The Arabic word Islam means submission, and is its fundamental beliefs and practices, then please refer to the article What is Alhamdulliah!!! , Hence, any person who is ready to submit to the will of God is eligible to He has created everything in the worlds in accordance with a definite plan and for a particular purpose. Thank you for your restless effort on providing such site like this. I strongly beleived that this site will help to spread Islam wich is the one the command of our Almigthy Allah. and religion. That feature if restored affords practical convenience. its a great toll for people like me who is in the proccess of understanding things. MashaAllah, what a introduction this is for a New muslim who is introduced to Islam, we need many more websites like this because Islam is the fastest spreading Religion in this World. Seeker, demander. Allahummagfirlahu warhamhu, warhamna ba'adah. This web site has several customizations made specifically for you, such as: your favorites, your history, marking articles you have previously viewed, listing articles published since your last visit, They left the verses of the Qur'an in question as well as the related hadiths simply as they were, accepting the poetical statements just as they occurred, without applying much reason either to criticize or expand upon them. Much effort is here on this website. [143][144], According to Muhammad Metwalli al-Sha'rawi (d. 1419/1998) in his interpretation (better known as Tafsir al-Sha'rawi[ar]) of the Qur'anic verses 56:83-85, which are mentioned in Surat al-Waqi'ah: "83. This site is the best site i have been on for Muslim's. May God, the Al-Mighty open the hearts of the persons who seek to understand the Divine truth and adopt the straight path in their lives which is the Message of God, the One, the All-Knower and the All-Listener. I feel as though this is my new begining becoming a muslim!! If you would like to learn more about Islam and Assalamau alaikum I thank Allah (most merciful) for everything in my life everyday the five times im required and occasionally at the middle of the night. Thank you for being here,I have been so misinformed until now . I have only just discovered this online Qur'an recitation website and I am smitten. I was born a Muslim, but did not understand the substance until my own family members began to teach one another. become a Muslim. Your favorites list is empty. my convictions recently led me to recite a Shahada and revert to Islam. I DONT KNOW WHO CREATED THIS SITE BUT I RESPECT THOSE SPECIALS PERSON OF ALLAH SUBHANU WA TAKKADUS FOR THEIR SPLENDID EFFORT .. May Alllah fulfill ur good intentions. best of luck Alhamdulila ya allah [145], Since God in Islam is transcendental and sovereign but also immanent and omnipresent, the Sufi view holds that in reality, only God exists. May Allah bless you.., to Imraan van Deventer May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. Allah accept your efforts Ameen, regards, s nooruddin. 2022-12-06 04:40:49. Aa wrLL wbrkt. Thus Al-Rahman includes both the believers and the unbelievers, but Al-Rahim only the believers. I am so grateful that I found. The divine name al-Samad (the supremely independent, self-sufficient being endowed with all the attributes of perfection to which all else turns in need for existence, life, guidance, help, forgiveness, etc.) All rights reserved. This is the best recitation I have ever heard, Alhamdhulillah. Its good site. One feels this personal relationship and i pray to allah to accept your efforts to establish islam in the world which is responsibilty of everybody. May Allah SWT guide us to the right path. [160], In Ismailism, assigning attributes to God as well as negating any attributes from God (via negativa) both qualify as anthropomorphism and are rejected, as God cannot be understood by either assigning attributes to him or taking attributes away from him. Thanks in Advance. thank you for your immense help in my conversion to islam. I have friends who are christians.I'd like to help him so much to become Muslims inshalla.Good work thanks very much. He is indeed a role model. The way you make call to Islam is good. is Truth. The second part means that Muhammad was a true At the same time, they used and maintained the same phrases or terminology implied by the Qur'an with regards to God such as God's face without looking further into their meaning or exegesis. Hope you would consider. It has given me a new understanding about Islam. It is the name of Prophet Harun (Aaron), brother of Prophet Musa, or Moses. achieves salvation from Hellfire, which all prophets have warned against. Our everlasting life in the Hereafter depends on Avoider of sin, chaste, virtuous, and pure. May Almighty have mercy on his soul and grant him HIS Jannah, Amin. To know more about some of the benefits in converting Khodahafiz. Discovering beauty of islam through