FACTS is an activity tracking application for all levels of the Forest Service. The boundary polygon feature class complements the boundary lines (FSTopo_Boundary_LN) feature class; the two feature classes create a complete boundary coverage of the FSTopo area of interest.Within the FSTopo, FSTopo_Building_PT portrays small buildings are portrayed as point features. The same individual or organization may currently own many parcels that may or may not have been acquired through the same legal transaction. Detailed Description: This dataset exhibits the following characteristics: 1. Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. This layer. Stream Flow Metric Dataset (Wenger et al., 2010) (a link to the old datasets is available on the project website: https://www.fs.fed.us/rm/boise/AWAE/projects/mod-, actual flow measurements are only available for a small minority of stream segments, mostly on large rivers. Here are some tips that will help make your visit enjoyable: The polygon feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype, FSTopo_BuiltupArea_PL portrays Urban areas where only landmark buildings are portrayed. services, including abundant, clean surface water. The area encompasses private lands, other governmental agency lands. All National Forest System lands fall within one. Non-Forest Service land ownership areas (inholdings) are also removed. LockA locked padlock The campground is about 4 miles from the popular and challenging Sleeping Beauty hike. The Enterprise Data Warehouse Team tested exporting out to KML/KMZ files as a deliverable and due to the complexity and size of the datasets this has been unsuccessful. When the log eventually rots away, a colonnade, or row of trees on stilt-like roots, remains. This information is displayed for historical reference. The public comment period generated 38,000 comments. Accessibility Statement | Attributes apply either to the entire road or to some measured distance along the road. Most of Thomas Hines' Hines' Raid was within the present-day Hoosier National Forest. The Forests, The Forests on the Edge feature class is based on the digital hydrologic unit boundary layer to the Subwatershed (12-digit) 6th level for the continental United States. Provided here is a National merged dataset derived from each National Forest contribution. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (19772006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (20302059), and end-of-century (20702099). Please note that HealthyForestRestoration_2017 is an archived version. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (19772006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (20302059), and end-of-century (20702099). The office is closed from 12 -1 pm. Oregon oxalis - Oxalis oregana ; Untamed Science Learn about nature the fun way. The layer also contains Forest Service Offices and Facilities. Includes most recent and excludes historic observations. The purpose of this dataset is to display the extent of existing Terrestrial Ecological Unit inventory (TEUI) data internally to facilitate inter-agency collaboration. Fires omitted from this mapped inventory are those where suitable satellite imagery was not available or fires were not discernable from available imagery. To obtain a KML file for any EDW dataset, go to the Geospatial Data Discovery Tool and search for the dataset. This published dataset, This data is intended for read-only use. Mosses, spike mosses, ferns and lichens festoon tree trunks and branches, giving the forest a "jungle-like" feel. Many of them were age bracketed using air photos back to the 1929 Navy Trimegon photos. Incidents smaller than 10 acres in size may also be included. Over time, the legacy CFF data is being replaced (at least partially) with data from nationally standardized sources. The University of Alaska Southeast enjoys a spectacular setting along the Tongass National Forest and the Juneau Icefieldan ideal location for its highly rated marine science program. The trail system has almost 266 miles (428km), and allows horseback riding and mountain bikes, along with hiking. Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. [11] It was around Clover Lick in 1972 that Indiana decided to reintroduce wild turkeys back to Indiana, dedicating 6,000 acres (2,400ha) for the purpose.[12]. It contains the Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) designated by the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule and used in the associated Final Environmental Impact Statement. A breathtaking landscape in the heart of southcentral. This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF). Any reference to Open or Dates Open refers strictly to when it is legal to use that motor vehicle on the trail. Ten campsites accommodate trailers up to 30 feet long; visitors are limited to a 16 day stay. WebThe American Museum of Natural History (abbreviated as AMNH) is a natural history museum on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City.In Theodore Roosevelt Park, across the street from Central Park, the museum complex comprises 26 interconnected buildings housing 45 permanent exhibition halls, in addition to a planetarium and a areas nationwide. The CALVEG classification system was used for vegetation typing and crosswalked to other classification systems in this database including the California Wildlife Habitat Relationship System (CWHR). Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. Learn more about the region in our bimonthly SourDough News and Media Toolkit. This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF). This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the, FSTopo_Drainage_LN portrays features associated with water lines such as Rivers, Streams, Shorelines, Canals, Dams, etc. georeferencing a scanned version of the source map and by heads-up digitizing each woodland density polygon. Flows for all other streams must be extrapolated or modeled. The update revision uses a variety of sources, including Digital Orthophoto Quad (DOQ) imagery, NAIP imagery, cadastral information, other vector data sources, and field-prepared correction guides in hardcopy or digital format. Actv_ProjectArea_SAIPlan represents an area (polygon) within which one or more Sale Area Improvement (SAI) related activities are aggregated or organized. Supervisor's Office 161 East 1st Ave., Door 8 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 743-9500 FAX: (907) 743-9476. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) | appropriated funding starting in FY 2013. have been modified by the Forest Service for improved accuracy and spatial coincidence(vertical integration). Activities are implemented through stewardship contracts or agreements and are self-reported by Forest Service Units through the FACTS (Forest Service Activity Tracking System) database. This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes, FSTopo_Offshore_PT portrays Offshore features, such as Exposed or Sunken Rocks, Wreck, and Pile.Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the cartographic symbology characteristics of features. Data completeness reflects the content of the original source graphic, digital correction guide information, stereoscopic source, monoscopic source, supplemented with cadastral source information. The activities are self-reported by Forest Service Units. In the early 1930s the governor of Indiana pushed for the federal government to do something with the eroding lands that saw its residents leaving, with the act being accomplished on February 6, 1935.[3]. This, StwrdshpCntrctng_PL (Stewardship Contracting: Polygon) depicts the area of activities within Stewardship Contracting Project Boundary. An official website of the Shades of Green is one in a series of videos that how the Tongass National Forest protects natural resources. year 1998 to 2015. This was discovered by a botanist and biologist from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, who later found that in the first recorded survey of the area in 2005, the land was described not as forest, but as "a mile of poor barrens and grassy hills". This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the, FSTopo_Culture_PT portrays manmade features such as Mines, Lighthouses, Located Objects, Prospects, Drill Holes, etc. WebIn the United States, deforestation was an ongoing process until recently. These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. Over time, the legacy CFF data is being replaced (at least partially) with data from nationally standardized sources. And the only way to get there is on the Alaska Railroad. The FSTopo database was originally populated with Cartographic Feature File (CFF) data which was digitized from either the Primary Base Series (PBS) quadrangles or U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map series quadrangles. Fires occurring in the current year will not be added to the dataset until February 15th of the following calendar year. The source is the FIRESTAT database, which contains records of fire occurrence, related fire behavior conditions, and the suppression, FSTopo_Airfield_LN portrays Heliports, Seaplane Bases, Landing Strips, Airport Outlines, etc. Data completeness reflects the content of the original source graphic, digital correction guide information, stereoscopic source, monoscopic source, supplemented with cadastral source information. ( The CALVEG classification system, This Existing Vegetation (Eveg) polygon feature class is a CALVEG (Classification and Assessment with LANDSAT of Visible Ecological Groupings) map product from a scale of 1:24,000 to 1:100,000 for CALVEG Zone 8, the South Interior. Non-Forest Service land ownership areas (inholdings) are also removed. It is coordinated at the national and regional levels by USDA Forest Service staff and implemented in cooperation with State forestry agencies and others. The EcomapSubsections, The Soil Subsections feature class contains ecological subsection polygons attributed with soil characteristics to show relationships between ECOMAP 2007 and soil data from STATSGO, 2005. Data completeness reflects the content of the original source graphic, digital correction guide information, stereoscopic source, monoscopic source, supplemented with cadastral source information. Chugach NF on Twitter Tweets by ChugachForestAK; Return to top. 576-576b; 46 Stat. It contains regional geographic, The Ecomap Sections feature class contains ecological section polygons attributed with section names and descriptions. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of, The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (a.k.a Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act) includes significant funding to execute fuels mitigation projects. Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. Therefore, the most current layer along with previous years' data are available, and the user should ensure that they understand which layer is being accessed. This data can be used together with the project summary data to display general project and asset locations. ; Outdoor Safety - A useful guide to a safe outdoors. Composed of four separate sections, it has a total area of 202,814 acres (821km2; 317sqmi). Where nature, people, and tradition come together. WebName Location Agency Date established Area Visitors (2018) Description Admiralty Island. All accomplishments toward the unified hazardous fuels reduction target must meet the following definition: "Vegetative manipulation designed to create and maintain resilient and sustainable, The TimeberHarvest feature class depicts the area planned and accomplished acres treated as a part of the Timber Harvest program of work, funded through the budget allocation process and reported through the Forest Service Activity Tracking System (FACTS) database within the Natural Resource Manager (NRM) suite of. The update revision uses a variety of sources, including Digital Orthophoto Quad (DOQ) imagery, NAIP imagery, cadastral information, other vector data sources, and field-prepared correction guides in hardcopy or digital format. A small scenic lower elevation campground located next to Trout Lake Creek. to describe the cartographic symbology characteristics of features. The following area types are included: National Forest, Experimental Area, Experimental Forest, Experimental Range, Land Utilization Project, National Grassland, Purchase Unit, and Special Management Area. Includes points generated by calculating an aliquot breakdown of a section. An option to download to KML is available from that website. Alaska Regional Office applications. Provided that such activities may be performed through the use of contracts, forest product sales, and cooperative agreements. Trails and access roads offer visitors a way to explore of this verdant ecosystem. ECOMAP is the term used for a USDA Forest Service initiative to map ecological units and encourage their use in ecosystem-based approaches to forest land conservation and management. interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. Activities are self-reported by Forest Service Units. Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype, FSTopo_SpotElev_PT marks the location of spot elevations. It, The National Land Cover Sections feature class contains ecological section polygons attributed with land cover types to show the relationships between ECOMAP 2007 and National Landcover mapping (USGS, 1992). Epiphytes, or plants growing on other plants. Pasture is a feature class in the Range Management Unit (RMU) data set. the impacts of roadless area alternatives on Forest Service policies, use of the National Forests and the surrounding environment. The following core data elements were required for records to be included in this data publication: discovery date, final fire size, and a point location at least as precise as a Public Land Survey System (PLSS) section (1-square mile grid). These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. From traditions that are thousands of years old to your families annual camping trip. As an example, a trail may be designated open to motorcycles all year long but there may be periods of time when snow depth prevents the use of motorcycles on that trail. This feature class contains the FACTS attributes most commonly needed to describe FACTS activities. restore watershed function: acres of forestlands treated using timber sales, acres of forestland vegetation improved, acres of forestland vegetation established, acres of rangeland vegetation improved, acres treated for noxious weeds/invasive plants on NFS lands, and acres of hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface (WUI) to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. FACTS is an activity tracking application for all levels of the Forest Service. A boundary depicting an area that has been designated as a National Wilderness in the National Wilderness Preservation System. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Oregon selaginella - Selaginella oregana The largest fleets operating from Juneau are the gillnet and troll salmon fleets. The periodical cicada. class was translated from the PLSSSecondDiv feature class in the original production data model, which defined the second division for a specific parcel of land. Storms off the Pacific Ocean drop much of their moisture on these west-facing valleys. The data is comprised of selected HUC-6 units or other areas of similar size and scope clipped to Proclaimed National Forest System lands. Sitka spruce - Picea sitchensis Payments In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) and All Service Receipts (ASR) are combined into a base layer that is used in Forest Service business functions, as well as by other entities such as states and counties. In this study rank watersheds across the conterminous United States were ranked according to the contributions of private forest land to surface drinking water and by threats to surface water from increased housing density. The Idaho and Colorado Roadless Areas boundaries, represented in separate datasets, supersede the 2001 Roadless Area Boundaries. Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. Includes: Cost Share Agreement Areas, Exchange Authority Areas, Land Adjustment Plan Areas, Forest Reserves, and Secretary's Order Areas. This layer was created by a multi-agency effort including the US Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management and the. These models provide stream-specific probabilistic predictions about the occurrence of juvenile bull trout and cutthroat trout in association with three different scenarios for climate change and, This feature class represents the future (2040) scenario for bull trout, derived from the Climate Shield fish distribution models. The data was generated from the Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) using the EVALIDator web tool (http://apps.fs.fed.us/Evalidator/evalidator.jsp-, This feature class represents forest area estimates (and percent sampling error) by county for the year 2016. Wilderness Study Areas. Data completeness reflects the content of the original source graphic, digital correction guide information, stereoscopic source, monoscopic source, supplemented with cadastral source information. This map layer is a vector point shapefile of the location of all currently inventoried fires occurring between calendar year 1984 and the current MTBS release for CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock The EcomapSections 2007, The Soil Section feature class contains ecological section polygons attributed with soil characteristics to show relationships between ECOMAP 2007 and soil data from STATSGO, 2005. They cover the use of facilities and services at many day-use sites on US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands. clipped to the FSTopo area of interest. 10-04-30-22-12 Russian River Campground Area Closure, Unstable Mountain Slope in Barry Arm, Prince William Sound, Forest Trail & General Recreation Updates, Land Management Plan (Forest Plan Revision), Alaska Public Lands Information Center (APLIC). It, The Fenneman-Johnson Physiographic Subsections feature class contains ecological subsection polygons attributed with physiographic types to show the relationships between ECOMAP 2007 and Fenneman-Johnson physiographic mapping from USGS (1946). The stream centerlines were based on the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) but were modified for purposes of modeling and cross-walking to other datasets. They also can be used at national parks, wildlife refuges and other federal lands. The most current version of this data is contained in the feature class named simply HealthyForestRestoration. USFS authoritative database for manmade features.Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the cartographic symbology characteristics of features. WildHorseBurro is a feature class in the Range Management Unit (RMU) data set. units. ECOMAP is the term used for a USDA Forest Service initiative to map ecological units and encourage their use in ecosystem-based approaches to forest land conservation and management. The RoadlessArea Conservation Rule of 2001 designated roadless, This feature class describes the boundaries of Roadless Areas designated by the Colorado Roadless Rule of 2012 and managed by the U.S. Forest Service. These divisions are typically aliquot parts ranging in size from 640 acres to 160 to 40 acres, and subsequently all the way down to 2.5 acres. The living parts include trees, shrubs, vines, grasses and other herbaceous (non-woody) plants, mosses, algae, fungi, insects, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and microorganisms living on the plants and animals and in the soil, connected Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. 98362, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. The name field is used to label the point symbol. Payments, The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial data and maps of post-fire vegetation condition using standardized change detection methods based on Landsat or similar multispectral satellite imagery. This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the cartographic symbology, The Fireshed Registry is a geospatial dashboard and decision tool built to organize information about wildfire transmission to communities and monitor progress towards risk reduction for communities from management investments. coverage of the FSTopo area of interest.Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the cartographic symbology characteristics of features. Western redcedar - Thuja plicata Five management themes have been established (and are identified in the MgmtClassification attribute) that provide prohibitions, with exceptions or conditioned permissions, governing timber cutting, removing and selling, road construction and reconstruction, and certain mineral activities. This trail starts about 12 miles out of Covelo at a logging landing trailhead on Road 24N21 signed "Travelers Home Trail"and ends in the Wild and Scenic area of the Middle Fork Eel River. Virginia", Run100s ("Run Hundreds") A Not-For-Profit UltraRunning Corporation, "Table 6 - NFS Acreage by State, Congressional District and County", George Washington 26 Jefferson National Forest Camp Roosevelt Recreation Area, "The Forest Service Is Arresting Protesters Along the AT", "Why a Virginia Tech professor locked herself to pipeline construction equipment", "To Remake The Appalachians: A New Order In The Mountains That is Founded On Forestry What The Government's Appalachian Forests Mean To The People In The Mountains And To The Millions Who Want Recreation", U.S. Forest Service, George Washington National Forest, Dry River District Collection, George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, Revised Forest Plans, National Register of Historic Places listings in Virginia, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Department of Historic Resources, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Magoffin County Pioneer Village and Museum, Bat Cave and Cascade Caverns State Nature Preserves, Initiated, co-wrote, 1769 Virginia Association, 178889 United States presidential election, Longfellow HouseWashington's Headquarters National Historic Site, George Washington and the Revolutionary War Door, General George Washington Resigning His Commission, Washington and Jefferson National Forests, WashingtonRochambeau Revolutionary Route, A Summary View of the Rights of British America, Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, 1777 draft and 1786 passage, Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the United States, Proposals for concerted operation among the powers at war with the Pyratical states of Barbary, Jefferson manuscript collection at the Massachusetts Historical Society, Member, Virginia Committee of Correspondence, Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service, Louisiana Purchase Exposition gold dollar, Memorial to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Washington_and_Jefferson_National_Forests&oldid=1105673151, Protected areas of Alleghany County, Virginia, Protected areas of Amherst County, Virginia, Protected areas of Augusta County, Virginia, Protected areas of Bedford County, Virginia, Protected areas of Bland County, Virginia, Protected areas of Botetourt County, Virginia, Protected areas of Carroll County, Virginia, Protected areas of Craig County, Virginia, Protected areas of Dickenson County, Virginia, Protected areas of Frederick County, Virginia, Protected areas of Giles County, Virginia, Protected areas of Grayson County, Virginia, Protected areas of Hampshire County, West Virginia, Protected areas of Hardy County, West Virginia, Protected areas of Highland County, Virginia, Protected areas of Letcher County, Kentucky, Protected areas of Monroe County, West Virginia, Protected areas of Montgomery County, Virginia, Protected areas of Nelson County, Virginia, Protected areas of Pendleton County, West Virginia, Protected areas of Pulaski County, Virginia, Protected areas of Roanoke County, Virginia, Protected areas of Rockbridge County, Virginia, Protected areas of Rockingham County, Virginia, Protected areas of Scott County, Virginia, Protected areas of Shenandoah County, Virginia, Protected areas of Smyth County, Virginia, Protected areas of Tazewell County, Virginia, Protected areas of Warren County, Virginia, Protected areas of Washington County, Virginia, Protected areas of Wythe County, Virginia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Frederick, Hampshire (WV), Hardy (WV), Page, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Warren, Augusta, Highland, Pendleton (WV), Rockingham, Amherst, Augusta, Bedford, Botetourt, Nelson, and Rockbridge, Bland, Botetourt, Craig, Giles, Monroe (WV), Montgomery, Pulaski, Roanoke, Smyth, Tazewell, Wythe, Dickenson, Lee, Letcher (KY), Pike (KY), Scott, Wise, Carroll, Grayson, Smyth, Washington, Wythe, Over 2,000 miles (3,000km) of hiking trails, including segments of the. Granularity of the polygon features: The spatial extent of the national forests and the grasslands match the way the agency would like to communicate with the public. characteristics of features. Annotation features are represented as stand-alone map text collected relative to the scale of the topographic quadrangle. The trailhead itself only has space for 1-2 trucks. From the trailhead the. In some cases, entire National Forests were designated. The area encompasses private lands, other governmental agency lands, and may contain National Forest System lands within the proclaimed boundaries of another administrative unit. Some state designations' methodologies may differ from the national standard.Please note that this data is current as of September 14, 2020, and changes to designated areas will be republished and archived on weekly basis. WebAlaska Geographic works in partnership with public land agencies to connect people with Alaskas national parks, forests, refuges and conservation lands through the creation and delivery of exceptional educational products and programs. Over time, the legacy CFF data is being replaced (at least partially) with data from nationally standardized sources. It is believed that the inability of tall oaks to grow in the area allows for this prairie vegetation to persist in such an unlikely location. for guiding project and activity decision-making on a nationalforest, grassland, prairie, or other administrative unit. Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. The feature class is designed to be consistent with the Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM). This is the third update of a publication originally generated to support the national Fire Program Analysis (FPA) system. The update revision uses a variety of sources, including Digital Orthophoto Quad (DOQ) imagery, NAIP imagery, cadastral information, other vector data sources, and field-prepared correction guides in hardcopy or digital format. Source imagery for this layer ranges from the, This Existing Vegetation (EVeg) polygon feature class is a CALVEG (Classification and Assessment with LANDSAT of Visible Ecological Groupings) map product from a scale of 1:24,000 to 1:100,000 for CALVEG Zone 5, Central Valley. All National Forest System lands fall within one and only one Administrative Region Area. brook trout invasions. It is coordinated at the national and regional levels by USDA Forest Service staff and implemented in cooperation with State forestry agencies and others. By 1910 most of the area had been cut. FIRESTAT, the Fire Statistics System computer application, required by the USFS for all wildland fire occurrences on National Forest System Lands or National Forest-protected lands, is used to enter and maintain information from the Individual Fire Report (FS-5100-29). Also included are other High Priority Restoration projects that are funded outside of CFLR. The EcomapSubections 2007 data set describes the ecological subsections within the conterminous United, The National Land Cover Subsections feature class contains ecological subsection polygons attributed with land cover types to show the relationships between ECOMAP 2007 and National Landcover mapping (USGS, 1992). The nation's largest national forest covers most of southeast. The EcomapSubsections 2007 data set describes the ecological sections within the conterminous United States. As spatial data is a new requirement for the program, improvements to the quality and comprehensiveness of this data is expected in coming years. Note that these activities are to be performed by contract and not Forest Service personnel. The groups on shore found a trail across the peninsula that led to a muskeg with fascinating plants. Designated areas were selected based on a set of eligibility criteria regarding forest health and do not include any areas coinciding with, This feature class contains data that depicts National Forest System (NFS) Lands within 37 States designated under section 602 and 603 of the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. Source imagery for this layer ranges from the year 2000 to 2008. A depiction of the boundary that encompasses a Ranger District. This trail is a bit hot and muggy during summer, but it's a nice low elevation day hike in the fall, spring, and winter.. The Executive Leadership Team of the Forest Service met to select 10 "Landscapes" for, This polygon layer consists of boundaries for the ecological tile units and CALVEG (Classification and Assessment with Landsat of Visible Ecological Groupings) zone units currently being used to tile the EVEG (existing vegetation) dataset. This 2015 data set is an updated version of the 2011 Forests to Faucets data set. The FireOccurrence point layer represents ignition points, or points of origin, from which individual USFS wildland fires started. Additionally, attributes from Ecological Units of California (Ecological Domain, Division, Province, Section and Subsection) have been incorporated into this layer. Stream lines were derived from the 1:100,000 scale NHDPlus dataset (USEPA and USGS 2010; McKay et al. Many are 100s of years old and can reach 250 feet in height and 30 to 60 feet in circumference. A land survey point from a GCDB LX file, survey plat, or captured from a CFF land net coverage. The EcomapSections 2007 data set contains polygons for ecological sections within the, The Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV) Kuchler Subsections feature class contains polygons for ecological subsections, attributed with Kuchler's PNV type to show the relationships between ECOMAP 2007 and Kuchler's (1975, second edition) map of potential natural vegetation. Forest loss and development can affect water quality and quantity when forests are removed and impervious surfaces, such as paved roads, spread across the landscape. Over time, the legacy CFF data is being replaced (at least partially) with data from nationally standardized sources. 100s of other species of mosses, lichens and liverworts, 600 E. Park Avenue Standard thematic products include 7-class percent change in basal area (BA-7), 5-class percent change in canopy cover (CC-5), and 4-class CBI (CBI-4). Prominent places within the Forest include the Lick Creek Settlement, Potts Creek Rockshelter Archeological Site, and Jacob Rickenbaugh House. In some cases, entire National Forests were designated. Croton Creek Unit 66b Parking Day Use Area. This is a collaborative effort with many partners. Over time, the legacy CFF data is being replaced (at least partially) with data from nationally standardized sources.Data completeness reflects the content of the original source graphic, digital correction guide information, stereoscopic source, monoscopic source, supplemented with cadastral source information. WebTongass National Forest. sales, acres of forestland vegetation improved, acres of forestland vegetation established, acres of rangeland vegetation improved, acres treated for noxious weeds/invasive plants on NFS lands, and acres of hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface (WUI) to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. authorized collection of deposits from federal timber purchasers for prompt and efficient use of funds to reestablish, protect, and improve the. The point location is intended for use in small scale maps to indicate the general location of the projects across the country. Licorice fern - Polypodium glycyrrhiza A boundary of an area designation that comprises all or a portion of a National Wilderness in the National Wilderness Preservation System. Source imagery for this layer ranges from the year 2000 - 2014. Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. Fires omitted from this mapped inventory are those where suitable satellite imagery was not available or fires were not discernable from available imagery. Previous years' data will have a date stamp in the file name, while the most current layer will not. MTBS produces a series of geospatial and tabular data for analysis at a range of spatial, temporal, and thematic scales and are intended to meet a variety of information needs that require consistent data about fire effects through space and time. Metadata is available that describes the content, source, and currency of the data. This data is intended for read-only use. It contains regional geographic delineations for analysis of ecological relationships across ecological units. Data completeness reflects the content of the original source graphic, digital correction guide information, stereoscopic source, monoscopic source, supplemented with cadastral source information. This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF). United States. The update revision uses a variety of sources, including Digital Orthophoto Quad (DOQ) imagery, NAIP imagery, cadastral information, other vector data sources, and field-prepared correction guides in hardcopy or digital format. The data was compiled for the publication by Koenig, et. These areas generally contain hazardous waste considerations. [5], Maumee Scout Reservation and Lake Tarzian are also located within the Hoosier National Forest. Records in FirePerimeter include perimeters for wildland fires