown separately in summary form, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. (e) Transcripts Required for Other Than Appeal. The court shall allow reasonable time prior to a proceeding for the set up of such equipment. A pretrial conference is not mandatory. Tangible Personal Property may be referred to in summary form, as in the manner prescribed for first accounts. Automatic Termination of Limited Representation. At or immediately after the structuring conference, the Court shall issue a structuring conference order which may include discovery deadlines and dates for an additional conference with the Court, filing of pretrial statements, filing of Motions, filing of requests for findings of fact, rulings of law and memoranda of law, trial management conference, and trial. The Petitioner shall file with both Courts the written assent from the bonding company to the transfer, or file a new bond with the receiving Court. memoranda of law, admission of documents, admission of reports, etc. Upon the entry of a decision on any uncontested Motion or other Pleading, the Register shall forthwith send a notice of decision to the Attorney for the moving Party or the moving Party, if not represented by counsel, and to the Attorney for the Fiduciary or the Fiduciary, if not represented by counsel. (a) Original Entry of any Equity Action or Counterclaim With regard to book accounts, notes or installment obligations (whether secured or not), detail regarding collections or payments shall be provided to permit reconciliation of the balances shown on schedules of assets on hand at the beginning and the close of the accounting period. Person: A natural person or any legal entity. Motion Remove Fiduciary; Motion Fiduciary to Certification $ 10.00 plus copy fee Upon Motion by a Party or by the Person from whom discovery is sought, and for good cause shown, the Court may make any order which justice requires to protect a Party or Person from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense, including one or more of the following: (1) that the discovery not be had; (2) that the discovery may be had only on specified terms and conditions, including a designation of the time or place; (3) that the discovery may be had only by a method of discovery other than that selected by the Party seeking discovery; (4) that certain matters not be inquired into, or that the scope of the discovery be limited to certain matters; (5) that discovery be conducted with no one present except persons designated by the Court; (6) that a deposition after being sealed be opened only by order of the Court; (7) that a trade secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial information not be disclosed or be disclosed only in a designated way; (8) that the Parties simultaneously file specified documents or information enclosed in sealed envelopes to be opened as directed by the Court. In the event of such an agreement, the requirement of providing space between each question sufficient to manually insert answers is obviated. A copy of the proposed Petition to the Superior Court or District Court seeking approval of the settlement, as well as all supplemental documentation required under Superior Court or District Court rule, shall be appended to the Petition for guardian. Rule 94. No judgment has been entered in the case; and Determine if a pretrial conference will be necessary and if so, set the time and date. If the Respondent is without knowledge of any particular facts, Respondent shall so state and this will be treated as a denial. If the Parties cannot reach such an agreement, the Court may, in its discretion, order the taking and/or use of such depositions. INVENTORIES - Failure to Object. FEES AND EXPENSES - Fiduciary and Attorney. MOTIONS - Certification of Attempt to Obtain Concurrence. 6. (e) any individual standing in loco parentis to the child. Any Party desiring to obtain admission of the signature on or the genuineness of any relevant document or of any relevant facts which he or she believes not to be in dispute, may file a request therefor with the Register, accompanied by any original documents involved, and deliver a copy of such request and documents to the adverse Pro Se Party or Attorney. (c) The petitioner shall attach to the petition any sworn affidavits intended to demonstrate substantial compliance with RSA Ch. An individual seeks to change a childs name as part of an adoption proceeding. C. The attestation or certification of the copies deemed acceptable under the preceding sections shall be by a notary public commissioned under the laws of the jurisdiction where the act occurs and shall be substantially in the following form: In the event that a guardian of the estate of a minor shall receive additional assets not identified in the guardian's inventory, the guardian shall file within ten (10) days after receipt, written notice with the Court containing a description of the assets received and the market value of the assets. However, if a pretrial conference is held, it shall be held at a time, within the discretion of the Court, after the structuring conference and before the final hearing on the merits. 2. 4. Rule 169-A. Rule 106-A. An Offer of Proof as to the testimony of a witness shall be received only if that witness is present in the courtroom at the time of the Offer. If it appears to the Court at any time that any Motion for summary judgment or affidavit has not been presented in good faith or has been presented solely for the purpose of delay, the Court shall forthwith order the Party and/or the Attorney presenting it to pay to the other Party the amount of the reasonable expenses which the filing of the Motion or affidavit caused the Party to incur, including reasonable attorney's fees. Rule 49-A. No other documents will be required when a will is filed without administration. No Petition shall be presented to, or heard by, the Court until filed with the Register's office, the applicable entry fee paid, and the petition is entered upon the docket. GUARDIANSHIP OF MINORS - Procedure on Receipt of Additional Assets. Proof of Assets: Documentation that demonstrates that a ward has sole ownership of the assets. No deposition, as transcribed, shall be changed or altered, but any alleged errors may be set forth in a separate document attached to the original and copies. Anyone addressing the Court or examining a witness shall stand. PLEADINGS - Copies to all Parties. Assets received in kind by a Fiduciary in satisfaction of a pecuniary legacy shall be carried at the value used for the purposes of such disbursement. B. The recording will be provided on CD or audiotape for a fee of $25.00 per audiotape or CD. of etc., complains against C.D. If the petition seeks to change the name of a minor, and the non-petitioning parent/guardian has not consented in writing, and rights have not been terminated, petitioner shall provide notice to the non-consenting parent/guardian by certified mail, return receipt requested or by sheriffs service. If service as specified in the orders of notice can not be accomplished, the Court may order one of the following methods of service of process, in the following priority, subject to the discretion of the Court: Only such materials as are essential and specifically cited and referenced in the Motion for summary judgment, responses, and supporting memoranda shall be filed with the Court. Rule 108. Rule 93. WebWashington, D.C. news, weather, traffic and sports from FOX 5, serving the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. If a record of the proceedings is not available, the trial judge shall make a record of the request, the Court's findings, and its order. A successor Fiduciary or co-Fiduciary may adjust the book value or cost of assets to reflect values at the start of the administration of, or subsequent receipt of assets by, the successor Fiduciary or co-Fiduciary, upon appropriate Motion to the Court. (i) The court shall make all documents and exhibits filed with the court, and not sealed, available for inspection by members of the public in a reasonably timely fashion, it being recognized that the courts need to make use of documents and exhibits for official purposes must take precedence over their availability for public inspection. Rule 4. A copy of the recording of a court proceeding shall not be deemed to be the official record of the proceeding. It also is the responsibility of said person to make arrangements with the clerk of court or his or her designee sufficiently in advance of the proceeding so that the set up of any needed equipment in the courtroom, including equipment for pool coverage, can be completed without delaying the proceeding. Parties may withdraw an Appearance in the following manner: 1. No pleadings are pending before the court; This rule shall not apply to any Pleading for which orders of notice are issued and served upon the parties. Financial contributions, from either trust or personal funds which are not a part of the estate, may be made for the purpose of paying estate bills. 2. In the absence of such agreement, the stenographer shall be designated by the Court. Administrative costs of Court and other fees, postage, copying, telephone toll charges, and similar routine out-of-pocket expenses may be shown in summary form. : Documentation that demonstrates that a ward has sole ownership of the following Persons (! Manually insert answers is obviated Procedure on Receipt of additional assets without knowledge of any facts. Shall review the amount of the guardian Pro 9 is a cross between a laptop and a tablet has. Cause appears and as justice may require, the requirement of providing space between each question sufficient manually. As part of an adoption proceeding gains and losses will county pro se appearance form disposition of property shall be rendered on cash... 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