3.4 LEAs will continue to be responsible for the long term planning of educational provision in their areas. (R39.2) I can see cartoon-type thought clouds over their heads containing the words check out this old fart.. Mr J Rowland Inner London Education Authority In some, reduced timetables for probationary teachers and the existence of professional tutors can be taken for granted. 21 The dismissal of a teacher is a rare event, but it is sometimes necessary. The active involvement of class teachers and form tutors is a vital factor. importance to the effectiveness of schools that is should become a national priority for at least five years. Changing the climate or atmosphere of the school1885130 We reject this view. I think within the last two or three years, it's become fairly obvious that the pupils tend to ignore authority in some ways. Wragg EC (ed) (1984) Classroom Teaching Skills Croom Helm. [page 200] EMERGENCIES Oxford Polytechnic Out of school, walking locally or with a school group, you always remember that the school's reputation depends on the way you behave. In such cases the situation was further complicated by problems of language and tradition. The survey found that the great majority of those members who replied believed that indiscipline was on the increase, and about one in three reported that they had been attacked by a pupil at some time in their careers. Lancaster University We therefore recommend that, when reviewing the criteria for the approval of initial teacher training courses, the Secretaries of State should specify a minimum requirement for regular classroom teaching experience for staff providing training in teaching skills equivalent to one term in every five years. In this way children can become critical viewers in the same way that they are encouraged to Income critical readers by studying literature. 7 The ratio between the number of pupils and the number of teachers in an LEA (the pupil:teacher ratio or PTR) is often used as a crude indicator of school staffing levels. 116 It was brought home to us on many occasions, both at home and abroad, that where pupils are provided with a pleasant environment they respect it, and where they have contributed to it they treat it as "[32], At the end of the first season, Marlens and Black departed from the show. In such circumstances, the teacher can feel that his or her own judgement has been undervalued. [page 291] Durham University Speke Community Comprehensive School, Liverpool responsibility of parents for restricting their children's access to antisocial images. Indeed, one of the major benefits to have accrued from the introduction of a broader range of teaching methods was, in the words of one interviewee, 'that there is now more learning than teaching going on generally in classrooms' (M 20/12 MPG + incentive allowance English as a second language). Insist on acceptable standards of behaviour, work and respect. Our best estimate is that about one in two hundred (0.5%) teachers had had experiences of this kind. A small number of teachers (again making up less than 0.2% of the total) used the open-ended part of the questionnaire to describe incidents in the fairly recent past during which they had been subjected to very serious threats or violence. The models of behaviour provided by older pupils to younger ones may well be as powerful an influence. We believe that it should be strengthened, and that it should be provided by all schools. This is described in chapter two. Take the initiative:greet and be greetedspeak and be spoken tosmile and relatecommunicate. We were interested in whether teachers who reported dealing with or encountering one type of pupil behaviour more frequently reported experiencing others more frequently as well. Discipline has to have a purpose within the learning situation. We were told by the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) that, in a few schools, the head alone provides supervision. Mr W Rogers Research evidence also suggests that children who present serious behaviour problems in school are likely to have experienced either neglect or rejection or a combination of both. 39 We discuss classroom management in chapter three. Teachers who reported more disruptions in their classrooms were also likely to report more disruptions around their schools. (R49), 125 We were impressed by the effect on school atmosphere of areas with carpets. They may, for example, have more time to spare or be more articulate. 92 Testing which is culturally biased will not help schools to build a sense of community. Appendix E (281) (R112) Edgar Stammers Junior School, Walsall We had an incident last week where two outsiders walked in and sat in a classroom, two 19-20 year olds. LEAs already have a wealth of statistical information on numbers, costs, examination results and so on. You think, 'God, this is crazy'. I find that the most irritating part of my school day, because rarely can I go through a lesson without having to deal with somebody else's discipline problem, and often it could be two or three in one lesson. (R118) The aim should be to reach agreement about the nature of the problem and what needs to be done about it. Opinions were more divided, Among other things HMI asked them how well they felt their training had prepared them for classroom management. Hereford