The Hope Diamond is a lustrous blue gem weighing 45.52 carats. There are plenty of stories of the stone's owners meeting horrible fates, but scholars tend to believe that many of these tales were cooked up or embellished on, at one time or another, by the gem's various owners, in hopes that an incredible history would fetch the diamond a better price in a sale. Later the precious stone would pass to Henry Thomas Hopes grandson, Lord Francis Hope, who lived beyond his means. stolen) from an idol in Indiaa curse that foretold bad luck and death not only for the owner of the diamond but for all who touched it. At that time, she wasnt interested. The beautiful 45.52 blue diamond is also said to be cursed, bringing misfortune and tragedy to its many owners over the years. The jeweler Henry Winston bought the diamond from McLean's estate and avoided its curse, eventually selling it to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in 1958. Scholars even question how Tavernier came upon the gem, as a second diamond never turned up, and no one else ever found the statue in question. This diamond, which was most likely from the Kollur mine in Golconda, India, was somewhat triangular in shape and crudely cut. Because of its size and unusual color, the stone suggested that it was recut from the French Blue stolen ten years previously. He covers pseudoscience, psychology, urban legends and the science behind "unexplained" or mysterious phenomenon. Fouquet was then imprisoned at the Fortress of Pignerol in 1664, where he stayed until his death in 1680. The court ordered that he be committed indefinitely to a psychiatric hospital. In 1669, he received patents of nobility, and the following year, he purchased a large estate near Geneva, Switzerland, and spent his next years writing and publishing accounts of his journeys. The curse of the legendary blue Hope Diamond on all its owners is dramatized from the gem's discovery in 17th Century India until its donation to the Smithsonian Institute. The diamond remained with the French royal family until it was stolen in 1792 during the French Revolution. However, before it reached its final destination, it . Beaulieu then traveled from Marseille, France, to London, England, to sell the diamond to jewel dealer Daniel Eliason. Since the Smithsonian acquired the gemstone, the curse appears to have gone dormant, and for decades, the Hope Diamond and the rest of the museums gem collection have brought only good luck to the museum with higher attendance. With Anna Chancellor, Darren Easton, Polly Frame, Joseph Gregory. The sultan was later captured and imprisoned at Beylerbeyi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. For the next ten years, the Hope diamond was shown at many exhibits and charitable events worldwide. The author of the article presents a selective history of the Hope Diamond, sketching out the unlucky histories of former owners of the gem, beginning with Jean-Baptiste Tavernier and continuing through recent owners, including Lord Francis Hope and Simon Frankel, who suffered personally and financially after acquiring the Hope ( Kurin 2006 ). In November 1958, Winston donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution to help establish a national jewel collection. Of course not! However, when the jeweler went to pay Beaulieu he found him dead in a lodging house, succumbing to fever. During the missing years, a Dutch diamond cutter named Wilhelm Fals somehow obtained the diamond recut the precious stone to hide the jewels identity. Persona 5 - Koh-i-Noor Treasure Demon [Find, Recruit, Weakness] He died of gangrene four days before his 77th birthday. The Curse of the Hope Diamond: It is the largest, most famous, and most valuable gemstone in the world. Evalyn mocked the curse joking that things that brought other people bad luck brought her good luck. He also had as many as a dozen illegitimate children. The Hope Diamond History of the Hope Diamond The history of the stone which was eventually named the Hope Diamond began when the French merchant traveler, Jean Baptiste Tavernier, purchased a 112 3/16-carat diamond. In fact, historians suspect Cartier embellished some of the curse rumors to entice the diamond's next buyer, the glamorous Washington socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean, who became the modern poster child for the stone . The Marquise de Montespan first danced with King Louis XIV at a ball at the Louvre Palace and soon developed a romantic relationship. So what's the evidence that the Hope diamond is cursed? 6 Famous Historical Curses, World's largest communication satellite is a photobombing menace, astronomers warn, Watch the 'Cold Moon' eclipse Mars during the final full moon of 2022. During a week-long looting of the crown jewels in September 1792, the French Blue Diamond was stolen. At this time, the jewel became known as the Hope Diamond. After Hope died in 1839 and litigation within the family, the stone was passed on to his nephew, Henry Thomas Hope, in 1841. He quickly sold the diamond to Habib Bey, a Persian diamond merchant. Mrs. McLean wore it the diamond publically for the first time to a reception in February 1912. New York, She also reputedly wore the diamond several times in public. It has helped it build a world-class gem collection with rising attendance levels. NY 10036. In the late 1830s and early 1840s, the diamond came into Philip Hope's hands. Allegedly, there was one last victim of the diamonds curse a postman named James Todd. The Curse of Hope Diamond #shorts - YouTube The Curse of Hope Diamond #shorts Index Daily 1.3K Dislike 17 Share Just out doing my job Nick Jonsson Like Dislike Comment Share Falling Box. He is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and has written, edited or contributed to more than 20 books, including "Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries,""Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore" and Investigating Ghosts: The Scientific Search for Spirits, out in fall 2017. Louis XV died a hated man in May 1774, and the throne was succeeded by his grandson, Louis XVI. In 1900 they made a tour of the world, and on their way home, met Captain Putnam Bradlee Strong, a handsome and popular man in the United States Army. In the meantime, King Louis XIV commissioned the court jeweler Jean Pitau to recut the Tavernier Blue to make him a piece to remember in 1673. Hope Diamond: The Legendary History of a Cursed Gem - Paperback VG. When it was in Fals possession, his son, Hendrik, stole the gem ruining his father, who was said to have died in grief. In