It has been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation. . It's heart-opening. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, 47, S103-S109. (2013). You may begin to feel it take effect immediately, or it may take some time. Sometimes, the person preparing will add cayenne or cinnamon or vanilla. One report suggested the average Kuna Islander consumes around three 10-ounce cups of ceremonial cacao every day [2]. It is the perfect space to switch off the external noise and take a shamanic journey into ourselves to meet the spirit of Cacao. The preparation is simple. The cacao ceremony is an ancient ritual that has been performed for centuries in many cultures. Like I said, its definitely a heart medicine, so youre able to connect with your heart and find the joy. Because of cacao's ability to increase your connection to your inner self and your heart chakra, it aids in any transformational shift you are working towards, whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of who you are, release old patterns and traumas, or move into a more self-confident space. You can use the ceremonial molinillo to vigorously mix the herbs together. Also, since someone leads the ceremony, you dont have to question whats next and can just sit in the flow of things; when someone knows how to lead a ceremony very well, it also really heightens the experience. The effects of the cacao ceremony can be both physical and psychological. The CACAO or KAKAW as our ancestors knew it was considered very preciated it was consider as the Food of the Gods not just because its properties but because it high amounts one can connects with the spirits. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(10), 2445-2453. So, the spirit to me is a joyful one. Outside of ceremonial use, cacao offers benefits through its stimulating and mood-enhancing effects and from the rich concentration of trace minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Feed your mind with the power of natures most potent strengthening compounds. Health Benefits of Cacao: What The Research Says. without intervention of the mind. Mix everything together inside the blender for a minute or two to make sure its all evenly dissolved. Its thought to provide much of the neuroprotective, mood-supportive, cardioprotective, and immunomodulating benefits of the plant. Many people believe his healthy libido was at least in part the result of his frequent chocolate consumption. Fear will be replaced with love and desire for good. Arriving in Guatemala some 20 years ago, former geologist and adventurer Keith Wilson was led to Cacao by the Deva -or Spirit- behind this entheogenic plant medicine. Sorond, F. A., Lipsitz, L. A., Hollenberg, N. K., & Fisher, N. D. (2008). Its made from the raw seeds of the cacao pod before its roasted and mixed with cocoa butter which is the fat derived from the rest of the cacao pod. Spiritual Benefits of Cacao Ceremony. Both of these substances have stimulant effects on the body, but they differ in a few key ways. Most people report feeling blissful and euphoric while drinking cacao. The bouquet Riverdel makes an exquisite chevere-style Housemade Cheese thats so smooth on the inside and kissed with crunchy peppercorns on the outside. Cacao is not only very valuable nutritionally, but it also contains naturally occurring chemicals which have positive effects on our nervous system that help us to feel blissful and energised. Today, the plant is an important crop for many countries in the tropics, and its products are enjoyed by people all over the world. It has always been thought that the origins of cocoa were in Central America, but according to the late archaeological investigations has determined that that this fruit was cultivated and domesticated. Chocolate has a rap for being very addictive. Calming and soothing herbs and adaptogens for feel-good equilibrium. The idea is that the cacao is the dominant force offering all its stimulating, meditative, and heart-opening qualities. Cacao is particularly high in iron and magnesium. This might include some sweeteners to cut some of the bitter taste of the cacao seeds or other herbs to add further health benefits. Cacao ceremonies are a beautiful way to connect with yourself and others on a deeper level. I drink it and sit in gratitude for the day. Flavanols, the Kuna, cocoa consumption, and nitric oxide. A cacao ceremony is a journey held with loving intention in which the spirit of cacao can guide you to open your heart, connect with your inner truth in the rediscovery of the oneness of all beings.Cacao ceremonies can take many forms in the modern world, yet the ceremonies' roots are in the shamanic healing indigenous to the land of the plant itself - South America. Ill try that! Hearing about how it was a heart medicine was why I got interested in it. According to the last researches, it has several potential health benefits, especially for brain health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. It is said to open the heart, mind, and spirit to new levels of awareness and understanding. The drink used in our ceremony is made from 100% raw ceremonial grade cacao. If any of . The word "cacao" comes from the word " kakawati" , the Nahuatl word for the seed of the cacao plant. However, you can also create your own sacred cacao ceremony to have a more personal connection with your inner self. All payments will be either transferred to personal credit to be used for a future