and Worcester 1231, 1258 (2009). The particular structure of the question allowed teachers to recommend several priorities if they wished. (R80) They are: the use of assemblies and tutorial time; the structure of the timetable; circulation between lessons; the general supervision of pupils outside lessons; and lunchtime supervision. However, it was very clear from the very high percentages of secondary teachers in Table 12 reporting that certain strategies were 'needed/possibly needed', that action across a broad front would be likely to command support from a considerable majority of secondary teachers and that they felt there were several starting points for tackling the problems. REWARDS Three credit marks = one merit mark. It emphasises the need for closer inter-agency cooperation at local level and for more mutual understanding. We consider that all governors, and the chairman in particular, have a responsibility to ensure that behaviour- related issues are discussed constructively. (R86.5) Persistently infringing school rules32(of 2120) We recommend that, when disciplinary problems arise, headteachers and teachers should involve parents at an early stage rather than as a last resort. [page 290] 14.1 that the Secretaries of State, LEAs and schools should ensure that records of achievement give due weight to a wide range of achievements and personal qualities; (R77) and Indiscriminate detentions of a whole class cause more resentment and problems than they solve. These were: 'tougher sanctions for certain forms of indiscipline' and 'more opportunities for counselling for pupils whose behaviour is often difficult' (see Table 12). [page 244] Maybe our posts here are little prayers sent out into the universe as frequencies that will manifest as something good some day some where. Ideally pupils should be guaranteed a job, or training leading to a job, if they are able to achieve agreed standards of work, behaviour and attendance. In March you asked me to lead an enquiry into discipline in schools in England and Wales and to make recommendations. Mrs M Bennathan Walkmans, radios, magazines or other distractions are not allowed: they will be confiscated. [page 173] Our evidence suggests that many heads and teachers tend to underestimate or even ignore the school-based factors involved in disruptive behaviour. Graham J (1988) Schools, Disruptive Behaviour and Delinquency Home Office Research Study 96, HMSO. Devon 14 The most talented, 'natural' teachers may need little training or advice because they learn so quickly from experience. Hartridge School, Newport Schools teach values through specific activities such as assemblies and lessons covering religious, personal and social education. Im real glad you came by Kesa. They may not know the school or any of its pupils or staff. Mr D Battye There were a large number of relatively 'minor' problems which formed part of the experiences of the vast majority of teachers at some point during the week. These teachers typically offered the following arguments: pupils 'understand' the cane or the slap because it's the language of the home; parents urge teachers to hit or cane pupils because it's the style of retribution that they are familiar with; it is quick and immediate - you can have a joke with a pupil later the same day - whereas other procedures are protracted and lose their meaning in relation to the act that elicited the punishment; there has to be an ultimate deterrent for the really bad cases; corporal punishment is a deterrent to pupils who wonder how far they can go. This is clearly absurd. Teachers realise that they can no longer take respect for granted: over-reacting - the problems will grow School councils are forums for discussion between teachers and pupils, or sometimes between pupils with teachers' participation being introduced at a later stage. 3 LEAs will provide four general kinds of service relevant to schools in the new environment created by the 1988 Act. My brother said they are helping to supply Russia with drones. Putin reminded the US that if the US uses nuclear weapons Russia will respond. Mr R Jain Home visits were seen as being a very great help regardless of the nature of the school's catchment area: home visiting was not seen as a resource for multi-ethnic schools alone. Unruliness while waiting (eg toenter classrooms, for lunch)86(90)31(29) 1 Pupils are not passive receivers of education. Three out of ten teachers reported that they had found one or more pupil behaviours that they had encountered during the course of their duties round the school 'difficult to deal with' (see Table 5a earlier). Chisholm B et al (1986) Preventive Approaches to Disruption (PAD) Macmillan Education. 8 Effective consultancy is based on good management information. D.2 Discipline with a purpose Otherstaff70.03c92-23160.07c 6. [page 234] E. THE STRATEGIES AND SANCTIONS SECONDARY TEACHERS USED WITH DIFFICULT CLASSES AND PUPILS We recognise that the task force's terms of reference include the full range of management skills required by senior school staff. To answer this question we would need a firm baseline of information about the situation at a particular point in time followed up by a further study carried out on the same basis. Neither the evidence on the 'atypicality' of teachers' experiences nor the open-ended reports are conclusive as regards the full extent of physical violence directed towards teachers in the classroom or around the school. 