the end, if the diamond was cursed, it did not seem to affect Tavernier, who lived a comfortable life until his death at the age of 84. Afterward, the pair stopped seeing each other for a brief period before they resumed their relationship. Another man named Abu Sabir, who was tasked with polishing the stone for the Sultan was unfairly accused of working with Jehver Agha and was tortured and executed. Top Image: Voodoo dolls are a common curse in some cultures. Still, he refused to allow the state, church, and estates-general to meet simultaneously, causing the Third Estate to proclaim itself a national assembly and declaring that only it had the right to represent the nation. This time on Sidedoor, we track the lore of this notorious gem through the centuries, from southern India, through the French Revolution, and across the Atlantic Ocean to its current home at the National Museum of Natural History, to find out for ourselves. However, in the spirit of the coming Halloween holiday, we'll stick strictly with the spooky stuff. The story of a curse is a recent part of the diamonds history, apparently having its origins in the early 20th century. Afterward, the stone was sold to Parisian jewel merchant Simon Rosenau who sold it in 1910 to Pierre Cartier, a French jeweler who owned one of the most respected firms in Paris, London, and New York. A look at the Hope Diamond and other allegedly cursed gems from recent history. Since the Victorian Era, stories of a Hope Diamond curse has circulated. Fearful of his reputation, the King stopped seeing her publically but discreetly continued to visit her until 1691, when he retired her to the Filles de Saint-Joseph Convent. The Hope Diamond was first mined in India in the 17th century and was prized for its distinctly natural blue colour. During this time, he was also accused of damaging Frances foreign relations and continuously overspending. During his early years, King Louis XV was well regarded and earned the nickname Louis the Well-Beloved. In 1749, the king had the Blue Diamond reset by court jeweler Andre Jacquemin in a piece of ceremonial jewelry for the Royal Order of the Golden Fleece. The Hope Diamond, one of the most famous jewels in the world, has a history dating back almost four centuries. However, it wouldnt last. Benjamin Radford, M.Ed., is Deputy Editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and author of seven books including Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries (opens in new tab). The couple lived in a small house close to the Louvre, which allowed Madame de Montespan to attend court often, where she quickly established herself as the reigning beauty of the court. She was also cultured, an amusing conversationalist, intelligent, and kept abreast of political events. The Hope Diamond is a large and rare gemstone believed to have come from India around 1666. A few months later, Zubayaba was stabbed and killed by a low-level official in the treasury who tried to steal the gem. Take this with a grain of salt, because it's never been proved: Jean-Baptiste Tavernier stole the 115.16-carat blue diamond from a Hindu statue, where it was serving as one of the eyes. He and the king argued a short time later, and Fouquet was soon charged with maladministration of the states funds. Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette, who were beheaded, are often cited as victims of the curse. The Hope Diamond is a lustrous blue gem weighing 45.52 carats. In 1675, a priest refused to give her absolution, which was necessary to take Easter communion, a requisite for all Catholics. It was last reported to be insured for $250 million. However, one of Louis' descendants who inherited the stone was not as lucky. He also lost his wife and dog to untimely deaths, and afterward, part of his house burned down. [How Are Fake Diamonds Made?]. New York diamond merchant Harry Winston. The thief, Jehver Agha, was caught by Kulub Bey and hanged after being tortured. Undeniably beautiful and intriguing, this big blue stone is said to curse any person brave enough to own or merely touch it, bringing misfortune and grisly death on its victims. . During Louis long reign, France was the leading European power, fought three major wars and two lesser conflicts. Pieces of her elaborate tale were picked up by newspapers, helping establish the curse of the Hope Diamond as a popular modern legend. Time-Life Books,Mysteries of the Unknown Afterward, she would be seen wearing the precious stone at numerous social events. In the meantime, both Edward and Evalyn continued to spend lavishly and were divorced in 1932. In 1919, her nine-year-old son, Vinson, ran in front of a car and was killed. However, it was not an easy sale, as negotiations took several months, which got mired down in a lawsuit, and the buyers required a blessing by a priest. French King XIV by Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1701. A list of misfortunes associated with the Hope Diamonds from May Yohe's account of the curse. While some of the owners are known to have indeed died bloody deaths (Marie Antoinette's beheading by guillotine being a prime example), many of the other tragedies attributed to the stone have never been confirmed and are little more than rumor. They would even help finance the Louisiana Purchase in America. According to the legend, the diamond sparkled in the brow of an Indian temple until it was plucked out by a thief, whose punishment for this act was a slow and agonizing death. We aim to empower and inspire our readers with the tools needed to understand the world and appreciate its everyday awe. Is the Hope Diamoned cursed? But, as it had allegedly happened to other owners, they eventually squandered their fortune. His lack of strength during the Seven Years War that lasted from 1756 and 1763 resulted in France losing nearly all of its colonial possessions in North America and India. $180,000. Hendrick Falls then gave the diamond to a man named Francis Beaulieu in payment of a debt. In 1679, Montespan was accused of using witchcraft and aphrodisiacs to stay ahead of King Louiss other lovers. Just a few weeks later,Kanitowskywas stabbed to death in Paris byRussian revolutionaries. However, when Cartier reset the diamond into a more modern piece, he sold it to Edward B. McLean on behalf of his wife Evalyn in January 1911 for $180,000. A typical Eastern superstition is that the possession of extremely large diamonds always brings misfortune. A bail was soldered to the pendant where Mrs. McLean would often attach other diamonds, including the McLean Diamond and the Star of the East. By the 1900s, stories of the diamonds curse had been flourishing for years, with some saying that the original form of the Hope Diamond was stolen from the eye of a sculpted statue of the goddess Sita, the wife of Rama, a principal deity of Hinduism. 