program at a later date (with no expiration date), or you may move to a different program at that time. Other benefits come from the ceremony and meditation that accompany traditional cacao drinking such as stress reduction, mindset development, and a greater sense of empathy and connection with the self and others. Cacao can help us to feel more connected to our bodies and our feelings. Other mood disorders, such as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), have also been associated with low tryptophan [22]. When we drink cacao, we are opening ourselves up to receive its medicine. (2011). The specific origins of the cacao ceremony are unknown, but it is believed to have originated in Mesoamerica. When it comes to drinking ceremonial cacao, theres no sugar added. Cacao is like a catalyst. That's a good thing. During fermentation, the beans transform from white to brown. These pods contain small, bitter seeds called cacao beans. smudging In Vitro Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Methanolic Plant Part Extracts of Theobroma cacao. The drink is made from raw cacao. Just mix Cacao Bliss with some hot water and youre ready to go. Maes, M., Scharp, S., Meltzer, H. Y., Okayli, G., Bosmans, E., DHondt, P., & Cosyns, P. (1994). The word chocolate comes from the Aztec word chocolatl which referred specifically to the preparation the Aztecs used at social celebrations and rituals. Neopterin production, tryptophan degradation, and mental depressionwhat is the link?. Impact of cocoa consumption on inflammation processesA critical review of randomized controlled trials. Schewe, T., Khn, H., & Sies, H. (2002). A word of caution Theobromine found in cacao relaxes the esophageal sphincter muscle, and this could promote heartburn, especially in people who already struggle with this condition. metaphysical an aphrodisiac and a potentiator of magic mushroom ceremony. Subscribe To Get a Weekly Dose of Psychedelics In Your Inbox ? She started writing at age 6, and since then has won several awards including the Scholastic Art and Writing Gold Key and was featured in the Kolob Canyon Review in Cedar City. Epicatechin, a component of dark chocolate, enhances memory formation if applied during the memory consolidation period. *Pro-tip: . A Cacao ceremony is a sacred meditation space that will help you get out of your head and into your heart; opening the doors to your magic, talents and gifts. but can feel spiritual, much like a yoga or breathwork class. All rights reserved. align your chakras BRAIN HEALTH Both, We are the community from QEROS and the ones located far from the Cusco city have preserved the authentic way of living, traditions and the Spirituality knowledge, we call ourselves as the Last Inca heirs because we did not have, Peru shaman is a group of shamans and healers from the Andean communities not just from the Qeros community who preserved their ancient magical knowledge from Incan times as many people known, we are from the whole Andes including the, 1 Day Tour, If you want to immerse in the heart of the Andean people and the heart of Mountains we recommend this day tour trip where you will explore the Andes and live the vivid culture in a nice, 5 days Tour, In this Journey we will explore the Andes and we will be connected with her and find ourselves connected with the cosmos, we will let our spirit flying along with the Apus or mountains God that will, A 3 Days Ayahuasca retreat, well recommend by the Shamans because it includes 2 Ayahuasca sessions in a row that gives you a better way to work mentally, spiritually and physically, it includes Inca massages, meditations, and preparation for this, Peru shaman is a group of shamans and healers from the Andean communities not just from the Qeros community who preserved their ancient magical knowledge from Incan times as many people known, we are from the whole Andes including the Jungle along with other people as spiritual guides having the same mission to share the true Andean knowledge to people who are interested of, Spiritual Guide/Translator from Qechua to English, Transportation from and back to your hotel in Cusco. We have a shaman school project too leading by the same people where with the different workshops you will learn about the Andean shaman wisdom to awake your inner conscious to the magical spirit path .MORE. Cacao contains relatively high levels of caffeine, which is why it is often consumed in the form of chocolate. Cacao contains anandamide, which is known as the bliss molecule. If you're reading this, there's a good chance you've heard of Veganuary and if not, don't worry. Cacao and ceremony come hand in hand. NOTE: In case you want this ceremony in one special sacred temple please let us know we can do program it for you, For Women you can ask to have a woman cordinator. As mentioned, cacao ceremonies have lots of really special and unique benefits: Stimulates feelings of love, self love and is heart opening. In a different scene, cacao has been gaining a reputation as a club drug. The neuroprotective effects of cocoa flavanol and its influence on cognitive performance. There are a few basic etiquette guidelines that will help you to feel comfortable and participate fully in the experience. It allows you to focus much more intently and feel a higher degree of mental stimulation or energy. The capsaicin in hot peppers is also thought to improve the absorption of the cacao by stimulating blood flow to the digestive tract. These types of healing ceremonies work with rebalancing energies in the body to regain health. There are a lot of different brands selling ceremonial cacao. Its important to use unroasted cacao to get the full extent of the mood-supportive benefits. I trust the profound opportunities should be obvious, or would become so on sampling some ceremonial grade cacao. The seeds of the plant are high in fat (4060%) and about 2% theobromine which is responsible for the stimulating effects of the plant. I have a block of ceremonial cacao, and I shave off some and cook it. Cacao is an ancient plant that carries the knowledge to help heal the body + soul. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Cacao is a plant native to Central and South America that has been used historically by the Aztecs and Mayans for medicinal and ritualistic purposes. You can always add more cayenne, but its pretty difficult to take some away if youve added too much. Enhances Meditation Cacao enables you to connect with your inner spirit and wisdom, allowing for more profound meditation. flow state cacao Please respect the confidentiality of what is shared by others during this sacred experience. Fernell, M., Swinton, C., & Lukowiak, K. (2016). Cacao can grant you the energy you need for your day and throughout your life. Once the drink is ready, they will offer it to you and invite you to take a sip. Cacao is the precursor for cocoa. We often share our stories and experiences with each other during these ceremonies, which builds trust and connection within the group. Cacao is a powerful stimulant and can produce feelings of increased energy and alertness. Specifically, it refers to a preparation made from the seeds contained inside the chocolate pods. So Cacao Ceremonies can help revitalise your body and mind. Youll find yourself able to skip the coffee, your cravings will diminish and you will be able to better accomplish your daily tasks. The impressive anti-inflammatory effects of cacao are largely due to the polyphenols in the seeds. Cacao can stimulate detoxification. Nutritional neuroscience, 16(5), 191-206. Help your community rediscover the magic of 100% pure Cacao. Roughly 11 to 13% of the unfermented cocoa beans consist of potent antioxidant polyphenols. The beans of the cacao plant were ground up and used to make a bitter, frothy drink called xocolatl. Most cacao that you come by today has been processed and roasted in such a way that it loses most of its health and spiritual benefits. The most abundant ingredient is theobromine, which is a mirror image of caffeine. Although cacao contains caffeine, the total concentration is very low. Cacao is a plant of deep ceremonial importance to the native peoples of Central and South America. The standard ceremonial dose of cacao is 40 grams (1.5 oz) of raw cacao. The prevalence of certain cardiovascular diseases is notably low in this population including high blood pressure (only 2.2%), diabetes, myocardial infarction, and stroke [3,4]. ? Countdown to Christmas Order by Dec. 15th to Avoid Extra Delivery Fees. Phenethylamine is a trace amine found in many plants and animals, including cacao. This seemingly small bean has more to it than meets the eye. Cacao ceremony usually involves a communal gathering with a sacred circle, music and of course, ceremonial cacao. Lara Skadsen, a vibrational energy practitioner in Abu Dhabi, says that drinking cacao "rebalances the body's energetic cells, releasing pain and stress". A cacao ceremony is really about intention, so deciding what else to add to the cacao really depends on what you hope to get out of it. Cacao can open the heart and allow you to connect with yourself and others in a deeper, more loving way. A Cacao Ceremony gives us sacred space and time for ourselves in a chaotic and stressful world. Widner, B., Laich, A., Sperner-Unterweger, B., Ledochowski, M., & Fuchs, D. (2002). As you drink, you may feel a sense of relaxation or even euphoria as the cacao begins to work its magic. It helps us to shift out of the egoic mind and to bring in our higher selves. Here are some of the benefits people can expect during a cacao ceremony: 1. The active ingredient, theobromine, is a mirror image of caffeines molecular structure. The effects of cacao take about 20 to 30 minutes to appear and usually last around 3 to 5 hours in total. Katz, D. L., Doughty, K., & Ali, A. Give gratitude for things you are thankful for. Our Gift Cards can be used to purchase Cacao, ceremonies, courses, and all of our Cacao-themed events. Skip navigation Magazine Sustainability Do you have a question? Through these effects, cacao is thought to upregulate tryptophan concentrations in the brain to improve depression, seasonal affective disorder, and a variety of other neuropsychiatric conditions. The anandamide content in cacao is thought to provide most of the euphoric and heart-opening effects from drinking cacao. All About Ayahuasca: Retreats, Trips & The Truth, How To Have a More Sustainable Christmas Tree, 10 Superfoods to Get You Through the Winter. Ceremonial cacao comes in blocks that you shave off and put in water, so its only the cacao. . The cacao ceremony is a powerful ritual that can be used for healing, divination, and connection with the divine. Whats The Difference Between Cocoa, Cacao, & Chocolate? The effects of a cacao ceremony. The active ingredients of cacao can be separated into three groups: The xanthine alkaloids are a class of central nervous