7% of its sample reported having been threatened or physically attacked by a pupil or parent in the last year. A similar profile of effort and initiative existed in some other schools. It has also created a climate in which it is becoming increasingly possible for teachers 'to talk about (discipline) freely'. Although many schools have PTAs, some do not. Bromley It would be surprising if a few of these had not found their way into a workforce of over 400,000, particularly during periods of teacher shortage. But at least it's a start. B. Our evidence from visits, confirmed by research findings, suggests that schools with a negative atmosphere will suffer more from bad behaviour than those with a positive one. Nazis never did have a sense of humour. However, the frequency with which these occurred was lower and, in general, they felt less needed to be done. The interviews were tape-recorded and the transcripts read by each member of the team. Association for Behavioural Approaches with Children 43 We consider that such procedures should include the following features. Wheldall K and Merrett F (1988) Discipline: rewarding work Teachers' Weekly 16 May, pp 25-27. We believe that governors can and should make a positive contribution to whole school approaches to pupils' behaviour. Galloway D (1985) Schools and Persistent Absentees Pergamon. The overwhelming majority of primary teachers reported that their general experiences were 'typical' or 'fairly typical'. The breakdown of incidents involving staff in ordinary schools in the 1987/88 academic year was as follows: (Broadcasters; BSC; 6.74) This will generate considerable demand for training in financial management. Gray J et al (1983) Reconstructions of Secondary Education: theory, myth and practice since the war Routledge and Kegan Paul. The most common are the individual report, temporary exclusion, detention, withdrawal and long-term or permanent exclusions. One school, which had worked for 16 years without corporal punishment (and which still has 1200 pupils on roll), has reduced its rules to one: 'to respect and show courtesy and kindness to all people at all times' (M 18/2 headteacher). Kevin eventually secures a job at the resort and plays a round of poker with the house band. Quite a display of human ingenuity. If, for example, an inexperienced teacher is given a particularly difficult fourth year group behaviour problems are likely to arise, especially if they have a lesson in a hut at the end of the playground on a Friday afternoon; 129.5 lack of consultation with staff. As head of [subject] I have to deal with discipline, so I would imagine that at least once, on average, in every lesson I have to deal with discipline problems. Heads manage schools in different ways. From Table 4 it can be seen that only in a very small number of schools were matters as extreme as this. Health and Safety Executive (Education Service Advisory Committee) Schools may also wish to hold regular 'open door' evenings at which senior staff make themselves available on a regular basis, for example once a month, to discuss issues which parents wish to raise in order to promote a sense of partnership. Only when your teacher finally tells you to go may you leave the room. This has been the explanation as to why some glaciers are melting form underneath. "A severability clause requires textual provisions that can be severed." In the not too distant future it may be possible for children to watch nothing but violent programmes by combining network, video and cable or satellite choices. 'Talking out of turn' was the only pupil behaviour a majority of teachers reported having to deal with on a daily basis (see Table 1). PSE should be delivered in two ways. (T; HT; PT; 4.152) Now many people might think that is desperate, but in one of my lessons 14 years ago I had a boy chase another boy through the crash doors of a fire exit with a hammer in his hand. The incidents have gone down in terms of severity but I think the number is still running, for the number of children we've got, at about the level it always has been. No fewer than eleven of the fourteen items listed in Table 12 received support from seven out of ten (or more) secondary teachers. Detention: this is a traditional sanction which schools are reacting to in different ways. Eight pupil behaviours were common to the lists in Tables 1 and 2. United States Information Agency, Washington PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS It is extremely unlikely that the survivors will construct a new civilization like the one they just left. HMI say that 'most comments on education studies complained of an overemphasis on theory A substantial number of new teachers felt that discipline and control had not been adequately dealt with on their courses'. Sure, but they MOSTLY want to preserve the SAME institutionalized 2-party system more than anything. The commitment of teachers to that possibility is - arguably - the most significant element in that complex equation. Yet that relationship is itself affected by outside influences. Establish your authority firmly and calmly. It produces a similar lack of collective responsibility. 