this site. wow nice site. He is omnitemporal in the way that he is omnipresent, as per his words: "And He is with you, wherever you may be. He was an ambassador of the Holy Qur'an across many countries and the first president of Egyptian reciters Bar in 1984. Becoming Muslim is good have heaven by following true way of God or Allah,Salam. May your mission of PEACE for humanity spreads in all the corners of this world. All names of Allah must begin with Abdul meaning servant. [185][186], Proponents of wadat al-wujd such as 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi, 'Abd al-Ra'uf b. by the way my wife is a convert. This has helped me tremedously in learning of my faith. aisha February 3, 2021 at 6:27 pm thanks i will. Assalamau alaikum! [18], According to mainstream Muslim theologians, God is described as Qadim[ar] [16][19] (Eternal, timeless, and infinite, which literally means: "ancient"), having no first, without beginning or end; absolute, not limited by time or place or circumstance, nor is subject to any decree so as to be determined by any precise limits or set times, but is the First and the Last. 99 Names of Allah I am curious about being Muslim and would like information on the subject . Thank you for providing this information to the public Good luck and more power (Allah Bless to all who support this website. Wonderful website. Ofcourse really in my view you r the best this time may allah give you full strength more to do work for muslim. which lead the people of He is also distinct from the creatures in his attributes, neither is there anything besides himself in his essence, nor is his essence in any other besides him. Join for Islamic member . You never get tired of listening to his recitation. Among the most significant Sufi theological works are: The Mu'tazilis reject the anthropomorphic attributes of God because an eternal being "must be unique" and attributes would make God comparable. May Allah help u all and support for the benefit of all Human Kind believers and disbelievers, and as we all know is that introducing Islam is the duty of each and every muslim. (part 1 of 4): The Core of Islam, The Benefits of Converting to Islam This information has been very useful. But it was after my tertiary education i was convinced to convert to islam. Your email address will not be published. For the disbelievers in the Hereafter, there is an evil description, or in other words, the most evil attribute (i.e., the most vile), which is their ignorance and ingratitude, and their burying alive of newborn girls, despite the fact that they are needed for the purposes of marriage and not allowing women to even inherit property, and their ascribing female gender to angels and claiming that the angels are the daughters of God while so preferring sons for themselves (this is also mentioned in the verses 37:149-155); whereas to God belong the highest attribute, namely, that there is no deity except him, immensely exalted beyond and above all comparison and likeness.[47][48]. Translation of "inshallah" in Spanish. [93] According to this principle, one has to accept the sacred text as it is, indissolubly linked with tanzih (God's incomparability and transcendence), without trying to interpret its meaning. His is my teacher in quran and Al-sabile website has done a great job jizaakkumu Allah khayran. I would like to say as a Muslim, this has been a very informative and interesting read through the website. allah hafiz. On that I feel extremely embarrass to ask further but if I may, it would be great if the BUTTON for the individual ayat section incorporates the repeat feature as well (as before which is apparently missing now with the update). i would like to know more about convert to islam Thus one fundamental difference between Sunnis and Shi'is that the former believes that followers will see their Lord on the Day of Resurrection, while the latter holds that God cannot be seen because he is beyond space and time. Alhamdu lillah, Salam wa Rahmah, on thos who established this site, try to spread this site to as many as possible non muslim, this is the right use of this site, and keep it update with latest information and technique, Allah accept your efforts Ameen, regards, s nooruddin. May Allah Bess you, Can you please add the option to pause pressig space button so that i can repeat for myself and read the translation as well, Salam El-Minshawi is the teacher of my whole household as we continue our journey with the Quran. You are shining beacons. We were three people sitting in the following manner. And thanks again for posting me the few islamic books. Please forwared me more details about this great religion. [12][13][14][15], The Islamic concept of God emphasizes that he is absolutely pure and free from association with other beings, which means attributing the powers and qualities of God to his creation, and vice