'Zombie' viruses have been revived from Siberian permafrost. One of her accusers even alleged that Montespan performed black masses, a sacrilegious accusation that effectively destroyed Montespans reputation. The Legendary Curse of the Hope Diamond: Directed by Delbert Mann. Thus the curse if indeed there ever was one ended when jeweler Harry Winston donated (not sold) it to the Smithsonian Institution in 1958, where it can be seen today. . McLean and her husband obtained it in 1912 and proceeded to lead a notably tragic life. (Image credit: Creative Commons | KeepOpera), Steelmaking doesnt need to come with CO2 emissions anymore, and SSAB has the technology, Watch the 'Cold Moon' eclipse Mars during the final full moon of 2022. To some, it's an eerie and unexplainable pattern that sees those who come into close contact with the $250 million jewel experience misfortune . She was also known for openly disrespecting Queen Maria Theresa in public. For the science geek in everyone, Live Science offers a fascinating window into the natural and technological world, delivering comprehensive and compelling news and analysis on everything from dinosaur discoveries, archaeological finds and amazing animals to health, innovation and wearable technology. The jewel is believed to have originated in India, probably from the Kollur Mine in Golconda sometime during the early 1600s. Tavernier returned to Paris on his final voyage in 1668 and, the same year, sold the large blue diamond to French King Louis XIV,along with 14 other large diamonds and several smaller ones. Due to the open royal adultery, the Roman Catholic Church soon became her adversary. His approval of the French military and financial support of the colonists in the American Revolution led to foreign policy success. Jean-Baptiste Tavernier's sketch of the original Blue Diamond. Is this the Madame that scandalizes all France? The size and beauty of the Hope Diamond is enough to spark the intrigue of any gem and crystal lover. 6 Famous Historical Curses], The Hope diamond is the most famous cursed diamond in the world, but it is only one of many. At some point, between the years 1640 and 1667, he obtained a 115 carat (nearly the size of mans fist) precious stone that was somewhat triangular in shape, crudely cut, and described by Tavernier as a beautiful violet. Though the merchant documented his travels and the gems that he collected over the years, he did not state from whom, or when he obtained the large blue diamond that became known as the Tavernier Blue.. Part 3 Cursed Diamonds. Louis, too, escaped misfortune despite his ownership of the "French Blue," as the Hope was then called. One of those reasons is the curse that is rumored to have attached itself to this $250 million gem. Afterward, Louis ignored advice from advisors and refused to abdicate the throne. Louis XVI was just 20 years old when he assumed the throne and was still immature, lacking in self-confidence, and austere in manner. Though King Louis XV had the second-longest reign in the history of France, exceeded only by his predecessor and great-grandfather, Louis XIV, historians generally give his reign very low marks because wars drained the treasury, and his actions contributed to the decline of royal authority that led to the French Revolution in 1789. However, the Hope diamond curse becomes far less mysterious when we realize that it's not just death but any misfortune (including, apparently, financial ruin, suicide, beheadings, and being eaten by wild dogs) that's included in the legendand it's not just bad things that afflicted the owners but also their extended families and friends as well. The first time she wore the diamond on stage, she was shot by a man in the audience that many people said was the Russian prince himself. May Yoh, who was once married to Lord Francis Hope, offered her own account of the curse in a book and film released in 1921. Its ownership records date back more than three centuries ago! Something that wished harm on someone. Kathy Weiser-Alexander/Legends of America, updated November 2021. It can be traced back to the 17th century and was once in the possession of the King of France. In 1630, French gem merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier began making a series of six voyages from France to Persia and India to trade in precious stones and other high-end wares. Early legend says that Tavernier stole the diamond from a Hindu temple, where it was set as one of two matching eyes of an idol, and afterward, the temple priests laid a curse on whoever might possess the missing stone. The same year, Edward was declared legally insane due to brain atrophy brought on by alcoholism. Formed in the depths of the Earth more than 1.1 billion years ago, the Hope Diamond is a 45.52 carat diamond that has made history for many reasons. The diamond has changed hands many times, and for a few periods in its life, the name of the owner is lost to history. No one truly . But, could this notorious diamond actually be cursed? The original thief, according to legend, died a slow and painful death, while the later owners, oblivious to the curse until it was too late, suffered as well. In addition to the Hope diamond, the collection also included the94.8-carat Star of the East diamond, the 15-carat Star of the South diamond, a 9-carat green diamond, and a 31-carat diamond which is now called the McLean Diamond. Madame de Montespan, King Louis IVs mistress, holding the Blue Diamond of the Crown. The Hope Diamond. 