that have corresponding records in FIRESTAT, which is the authoritative data source for all wildland fire reports. Source imagery for this layer ranges from the year 1999 to 2016. Congress and/or President). This is a collaborative effort with many partners. the present. Data completeness reflects the content of the original source graphic, digital correction guide information, stereoscopic source, monoscopic source, supplemented with cadastral source information. An area depicting designated National Forest System (NFS) land boundaries, excluding boundaries designated by proclamation. The FSTopo database was originally populated with Cartographic Feature File (CFF) data which was digitized from either the Primary Base Series (PBS) quadrangles or U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map series quadrangles. The Brush Disposal Program (BD) was established in 1916. These models provide stream-specific probabilistic predictions about the occurrence of juvenile bull trout and cutthroat trout in association with three different scenarios for climate, This feature class represents the future (2040) scenario for cutthroat trout, derived from the Climate Shield fish distribution models. Coconino is the word the Hopi use for Havasupai and Yavapai Indians. Shared offices are buildings owned or leased by another entity (i.e. This data is intended for public use and distribution. The Alaska Region is rich with tradition, history, culture, and heritage. The geographic extent entails the northeastern portion of CALVEG Zone 6, Central Coast. The purpose of the data is to provide display, identification, and analysis tools for determining locations of designated communications sites located on National Forest System lands, for Forest Service managers and other interested parties. The attribute subsets include TRAILNFS_CENTERLINE which includes the location and trail name and number; TRAILNFS_BASIC which adds information about basic trail characteristics; and TRAILNFS_MGMT which adds information about where and when users are prohibited, allowed, and encouraged. It is coordinated at the national and regional levels by USDA Forest Service staff and implemented in cooperation with State forestry agencies and others. All Service Receipts data provides acreage inputs to the FS All Service Receipts program that tracks receipt data by unit and computes revenue sharing payments to states and counties. As spatial data is a new requirement for all brush disposal activities, we hope to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of the data used to develop this layer in coming years. Lady fern - Athyrium felix-femina An area depicting ownership parcels of the surface estate. This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to, FSTopo_Culture_PL portrays Manmade features such as Fish Hatcheries, Pools, Piers, Sewage Disposal, etc. The EIS analysis team used this spatial data to assess, The RoadlessArea_2001_ID_CO feature class describes the boundaries of all Roadless Areas managed by the U.S. Forest Service. Not all Forest Service units have debris generated requiring BD funds for disposal. Only roads with a SYMBOL attribute value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, and 12 are Forest Service System roads and contain, This feature class depicts Forest Service trails where motorized use is allowed. It is coordinated at the national and regional levels by USDA Forest Service staff and implemented in cooperation with State forestry agencies and others. The Forest Service's Natural Resource Manager (NRM) Forest Activity Tracking System (FACTS) is the agency standard for managing information about activities related to fire/fuels, silviculture, and invasive species. Both Roosevelt and Apache Lakes, as well as the surrounding desert and montane ecosystems, present a variety of wildlife and bird-watching opportunities. Examples include: Archaeological Area, Research Natural Area, and Scenic Area. A boundary within which National Forest System land parcels have management or use limits placed on them by the Forest Service. Some state designations' methodologies may differ from the national standard. For more information about Forest Service GAOA projects visit our website: https://www.fs.usda.gov/managing-land/gaoa, partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. When built, there was a two-room house for the ranger and his dependents to live within, but it has since been destroyed. This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the, FSTopo_Offshore_LN portrays Offshore features, such as exposed Rock, Wreck, Shoal, Pile, Coral Reef, and Large Area Outline. Non-Forest Service land ownership areas (inholdings) are also removed. Activities were self-reported by field units, and center around three main objectives: increasing safety to ensure that people and community infrastructure are protected from the hazards of falling bark beetle-killed trees and elevated, WBBS_PT depicts the location of activities to implement the Western Bark Beetle Strategy. Annotation features are represented as stand-alone map text collected relative to the scale of the topographic quadrangle. It is not a complete representation of all Forest Service land acquisitions; only those that used LWCF-designated funds. Seasonal patterns of high and low flows help trigger important events in the lifecycles of freshwater animals and plants. The cartographic database is updated accordingly as new data sources are added by means of data revision activities, which are coordinated between the National Forest/Grassland units and the USFS Geospatial Technology and Applications Center (GTAC). Please note, the publication of this dataset in EDW replaces the file geodatabase on the Public Lands and Realty Management website. Between 2010 and 2020, the US forests increased 0.03% annually, according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).Native Americans cleared millions of acres of forest for many reasons, including hunting, farming, berry production, and building materials. WebYour national forests and grasslands are 193 million acres of vast, scenic beauty waiting for you to discover. The FSTopo database was originally populated with Cartographic Feature File (CFF) data which was digitized from either the Primary Base Series (PBS) quadrangles or U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map series quadrangles. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. Epiphytes, or plants growing on other plants. In some cases, entire National Forests were designated. To display more detailed administrative boundaries for larger scale reference and analysis, the non-generalized ResearchStationBoundaries feature class should be used. When the massive trees die, they eventually fall, but can take centuries to slowly decay back to the soil. WebThe Tongass National Forest in Alaska is managed by the United States Forest Service Natural resource management ( NRM ) is the management of natural resources such as land , water , soil , plants and animals , with a particular focus on how management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations ( stewardship ). Data are maintained at the Forest/District level, or. Natural hazards may or may not be depicted on the data and maps, and land users should exercise due caution. The roadconnects the Cowlitz Valley Ranger District and the Mt. Some state designations' methodologies may differ from the national standard. 527), as amended by the National Forest Management Act of October 22, 1976 (16 U.S.C. Because the data readiness varies between, The Watershed Condition Classification feature class represents data on Watershed Condition on Forest Service lands in HUC12 (from the Watershed Boundary Dataset) watersheds that contain more than 5% USFS ownership. Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the cartographic, FSTopo_Boundary_LN portrays boundaries. Surface Ownership provides the land status user with a current snapshot of ownership within National Forest boundaries. Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. Where nature, people, and tradition come together. Over time, the legacy CFF data is being replaced (at least partially) with data from nationally standardized sources. These points only exist for true landslides--debris avalanches, debris torrents, combination debris avalanches/torrents, slumps, rotation failures, and rock fall-initiated failues. Data are maintained at the Forest/District level, or their equivalent, to track the occurrence and the origin of individual USFS wildland fires. Features within Forest Service Administrative Forest boundaries may. Forests and Quadrangles may have undergone revision at varying dates. al., 2017) and the 2012 snapshot of the stream layer from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Non-Forest Service land ownership areas (inholdings) are also removed. Some state designations' methodologies may differ from the national standard.Please note that this data is current as of June 19, 2019, and changes to designated areas will be republished and archived on weekly basis. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. IRR_LN (Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR): Line) depicts the location of activities funded through the NFRR (National Forest Resource Restoration) Budget Line Item and reported through the FACTS (Forest Service Activity Tracking System) database. Horse trailers or motorbike trailers can park at marked area about 1/2 mile below trailhead where there's room to turn around. Hiking trail only, crosses several metal staircases, located within Hells Canyon near Hells Canyon Dam. Ourfirstconcern is pubilic safety forrecreationists using Capulin Snow Play Area. The data was generated from the Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) using the EVALIDator web tool (http://apps.fs.fed.us/Evalidator/evalidator.jsp-, The FIRESTAT (Fire Statistics System) Fire Occurrence point layer represents ignition points, or points of origin, from which individual wildland fires started on National Forest System lands. Reports on visitation and The FSTopo database was originally populated with Cartographic Feature File (CFF) data which was digitized from either the Primary Base Series (PBS) quadrangles or U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map series quadrangles. It contains regional geographic delineations for analysis of ecological relationships across ecological, The Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV) Kuchler Sections feature class contains polygons for ecological sections, attributed with Kuchler's PNV type to show the relationships between ECOMAP 2007 and Kuchler's (1975, second edition) map of potential natural vegetation. National forests are managed by the U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. cartographic symbology characteristics of features. Therefore, the most current layer along with previous years' data are available, and the user should ensure that they understand which layer is being accessed. The CALVEG classification system, This Existing Vegetation (Eveg) polygon feature class is a CALVEG (Classification and Assessment with LANDSAT of Visible Ecological Groupings) map product from a scale of 1:24,000 to 1:100,000 for CALVEG Zone 9, the Great Basin. 0 Reviews.Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified.Most of this part of the falls cannot be easily viewed due to thick brush. There is also a generalized version of this dataset called FSCommonNames_Gen. This feature class was derived from the Cartographic Feature File (CFF).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the cartographic symbology, FSTopo_Landform_LN portrays surface features that have geographic significance such as Continental Divides, Levees and Spoil Banks. Note that this data is current for 2022. initial investment in fiscal year 2022. When a Forest chooses to provide the highest attribute subset, TRAILNFS_MGMT, these attributes must be consistent with the Forest's published Motorized Vehicle Use Map (MVUM). The Countour labels for the USGS elevation contours are available for the FSTopo area of interest in the ContourUSGS_A (The USGS uses autolabels, rather than annotation).Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the cartographic symbology characteristics of features. describe the cartographic symbology characteristics of features. Contact Us | Annotation features are represented as stand-alone map text collected relative to the scale of the topographic quadrangle. 3. digitized to create this feature class of cession maps. The activities are part of the Performance Measures used to rate Agency performance in meeting the Department's Strategic Goals. represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the cartographic symbology characteristics of features. A boundary of an area designation within which National Forest System land parcels have management or use limits placed on them by legal authority above the Agency level (e.g. The data came from the Forest Service's Natural Resource Manager (NRM) Forest Activity Tracking System (FACTS), which is the agency standard for managing information about activities related to fire/fuels, silviculture, and invasive species. Text is categorized by annotation subclasses; Boundary, Civil Township, Culture, Landforms, Hydrographic, Trail Numbers, National Trails, Recreation, PLSS, Spot Elevations, Place Names, Control/Monuments. excluding National Wilderness and National Wild and Scenic Rivers, with related details including the date of designation, status of the final boundary description, authority, and land status case and document information. and local fire organizations. It is coordinated at the national and regional levels by USDA Forest Service staff and implemented in cooperation with State forestry agencies and others. $125/night plus $10reservation fee. An area depicting a privilege to pass over the land of another in some particular path; usually an easement over the land of another; a strip of land used in this way for railroad and highway purposes, for pipelines or pole lines and for private and public passage. A black bear cub surveys the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, sitting less than securely after squabbling with its sibling for the best perching spot TWILDA HEDGES/MEDIA DRUM IMAGES Sponsored Also included are other High Priority Restoration projects that are funded outside of CFLR. WebLearn about it. A boundary within which National Forest System land parcels have managment or use limits placed on them by legal authority. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. symbology characteristics of features. The elevation contours for the conterminous USA can be downloaded from the USGS National Map Viewer. This layer depicts Forest Service lands that qualify for PILT and/or ASR. ECOMAP is the term used for a USDA Forest Service initiative to map ecological units and encourage their use in ecosystem-based approaches to forest land conservation and management. activities are accomplished as a part of the silviculture program of work, funded through the budget allocation process and reported through the Forest Service Activity Tracking System (FACTS) database within the Natural Resource Manager (NRM) suite of applications. The planned future source is undetermined. A selection of several hundred, This campground has two loops and 31 trailer/tent sitesat 2,400 feet elevation. This dataset was created by, This file represents modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the absolute change between the historical (1977-2006) and projected future end-of-century time period (20702099), based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. Geospatial Technology and Applications Center layer ranges from the year 1998 to 2015. In some cases, entire National Forests were designated. Originally a part of the Yellowstone Timberland Reserve, the forest is managed by the United States Forest Service and was created by an act of Congress and were needed. Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas. Petrified bubbles of once boiling, Forest Road 23 accesses the east side of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest and runs from Trout Lake north to Randle, WA. These data are a polygon feature class that represents the administrative boundaries of the US Forest Service Research and Development Stations. The Alaska region is home to two of the nations largest national forests, the Chugach and Tongass, traditional homelands of Alaska Native peoples. Site Map. Allotment is a feature class in the Range Management Unit (RMU) data set. An area defined by the Public Lands Survey System grid that is referenced by its tier and range numbers, and is normally a rectangle approximately 6 miles on a side with boundaries conforming to meridians and parallels. The resulting product, referred to as the Fire Program Analysis fire-occurrence database (FPA FOD), includes 1.88 million geo-referenced wildfire records, representing a total of 140 million acres burned during the 24-year period. Reservations required, see below. Please use plastic sleds or tubes only and note that there is a $3.00 cash only amennity fee. The Current Invasive Plants (InvasivePlantCurrent) feature class contains only the most recent or latest invasive Plant Infestation polygons collected by the National Invasive Plant Inventory Protocol. Some state designations' methodologies may differ from the national standard. Precipitation in Olympic's rain forest ranges from 140 to 167 inches (12 to 14 feet) every year. Includes Site ID, Plant code, status etc. This application complements its companion NRM applications, which cover the spectrum of living and non-living natural resource information. Annotation features are represented as stand-alone map text collected relative to the scale of the topographic quadrangle. Planners, communities, and private landowners can use a range of strategies to maintain freshwater ecosystems, including designing housing and roads to minimize impacts on water quality, managing home sites to protect water resources, and using payment schemes and management partnerships to invest in forest stewardship on public and private lands. The Alaska Region offers amazing diversity and a multitude of uses. Maximum 60 people & maximum 30 vehicles. It is coordinated at the national and regional levels by USDA Forest Service staff and implemented in cooperation with State forestry agencies and others. Shale Creek Road 10126 provides rough access to this popular trail. Within the FSTopo database, features are represented as lines, points, or polygons, with descriptive subtype attribute codes attached to describe the, FSTopo_Airfield_PT portrays Helipads, Helispots, Seaplane Anchorages or Bases. The Chugach is here waiting to be discovered. The CALVEG classification system was used for vegetation typing and crosswalked to other classification systems in this database. WBBS became an optional entry beginning in FY2017. ECOMAP mapping criteria are outlined in the National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units (https://www.ncrs.fs.fed.us/gla/reports/hierarch-, States. WebThe United States has 154 protected areas known as national forests, covering 188,336,179 acres (762,169 km 2; 294,275 sq mi). The application allows tracking and monitoring of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) decisions as well as the ability to create and manage Knutson-Vandenberg (KV) trust fund plans at the timber sale level. WA The FSTopo database was originally populated with Cartographic Feature File (CFF) data which was digitized from either the Primary Base Series (PBS) quadrangles or U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map series quadrangles. Previous years' data will have a date stamp in the file name, while the most current layer will not. The Forest Service's Natural Resource Manager (NRM) Forest Activity Tracking System (FACTS) is the agency standard for managing information about activities related to fire/fuels, silviculture, and invasive species. October 2008. WebThe Sand to Snow National Monument will be co-managed by the U.S. Forest Service (71,000 acres on the San Bernardino National Forest) and the Bureau of Land Management (83,000 acres of the California Desert District). , they eventually fall, but it has a total area of 202,814 acres ( km. Outside of CFLR the conterminous USA can be used until recently available that describes the content source! 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