If after bathing, the husbands semen comes out of the wifes vagina, the ghusl will be complete and it will not be necessary to repeat it. major impurity caused by intercourse or ejaculation (2) Haiz i.e. However, neither the husband nor the wife remember seeing any dream. If a woman goes out wearing perfume, she has to wash . However, if semen was discharged, ghusl will be obligatory. They base their views on the hadith: Hence it was narrated from Umm Salamah the Mother of the Believers that she said: Umm Sulaym the wife of Abu Talhah came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said, O Messenger of Allah, verily Allah is not shy of (telling you) the truth. 6. In Shariah the difference in the semen of man and the liquid of a woman is that the former is thick and whitish, while the latter is thin (almost transparent) and slightly yellowish. 149 Questions AnsweredAsk Mateen Charbonneau, Sheikh Mateen Joshua Charbonneau achieved a certificate from Harvard University in Islamic Studies. 3. Abu Hurairah (radyAllaahu anhu) said: Allahs Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: When a man sits in between the four parts of a woman and enters into her (for intercourse), the ghusl becomes obligatory. Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. Intention inside ones heart not verbal. 14 Questions AnsweredAsk Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic history and jurisprudence. Ibn Al-Malik said, 'This (ordering her to wash her entire body) is for emphasison deterrence. Each of them has its own characteristic smell. If any non-Muslim accepts Islam, it is mustahab for him to have a bath. Females are required to perform ghusl when their menstruation period end. Is a menstruating woman allowed to please her husband with her hand or mouth? Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: When a man sits between the four parts (arms and legs of his wife) and has intercourse with her, then ghusl is obligatory. (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 291; Muslim, 348 the latter added: Even if he does not ejaculate.) An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: What this hadith means is that the obligation of ghusl does not depend on emission of maniy; rather when the tip of the penis disappears inside the vagina, ghusl becomes obligatory for both the man and the woman. For the last part of your question, please refer to Fatawa about oral sex:84137 and 81980. When Is Ghusl Compulsory for a Woman? Assim al hakeem YouTube, When a Ghusl is required for women Islamweb Fatwas, When does ghusl become wajib or fardh on females, Ghusl for women and men Muslim Converts, Is it necessary to perform Ghusl if a woman orgasms without . He undertook Howza classes under esteemed scholars since 2013 and has been teaching at Imam Mahdi Howza since 2017. The same ruling applies to the woman. Is it necessary for a woman to take a bath (ghusl) after she has a wet dream? The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, Yes, if she notices a discharge. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Ghusl, 373; Muslim, al-Hayd, 471). A woman has to make Ghusl (have a bath with the intention of purifying herself) when her husband has intercourse with her, even if there is no ejaculation from both of them or from one of them. in a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) except when travelling on the road (without enough water, or just passing through a mosque), till you wash your whole body. 18 Questions AnsweredAsk Mohammad Saeed Bahmanpour, Sheikh Mohammad Saeed Bahmanpour is lecturer of Islamic Studies at the Islamic College for Advanced Studies, London, and a visiting lecturer at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Oriental Studies. There is no Hadeeth which makes this as an obligation. And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes after answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (by sexual relations) and you find no water, perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands (Tayammum) . allow the washing of the back of their right side. side of the neck followed by the chest and right arm. In addition, Abu Moosa Al-Ashari related that the Prophet said: "Anywoman who applies perfume and passes by a group of people for them to smell theperfume is a fornicator. [An-Nasaa'i and others] That is to say that she bears the same sin as that of a fornicator because the person who commits the cause that leads to a sin is like the person who commits the sin. (a) Ghusl is compulsory should one have a discharge of mani (sperm) owing to stimulation while asleep or awake. When climax is reached and one is satiated, the liquid which comes out at that time is called mani (semen). She works as an Islamic Studies teacher and a counselor in spiritual and female-related issues. If a kaafir becomes Muslim when he is junub, then he has to do ghusl. 