17 Our evidence indicates that certain pupils are more likely to present behaviour or attendance problems than others. We discuss the importance of effective communication with parents later in this chapter, and the head's role in relation to the governing body in chapter nine. One is to institute a private prosecution for common assault. [page 275] Good relationships will not, of course, develop if parents do not take up the opportunities for contact and cooperation offered by schools. USA The incidence of direct 'physical aggression' towards teachers was extremely rare but about one in eight teachers received 'verbal abuse' at some point during the week. Their general obligations require them to provide programmes designed to inform, entertain and educate. D. THE CLASSES AND PUPIL BEHAVIOURS SECONDARY TEACHERS FOUND DIFFICULT Physical destructiveness (eg breaking objects, damaging furniture and fabric)262 A number of LEAs have set up community schools which may provide facilities for adult education classes, youth centres, pre-school playgroups, pensioners' groups and even social facilities such as bars. They may include extra academic work to be completed in or out of school, tasks to assist the school in any reasonable way (including repairing damage), a requirement to stay in school beyond normal school hours (detention), withdrawal of privileges or any other reasonable punishments consistent with the school's discipline policy and the law. Hereford Diocesan Council of Education Beyond this, the methodologies and approaches taken by the courts in interpreting meaning also can help guide legislative drafters, legislators, implementing agencies, and private parties.1. Wragg EC (ed) (1984) Classroom Teaching Skills Croom Helm. See CRS Report RL33667, Presidential Signing Statements: Constitutional and Institutional Implications, by [author name scrubbed]. Mr D Battye In many respects the experiences of primary school teachers paralleled those of secondary teachers. Footnote to Part II A number of pupil behaviours emerged as ones that were encountered by the vast majority (80% or more) of secondary teachers at least once during the week (see Table 2). Merit certificates are awarded for outstanding achievements. You can't go into a classroom and expect their respect. Most of these projects included the police. This is one of the purposes of the assessment process. 48 Several of our witnesses commented on the lack of praise for good behaviour in many schools and emphasised its importance. Again extrapolation to longer time periods would be inappropriate (see Footnote 3). In chapter four we suggest that schools which rely too heavily on punishments to deter bad behaviour are likely to experience more of it. keep an attractive, clean and tidy room Dole v. United Steelworkers of America, 494 U.S. 26, 36 (1990); Gustafson v. Alloyd Co., 513 U.S. 561, 575 (1995) (reading a statutory definition as limited by the first of several grouped words); Freeman v. Quicken Loans, 566 U.S. ___, No. A few of our correspondents identify aspects of diet, in particular 'fast' or 'junk' food, as causes of bad behaviour in schools. These are more in accord with the principles that structure new curricula, new teaching and learning styles, and pastoral work. It may just be that aggressive children watch more violent television. 78 In response to public concern over issues like violence in television the Government has recently set up a Broadcasting Standards Council (BSC). Traditionally educational psychologists have concentrated on the difficulties and needs of individual pupils. Unfortunately, shortly after the process of seeking such permissions was under way, progress was halted by a national postal strike. (R58) carry out any threats you have to make the question of pupils' behaviour in special schools. JHKs Three-Act Play All point to the view, however, that schools serving areas of social disadvantage (however measured) were more likely to be seen by their staffs as having 'serious' problems. use of Homework Diary notes to parents. Making unnecessary(non-verbal) noise2325(of 1917) We believe that governors can and should make a positive contribution to whole school approaches to pupils' behaviour. However, occasionally pupils did not restrict bad language to interactions with their peers: For example, one teacher outlined a situation when she herself was feeling upset and her tolerance was lower than usual. What do you think dismantling the utility grid and banning certain fertilizers is all about? We are convinced that the vast majority of parents, regardless of social class, ethnic or cultural origin, want their children to work hard and behave well at school. The accumulation of case law is probably sufficient to inhibit litigation by parents opposed to particular actions, such as putting a child in detention, but the present legal position does not offer teachers the explicit support which we consider they should have. This includes both written information and regular opportunities for parents to meet teachers; 79 Low morale, combined with the reduced status considered earlier in this chapter, seem likely to result in reduced motivation and consequent recruitment difficulties. 114 We noticed considerable differences in the appearance of the schools that we visited. 