stimulants related to caffeine. Try Cacao Bliss! Academic Press. As a stimulant, theobromine increases heart rate and dilates blood vessels. The Journal of nutrition, 132(7), 1825-1829. The cacao plant has been around for centuries, and its history is a long and interesting one. This is a daily program you can choose any date. The synergistic effects of cacao and mushrooms have become an anecdote thousands of years old. Our retreats are 100% personalized that is why we have limited spots per dates check the availability with us! smudging pot Most of these polyphenols have well-known antioxidant or anti-inflammatory properties. Turn off your phone: Once the cacao ceremony begins, it is important to disconnect from the outside world and be present in the moment. Blood vessels dilate and skin becomes more oxygenated. Adaptogenic superfoods that work through the night for rest and repair. The main purpose is to cut some of the bitterness of the brew. Eye gazing is a practice to open connection and trust with others by holding their gaze for extended periods of time. Some people use cacao as part of their routine to enter deeper flow states with work or creative endeavors or to help develop a better mindset and live more presently. It doesnt matter too much where you order it from as long as its ceremonial grade. Theres also a lot of ethical concerns to keep in mind. Spanish colonizers in the mid-16th century shortened " kakawati" to cacao. If the effects of cacao are real, why was I mostly just burping while the vegan chef was crying? The benefits of cacao ceremony can be deeply spiritual if you intend so and have the right environment set. Drink enough water during the ceremony, without proper hydration, headaches can occur. For programs with Machupicchu tour once are confirmed are not refundable but you can change the dates adding the 10% over the price this is regulated by the Peruvian Goverment and there is a limited entrances per day. Store Locator Toggle device navigation Youll only really find this from sources selling cacao specifically for the purposes of the cacao ceremony. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 4(2), 433. Depending on your Shaman or guide, your first cacao ceremony can be done in . ADHD Cacao contains a much higher concentration of polyphenols, tryptophan, and xanthine alkaloids than cocoa but also has a strong bitter taste. "It's easier to feel filled up with love, or open and connected to other people," he says. One of the main reasons for using cacao in a ceremony, or as a medicine, is for emotional healing. . Annals of Botany, 28(3), 401-418. stress Antioxidants & redox signaling, 15(10), 2779-2811. What is in the cacao beverage? Rose, N., Koperski, S., & Golomb, B. Its classified as a superfood, and there are a lot of proponents suggesting it as a potential antidote to societys issues with heart disease, stroke, Alzheimers disease, and more. Become A Practitioner. It also contains antioxidants and vitamins that can boost overall health. You will need to let this herb steep in the water for at least 10 minutes to extract as many of the active ingredients as possible. You can easily avoid these problems by staying hydrated. Join the global network of Keith's Cacao Practitioners and discover . Cinnamon is especially useful for boosting the blood sugar-regulating effects of cacao. Chocolate consumption is inversely associated with calcified atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries: the NHLBI Family Heart Study. Psychiatry research, 120(1), 37-42. They then crack open the pods, remove the white beans inside, and allow the raw beans to ferment for roughly one week. Prepare the cacao the way you prefer it, whether that be in its bitter form, or with added spices and sweeteners. The Maya people were the next to adopt the cacao plant, and they too used it for both food and ceremonial purposes. Cocoa is mixed with sweeteners, other fats, and dairy products to make chocolate. The levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the leaves of cacao (Theobroma Cacao L.) as affected by shade, fertilizer, irrigation, and season. During a cacao ceremony, you will be fully aware of where you are and everything around you. The flavor of cacao is very different from chocolate. The anti-inflammatory profile of cacao is broad and diverse. Anyone can benefit rom a cacao ceremony and it is safe to drink. Focus on your intention and let the cacao do its job. This unique Cacao ceremony is designed to help heal the vibrations of any deep trauma you have experienced. This is pure Raw Cacao and is dissolvable in hot liquid. Tote Bag. Chocolate and the brain: neurobiological impact of cocoa flavanols on cognition and behavior. As the ceremony progresses,you may find yourself sinking deeper into a state of relaxation. We are beginning to explore and adopt the wisdom of Mesoamerican cultures in our own personal wellness journeys including the ceremonial use of cacao. Reset your morning, energize your day, and replenish your evening. Benefits of Cacao: Theobroma cacao is a sacred plant used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes in indigenous cultures of South America. balance These may include things like breathwork or visualization exercises. Whats The Difference Between Ceremonial Cacao & Regular Dark Chocolate? You can also add other herbs and spices to reduce bitterness. mushrooms Natural support for detoxing, hormonal balance, and craving control. We set up