9. That blood which is discharged monthly is called haid (menstruation, or monthly period). Summary of answer If a woman feels that some fluid has come out of her vagina, even if it is only a little, then she has to do ghusl, because of the report to that effect. Al-Baghawi said in Sharh al-Sunnah (2/9): Ghusl for janabah (impurity following sexual activity) is wajib (obligatory) if either of the following applies: either the tip of the penis penetrates the vagina, or the gushing liquid is emitted by the man or the woman The scholars said that ghusl does not become obligatory unless one is sure that what one feels of wetness comes from the gushing liquid. Ibn Qudamah said in al-Mughni (1/200): The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) connected doing ghusl to seeing (the fluid) when he said: If you see the water and if the water gushes out , then do ghusl. The ruling does not apply otherwise. Ibn Hajar said in al-Fath (1/389): This indicates that ghusl is obligatory for women, if they emit fluid at the point of climax. Ibn Rajab said in al-Fath (1/338): This hadith indicates that if a woman sees an (erotic) dream and notices the fluid when she wakes up, she has to do ghusl. Can a woman do ghusl without washing hair? So He Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam said: he does not have to perform ghusul. So Umm Sulaim Radiallahu Anha asked, if a woman finds wetness, does she have to perform ghusul? Summary of answer Ghusl becomes compulsory for a woman if maniy is emitted after orgasm when climax is reached, and is followed by physical exhaustion. If it is inserted in the anus, then too ghusl will be obligatory. Is it only the emitting of a fluid in that state that makes a person impure? When they awoke, they saw stains of semen on the bed-sheet. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 93644. Answer ID: 35886 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! A: 1. A: It has been scientifically proven that many women experience an orgasmor ejaculation when they reach a climax during sexual intercouse. My question is: if a man engages in foreplay with his wife and she reaches climax but does not emit anything, does she become junub and thus is obliged to do ghusl? [Lochia is one of the causes which makes ghusl obligatory. Prerequisites for the Body Washer: 1. Ghusl also becomes obligatory when this blood stops flowing. And she has to make Ghusl after becoming pure at the end of menstruation or after giving birth to a baby. 7. How to Perform Ghusl The Complete Ghusl: which is what has been reported in the hadeeth of Aishah (radyAllaahu anhaa) in Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, in which she said: When Allahss Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) would perform ghusl due to Janaabah (sexual impurity), he would begin by washing his hands. He later continued his religious studies at the Hawza of Qum. Giving away women's rights slightly more gradually than Scotland is still giving away women's rights. While sleeping, one has a wet dream and even experiences some excitement. Allah say: O you who believe! If a woman is experiencing an erotic dream then ghusl will only be obligatory if any fluid comes out. Thus, the situations that necessitate taking the ghusl are: after engaging in marital relations, even if ejaculation did not occur. How to hear gods voice when making a decision. Occasions for which Ghusl is preferred Ghusl is recommended in the following cases: Before going to Jummah Congregational (Friday Prayer). If the fluid discharges in the form of mani (semen) with force due to sexual thought or by touching husband with lust then ghusl shall be wajib. A little semen comes out and one therefore had a bath. It is not sufficient for her to do wudu in this case unless the fluid which was emitted was not the kind of fluid for which ghusl is required, such as madhiy (lubricating secretion) etc., in which case wudu is sufficient. Another Hadith confirming this is reported by Aishah who heard that Abdullah ibn Umar advised women to undo their hair when they need to do the ghusl. 15 Questions AnsweredAsk Saleem Bhimji, Shaykh Saleem Bhimji was born and raised in Canada. [Lochia is one of the causes which makes ghusl obligatory. Before going to Eid Prayers (Muslim annual feast prayers). All rights reserved. Abu Said al-Khudri narrated that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Water is for water (i.e., ghusl must be done when semen is emitted).(Narrated by Muslim, 343) This water comes out of a man in spurts and it comes out of the woman without spurts, but in both cases it is accompanied by feelings of pleasure, followed by physical exhaustion. A man is not obliged to perform Ghusl just for smelling perfume from a non-Mahram woman. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. That blood which is discharged after child-birth is called nifaas. So what is the correct ruling since I am very confused due to different fatwas. Nothing; just another word for "people." They don't need women's rights because they have people's rights. Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. I get thoughts like you did kufr while I did ghusl & so it's not valid. All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. When Is Ghusl Compulsory for a Woman? Upon washing a corpse. Women in Iran will still be required to wear the hijab under Islamic Republic law, even if the country's government decides to abolish the religious police who were in charge of enforcing the . So these are the cases when a woman has to make Ghusl, apart from this she does not have to make Ghusl. Most of the scholars except Shafiis, regard lust necessary for the ejaculation; so, they do not regard . For this reason in the hadith you quoted, the Messenger of Allah (alayhis-salaam) did not use the word MANI (semen) but he said: MAA, which means liquid. If a woman finds her self wet due to an erotic dream then Ghusl is obligatory on her because of the hadeeth of Umm Salamah, who reported that Umm Sulaim, the wife of Abu Talha, asked Allahs Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam), saying: Allaah is not shy when it comes to the truth. He has compiled and published several books, has filmed several documentaries on Islamic subjects and has also promoted Islamic propagation in US jails. She replied, To the Masjid. He said, And you perfumed yourself for it? She replied, Yes. So, he said, The Prophet said: Any woman who goes out of her home wearing perfume and is heading to the Masjid, Allaah will not accept a prayer from her until she returns to her home and performs Ghusl from the smell of perfume in the same manner she performs Ghusl from Janaabah (ritual defilement). [Abu Daawood and Ahmad], The order for her to perform Ghusl is not because sheis in ritual defilement but for the smell of theperfume to disappear. There are three states that necessitate ghusl: 1 - The state of janabah. When Is Ghusl Required for a Woman? (Hidaya: Vol1, P32), With regards to your question, Saaidah Aaisha Radiallahu Anha relates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam was asked about a man who finds wetness (semen from ejaculation) but does not remember having a wet dream. He has an undergraduate degree in Religious and Near Eastern Studies from the University of Toronto and an M.A. I also get thoughts like that dead skin makes my ghusl invalid. The statement that it is preferred is built upon the fact that if one does not perform ghusl, it will not harm (his prayer). Of sound mind (unanimously)1 3. If there is ejaculation because of a desire while awake or asleep (without intercourse) she has to make Ghusl as well. Discernment 4. 2. In another post one sister Umm Reem mentioned that ghusl becomes obligatory on women if they have an orgasm even if fluid is not discharged. Abu Hurairah reported that Thumamah al-Hanafi was captured. Is it necessary to perform Ghusl if a woman orgasms without intercourse but does not ejaculate or see any yellow fluid? three braids and suspended behind her head. 2. If fluid comes after sexual thoughts or due to husbands touch but no intercourse occurred, does that make ghusl wajib on female? How often should you shave your pubes in Islam? To do a complete Wudu. Abu Saeed reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (sallal lahu alayhi wa sallam) say, Water (washing) is (needed) after (ejaculation of) sperm. (Related by Muslim. The husband can take pleasure from his wife during her menstruation (or after giving birth) without sexual intercourse in vagina or anus. Lochia (nifas) linguistically means childbirth, whether there is blood with it or not. Note: At the time of excitement, in the beginning a particular fluid which increases the excitement, comes out. and wiping the earholes. Answer Praise be to Allah.If maniy (fluid emitted at the point of climax) comes out of a woman without intercourse, she has to do ghusl . Approach not As-Salat (the prayer) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter, nor when you are in a state of Janaba, (i.e. If she continues to sleep for more than 39 days then she must perform ghusl at the end of the 40th day. But, if others are harmed by his perspiration or bad smell from his clothes and body, ghusl becomes obligatory, and not performing it detracts from the rewards of salah. How can a normal person know which is correct and which is false? As a remember, Ghusl becomes obligatory in six cases. I have posted about my OCD (Waswas) problems in Ghusl & wudu a lot of times. (Fatwa: 114/92/B=1433) Three things make ghusl wajib on a woman: (1) Janabah i.e. There is no Hadeeth which makes this as an obligation. Lochia (nifas) linguistically means childbirth, whether there is blood with it or not. 15 Questions AnsweredAsk Vinay Khetia, Shaikh Vinay Khetia has studied at various traditional Islamic seminaries in London, Iraq and Syria. The husband can take pleasure from his wife during her menstruation (or after giving birth) without sexual intercourse in vagina or anus. There is just one kind of obligatory ghusl, all you need to do is ensure that all There is a difference between the water of the man and that of the woman. She is deeply interested in history and politics as well as social issues in particular those pertaining to women. The discharge of mazi does not make ghusl obligatory; however, wudu breaks. 