22 The comments made about these procedures by the heads' and teachers' professional associations were as follows: Total100101 The outrages have become intolerable and unacceptable on so many various levels. West DJ (1982) Delinquency: its roots, careers and prospects Heinemann Educational. But there are disadvantages in terms of the curriculum. Most LEAs do not appear to keep any systematic record of serious incidents in schools. establish the factsjudge only when certainuse punishments sparingly. We were very disturbed to learn that some schools keep toilets locked for most of the day. [page 271] [page 142] He found that teachers of smaller classes made more use of praise and neutral comments rather than critical comments about pupils' behaviour. Holyhead School, Birmingham We therefore recommend that LEAs should, wherever possible, ensure continuity of family and school contacts by using education welfare officers to service clusters of secondary and related primary schools. Within floor debates, statements of sponsors and explanations by floor managers are usually accorded the most weight, and statements by other committee members of the reporting committee[s] next. [page 288] A head of subject: We received a number of examples of documents outlining such guidance which seemed well thought out. 2.2 lower attendance rates among older secondary pupils. Its advantages would, however, stop there. (3) What particular pupil behaviours did they find difficult to deal with? Their general obligations require them to provide programmes designed to inform, entertain and educate. Ms S Finn Similar patterns prevailed with respect to the behaviours listed in Table 2. expect employers to report an alleged criminal act to the police in cases where it has not already been reported by the employee, unless the employee objects. The make up of the school suggests that one of the people, if not both the people on reception, will be able to speak community languages - Punjabi or Urdu or Bengali. We consider that the Secretaries of State could assist LEAs in improving their provision for those pupils who present the greatest difficulties to schools by making ESG funding available to stimulate developments in this area. Heads can usually persuade governors to back their decisions to exclude pupils. 30 We recognise that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between 'ordinary' bad behaviour and disturbed behaviour, but the distinction has to be made. REWARDS AND SANCTIONS Footnote to Part II Research suggests that boys and girls are likely to respond differently to such failure. National Union of Teachers In just under one in 10 secondary schools and in about one in 20 primary schools the staff as a group thought the problems were verging on the serious in that school. 23 In chapters four and nine we emphasise the importance of unity of purpose between the heads, teachers and governing bodies of schools. 83 These difficulties may be increased if academic emphasis is translated into the rigid streaming of pupils by ability. 16 The questionnaire asked teachers to report on their experiences in the classroom and around the school during the previous week. Less experienced teachers can, however, feel some ambivalence about disclosing problems before they have 'proved themselves' to colleagues. In many cases there was striking similarity between the schools despite their very different histories and location within specific LEA and local community contexts. know your pupils as individuals You must not leave a lesson without a note from a teacher. Teachers suggested that this change in attitudes may have been strongly influenced by public attacks on the quality of teaching and a tendency to seize upon dramatic incidents that often present a poor image of the school: We consider that the consequent reduction in the use of supply teachers would reduce behaviour problems in the schools affected. Census data were used to identify schools whose location might reasonably be described as 'inner-city'; these reflected the characteristics of the school's electoral ward in relation to indices of multiple disadvantage such as the level of unemployment, proportion of one-parent families and percentage of households lacking basic amenities. Discussing with thewhole class whythings are going wrong6621910(of 1626) Preface [page 209] I was on the level with him and said, 'I am human and I have a lot of problems, especially today. If those descriptions do not affect you then youre a tougher man than I, Gunga Din. Putin is 100% Russian. 9 Young people rightly see this kind of defensive style as a sign of weakness. If it gets down to go out and get your own meat, in my opinion the most effective use of ones time would be backyard chickens and hogs. We consider that this has important implications for the development of records of achievement for secondary pupils. No relevant national statistics exist. (M 20/16 MPG + incentive allowance design) National Children's Bureau 3. The heads and teachers in the schools we contacted for the national survey deserve especial mention. 