Verily Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty." [20], Theologian Keith Small[21] of the International Qur'anic Studies Association accused the documentary's critics of engaging in "theological mugging" and wrote "'Why must honest questions about the origins of Islam be met with such hostility? [21] His methods of converting Iran included: The early Safavid rulers took a number of steps against the Sunni Ulama of Iran. Interview with Rushdie by Gigi Marzullo; Sottovoce, RAIUNO, March 31, 2006. (iii) These governments steal our Ummah's wealth and sell them to you at a paltry price. Olivier Roy, Carol Volk, p. 170. But the absence of evidence only matters to those for whom evidence is a sort of god. [14] He required the first three caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman to be ritually cursed, abolished Sunni Sufi orders, seizing their property, and gave Sunni ulama a choice of conversion, death, or exile. (3) What we call you to thirdly is to take an honest stance with yourselves - and I doubt you will do so - to discover that you are a nation without principles or manners, and that the values and principles to you are something which you merely demand from others, not that which you yourself must adhere to. Nader had the leading cleric in Persia strangled. With your help and under your protection, the Israelis are planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque. (i) Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of believing people. For men, prisons have proven a fertile ground for conversions. A History of Christianity in Indonesia. [49] Thus it is questionable whether Ismail and his followers could have succeeded in forcing a whole people to adopt a new faith without the support of the Arab Shiite scholars. These steps included giving the Ulama the choice of conversion, death, or exile[36][37][38] and massacring the Sunni clerics who resisted the Shia transformation of Iran, as witnessed in Herat. Go ahead and boast to the nations of man, that you brought them AIDS as a Satanic American Invention. [18] In their statement, iERA proclaimed that "Holland should have spent a little more time with Islamic historians instead of wasting all those precious minutes in learning the way of the Bedouin. Thus, the public denunciation of Sunni emblems became one stage on which this power struggle between the Shah and the cleric-Qizilbash group was played out. Use the enter key to expand submenu items. The Encyclopedia of world history: ancient, medieval, and modern. Nikki R Keddie, Yann Richard, p. 11. It was formed to trade in the Indian Ocean region, initially with the East Indies (the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia), and later with East Asia.The company seized control of large parts of the Indian subcontinent, colonised [71] The religious unrest and rebellions were especially provoked by his ill-fated persecution of the Sunnis living under his control. Amongst the foreign interests, decades of misrule by incapable Shahs, and tireless wars against the Safavid's arch rival, the Ottoman Turks, and new imperial rival, Russia, that wrecked the Safavid state and made it decline. (c) Also the American army is part of the American people. Most Islamists are socially modern but others advocate a more retrograde lifestyle. "Submission [to God]") is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion centred primarily around the Quran, a religious text considered by Muslims to be the direct word of God (or Allah) as it was revealed to Muhammad, the main and final Islamic prophet. 1/4, Religion and Society in Islamic Iran during the Pre-Modern Era (1994), pp. Juliet Samuel. [28][29], Despite Quilliam's claims to oppose extremism of any kind, it had numerous critics. "public", funding. However, despite there being no official civil law of apostasy, judges may still convict a defendant of that crime if they rule based on religious fatwas. p. 86. [12] One commented that "You might be a target in the streets. Ismail's conversion policy had the following historical outcomes: The fate of Sunni and Shia Ulema (scholars), Significant figures during the conversion process, Historical outcome of Ismail's conversion policy, "Iran: Safavid Period", Encyclopedia Iranica by Hamid Algar. Francis Robinson, p. 72. (3) You may then dispute that all the above does not justify aggression against civilians, for crimes they did not commit and offenses in which they did not partake: (a) This argument contradicts your continuous repetition that America is the land of freedom, and its leaders in this world. They also gave him several opportunities to convert back to Islam. 