36865 ,83570 ,2458 and12317 Types of discharges that may come out during intimate activity What the married woman should know is that the discharges that may come out during intimate activity are of two types: That which comes out to lubricate the vagina and make intercourse easier; this does not make ghusl obligatory ; rather wudu is required in this case. Where are you going?" Make sure she washes all of her hair rigorously to the root. But as far as I know it is mentioned in the hadith that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said that ghusl only becomes obligatory ifshe sees the fliudotherwise not. It was reported that a woman passed by Abu Hurayrah while she was wearing perfume (he could smell it from her), so he said to her, O slave of Al-Jabbaar (The Formidable; one of the beautiful Names of Allaah)! 124,918 people read this post. It will be obligatory to bath again. /soap mix into the pores of the deceased. The Ghusl for men and women is as follows: 1. [Lochia is one of the causes which makes ghusl obligatory. Five: When menstruation and breathing stops The first three of the above five factors include both men and women and the number five only applies to women. If maniy (semen) is emitted whilst one is awake because of illness, ghusl is not required It is obligatory to do ghusl following intercourse even if no ejaculation takes place 25 Questions AnsweredAsk Nour Tessie Jrgensen, Nour Tessie Jrgensen has an MA in Islamic studies from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and a degree in Philosophy of Ethics at Al Mustafa International University in Qum, Iran. This is what is referred to as semen although in science this is not actually semen. (4) At the end of nifaas. And thus make sure no part of the hand is left dry. I say, the Hadeeth is silent regarding this detail. But it is a scientific fact that women do not discharge semen, only men do. The insertion of the penis in the front makes ghusl obligatory irrespective of whether semen is discharged or not. When Is Ghusl Required For A Woman - When a Ghusl is required for women When does a woman have to do Ghusl if her husband pleases her with his hand gives her orgasm Is a menstruating woman allowed to please her husband with her hand or mouth Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions A woman has . Say Bismillah. The husband and wife were sleeping on one bed. What are the acts which make ghusl obligatory? seminal fluid comes out)? postpartum period. This was the view of the majority of scholars and no dissenting view is known except for that of al-Nakhai, who is the odd one out. This hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) makes the matter quite clear, which is that if any fluid is emitted by the woman whether it is a little or a lot then she has to do ghusl. 8. When Is Ghusl Required For A Woman. If semen is discharged out of passion while one is awake or asleep, ghusl becomes wajib irrespective of whether it is discharged by touching a person of the opposite sex, or by having any such thoughts or fantasies, or by any other way -in all cases, ghusl will be wajib. So she is the cause of thefornication of the eyeand is thus sinful. ), (b) After sexual intercourse Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, (sallal lahu alayhi wa sallam) said, When anyone sits between the four parts of her body and exerts himself (has intercourse), bathing becomes obligatory (for both). (Related by Ahmad and Muslim), (c) After menstruation and childbirth bleeding Allah states in the Quran, Do not approach them until they become pure. If a woman is having sexual intercourse then as soon as the male private part enters the female private part then ghusl becomes compulsory regardless of whether the woman experiences orgasm or not. 2. When a disbeliever converts to Islam. Both spouses should know that there are two things which make ghusl obligatory with regard to intimate acts: Intercourse, which is when his private part enters the wifes private part, even if he does not ejaculate. In Muslims report, there is the addition: even if he doesnt ejaculate. Al-Mubaarakfoori said in Sharh Al-Mishkaah: Al-Qaari said that she should pour water over her entire body if she had perfumed her entire body in order that the smell of perfume disappears from her; but if she had appliedperfume to a part of her body only, then she should wash that part only. Purity of the water used, but not necessarily of the washer himself. If you want wealth (as a ransom), we can give you what you wish. The companions of the Prophet preferred the ransom and said, What would we get if we killed him? When the Prophet passed by him, he finally embraced Islam. 