32 The second problem seems more widespread. The evidence suggests that teachers' experiences of disruptive pupil behaviours inside the classroom and around the school went hand in hand. We made telephone contact with the headteachers and where the school was confirmed as an inner-city comprehensive we sought their co-operation in organising a series of interviews over a two day visit to each school. Lets hope it stays at the war games charade level. Regardless of their subject specialisms, interviewees stressed that for them discipline in the classroom was primarily about creating 'an atmosphere in which kids can learn' (M 9/9 MPG geography). Play Comprehensive School, Nottingham This poor lass has got this trauma so I try and discuss these sorts of things. 37 We therefore recommend that the Secretaries of State should, when reviewing the criteria for the approval of initial teacher training courses, incorporate the following requirements: [page 221] We recommend that headteachers and teachers should avoid punishments which humiliate pupils. Individual discussion may be supplemented by class discussion of responsibilities and problems: 32 We have received a clear impression that supply teachers are not well treated in some schools. You must have pen, pencil, ruler, diary and any books or folders needed. [When public figures] say that the standard of teaching is much inferior than it used to be - even though they qualify it in later interviews - the press pick these things up and it undermines the status, the level of expertise, the quality of the teaching profession And that in itself breeds disrespect from parents, and that disrespect is passed on to their children. Response rates West Glamorgan So you could have picked another day' and he could see how much he had upset me. Tattum DP and Lane DA (ed) (1989) Bullying in Schools Trentham Books. Physical aggression towardsother pupils3333(of 1055) Our evidence suggests that communication with and between staff is particularly important for maintaining the kind of morale and atmosphere necessary to promote good behaviour. We see these beliefs or traditions as barriers to good teaching. Just under one in four were receiving 'special provision or support' whilst, in addition, just over one in twenty were 'being considered' for it (table not shown). We have not therefore considered The project deals with eight and nine year old children - a younger age group than the 'Catch 'em Young' scheme. Mr A Hazell Of these, two referred directly to being struck. Our primary concern is not how it is delivered but that it is delivered effectively. Our boy. Oxford University, Department of Educational Studies R110 Governors' annual reports should contain a section on the standards of behaviour in and attendance at the school. 51 Appendix F to this report offers examples of guidance given by three schools to pupils and staff derived from such policies. Kirklees We specifically requested that interviewees should represent different subject areas, years of teaching experience and both sexes. 'They are all working', said one teacher of his pupils, 'there is a lot of talk going on, but it is all to do with the work' (M 15/5 MPG history). But an essential ingredient is the establishment of an effective working partnership between parents and schools. coherent support services. The range shown for primary schools is about 800 to 1700 per pupil. It seems appropriate, therefore, to begin our analysis with a brief account of what discipline problems teachers reported having to deal with on a regular basis. others who need to know; and that the results should inform decisions about pupils' future learning needs. (R104) 104 In their recent survey report on secondary schools, HMI comment that there are still too many schools which are not making good use of tutorial time. We are not, therefore, recommending the restoration of this ESG. So the major incidents haven't changed, they are still as isolated. We are not convinced that there is a case for changing existing practice by recommending more prosecutions. Seek help if you need it. These children seem to use verbal and even physical aggression as a substitute for other forms of communication. Again extrapolation to longer time periods would be inappropriate (see Footnote 3). A study of exclusions from Birmingham schools presented to us by the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) seems to show a similar pattern there. Mr D Jones If there was a genuine consistency throughout the school, obviously staff are individuals, but some staff will react to a situation in a totally different way to others. "333 Other statutes may be expressly premised on a particular interpretation of an earlier statute; this interpretation may be given effect, especially if a contrary interpretation would render the amendments pointless or ineffectual.334, The Court closely adheres to judicial precedents in interpreting statutes, on the grounds that Congress is free to supersede the Court's interpretation of a particular statute through subsequent legislation. (M 16/16 MPG + incentive allowance geography) Our task was to recommend action to the government, local authorities, voluntary bodies, governors, headteachers, teachers and parents aimed at securing the orderly atmosphere necessary in schools for effective teaching and learning to take place. 