3 3.The Cursed Hope Diamond And Its Many "Victims" 4 4.10 Victims of the Hope Diamond Curse | Mental Floss; 5 5.Hope Diamond - Wikipedia; 6 6.The Hope Diamond Mystery and Curse; 7 7.Is The Hope Diamond Really Cursed? Abdul Hamid II, known as Abdul the Damned, gave the Hope Diamond to his favorite concubine, Salma Zubayaba, with orders that it be protected by Kulub Bey, his favorite eunuch, and guardian of the Sultans treasures. This fact only strengthens the belief in the minds of the superstitious that large diamonds are the cause of the misfortune of their owners.". The hypnotic blue stone has seduced kings, sultans, and heiresses to take the risk that the curse may fall upon them. Since nearly everyone (certainly any adult old and rich enough to own such a precious jewel) has something bad or tragic happen to him or her from an accident to a disease to a death in the family it's not difficult to make a list of such events and attribute them to the Hope diamond. Still, the borrowing required to pay for the war drove the government to the brink of bankruptcy. Countdown: Real or Not? The Hope Diamond is one of the most famous and beautiful gemstones in the world, a 45.52-carat blue diamond which comes from Guntur, India. Later accounts of the curse follow a similar pattern. Source: DedMityay / Adobe . The Curse of the Hope Diamond. One of the most spectacular gems in the world is the Hope Diamond, a beautiful blue diamond weighing over 45 carats. The museum, too, did well attendance grew and the museum is now home to one of the world's finest gem collections but James Todd, the postman who delivered it, did indeed meet with misfortune: He was hit by a truck (not fatally), his wife and dog died not long after, and his home caught fire. Though both Edward and Evalyn had been warned not to buy the diamond by Edwards mother and May Yohe, the sale went through. No chance, says new NASA study. At the diamonds dazzling heart was a sun with seven facets the sun being Louis emblem, and seven being a number rich in meaning in biblical cosmology, indicating divinity and spirituality.. TheHope Diamond, one of the most famous jewels in the world, has a historydating back almost four centuries. By the time they married, Hope was nearly bankrupt. The Hope Diamond on display at the Smithsonian. It has passed through many hands and seen quite a few deaths. It has a blue tint due to trace levels of boron present in it. Well, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History added the magnificent sky-blue gemstone to its collection 53 years ago today (Nov.10), and the institution has fared just fine so far. Sign up to unlock the full Sidedoor experience! The curse of the Hope Diamond Curses do not just exist in fairy tales. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, When King George died in 1830, his estate was encumbered by outstanding debt, and it is thought that the diamond, along with other jewelry and personal effects, were sold to cover the many debts he had left behind. In 1901, the stone was sold by Lord Francis Hope to Adolph Weil, a London jewel merchant, who, in turn, sold it to diamond dealer Simon Frankel, in New York for $148,000. Mrs. McLean bequeathed the Hope Diamond to her grandchildren with the requirement that it would remain in the custody of trustees until the eldest child reached 25 years of age. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. On the night that the deal was concluded, Maoncharides accidentally drove his carriage over a precipice, killing himself, his wife, and child. The same year, the stone was back in possession of the Frankels, who made a concerted effort to sell what they called the hood diamond. The following person to acquire it was a well-known Greek jewel broker named Simon Maoncharides, who acquired the stone in late 1908. His wife, Marie Antoinette, was executed nine months later. French monarchs, an heiress, and at least one unlucky postman have met misfortune after possessing itthough does that really constitute a curse? Most famous jewel in the world? This led the king to support radical fiscal, economic, and administrative reforms during the age of Enlightenment, which encouraged individual liberty and religious tolerance and opposed an absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church. That year, Cartier tried to sell it to American mining heiress and socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean. Later, King Louis XVI was found guilty of treason and executed at the guillotine on January 21, 1793. However, there are many people who would think twice about buying it, for it is said to be cursed. During their marriage, Yohe was known to have worn the diamond at least once, but she later claimed she had worn itat several social gatherings,although Lord Francis claimed otherwise. However, accompanying the Hope Diamond is an unusual history of gruesome deaths and disasters. The stone's "curse" skipped over Henry but came down with a vengeance on a descendant, Lord Francis Hope. His mistress, whose name was Francoise-Athenas de Rochechouart, was from one of the oldest noble families of France and grew up to marry French Nobleman Louis Henri de Pardaillan de Gondrin, the Marquis of Montespan. According to the legend, a curse attends the owner of the Hope diamond, a curse that first befell the large, blue gem when it was plucked (i.e. The Hope diamond is truly unique. When she died in May 1707, at the age of 66, the king forbade her children to wear mourning for her. Though many believed the precious stone was cursed due to its owners many tragedies, others felt strongly that these tales were perpetuated to add mystique to the stone, increase its sales appeal, and increase newspaper sales. 'Zombie' viruses have been revived from Siberian permafrost. Heres how it works. In the pendant surrounding the Hope Diamond are 16 white diamonds. If the curse were simply that whoever owned it would soon die a bloody death, that would be both terrifying and supernatural. In June 1791, the royal family attempted to escape, but they were soon brought back to Paris, by which time the King had lost all credibility as a monarch. This would have prevented any sale for the next two decades. Legend has it that the infamous Hope diamond brings misfortune to whoever owns it. He was a famous jewel and art collector belonging to one of England's wealthiest families. He married when he was just 15, and the couple had ten children, but only seven would live to adulthood. Wikipedia, Legends, Ghosts, Myths and Mysteries Main Page, Tavernier as a beautiful violet. Though the merchant documented his travels and the gems that he collected over the years, he did not state from whom, or when he obtained the large blue diamond that became known as the Tavernier Blue., along with 14 other large diamonds and several smaller ones. The Hope curse, it turns out, was more or less a sensational story added by journalists in the late 1800s to sell newspapers. Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat (9.104 g) diamond discovered in the 17th century at the Kollur Mine in Guntur, India The Hope Diamond is on display at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., and measures 45.52 carats (9.104 grams) of mined kimberlite. Pierre Cartier, for example, likely embellished the stories as a sales tactic when he was trying to sell the Hope Diamond to Ned and Evalyn Walsh McLean. Diamonds have fascinated mankind for centuries, and it's not surprising that folklore and superstitions have arisen involving good and bad luck associated with them. Over the years there have been many gemstones believed to be cursed, but the most famous of the gemstones is the Hope Diamond. The Hope Diamond is one of the most famous chunks of mineral in the history of the world, and the mystery of the Hope Diamond Curse is a big part of that. [Image Gallery: Two Ancient Curses]. A Diamond for the Sun King. Drawings of diamonds from The six voyages of John Baptista Tavernier. [Countdown: Real or Not? Those who came in contact with the diamond suffered failed marriages, dead children, drug addiction, insanity, and probably bad hair days and paper cuts as well. His final voyages secured. It was apparently unearthed in the Golconda mines by the Kistna River in southwest India, and made its European debut in 1642, when it was bought by a French merchant [who sold it to] King Louis XIV for a handsome profit but was mauled to death by a pack of wild dogs.". The royal inventories described its color as an intense steely-blue, and the stone became known as the Blue Diamond of the Crown, or the French Blue. Pitau spent two years on the piece, resulting in a triangular-shaped 69-carat gem the size of a pigeons egg that took the breath away as it snared the light, reflecting it in bluish-grey rays. When complete, the diamond was set in a gold cravat pin that received additional support from a ribbon worn around the neck, which the king wore on ceremonial occasions. Whether he was affected by the curse, King Louis XIV suffered when all of his legitimate children, but one, died in childhood. Afterward, Habib Bey quickly sold the stone to Salomon Habib, acting on behalf of Abdul Hamid II, the Sultan of Turkey. Small amounts of boron molecules embedded in its structure have given the diamond an unusual blue color. We will take a detailed look at the history of the Hope Diamond and just why it is believed to be . Ever since the Hope Diamond, one of the largest and most famous colored diamonds in the world, appeared on the market in the 1830s, it has become notorious for allegedly spreading a deadly curse . New York, If you want to continue your adventure with the diamond, hop on over to the Smithsonians National Postal Museum where you can see the ordinary packaging that safely transported it to Washington, D.C., and learn more about its delivery story. It was said that only a person with a pure heart could escape a doomed fate in this case a "pure heart" meaning someone who did not try to sell it but instead generously gave it away. Experts estimate the age of the stone to be 1.1 billion years old. The showgirl ran off with one of his rivals and eventually died in poverty. The ultimate action-packed science and technology magazine bursting with exciting information about the universe, Subscribe today for our Black Frida offer - Save up to 50%, Engaging articles, amazing illustrations & exclusive interviews, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. Afterward, it was sold to Russian PrinceIvan Kanitowsky, who loaned it to his lover, actress Lorens Ladue. By this time, the legend of the curse had increased, and an article entitled Hope Diamond Has Brought Trouble To All Who Have Owned It appeared in the Washington Post in 1908. Perhaps Edward wasnt convinced though, as the original contract with Cartier included a clause stating: Should any fatality occur to the family of Edward B. McLean within six months, the said Hope Diamond is agreed to be exchanged for jewelry of equal value., A description of the gemstone stated: it lay on a bed of white silk and surrounded by many small white diamonds cut pear-shaped., Both Ned McLean and his pretty wife are quite young and in a way unsophisticated, although they were born and reared in an atmosphere of wealth and luxury. Shortly after she got the diamond her mother-in-law died. Afterward, she maintained a stage career off and on and married several more times. The diamond was missing for a few decades, and was recut into a smaller gem. During King Louis XIVs reign, another man who is said to have been affected by the curse was Nicholas Fouquet, the superintendent of the countrys finances. One early account appeared in the Washington Post on January 19, 1908 in the article Remarkable Jewel a HoodooHope Diamond Has Brought Trouble to All Who Have Owned It. The article began: The author of the article presents a selective history of the Hope Diamond, sketching out the unlucky histories of former owners of the gem, beginning with Jean-Baptiste Tavernier and continuing through recent owners, including Lord Francis Hope and Simon Frankel, who suffered personally and financially after acquiring the Hope (Kurin 2006). Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The Curse of the Hope Diamond Described as the most famous diamond in the world, the Hope Diamond truly is one of a kind and over the centuries has been on quite a journey. Though both Edward and Evalyn had been warned not to buy the diamond by Edwards mother and May Yohe, the sale went through. The most commonly accepted origin of the curse dates back to 1653, when a French merchant named Jean Baptiste Tavernier obtained the original 115-carat blue diamond in India. All their lives, they have known more of jewelry, finery, banquets, automobiles, horses, and other articles of pleasure than they have of books, with their wealth of knowledge.. The following year, Edward McLeans increasingly erratic behavior and reckless spending led to the forced sale of The Washington Post newspaper in 1933, which he had inherited in 1916. In 1822, a portrait of King George IV of England was painted in which the King was wearing the insignia of the Royal Order of the Golden Fleece set with a large blue stone bearing a striking resemblance to the French Blue diamond. In 1929, Edward McLean went off with another woman and even claimed to have married her, but he hadnt. The curse from a Hindi goddess Ancient stories tell that diamond belonged in a statue of a Hindi goddess. The story goes that Tavernier plucked the gem from one of the eyes of a Hindu idol and, for this sacrilege, was later mauled to death by dogs. He was never released and died in 1941. Benjamin Radford is the Bad Science columnist for Live Science. The Hope Diamond curse story is more a morality fable about the cardinal sin of greed since nearly everyone has something bad or tragic happen to them. In addition to sensationalizing other accounts of misfortune, she claimed the Hope Diamond was the cause of her failed marriage and the loss of the Hope family fortune (Gates 1921). Could they infect people? The 115.16-carat blue diamond was apparently stolen from a Hindu statue, where it was serving as one of the eyes, by Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, a 17th-century French gem trader. The Hope Diamond was bought by King Louis XIV of France in 1668. In the words of the Smithsonian, "More than anyone, Evalyn Walsh McLean became the poster child for the Hope diamond's legendary curse.". $3.99 + $3.49 shipping. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. He described that the stone, weighing over 45 carats, was in possession of a London diamond merchant Daniel Eliason and the gem was for sale. There are unconfirmed reports that it belonged to Britain's King George IV, whose estate sold it to pay off his enormous debts. Aquiziam After Lord Francis received his inheritance at the age of 21, he married an American. Scientists have a disturbing answer, The ultimate action-packed science and technology magazine bursting with exciting information about the universe, Subscribe today for our Black Frida offer - Save up to 50%, Engaging articles, amazing illustrations & exclusive interviews, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. The Tavernier Blue, which was the predecessor to several huge diamonds, including the Hope Diamond, is said to have started the curse. As the museum states on its website, it "appears to have maintained the Hope curse-free.". | Barnebys Magazine; 8 8.The Secret History Of The Hope Diamond: How Pierre Cartier Sold A 9 9.The Curse of the Hope . On October 5, 1789, an angry mob of Parisian working men and women marched on the Palace of Versailles and forcibly moved the royal family to Paris because they felt the King would be more accountable to the people if he lived among them. Allegedly, the first to purchase it was French banker Jaques Colet, who bought the Hope Diamond from Simon Frankel, and just a short time later, Colet went mad and committed suicide. A cut-down piece of the French Blue resurfaced in London two decades later, and the financier Henry Philip Hope bought it in 1839 (the diamond is now known by the family's name). According to the legend, a curse attends the owner of the Hope diamond, a curse that first befell the large, blue gem when it was plucked (i.e. The beautiful 45.52 blue diamond is also said to be cursed, bringing misfortune and tragedy to its many owners over the years. In some versions of its history, Frankel kept the diamond until he sold it to Salomon Habib, a wealthy Turkish diamond collector, in 1908. Live Science Shortly after this incident, Abdul Hamid II was overthrown during the Young Turks Rebellion of April 1909. NY 10036. He then got in another crash, injuring his head. After promising to donate the diamond, Winston sent it through the U.S. Mail from New York to Washington, D.C. After Todd delivered the package, he crashed his truck and shattered his leg. The Curse of The Dragon's Gold by Jacynth Hope-Simpson Alberto Longoni Ill HC. In 1894, Lord Francis Hope met American concert hall singer May Yoh, and the two married the same year. With Jim Boles, Elaine Bolton, Christopher Cary, Robert Clary. So let us dive into the legend of the curse of the Hope Diamond. Public Broadcasting System A long history of blood, theft, intrigue, loss of empire, loss of life and other disasters belongs to each of the most celebrated diamonds, and for the most part the stories are historically true. (Image credit: Smithsonian Institution.) Consider the ill fate of some of its more famous owners; Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI were both beheaded. Diamonds have fascinated mankind for centuries, and. The Hope diamond curse story is in some ways a morality fable about the cardinal sin of greed. The necklace chain contains 45 white diamonds. Though the King appealed to the priests superiors, the Church refused to yield to the kings demands. On completion, the 69 carat stone was reduced to the 45 carat Blue Hope Diamond we see today. His website is It has been the plaything of kings and sultans and has decorated the necks of many an heiress and empress. . It is about the size of a walnut. How deadly is Putin's nuclear 'Satan 2' missile? In fact, historians suspect Cartier embellished some of the curse rumors to entice the diamond's next buyer, the glamorous Washington socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean, who became the modern poster child for the stone's curse. The 45.52 carat Hope Diamond is a rare blue naturally occurring diamond that currently resides in the Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC. An entertaining and well-researched history of the Hope diamond Since its discovery in seventeenth-century India, the Hope diamond, a glimmering deep . About the size of a walnut, the stone is estimated to be worth a quarter of a billion dollars. In the meantime, the public was unaware of the whereabouts of the beautiful blue diamond until a man named John Francillion documented that a large blue diamond was in London, England, in 1812. Heres how it works. As with other famous curses, such as the Pharaoh's Curse (also known as King Tut's Curse), a seemingly disastrous history of doom for the Hope diamond can be constructed by simply combing through its history and highlighting anything bad. The Curse of the Hope Diamond: Directed by Mark Radice. Surprising loss of sea ice after record-breaking Arctic storm is a mystery to scientists, Radioactive space rocks could have seeded life on Earth, new research suggests, Man holding penis and flanked by leopards is world's oldest narrative carving, Pregnancy causes dramatic changes in the brain, study confirms, Why have aliens never visited Earth? Sponsored. But where did such a story originate? However, other versions say that between 1901 and 1908, the stone was bought and sold several times. In the meantime, the jewels of the French Royal Treasury had been turned over to the new government. As the years went by, she was reduced to working as a housekeeper and a clerk. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Some theories state that Tavernier was the one who removed the stone. The friction within the country led to the French Revolution. Upon his death in 1715, his title and estate, including the Blue Diamond, were inherited by his five-year-old great-grandson, King Louis XV. That's what its market value would imply, anyway: Today the sky-blue gem is worth a quarter of a billion dollars. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The Hope Diamond is one of the most iconic items in the Smithsonian's collections, but this glittering gem is rumored to have a dark side. Or perhaps there is no ruinous curse at all. The following year, Evalyn died of pneumonia at the age of 60. King Louis XIV and the royal family were ca[tured and returned to Paris after they tried to escape in 1791. . Shortly afterward, the jeweler, Daniel Eliason, committed suicide. King Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette, lost their heads to the guillotine during the French Revolution, and their crown jewels including the diamond were ransacked by thieves. The story goes that the curse began with the Tavernier Blue, which was the precursor to several large diamonds, including the Hope Diamond. He then began to borrow money, sending him into even further decline. $7.35. In fact there are dozens of others; according to "The Giant Book of Superstition" by Claudia de Lys, "Diamond superstitions are now found everywhere in the world. After Hope's death, the diamond passed through the hands of several owners. Henry Phillip Hope died in 1939, the same year he acquired the Blue Diamond. While many jewels were later recovered, including other pieces of the Order of the Golden Fleece, the French Blue was not among them, and it disappeared from history. Perhaps the museum is lucky to be one of the owners spared the wrath of the Hope diamond. Ben has a master's degree in education and a bachelor's degree in psychology. DeBeers slogan (1947) predates Bond book (1956) and is different: A Diamond Is Forever | Diamonds Are Forever The Gift - anthro book about reciprocity Superman and the giant spider story - Kevin Smith Osiander's preface to Copernicus Robert Conrad (the actor) famous battery ads from 1979 David Trampier - artist for . His website is French monarchs, an heiress, and at least one unlucky postman have met misfortune after possessing itthough does that really constitute a curse? After she andFrancis Hope divorced, she married the handsome Army captain but was divorced just a few years later. Go abandon your shocking life and then come throw yourself at the feet of the ministers of Jesus Christ.. His final voyages securedfor him a large fortune and great reputation at home. The list is wildly inaccurate, but representative of the stories swirling around the Hope in the early 1900s. When the priests discovered it was . The Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat 9.104 g diamond discovered in the 17th century at the Kollur Mine in Guntur, India, and was first extracted there. Though Evalyn joked about the curse and kept the diamond until the end of her life, numerous tragedies occurred during her lifetime. With such a large pool of hundreds of people (and such a broad range of maladies), it would be surprising if a few dozen tragedies hadn't affected people tangentially connected to the Hope diamond over three centuries. How did this diamond which originated in India, and accumulated history among Europe's aristocracy, end up in one of America's most beloved museums, the Smithsonian? Today, the Hope Diamond, described as the most famous diamond in the world, is exhibited in the Harry Winston Room in the Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals of the Natural History Museum of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. However, his reign of 72 years and 110 days is the longest recorded of any monarch of a sovereign country in European history. The macabre stories and legends surrounding the supposedly cursed Hope Diamond have become hopelessly intertwined with its factual history throughout the years. To avert the deepening crisis, Louis agreed to summon the estates-general (a form of parliament, but without real power). The misfortune attributed to the diamond would strain the imagination of soap opera writers: Owners committed suicide, were murdered, and left penniless through bad investments. After Lord Francis received his inheritance at the age of 21, he married an American showgirl named Mary Yohe and lived so far beyond his means that he was eventually forced to sell the magnificent diamond and declare bankruptcy. Unfortunately, his political actions and stubborn personality would earn him the contempt of his subjects in the following years. In 1839, a large blue diamond appeared in the gem catalog of Henry Philip Hope, a London banker. Man holding penis and flanked by leopards is world's oldest narrative carving, Gold-and-garnet cross necklace found buried with wealthy medieval British woman, Surprising loss of sea ice after record-breaking Arctic storm is a mystery to scientists, Alien life on Venus? In 1901 Lord Francis Hope sold the Blue Diamond to help pay off his debts, and the following year, he claimed bankruptcy, lost his foot in a hunting accident, and divorced May Yoh. Here, we'll focus on the people who owned the rock for the most significant chunks of time, and whose fates historians can confirm. Still, the pair ignored financial problems and lived lavishly, gambled, and often traveled, squandering everything he had left, including jewelry, heirlooms, pictures, art, and land. But the King did not admonish her and was so enamored of her that she was painted holding the Blue Diamond of the Crown. - YouTube The history of the HOPE DIAMOND is one of mystery, intrigue and tragedy. Could they infect people? Legend has it that Kulub Bey was captured by a mob after the uprising and slowly strangled to death. Because of its enormous size, it has disclosed new facts regarding the formation of diamonds. The stone's "curse" skipped over Henry but came down with a vengeance on a descendant, Lord Francis Hope. How the Priceless Hope Diamond Traveled Through USPS, Mystery of the Hope Diamond: Behind the Scenes, Historic Findings in the Smithsonian's Curators Reports, Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, African Art. Hope remarried in 1904, had three children, inherited dukedom from his brother in 1928, and died a poor man in 1941 at the age of 75. In September 1792, the new National Convention abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic. Her young son was killed in a car accident, and her daughter committed suicide. You can see the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonians National Museum of Natural History in the Harry Winston Gallery. Follow us on Twitter @llmysteries, then join us on Facebook. Embedded, Curse, Coincidence, Inherited, Resurface, Lurk Undeniably beautiful and intriguing, this big blue stone is said to curse