sacred space, and we will drink Ceremonial Cacao together with heartfelt, loving intentions. The third group, vitamins and minerals offer health benefits through nutritional support. Fermented seeds have a higher concentration of these compounds, while roasted cacao has much lower levels. With oodles of antioxidants, iron and calcium, it also brings many health benefits. . It can also help us to access our intuition and wisdom. It is also said to be a powerful medicine that can help us to heal old wounds and traumas. These hormones are directly responsible for feelings of tranquility, relaxation and happiness, related to the nervous system to give us a sense of Peace. brain health The modern versions of the ceremonies are often led by a shaman or healer who will guide participants through the experience. Oyeleke, S. A., Ajayi, A. M., Umukoro, S., Aderibigbe, A. O., & Ademowo, O. G. (2018). Choose the products you love to build out your own kit and save. Prepare the cacao the way you prefer it, whether that be in its bitter form, or with added spices and sweeteners. Ceremony grade cacao as a plant medicine is a natural stimulant and offers ecstatic dance participants an alternative to alcohol or other drugs . Theobromine, one of the key compounds in cacao, has also been shown to improve cognitive function and memory. The subtle spicy flavor cuts out a lot of the bitterness of the cacao seeds themselves and works to stimulate blood flow in the gut to improve absorption of the other active ingredients. In short, cacao promotes alertness, lowers pain, and promotes well-being. Cacao is the medicine of the Heart. It acts as a stimulant and agitates the kidneys and adrenal glands. Perfect for first timers, this kit has the quality cacao you need to experience cacao ceremony at home. You want to get the directness of the cacao and those additions can inhibit the effects. But perhaps most importantly, taking part in Cacao Rituals can revitalise your spirit. Cacao is also renowned for releasing dopamine and endorphins in the body, which soothe symptoms of PMS as well as depression, by boosting our mood. (2013). When used with the intention of healing and opening the heart, cacao has tremendous potential for doing some very profound work. Cacao is also particularly rich in polyphenols such as catechins and anthocyanidins. And the best part is that there is no wrong way to do it. Nutrients, 8(6), 321. Cacao Ceremonies as we know them today are a very new thing. This means that the effects of theobromine last longer than those of caffeine. People who use cacao often emphasize the clear distinction between ceremonial-grade cacao and regular dark chocolate. When I heard about it being a ceremony and not psychedelic, I was like Sure! Green Juice Crisp Apple is a presale item. Now things are being released!. Start at a smaller dose of around 15 grams, and only take more if it feels right for your body: 15 mg Cacao Low dose. As the powerful and subtle energy of Cacao enters the body, it helps to remove, release and transform any blocks so that more light and energy can flow within the system. Buy Now. It is said to open the heart, mind, and spirit to new levels of awareness and understanding. journaling While I notice the strongest effects of cacao in a group ceremony, I also have it daily as part of my morning ritual. Sharing cacao brings us into the same energetic frequency. Drinking cacao can increase energy and focus, but theres so much more depth to this practice when used alongside some sort of ritual and intention-setting. Either way, cacao ceremonies provide a space for us to come together in the community and connect with one another on a deep level. Caffeine is a more powerful stimulant than theobromine, and its effects are felt more quickly. Keith's Cacao - Bring Your Magic! (The Alchemist's Kitchen hosts one every other month.) With cacao, you may feel a great sense of euphoria, you may feel sadness-what you feel and experience is all dependent on the intention you've set. Burridge, J. C., Lockard, R. G., & ACQUAYE, D. (1964). They serve up what they think people want . Signs of dehydration can include headache and nausea. It has antioxidants and some minerals, so you get this feeling of being physically supported. This tree grows to a height of around 5 meters (16 feet) and sports small, reddish flowers. Ive done it with different people, and they all do it a little differently. Ceremonial cacao has a higher grade, and the difference, too, is the intention behind it. But its not the cacao itself people are craving. Cacao has many health benefits. Cacao also contains a compound called anandamide which is often referred to as the bliss molecule. This compound works to regulate homeostasis via the endocannabinoid system (which is also the target for CBD from cannabis plants). Ceremonial grade cacao is 100% ground cacao beans, imbued by the user with the power to connect with & center oneself. Together with caffeine, this compound can cause sleeplessness, anxiety, abnormal heart rhythm, and heartburn. without intervention of the mind. You will drop what does not serve you and you will process in a deep way that transformation and change that you need. Fear will be replaced with love and desire for good. Serotonin is responsible for happiness in general. Its one of the most common substances people reach for when theyre craving something. Cacao enables us to connect to our true self, release blockages . Cacao contains theobromine, a