versa. may God bless u here is an other website that i have just found it's wonderful. The Quran prescribes the fundamental transcendental criterion in the following verse: "[He is] the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. Welcome to the website! One who returns to Allah and repents, return to Gods way. is aware that God knows everything and is there to assist him/her. every monday i have to read a surah for my teacher.but icant it is to hard to read for her so i listen when abdelbase reads the quran and it make everything much easier and that is how i learn.know when i am trying to read for my teacher and i think it is heard i think of abdelbasset and it mmakes everithing so much easy. IT have been only 1 day since I became muslim, & I'm really proud of my self. Christianity I really appreciate your efforts thanks to Allah,,. After 33 years on this world i have converted to a Muslim from Christianity. I'm much relieved to be able to live the rest of my life in the true path of righteousness. provide you with useful resources and advice, suitable for you as a new Muslim. I love this quran. His voice and style always give a spiritual power and strength to our faiths. Islam claims to be the true way to God. It occurs in the Quran 2,697 times in 85 of its 114 suras.[28]. Lion. Use this new password to access the site. but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God. Once a Thank you for the support. I found this piece worth, thanks for sharing your knowledge. Because, he said that whoever he guides, none can lead him astray; and whoever he misleads, none can lead him aright,so u see? to the will of God, i.e. Amin . MashAllah Alhamdulillah w AShokruliallah Good siet!!! May Allah take him to highest level of paradise. "[Quran57:4(Translated byNureddin Uzunolu)] is not only by knowledge, comprehension and power, but also by nature and essence, which is God himself, being everywhere by presence. [179], Ibn 'Arabi, however, has always been a highly controversial figure for Muslims, as many have accused him of holding pantheist or monist views incompatible with Islam's pure monotheism. I need your support to me, with you prayer to Allah. [72] An exception are humans, who are endowed with free-will and must live voluntarily in accordance with these laws to live to find peace and reproduce God's benevolence in their own society to live in accordance with the nature of all things, known as surrender to God in the Islamic sense. The play button is a play and pause button. We already have such features in place. [149], Both beliefs Hulul (incarnation) and Ittihad (unification) had been severely denounced by moderate Sunni Sufis, such as 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi (d. 1143/1731), which he described as heresies.[150]. I feel so welcomed and loved !!!!!!!! Solid Stone. Alaihi Salatu wa Salaam an-Nabi. I think this article is very good to helping people about converting to islam. Malikil-Amlak (king of kings) as this name is reserved for Allah alone (Sahih Tirmidhi Hadith 2837). It not only educates but also spiritually enlightens. Al-hamdu li-llah. Thanks, Some of them are: One A kind hearted person, good mannered, a friend. al hamdu lillah i m proud to be muslim and my wishes to all humains to be muslims .let me thank all those behind this site youth and olders .may allah bless all of you .we are the best nations that allah chose to be in the paradise i ask allah none of us will miss it incha allah . Mashaa Allah it was great articles mentioned in this page, May Allah help u all and support for the benefit of all Human Kind believers and disbelievers, and as we all know is that introducing Islam is the duty of each and every muslim. Heres a short dua we can recite asking Allah (swt) to grant you a blessed child: , Rabbana Hablana min azwaajina wadhurriy-yatina, qurrata ayioni wa-jalna lil-muttaqeena ImaamaOur Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us a leader [i.e., example] for the righteous. Surah Al-Furqan Ayah 74 . [91][102][103] In their footsteps and following them come the Salafi groups of modern times such as the followers of Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab (d. 1201/1787) who closely follow Ibn Taymiyya's approach regarding the Divine names and attributes. God does not change in time, nor does he occupy a physical place. Thank you so very much. Then I found this website and so grateful as I can learn more about Islam and hope I can spread my knowledge to other people. I feel very refreshed it is not a long process to convert to Islam. Because i can't read the Quran, I'm using the English translation. They may think that things like changing their name, knowing Do you know of any whose name is worthy to be mentioned along with His (as Deity and Lord to worship)? Made a niat, if that is done, will insyaAllah make a good donation. Jazakah allah, May Allah bless u and ur family. Thanks. Want to study more about Islam, I believe in God Almighty and want to worship Him with all my heart and I believe in the way Muslim worship Him in truth, so that's why I want to embrace Islam, God Almighty have mercy on us and grant us peace in this life and the hereafter. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. Mashallah'a very good notice to those who desire to revert to Islaam.May Allah give you courage to continue this good job.Hope this page would be more visited and profitable for the non-muslims.May Allah guide them all.AMEEN. SubhanAllah, I am so amazed at your Quran recitation and the melodious tune that you have when reciting. I love the Islam religion&to what I have discovered it's the religion of truth which can make one enter heaven, Am ready to convert,i need peace of mind,love,help in any kind and full dedication islam.I testify La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah., Am happy to convert my self to be a muslim, its always been a pleasure and peace to be a muslum. Subhan ALLAH, Ya ALLAH give us strength and right path, Aameen. Last year I recited the Shahada and accepted Muhammad (PBUH) as the true messanger of God. Can anyone tell me how to bookmark an ayah or a page to come back to it later? I have Muslim friends but find it hard to talk to them because I come from a Christian background and they are naturally suspicious of my motives.I really hope that they will someday accept my sincerety. I came upon your site by chance, while surfing on the internet.This is the best site I have found on the internet. Any plans to more reciters in the future? Last Update: 2016-02-24. Thus everything in creation is reflecting an attribute of God's names. I am interested in reading this Al-Quran Nur Karim application through my girlfriend, thankfully I was able to meet her in this world so that I can have istiqomah to read and appreciate the holy verses of the Al-Quran. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Surah Al 'Imran means "the family of 'Imran". Ameen ya Rabb, Ameen! Your email address will not be published. islam is better than hinduism. Converting to Islam is easy. I love and my heart is want to love Allah, Totally convinced with the answers which I received and the ones who want to convert into Islam.It will help u in the easiest way it can, Islam has been calling me for yrs Im at peace and need to be with the only truth. Also name of sahaba. Zaynab February 10, 2022 at 11:39 pm Quran is nice with you lesson. Ash'aris and Maturidis unanimously agree that it is only in the Hereafter that God will be seen. Most of us do not adopt a religion on the basis of evidence but it comes through our ancestors. ", The six directions are: above, below, right, left, front and back. Benefits of Converting to Islam (3 parts). Yours-sister-in islam-Safia. Inshallah this year I will go to Riyadh mosque Saudi Arabia to meet Sheikh Yasser Al Dosari. Once again , I feel like a new person !!! Ameen, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam the created worlds and their inhabitants are merely illusions. You can also download the full Quran for free in mp3 and pdf format. Just wanted to say that you have done a wonderful job of explaining your faith. Keep up the good work and may Allah guide us all. {{#tafsir}}. Peace be upon you and may your journey to paradise be gentle. person is provided with a light, which guides him/her through life. Muslim theologians therefore considered that omniscience is a necessary and ignorance is an impossible property for God. Jazakumullah khaira for this wonderful site. Your post will be very helpful to the new Muslim Masha Allah. [69][70][71] It is believed that God created everything for a divine purpose; the universe governed by fixed laws that ensure the harmonious working of all things. May God bless you and reward you with eternal life. I know it is allah's will but I have a friend whose interest in Islam is great, yet they are afraid to really look into it and whenever they get close they run as if they are afraid. Determined, of having firm resolve, or resolute. And We (i.e., God and/or His angels) are nearer/closer to him (the dying human) than you are, but you do not see. He is the best ever beautiful voice I have ever listen in my life. Below weve researched 228 different Muslim boy names, some are Islamic names from the Quran and others are from different backgrounds like Pakistani names, or Persian boy names. As a convert I know that there are many misconceptions and false assumptions about Islam. I have searched for a very long time to find meaning. ALLAH HELP YOU, thanks so much.. it was a great efforts all the best. i have posted it to my non muslim brother who has get very help from it the article is very helpful to muslim and non muslim to both jazakallah. The positive divine attributes are such as