any person brave enough to own or merely touch it, bringing misfortune and grisly death on its victims. This lustrous blue diamond weighing 45.52 carats is surrounded by tale s of misfortune. King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette faced the angry mob at the Palace in October 1769. In addition to the Hope diamond, the collection also included the94.8-carat Star of the East diamond, the 15-carat Star of the South diamond, a 9-carat green diamond, and a 31-carat diamond which is now called the McLean Diamond. In fact, the story is a myth: Tavernier returned to France and sold the gem to King Louis XIV for a pretty penny, after which he retired to Russia and died peacefully there. This week, we've flipped the script and . Though he tried to project an image of a healthy and virile king, he suffered several ailments in his life, including symptoms of diabetes, recurring boils, fainting spells, gout, dizziness, hot flushes, headaches, and underwent a painful operation. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, The Curse of the Hope Diamond Now you know how the Hope Diamond came into existence. The Hope Diamond is one of the most valuable diamonds in the world, a 45-carat blue diamond, with one heck of a curse attached! For a special occasion, Fouquet was allowed to wear the precious stone. By 1667, she was called by some the true Queen of France due to her pervasiveness and influence at court. Her husband left her for another woman and eventually ended up in an insane asylum. Years later, Hendrik Fals killed himself in 1830. What is the curse of the Hope Diamond? English King George IV wearing what appears to be a large blue diamond. With these traits, he assumed the responsibilities of running a nation that was heavily in debt. In 1949, her jewel collection was sold toNew York diamond merchant Harry Winston. The large blue diamond was then cut almost in half, resulting in a 69 carat stone. ThoughtCo The Hope Diamond is one of the most valuable diamonds in the world, a 45-carat blue diamond, with one heck of a curse attached! French King Louis XV had the blue diamond reworked into a ceremonial piece for the Royal Order of the Golden Fleece. The stunning 45 carat blue diamond did not always look like the exquisite necklace on display at the Smithsonian Institution today. The Hope diamond exchanged hands a few times before American jeweler Pierre Cartier obtained it, and again the "curse" skipped him. Inside the Smithsonian Channel Documentary about the Hope Diamond, The Extraordinary History of the Hope Diamond. This article was provided by Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site to LiveScience. In 1839, the diamond was acquired by Henry Thomas Hope, which is how it got its name. In 1715, King Louis XV took the throne at the age of five, but the kingdom was ruled by Philippe II, the Duke of Orleans, until the king reached the age of 13. Case in point: the Hope Diamond caught everyone's eyes. It's so famous that it even inspired the Heart of the Ocean. Another person said to have been cursed by the diamond during King Louis XIVs reign was his chief mistress, Madame de Montespan, with whom he had seven children. The Curse of the Hope Diamond Sidedoor Season 3 08.08.2018 The Hope Diamond is one of the most iconic items in the Smithsonian's collections, but this glittering gem is rumored to have a dark side. Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, George Bent Cheyenne-American Soldier & Leader, Susan Magoffin Recording the Santa Fe Trail. However, it was not an easy sale, as negotiations took several months, which got mired down in a lawsuit, and the buyers required a blessing by a priest. Within months Habib Bey drowned during the sinking of a French steamer in 1909. written by Ashley October 21, 2013. However, Evalyn died deeply in debt, and the trustees gained permission to sell her jewels to settle her debts. Yohe fell head over heels in love with the dashing captain and refused to return to England with Lord Francis. The Kings support of radical fiscal reforms were not favorable to the nobles or the people. It is about the size of a walnut. The Hope Diamond This famous cursed diamond is believed to have originated in India and brought to the west by thievery. It was said to be approximately 112 carats at the time of mining and was peddled to France's King Louis XIV at his Versailles palace in 1668, who ordered it to be cut it into a symmetrical 67 carat stone. In 1946, Evalyns only daughter died of an accidental overdose of sleeping pills at the age of 25. Making matters worse, the French people loathed the Kings wife, Marie Antoinette, who was accused of being promiscuous, sympathetic to French enemies, frivolous, and extravagant, which discredited the monarchy. She died in poverty in 1938 at the age of 72. Several of those who contributed to the rumors of a curse could be accused of doing so for their own gain. Owning the diamond has brought nothing but good luck for the nonprofit national museum, according to a Smithsonian curator. Sometimes called the most famous jewel in the world, a question often asked. The Hope diamond exchanged hands a few times before American jeweler Pierre Cartier obtained it, and again the "curse" skipped him. Jean-Baptiste Taverniers sketch of the original Blue Diamond. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Karl Shuker, in his book "The Unexplained," relates the origin of this jeopardous gem: "it sparkled in the brow of an Indian temple idol until it was impiously plucked out by a thieving Hindu priest, whose punishment for this unholy act was a slow and agonizing death. Smithsonian Institution stolen) from an idol in Indiaa curse that foretold bad luck and death not only for the owner of the diamond but for all who touched it. Get bonus content, news, and updates in your inbox. Owns it of gruesome deaths and disasters detailed look at the curse of the hope diamond Louvre Palace and soon developed a romantic.. She died in poverty the `` French blue, '' as the Hope diamond have become hopelessly with... Curse in some cultures, Weakness ] he died of gangrene four before. Have given the diamond was then cut almost in half, resulting in a car,. Relations and continuously overspending atrophy brought on by alcoholism also said to cursed. Misfortune despite his ownership of the Golden Fleece intertwined with its factual history throughout the there... Working as a beautiful blue diamond reworked into a ceremonial piece for the first time to a Smithsonian curator warned! 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