stimulant. work performance You can find more of her work online at or on Instagram at @emilyncan. Cacao benefits include: Mood booster Antioxidant-rich (20 times more than blueberries!) He was known to have many wives and mistresses. Its also important for the cacao to be sourced ethically and processed without roasting for it to be considered ceremonial grade.. affirmations Its an open, playful energy, like I love everybody! Once we have met her she give us the answers we are seeking, helps us find clarity, and shows us the next steps that we . rose quartz This can take up to 10 minutes of mixing to get everything to dissolve evenly dissolved in the water. The effects of the cacao ceremony are vast and varied, depending on the intention of the participants. Preparing cacao follows the same basic recipe as making a cup of hot chocolate. Listen to your body and mind and watch for the shift in energies. I usually add a pinch of cayenne, vanilla extract, a pinch of salt, and about 5 mL (1 tsp) of honey to sweeten. Ayurveda "Dance is part of the ancient tradition," she says. Some add it to help offset side effects like jitteriness or anxiety that may come along with higher doses of cacao. The main goal of a cacao ceremony is to develop a deeper connection with the self. It helps you to recover your power. Sacred Cacao is prepared for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes. . The effects of the cacao ceremony are vast and varied, depending on the intention of the participants. Chocolate is made by combining the cacao powder with the cocoa butter derived from other parts of the chocolate pods. travel Cacao also contains a rich supply of other mood-supportive compounds including anandamide, phenylethylamine, tyrosine, tryptamine, and tyramine. Its qualities literally raise our vibration. Once we confirm the dates availability you will need to send a prepaid of the 50% in advance to confirm your reservation, You will receive a Booking payment confirmation form detailing your booking and payment. Its scientific name. Lately the term 'ceremonial cacao' has been reminding me a lot of cacao vs. cocoa most of the articles on page one of Google are misrepresenting marketing jargon for the truth. I wouldnt describe this feeling a high its more of a mild buzz than anything else. It provides nutrients for the body, it thins the blood, it helps bring clarity in the mind, + it gives you energy. Drink the cacao slowly and let each sip permeate through your body. Cacao is much more subtle and can be used on a daily basis. They work by reducing the burden of free radicals and oxidative molecules in the brain and have even been shown to support nitric oxide production in the brain to improve blood flow [8,9,10]. The cacao used, is not in any way sweet like the processed chocolates and beverages we have become accustomed to, but holds far greater consequences on emotional well-being. The cacao ceremony serves a similar purpose to more conventional psychoactive substances such as ayahuasca, peyote, or magic mushrooms. On the physical level, cacao contains compounds that can help to improve circulation and promote detoxification. Cacao has a long history of ceremonial use. A cacao nib is just a form of cacao thats been molded or cut into smaller pieces. Either way, your heart will open in a powerful and transformative way. This is one of the ways this plant medicine is able to offer so many widespread health benefits. Theobromine is found in all parts of the cacao plant, but it is especially concentrated in the beans. Selmi, C., Mao, T. K., Keen, C. L., Schmitz, H. H., & Gershwin, M. E. (2006). Modern Cacao ceremonies are not religious. Because of the way the theobromine significantly increases blood flow, Draper explains, people often experience a heart-opening sensation after drinking cacao. The point of using cacao ceremonially is to establish a habit or ritual around its use. With a cacao rite, we can alleviate those negative feelings. It is similar to caffeine in structure and function, but it is weaker in terms of its stimulant properties. The goal is to improve overall health and well-being, reach deeper levels of meditation, and offer a tool for self-growth and development in almost all aspects of life. angels The second is to add aphrodisiac qualities to the blend. The cacao tree originated from the Amazon rainforest but has the most traditional use by various cultures residing in Mexico. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 16(5), 590-595. It is time of transformation, heard the call of the Apus (Mountain Gods), learn the mysterious spiritual temples, let sour your spirit guiding by traditional shamans and healers to not just know the Cusco city as a traditional tourist destination but learn the Andean and Jungle knowledge hidden in the spirit of its people. Vanilla is one of the standard ingredients in ceremonial cacao preparations. Copyright 2020 Plantie. Instead of inducing ego death and dissolution or forcing a sense of presence and connection, cacao merely sets up the conditions we need to reach these experiences on our own. . On the psychological level, the ceremony can help to induce a state of relaxation and well-being. Frontiers in pharmacology, 4, 154. herbs Archives of internal medicine, 170(8), 699-703. Cacao has also been shown to inhibit neutrophil oxidative burst, reduce the expression of adhesion molecules and plasma leukotrienes (part of the asthma response), modulate the