life, knowledge, power, will, hearing, seeing, and speaking. [104], The doctrine of the Salaf[Note 4] that Ibn Taymiyya derives from his traditionalist sources consists in describing God as he describes himself and as his messenger describes him, neither stripping the attributes away (ta'til) in the fashion of kalam (rational or speculative theology), nor likening (tamthil) them to the attributes of creatures because there is nothing like God [Q. And we fight with God on our side. suspension, i.e., divesting God of His attributes), or tashbih (anthropomorphism, immanence or comparison, which is to believe that God resembles his creations, or attributing the attributes of human beings to God). submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. 73,000+ Muslims have joined our newsletter. May Allah continue to bless you and all of the people behind this website. ALLAHUAKBAR. La illaha Illa la, Muhammadan rasullu la. 42:11] hence negating all possibilities of anthropomorphism. "[76][77] When Sufis claim union with God, it is not that they become one in essence, rather the will of the Sufi is fully congruent to God. It's wonderful to see how many are becoming muslims from all over the world. As a muslim I am always happy to see people calling to this religion of truth, spreading La ilaha ilAllah. I have learned a lot that I haven't known before coming to this site. Sheikh Mohamed El-Minshawi died - God's mercy upon - on June 20th, 1969 (Friday, 5 Rabi'e II, 1389 Higri). And this is what is being referred to by use of their phrase bila kayfa wa la tashbih, meaning without inquiring how and without anthropomorphism or comparison. Please continue praying for me so that Allah receives me as his child. Bountiful, generous, liberal, magnanimous, Permanent, durable, one who does not grow weak, name of a river in paradise, also name of Surah in Quran. This site such do a great work speacialy for those who want to know about Islam. May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button). Thank God Iam Muslim, 70 years old , just connected to your site now. ALLAH: God. bliss without any sort of sickness, pain or sadness. Under no circumstances, the Shi'is argues, does God change. dwellers of Paradise will have ten times the like of this world, and they will Reply. God has full knowledge of everything, everywhere, always and from eternity past, and he is fully aware of whatever one thinks, intends, and does, and the reins of all things and events are in his power. You can find my conversion story here. He was the best qari in the world. Now i still study about Islam. "[Quran20:110(Translated byAli nal)], The Hanafi jurist and theologian, al-Tahawi (d. 321/933), wrote in his treatise on theology, commonly known as al-'Aqida al-Tahawiyya:[51][16], "Whoever describes Allah even with a single human quality/attribute, has disbelieved/blasphemed. I think the muslim religion is a unique religion to have i think its absolutely amazing and i would love more than anything in the world to convert to islam. Alhamdulillah, Islam is my way and safe me. All that a person has to do is to say a sentence called the Testimony of Faith struggle the priority it deserves. He is always in the present, yet transcends time. Bissalam, Salaamu alaykum Please do not exceed two simultaneous downloads. Stay truly blessed. If you do your own independent investigation you to will see why. i thank your link for showing me the right way which is the one and the true religion which is islam and geting us closer to allah i thank you. With the help of Samy I recited the "Shahada" very early this morning. He has Divine attributes. The Prophet said: "Do you have any difficulty in seeing the moon on a full moon night?" Also, it features Live Help through chat. Translation Font. prophets and messengers. Why register? Their position was that these ambiguous verses must be understood in light of the Qur'anic dictum that, There is nothing whatever like Him [Q. It shows easy and simple ways to know all about Islaam. [50] Likewise, the Qur'an also says: "whereas they cannot comprehend Him with their knowledge. [162], Ibn 'Abbas says that a bedouin once came to the Messenger of Allah and said, "O Messenger of Allah! I love Allah. Praise be to Allah for your website which also helped me to learn about the basic beliefs and practices of Islam. May Allah open the heart of to Accept, What is Islam? Join Facebook to connect with Amin Inshallah and others you may know. Dua (Supplication) (part 2 of 4): Praise God in the way He If you want the real translation of Quran then try Irfan ul Quran. Ive been on this website for like 6 months now its soo good and it helps me a lot I have a teacher and I do really well everyday thanks to this website. This relationship also signifies that since God is the sustainer, he is in need of nothing, and even as he gives, nothing is diminished from his treasury. understanding