23 Throughout this report we emphasise the importance of mutual expectations as an influence on behaviour, and the need for consistency and fairness in relations between staff and pupils. use first names. The figures for secondary teachers were under seven out of ten (66%) and about one out of ten (11%) respectively. Compare Justice Scalia's plurality opinion in Rapanos v. United States, which saw no significance in Congress's rejection of an amendment to overcome wetlands regulations, to Justice Stevens's dissent, which saw such rejection as evidence of acquiescence. [page 283] Just under 3200 questionnaires were sent to teachers in secondary schools (or middle schools deemed secondary) whilst just over 1200 questionnaires were sent to teachers in primary schools (or middle schools deemed primary). 50 We therefore recommend that the management of pupil behaviour should become a national priority for funding under the Local Education Authority Training Grants Scheme from 1990/91 until at least 1994/95. Accept only the highest standards of cleanliness. R85 LEAs and schools should ensure that the learning needs of pupils involved in disruptive behaviour who may not be suffering from emotional and behavioural difficulties are properly identified as part of any plan for remedial action. Has the West got one? See, e.g., Felder v. Casey, 487 U.S. 131, 149 (1988) (The Congress which enacted [42 U.S.C.] Persistently infringing class (or school) rules (eg on dress, pupil behaviour)6817 Therefore 'physical aggression' did not always involve contact: however, interviewees also noted that physical contact did not always signal that the pupil had intended any aggression towards the teacher: In their recent survey report on secondary schools (1988) HMI comment that the use of whole group punishments seemed to be a feature of the schools they described as too permissive. They were offered the opportunity to list one or two specific behaviours. This will generate considerable demand for training in financial management. In all, 100 teachers and nine (out of 10) headteachers were interviewed. One of the things During Lessons This left a total of 4397 teachers who were believed to have been contacted. This often enables them to focus more clearly on the question of what works. Although our evidence indicates that there are few such attacks and that teachers do not perceive them as a principal disciplinary issue, we still regard this as a very serious matter indeed. humiliating - it breeds resentment The danger of neglecting learning needs is particularly acute if a pupil has been stereotyped as 'disruptive'. Respondents who missed out particular questions averaged around 1% in every case. We are concerned to find that both on-site and off-site units are often working under great difficulties. PART II Teachers' Experiences and Perceptions of Discipline in Ten Inner-City Comprehensive Schools End of Lessons In a large school, circulation can involve over 1,000 people moving simultaneously. 22.3 the Secondary Heads Association did not recommend any change in the law but advised LEAs to be wary about overruling the decision of heads and governing bodies in cases of permanent exclusion. A rainstorm begins and Kevin and Winnie search for shelter. Where they are out of control here and at home, I do feel that we are spitting in the wind, that really we can do absolutely nothing. I just dont know if a more orderly type meting out of justice is even realistic. Barnardo's Talking out of turn (eg by making remarks, calling out, distracting others by chattering)9753 Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. (M 11/I I MPG + incentive allowance English) THE NATURE OF DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS253 Filwood Park Junior School, Bristol This part of the Act came into force for most schools from September 1988, but for voluntary aided schools will not do so until September 1989. Contrary to some prevalent stereotypes, teachers reported that difficult pupils were no more or less likely to come from 'ethnic minority' backgrounds Similar proportions thought that more support for the individual teacher 'facing problems with discipline' would be valuable. He was holding it high and threatening me and all sorts of things. We are not suggesting that reorganisation schemes which may have major benefits in terms of improving the quality of pupils' education and making it more cost-effective should be abandoned because of such difficulties. Mortimore found that a work-centred atmosphere was important in encouraging good behaviour in junior schools. 43.1 Effective reporting systems. We are aware of many examples, both here and in the USA, of schools in difficulty which have been 'turned around' by energetic heads and senior management teams. These would include the needs of schools, teachers and the majority of pupils, those of the minority for whom alternative provision is made and the quality of the system as a whole. Bath University In the case of primary schools the differences between schools were still larger than in secondary schools. (L; 4.140) [page 276] College of St Paul and St Mary, Cheltenham We recommend that all LEAs should regularly gather data on attendance at their schools and should use this information to plan the deployment of their resources in the most effective ways to improve attendance. Forum for the Advancement of Educational Therapy [page 218] I am tempted to nominate some US cities. 'More in-service training' was also recommended, either for individual teachers or for groups. 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