synthesis of eicosanoids (chemical messengers), reduce NF-kB and TNF-a (primary inflammatory messengers), and mediate the inflammatory cascade at several different layers [13]. Ceremonial cacao is known for its use in spiritual healing, meditation, self-reflection, and celebration. Cacao enables you to connect with your inner spirit and wisdom, allowing for more profound meditation. Anything can be addictive, but its not common for people to become addicted to cacao. (2014). actually means food for the Gods and it was believed to have been sent from the heavens as a gift to mankind. The retreat payments are not refundable. You will become aware of things that have been keeping you from living the life you love and receive strength in letting them go. The ceremonies vary in length but typically last for around two hours. Keeps skin moisturised Reduces wrinkles Improves sleep Helps you dream Prevents UV damage Regulates your blood pressure So it's no wonder plenty of people are hopping on the cacao trend! The ceremonial leader will begin by preparing the cacao drink. One of the biggest ones, I was eye gazing with someone. It allows you to focus more on the present moment and its remedying properties can begin to work on your mind and soul. symbols of the chakras This form is going to be difficult to mix with water using a spoon like you normally would when making hot chocolate. Its thought to create the conditions necessary to have ego-dissolution experiences, reach deeper levels of meditation, and feel more connected with other people. There are group cacao ceremonies that you can attend where you gather with others to experience healing and connection. 2. While cacao is a stimulant, it feels different from other stimulants like caffeine. 18317-18331. crystals At lower doses, theobromine has been shown to be effective in treating bronchitis and asthma. At the time though, I didnt realize what a truly unique experience that was, nor was I aware of the amazing health benefits and sacred properties of cacao. But it achieves similar results without forcing you into a psychedelic experience. Its used as a powerful health beverage and superfood due to the exceptionally high concentration of antioxidants and other health-promoting compounds. Inspired inspiration, creativity and new insights. meditation for clearing chakras It helps when you want to have an open-hearted experience. Flavonoids of cocoa inhibit recombinant human 5-lipoxygenase. Breathwork, too. Your email address will not be published. Reinvigorate your daily routine and perfect your performance, focus, and drive. They have recently grown in popularity in the West and have evolved in the process. It contains a blend of spices and super foods and is suitable for vegans. Its fun to have cacao with other people because its supportive and joyful to open hearts together and be in that space together. meditation styles For many, and depending on how much cacao you take, this feeling can last a few hours. Youll find new meaning and purpose begin to flow with ease. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that has been shown to improve mood, vigilance, and reaction time. Another compound, called neopterin, is also correlated with people suffering from various forms of depression or other mood disorders [23]. sage We now know that cacao contains small amounts of enzyme inhibitors, called MAO inhibitors, that are capable of slowing the breakdown of the psychoactive compounds found in teonanacatl . There is a reason that cacao has been used medicinally and spiritually for almost 3000 years. Cocoa and chocolate in human health and disease. Join a Ceremony What to expect? This is the same thing produced in your body when you workout and you feel a rush of good energy. The Lowdown on Intuitive Eating: What It Is and How to Do It, Trouble Sleeping? We cover the difference between cacao, cocoa, and dark chocolate, along with some tips for using ceremonial cacao effectively. alternative health, cacao, ceremonies, wellness retreat activities Other ingredients in cacao have been shown to block the enzyme that breaks down tryptophan called indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) [20]. Xocolatl was believed to have medicinal properties, and it was often used in religious ceremonies. You can add whatever you want to the mix. Highly nutritive (rich in zinc, magnesium, and iron), Natural source of tryptophan & anandamide, May offer some protection against certain kinds of cancer, Protects the neurons from oxidative damage, May reduce inflammation of the blood-brain barrier, Cacao mediates the bioavailability of nitric oxide in the endothelium to offset high blood pressure, Cacao protects the vascular system from oxidative stress, Cacao reduces inflammation in the vascular tissue, Cacao regulate blood sugar levels, which can lead to oxidative damage & inflammation in the arteries [, Reduces the expression of adhesion molecules, Protects the brain from oxidative damage & inflammation, Contains mood-supportive compounds such as anandamide and tryptamine, Contains a very high potency of cacao (over 85%), Contains no added sweeteners or binding agents, The cacao seeds were sun-dried instead of roasted, The cacao seeds need to be ethically sourced, Zainal Baharum, Abdah Md Akim, Yun Hin Taufiq-Yap, Roslida Abdul Hamid, and Rosmin Kasran. It also acts as a vasodilator, meaning it widens blood vessels and increases blood flow. To add cinnamon, you can add about 5 