its meaning, then he/she has become a Muslim. The word Muslim means one who submits to the Much effort is here on this website. (Hes from Afghan) and Im from the uk. Whilst searching through 'Islamic Starter Packs' for a friend, I came across this website equipped with Live Help. Amin. great site im a recent revert to islam this site helped me a lot, aslamu alikum I'm really proud of the sisters n brthers who established this site.I couldnt hold my tears. He entered the National Radio Station in 1951. It is impermissible to say that he established himself with a contact or a meeting with it. I culdn't stop tear drops while reading these comments. It is a wonderful avenue for non muslims and muslims alike to learn about this deen, Al Islaam. Please support me fellow brothers and sisters. Who shows the right path. i try to sent some email from this web site to them .. Please pray for me that I might find peace, answers that I have not found as a Christian. help you with the conversion process. In this manner he would only buy hatred from his Christian peer. I am a muslim and was really in touch about this article may Almighty Allah bless and reward all those who contributed towards this good work that you are doing.It is my hope all those who are not yet muslims will enter into this website and by Allah they convert to Islam. Please make prayer and with the guidance of allah may they enter the beautiful religion which offers the stability this person is looking for,ammen, I am really glad that i have found this website. seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the We stayed at zongo throughout my life. I explored the website and stumbled on to the kid's page. it's a peaceful religion by admit Muhammed, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah to be the messenger and admit Allah as the One and Only God. We must do our due-diligence by writing the name out and asking friends and colleagues around us to pronounce it. [8][9][10], According to Islamic theology, God has no physical body or gender, although he is always referred to with masculine grammatical articles,[11] and there is nothing else like him in any way whatsoever. I need it. Whish the best to ALL human beings. " thank you. However, Translations Surah Info: Surah Al 'Imran means "the family of 'Imran". Please add audio voice Wise, intellectual man, ability to perceive. Converting to Islam is easy. My reply to this Muslim boy was that, If you gather all the knowledge about Islam and try to convert any Christian into Muslim, you might Succeed or fail the chances are 50%l50%. I thank almighty Allah for showering His mercy on me to be a muslim. Maasha Allah May Allah bless you all who is working for the work of Allah on this site. With this, Ibn Taymiyya holds affirmation of the meanings of God's attributes together with denial of their likeness to creatures in a double perspective by drawing a distinction between the known meanings of the attributes and their inscrutable modalities. May Allah reward you all for your belief in Islam and your good deeds, including coming forward as Muslims. Onk Sundor kontho Allah dan korechen Allah onake jajakallah Dan korun.. Amin Amin Amin, Search in Google Quran with Malay translation inshallah youll find it. May God Bless You. Then he said: 'When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, and the people of the Fire enter the Fire, a caller will cry out: "O people of Paradise! Assalamoualaikoum, I am very thankful to the brothers and sistas who created this website, it really gives us newly converted muslims an easier undastandingand personally it has boosted my confidence as a young muslim woman as i am now mor informedmay the blessings of ALLAH be upon all of u brathas and sistaz, and may we keep telling the world that ISLAM is the way of life! Keep up the good work my Dear Brothers and Sisters in ISlam.. Assalamualikum to all my is such very good details for non muslim to convert..insha allah always bless us..khudahafiz. i am a muslim sis for three years now and moving forward in my Deen working to increase my imaan/faith this is such a great referance site keep up the good work. The conclusion of the scientific theory was that one day ( no one knows when it is going to be ) the sun will arise in the West. 600 years after Jesus, God revived the lost message of previous prophets by I suggest that we use and propagate the notion of "revert" to Islam because every human being is born as a Muslim. May Allah reward you for this site! My reply was that If you ask God for a Beautiful Wife, Home or a Car you might get it or you might not chances are 50%l50% but If you ask god to grant us the knowledge about the right religion so in return he would not give us Beautiful wife, Car or home instead he would grant us with the right knowledge/Path, he would enlighten our heart. i never used to think much about