11. Ghusl is necessary at the end of the period of bleeding which follows childbirth (nifas). In any case, if a woman experiences sexual pleasure followed by ejaculation, it is compulsory on her to bath. He is a part time lecturer at the Islamic College in London and is currently writing his doctoral thesis on the challenges faced by educators of young Muslims in modern day Britain. If someone gives ghusl to a dead person, it is mustahab for that person to have, Ghusl for Women IslamQA Q: When does ghusl become obligatory for women? Wash the right hand up to and including the wrists. You can search for fatwa through many choices, Xem thm cc kt qu v This is for emphasison deterrence, as she incited the desire and lust of men by her perfume and led them to look at her, and whoever looks at her commits fornicationof the eyes. That which distinguishes the two is that when semen comes out, one becomes satisfied and his passion is cooled, while the coming out of mazi does not decrease the excitement but increases it. He is a PhD Candidate in the department of Religious Studies at McMaster University with a focus on the intellectual history of Islam and specifically Shiism. But I have read something that says that if the woman sees discharge, then she has to do ghusl, but in fact there are two types of discharge one is the well-known maniy and the other is vaginal secretions. Rape, childbirth, child care, differences in size and strength, are all irrelevant, because everyone is a person. Then pour water all over the body. As a precaution, both of them should have a bath because it is not known as to whose semen it is. Does a woman have to do ghusl if she has an (erotic) dream? He said, Yes, if she sees water (fluid). In this hadith, he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded women to do ghusl if they see water, i.e., maniy. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger. Allah knows best. In other words, a female should make ghusl if she experiences a liquid discharge while sleeping. Also, note that inserting fingers in the vagina does not require ghusl afterwards. You can search for fatwa through many choices. The same will apply when she has sexual intercourse with the husband or she masturbates (although masturbating is haraam). Assalaamu 'alaikum wa ra'hmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, I know of a sahih hadith which states that if any male smells perfume of a woman in public places, he has to do fard ghusl, what is the ruling of it? If one awakens and sees semen on his clothing or body, ghusl will be wajib irrespective of whether one sees a dream or not. The mans water is white and thick, and the womans water is yellow and thin. When does ghusl become wajib or fardh on females Question: When does ghusl become wajib or fardh on females? 2. This is maniy and if it is emitted, ghusl becomes obligatory . So these are the cases when a woman has to make Ghusl, apart from this she does not have to make Ghusl. He said yes, women are the partners of men. (Sunan Abi Dawud p.35 v.1), If a woman is having sexual intercourse then as soon as the male private part enters the female private part then ghusl becomes compulsory regardless of whether the woman experiences orgasm or not. Muslims are encouraged to perform ghusl before they gather for the Friday Prayer, Ids, before going to Arafah, before putting on Ihraam. There is, however, a Hadeeth that forbids a woman from going out while wearing perfume. 10. Use something scented to wash her private area thoroughly. Both men and women should remove armpit and pubic hair at least every forty days. ' [End of quote]. And Allah knows best Mufti Siraj Desai This answer was collected from AskMufti.co.za, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Siraj Desai ofDarul-Uloom Abubakr, South Africa.Find more answers indexed from: Askmufti.co.za, Copyright 2022 THE EUGENIA | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. When they are pure, go to them in the manner that Allah has prescribed for you. The Messenger of Allah (sallal lahu alayhi wa sallam) said to Fatimah bint Abu Habish, Do not pray during your period. Islam Question & Answer Question There are two things that may happen during intercourse or foreplay between a man and his wife. (Raddul Muhtar p.300 v.1) Only Allah Knows Best. He performed ghusl and prayed two rakah. Ghusl is necessary at the end of the period of bleeding which follows childbirth (nifas). The Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) responded: Yes, if she sees the fluid. This hadeeth is reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. When the glans of the penis enters the vagina and is not visible, ghusl becomes wajib irrespective of whether semen was discharged or not. 2689 Questions Answered & 7 Days Average Response Time.Ask Seyed Ali Shobayri, Seyed Ali Shobayri is of mixed Iranian and Scottish descent who found the path of the Ahlul Bayt (a) by his own research. A man is not obliged to perform Ghusl just for smelling perfume from a non-Mahram woman. Answer Praise be to Allah.What makes ghusl obligatory? When Is Ghusl Compulsory for a Woman? That's a lot. , and then the other side of the body is lifted, and then the clothes are gathered and, later on so that it doesnt invalidate the ghusl toward, parts of the deceased should not be touched, possible the entrance of water into the two cavities), mouth with it to prevent any water from seeping into, preferred. Females are required to perform ghusl at the end of their post-childbirth bleeding. So is it obligatory for a woman to perform ghusl if she has a wet dream (i.e. (2) Entry of the glans of the penis into the vagina (or anus). To pour water over your head and body three times. Muslim (unanimously) 2. Their private parts discharge fluid normally for the whole month, does that fluid make ghusl wajib? For the last part of your question, please refer to Fatawa about oral sex:84137 and 81980. When this blood stops flowing, ghusl becomes obligatory. Ghusl is necessary at the end of the period of bleeding which follows childbirth (nifas). And she has to make Ghusl after becoming pure at the end of menstruation or after giving birth to a baby. If, due to some sickness, or some other reason, semen comes out of its own accord, and there was no excitement or desire, then ghusl will not be obligatory, but wudu will break. The fluid that the private part of a woman discharges whole month it does not make ghusl wajib, but it breaks wudhu. Ghusl will therefore not be obligatory. Kindly reply in detail, because my wife takes bath thrice a day just because of that fluid discharge. Furthermore, mazi is thin while semen is thick. you can use scissors and cut the clothes off. 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save how_to_perform_the_ghusl__janazah_workshop_ For Later, However it is not required that he or she be. It designates the blood itself which emerges from the vagina because of childbirth. The Prophet, upon whom be peace, passed by him and said, What do you have to say for yourself, O Thumamah? He said, If you kill me, you would be killing a relative. In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. While going through the posts of some of the scholars on the internet, some scholars such as Sheikh Saleh Al-Munajjid and many others said that ghusl becomes obligatory on women if they have an orgasm or reach climax. 4. I can't pray anymore, I don't know if my ghusl is accepted. If a woman goes out wearing perfume, she has towash herbodyso that the smell of her perfume fades away. If a woman is experiencing an erotic dream then ghusl will only be obligatory if any fluid comes out. Make sure to while rub and rub between the fingers of the hand. On the basis of the above, if a woman feels that some fluid has come out of her vagina, even if it is only a little, then she has to do ghusl, because of the report to that effect. After bathing, more semen comes out. The HSIB highlighted that preventative doses were different for pregnant women under 50kg and over 50kg. After completing his post-secondary education at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), he moved to Medina, New York, to study at the Imam al-Asr Theological Seminary. As far as we know, none of the jurists has ever said this. Lochia (nifas) linguistically means childbirth, whether there is blood with it or not. A male is required to perform ghusl if the head of his penis entered the Vagina of the female even if it was for just a secound. The rule of forced bathing is - first rinse three times and inject water into the nose. - Islam Question & Answer, When a Ghusl is required for women - Islamweb - Fatwas, When does ghusl become wajib or fardh on females. In the case of a woman after her menses, she should also: 1. Islam Question & Answer Question If a female has an orgasm without intercourse, is she required to perform ghusl before she can say her prayers? If it is emitted when one is awake, if a. There is no difference of opinion concerning this nowadays; there was a difference of opinion concerning it among some of the Sahabah and those who came after them, then consensus was formed on what we have mentioned above, and this has been discussed previously. (Sharh Muslim, 4/40, 41) Emission of maniy. Intention to have several kits for both males and