mg (1 teaspoon) of powder directly to the cacao mixture. Other aspects of cacao can produce a mild euphoric feeling. Cacao nibs are usually used in cooking, so most manufacturers will add a little bit of sweetener to them to cut some of the bitterness. Many people who engage in cacao ceremonies employ other techniques to the practice as well, such as breathwork, yoga, meditation, and journaling. The ceremonial drink is made by boiling water and adding cacao powder to it. The active ingredients in cacao are thought to be responsible for its many health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced inflammation, and improved cognitive function. Bottomline: Ceremonial Cacao Benefits and Uses Cacao contains a compound called tryptophan which is the precursor to the key mood-regulating neurotransmitter serotonin [17]. Magnesium and depression: a systematic review. Cacao can lift the burdens of life and the stresses of the day from your shoulders. When multiple people share cacao together, we have a shared experience of mood elevation, increased vitality, enhanced intuition and empathy, and a more open, present heart. The characteristics needed to constitute ceremonial cacao include: While its possible to find dark chocolate that meets these criteria its very rare to find. During the ceremony, participants will drink the cacao drink and may also engage in other activities such as chanting, meditation, and yoga. Here is a breakdown of the compounds found in cacao. Gifting a kit with many types of cacao in it will ensure that your gift recipient finds a cacao they connect with! Olmecs used the cacao plant for both food and ceremonial purposes. Some theories suggest people with mood disorders, crave chocolate because their body knows it can help increase tryptophan levels. citrine You can also add cayenne, turmeric or cinnamon- all of which work together with the cacao in amplifying its positive effects. The first time I experienced the taste of raw cacao, it was handed to me freshly sliced from the tree with a machete while the distant sound of parrot calls echoed from somewhere in the deep green of Ecuadors Amazon forest. If you are running late, please enter the space quietly and take a seat at the back so as not to disturb those who are already participating. ? Numerology Our ceremonial cacao boosts brain, heart, and full-body health, partly due to the incredible benefits of natural cacao butter. We will then experience a shamanic journey of healing with Mama Cacao as your guide. 7. Ceremonial Caco is an ancient Sacred Medicine used for spiritual elevation. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) seeds and phytochemicals in human health. In fact, the "tradition' of Cacao Ceremonies began with the man behind Keith's Cacao, the Chocolate Shaman himself. They have found graves with funerary remains that would include cocoa beans, among others, which are still cultivated today in the fertile terroir of the Peruvian jungle. But the term "ceremonial grade cacao" also . The cacao plant (Theobroma cacao) is native to this region, and the earliest evidence of its use dates back to the Olmec civilization (1500-400 BCE). This is a session that we always do in the afternoon we will pick you up from your hotel and take you to our spot of ceremony located in the city, will meet the spiritual guide , here we will start the session with the follow: Then after the end of the ceremony the transportation will take you back your hotel. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is a common addition to cacao for the same reasons as cayenne or chili. diet Its used for its aphrodisiac, mood-enhancing, and relaxing properties. mystic or experienced facilitator to explore the profound effects cacao has to offer. It helps us in the emotional part, a journey is made to the interior of our being where our wisdom resides, this ceremony reconnects you with the beauty, sweetness and love that resides in yourself. There are many (and I mean many) types of cacao ceremonies, but we focus on a stripped-down, simple, mindfulness-based method that we've refined over the years. Other studies back up this idea. It may cause caffeine-related side effects as compounds in cacao may affect it differently if you take it in large amounts. Cacao ceremony is an intentional community gathering for self reflection, healing, heart activation and spiritual nourishment. It decreases anxiety by producing serotonin, while Anandamide encourages relaxation. Aside from the written word, her other passions include performing in the occasional musical theater production, and playing piano, guitar, and ukulele. Start at a smaller dose of around 15 grams, and only take more if it feels right for your body: Cacao isnt considered psychoactive in the traditional sense. Angels the second is to cut some of the cacao mixture katz, D. L., Doughty, (. Cocoa is mixed with sweeteners, other fats, and promote detoxification emphasize the clear distinction Between cacao. Mood-Enhancing, and they too used it for both food and ceremonial.... With sweeteners, other fats, and craving control stimulation or energy access our intuition and wisdom allowing! Meets the eye about 20 to 30 minutes to appear and usually around... Your Inbox energies in the seeds gaze for extended periods of time indigenous cultures South. With heartfelt, loving intentions from the seeds contained inside the blender for a minute or to. 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