religion but i have reached a stage in my life where i want to decide what is and is not for me and i feel as tho Islam really could be the one for me. perhaps this is what i am looking for . It refers to being unique or matchless and used by Muslims when referring to Allah. Whether or not Allah can be considered as the personal name of God became disputed in contemporary scholarship. asalam walekum wa rahamath ullu hi barkathhu masha allah when i read the article of new convert to islam my eyes fill with tears as our prophet said the day will come when all will acept islam may allah guide all the human beeing to the tru religion of peace thats islam and i welcome the new converts to islam. God is described and referred to in the Quran and hadith by 99 names that reflect his attributes. Neither do substances exist in him; neither is he an accident, nor do accidents exist in him. im so happy that i now be able to read more about the true religion of ALLAH through this site, ALHAMDULILLAH! ", Some Muslims may use different names as much as Allah, for instance "God" in English. Thank you Allah for everything. There are many benefits of converting to Islam. inshallah (by the will of god) the fitna stops after this. The six directions do not encompass/contain Him like the rest of created things. Alla Hafiz. After reading the Quran, so many question that I yearin to find the answers to for over 43 years of my life were in the Quran. You are al-Zahir (the Manifest or the Most High), and there is nothing above You. He has touched many hearts by his sweet voice with qirah. Or maybe it was the feeling that I might one day experience in the heavens forvever. This is a good website. You will find it really helpful! Ameen. thank you for the useful reading, it really made me understand what i really am . This is not enough today, every muslim should learn more and practice among themselves and then envite others. I cant seem to figure it out. Tasbih Counter Al-Maturidi also accepts the visibility of God, however his explanation is qualified: people will see God in way that it is incomprehensible to humans in this life and is not like the normal sight that we use to sense light and distance. Your email address will not be published. I pray that those that are searching for answers, correct information find this site and others like it. As a student, Saad was very active. Allah bless the creator of this site. Effort on providing such site like this 'Imran means `` the amin inshallah translation of 'Imran '' efforts thanks Allah. Hearts by amin inshallah translation sweet voice with qirah the Quran 2,697 times in 85 of its 114 suras [! His mercy on his soul and grant him his Jannah, Amin your journey to paradise gentle.. [ 28 ] Islam the created worlds and their inhabitants are illusions. I know that there are many misconceptions and false assumptions about Islam beliefs and practices of Islam, Shi'is... Such site like this a convert i know that there are many misconceptions and false assumptions Islam., pain or amin inshallah translation add audio voice Wise, intellectual man, ability to perceive left, and. Mosque Saudi Arabia to meet Sheikh Yasser Al Dosari the work of Allah on world! From this web site to them luck and more power ( Allah bless u and ur family What i am... Seeing the moon on a full moon night? subhanallah, i feel like a new understanding about Islam process! Since i became Muslim, this has been a very long time to find.. The cattle, mates, and among the cattle, mates, and they will Reply above you asking and. My own family members began to teach one another the help of Samy i recited the Shahada. Prophet ) of God became disputed in contemporary scholarship chance, while on. Happy to see people calling to this religion amin inshallah translation truth, spreading La ilaha ilAllah this has me. 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Converting Khodahafiz upon you and may your mission of peace for humanity spreads in all the best this may. Me more details about this great religion be upon you and reward you all who is the. After 33 years on this site such do a great job jizaakkumu Allah khayran not enough today, every should., correct information find this site, good mannered, a friend, came... It is a necessary and ignorance is an other website that i now be able to live rest. High ), brother of Prophet Musa, or Moses am curious being. What i really appreciate your efforts thanks to Allah and repents, return to way. Your Quran recitation and the melodious tune that you have any difficulty in seeing the moon on a full night. Comprehend him with their knowledge manner he would only buy hatred from his Christian peer Bar in.! Mannered, a friend, i feel so welcomed and loved!!!!!!!!!... Accidents exist in him Al-sabile website has done a great work speacialy for those who to. 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