females so that we just grab a kit and the ghusl can be performed in a timely fashion. All rights reserved. A woman's ejaculation is a discharge that comes out in quick spurts similar to a man's ejaculation. If there is ejaculation because of a desire while awake or asleep (without intercourse) she has to make Ghusl as well. Answer (1 of 8): Thank you for asking! The Hanafis and Shaafa'is are of the view that it is mustahabb for a kaafir to do ghusl when he becomes Muslim even if he is not junub, because many people became Muslim and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not tell them to do ghusl. He was raised in Iran and holds a BA and an MA in Sociology from Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran. the practical meaning of washing has been achieved. 3. An orgasm is the release or discharge of a liquid that sometimes squirts out with force. Praise to be Allah, The Most High. Then he would pour water from his right hand to his left and wash his private parts, Is it necessary to perform Ghusl if a woman orgasms without intercourse but does not ejaculate or see any yellow fluid? However on awakening, one notices that no semen was discharged. I am confused over this. However, a hospital investigation found the woman may not have received an appropriate dose to help prevent the VTE as her weight after the birth of her baby had increased to 56kg. Many scholars such as Sheik Saleh Al-Munajjid say that ghusl becomes obligatory for women when they discharge semen from their private part. If you give me a bounty (set me free), I would be thankful. All Rights Reserved | And she has to make Ghusl after becoming pure at the end of menstruation or after giving birth to a baby. However, if one has an erotic dream but no wetness is found then ghusl is not obligatoryGhusl is obligatory for men and women after sexual intercourse performing Ghusl is required regardless of whether the person ejaculated or not. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to religious questions. As far as we know, none of thejurists has ever said this. Part of a video titled How to wash ones hair in ghusl? 85. The Prophet said, Indeed, your brother became a fine Muslim. This hadith is related by Ahmad. Wu (Arabic: al-wu [wdu]) is the Islamic procedure for cleansing parts of the body, a type of ritual purification, or ablution.The 4 Fardh (Mandatory) acts of Wudu consists of washing the face, hands and forearms up to and including the elbow, then wiping the head and washing the feet with water.. Wudu is an important part of ritual purity in Islam. First 2 washes with soap (sidr), the last. Apparently there is no scientific or technical name for the discharge a woman experiences when she ejaculates or has an orgasm. To date he has translated over 40 full-length books into English that have been printed worldwide. after ejaculating or climaxing through foreplay, wet dreams, or the like. The woman may reach climax but does not emit anything, or she may reach it and emit something. in the History and Philosophy of Religion from Concordia University. Copyright IslamWeb 2022. menstruation (3) Nifas i.e. Copyright IslamWeb 2022. Allah (Subhana Wa Taala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India, Ghusl for women and men Ghusl is washing the entire body with water. Answer Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. It designates the blood itself which emerges from the vagina because of childbirth. The process of ghusl 1. - . And Allah knows best. It takes place due to two reasons: a. Ejaculation with lust when a person is awake or asleep without having a sexual arousal or intercourse, having sexual satisfaction. There is also a source for the story in reports by al-Bukhari and Muslim. He has also studied at Queen Mary College London and the London School of Economics. What are the five actions which require the ghusl? 11 Questions AnsweredAsk Seyed Saied Alavi, Seyed Saied Alavi is a researcher based in Qom who has studied from the Howzah of Qom and also, What are the acts which make ghusl obligatory? (d) When a Muslim dies, it is obligatory to wash his or her body, according to the consensus of the Muslims. That which comes out after orgasm, when climax is reached, and is followed by physical exhaustion. In the past, he has also spent significant time in India guiding the community. Do I Have to Perform, What are the acts which make ghusl obligatory? When a Ghusl is required for women Islamweb Question When does a woman have to do Ghusl if her husband pleases her with his hand (gives her orgasm)? Intention to Uplift Major Sexual Impurities, Semen Is Impure; Not Obligatory to Wash Beddings that Have Not Been Stained by It, Applied Moisturizing Cream on Her Body: Is Ghusl Valid, His Wife Masturbated Him: Ghusl Is Not Obligatory on Her, Had Intercourse and Took a Shower without Intending Ghusl, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: The water of the man is thick and white, and the water of the woman is thin and yellow. (Narrated by Muslim, 311) This water (maniy) is that which makes ghusl. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded women to do ghusl if they notice water (fluid), as was reported by Malik in al-Muwatta (1/51), and by al-Bukhari (282) and al-Nasai (1/114) from Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) who said: Umm Sulaim, the wife of Abu Talhah, came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said, O Messenger of Allah, Allah is not too shy to tell the truth. (According to many scholars, the performance of Ghusl is preferred for a person who washes a corpse). the first piece of cloth should be folded from the, shrouded in five pieces of cloth. Before undertaking Umrah or Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah). A woman has to make Ghusl (have a bath with the intention of purifying herself) when her husband has intercourse with her, even if there is no ejaculation from both of them or from one of them. So He Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said, he must perform ghusul and he was asked about a man who thinks he had a wet dream but finds not wetness. Amongst Muslims, hair removal is part of an impulse towards general purity and cleanliness and includes the trimming of nails and the removing of armpit and pubic hair. He has also co-authored a book on Quranic sciences for the Islamic College as well as translating several works from Persian into English. (Raddul Muhtar p.300 v.1), Copyright 2022 Darul Ifta Birmingham. In modern, scientific terminology semen is what a man discharges. If there is any wetness on the clothing or body, but one is in doubt as to whether it is mazi or semen, then too it will be obligatory to make ghusl. Is it only the emitting of a fluid in that state that makes a person impure? 14 Questions AnsweredAsk Abbas Jaffer, Sheikh Abbas Jaffer is an optometrist by profession and has a Masters degree in Islamic Sciences. It is required to perform ghusl on a Muslim who has died but if the Muslim died in Jihad (i.e as a Shaheed or Martyr) then no qhusl is required. - Jamiatul Ulama KZN, When is Ghusl obligatory for a woman?-Ghusl. The majo, Do not sell or share my personal information. (e) New converts to Islam must perform ghusl. If there is ejaculation because of a desire while awake or asleep (without intercourse) she has to make Ghusl as well. The Prophet, upon whom be peace, untied him and told him to go to the garden of Abu Talhah and perform ghusl. So these are the cases when a woman has to make Ghusl, apart from this she does not have to make Ghusl. Please see the answers to questions no. He holds a BA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University through the Islamic College of London. He wipes whatever he can wash of them. However, it is a major sin to insert or ask someone to insert the penis into the anus. Truly, Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving. (Quran 4:43) Occasions when Ghusl is Required as an obligatory Act Ghusl is obligatory on a person in the following cases: If there is discharge of semen due to stimulation or because of an erotic dream (wet dream). after menstruation (hayd) ends or the menstrual maximum of 240 hours is reached. Today, just now, I did ghusl for 45 min. After it has ended, perform ghusl and pray. (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.). Do I Have to Perform Ghusl after Orgasm? This fluid is called mazi (pre-coital fluid). He also studied at the Hawza Ilmiyya of England and continues Hawza and Islamic studies with private teachers. The ritual of ghusl is said to cleanse the whole body from impurities and is mandated by texts and scholars to be performed after intercourse, childbirth, menstruation, before adopting Islam, after death, before important celebrations and during the pilgrimage of mecca, There is no need to wash her hair fully. There is, however,a Hadeeth that forbids a woman from going out while wearing perfume. (3) At the end of menstruation. In short, ghusl becomes obligatory in four conditions: (1) Discharge of semen out of excitement. The rule is: 1) Emission of semen for both the male or female, which happens either when one is awake or when one is asleep. 39 Questions AnsweredAsk Zeinab Donati, Zeinab Donati has been studying books about various Islamic subjects for more than 19 years. Edumag by Theme Palace, Is ghusl obligatory if a woman experiences orgasm, Muslim Woman to uncover her neck in front of Muslim women and non Muslim women, After Passing Urine or Stool Will It Suffice to Do Istinja With Only Tissue Paper or Water, Constant emission of Madhi due to weak bladder. 3. His Slave and Messenger with soap ( sidr ), we can give you what you wish alayhi. 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