3 July 2011. [81] However, the scheme to establish this form of Sunnism as the state religion failed to win support among most of the population. ; Aben Humeya (born Fernando de Valor) Morisco Chief who was crowned the Emir of Andalusia by his followers and led the Morisco Revolt against Philip II of Spain. If the Americans do not respond, then their fate will be that of the Soviets who fled from Afghanistan to deal with their military defeat, political breakup, ideological downfall, and economic bankruptcy. I'm all for cultural and religious sensitivity, but the degree to which Holland tiptoed around the subject and apologised for his findings went way beyond what was required. The Cambridge illustrated history of the Islamic world. 7 (2): 217230. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation. WebIt is estimated that 5,200 Britons convert to Islam annually, with a total of about 100,000 converts in 2013. (6) Sixthly, we call upon you to end your support of the corrupt leaders in our countries. Sake Dean Mahomed (born Sheikh Din Muhammad) Indian traveller, surgeon and entrepreneur who introduced the Indian take-away curry house restaurant in Britain; first Indian to have written a book in the English language; converted to marry Jane Daly, an Irish Protestant, as it was illegal for a non-Protestant to marry a Protestant. It is the Muslims who are the inheritors of Moses (peace be upon him) and the inheritors of the real Torah that has not been changed. Brad Biggs (May 20, 2005 Friday). The Encyclopedia of world history: ancient, medieval, and modern. Muslims, consider the Quran (sometimes spelled "Koran") to be the Word of God as transmitted by the Angel [42], In openDemocracy, Tom Griffin criticised Nawaz for focusing on Islamism, and for defending "counterjihad" figures like Robert B. Spencer, Pamela Geller and Frank Gaffney.[27]. These tax dollars are given to Israel for it to continue to attack us and penetrate our lands. Some studies suggest an overrepresentation of black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations. "[24], In 2012, the foundation received $75,000 from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, which funds the David Horowitz Freedom Center. R.A.Berman, Freedom or Terror: Europe Faces Jihad (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press 2010. It was an original religious policy, aimed at weakening Shia power, promoting his own rule in Sunni lands outside Iran and making Shiism a 5th school of orthodox Sunni Islam a proposal rejected by both Sunni rulers and Shiites. T.K. If the execution is carried out, Nadarkhani would be the first Christian executed for religious reasons in Iran in over 20 years.[13][15]. [59] With the assistance of Makhdum Sharifi Shirazi, the new Sadr, Ismail II strove to reverse the anti-Sunni practices among the populace. Steven R Ward, p. 52. Therefore, when people study the Qur'an as though it were just another text, it can seem to many Muslims very insulting and upsetting." [64] Abbas hated the Sunnis, and forced the population to accept Twelver Shiism. In 2011 a man was executed in Ahvaz, Iran for blasphemy and "spreading corruption on the earth" (Mofsed-Fel-Arz) when he claimed that he was God, and attracting a "following" around himself. The emergence of the counterjihad movement had previously been noted in the journal of the Royal United Services Institute as early as 2008. [3] According to Amnesty International and Nadarkhani's legal team, the Iranian government had offered leniency if he were to recant his Christianity. -", "Ex-Muslim calls on her people to reject hatred",, "About this Collection | Omar Ibn Said Collection | Digital Collections | Library of Congress", "Islam, the West and the need for honesty", "Pinkan Mambo married in a church in Los Angeles", "Article on Raghib Ismail: Rocket shows strong path", " is for sale (markmaranga)", " ", "The priests said Interior Minister Nurgaliyev Encyclopedia of safety", "Jailed '93 WTC bomber claims he's now a Christian", Saya juga minta maaf kepada seluruh komunitas Gereja Ortodok, Roy Marten, who said that he has been a follower of the Church for three years, "Ruffa Gutierrez reaffirms her Christian faith", Saye Zerbo, prsident of the republic from 1980 to 1982 (article in French), "Deen Mahomed [17591851]: soldier, writer, businessman", "8 Artis Pakai Nama Suami Usai Nikah, Banyak yang Pindah Agama", "Sigi Wimala Dinikahi Sutradara Film di Gereja", "Nikah Diam-Diam, Sigi Wimala Digosipkan Hamil", " : | Radio Netherlands Worldwide", "": " " "", "Where Are the Tiananmen Leaders Now? Statistics commonly measure the absolute number of adherents, the percentage of the absolute growth per-year, and the growth of converts in the world.. Studies in the 21st century suggest that, in terms of percentage Islamism is a spectrum, with Islamists disagreeing over how they should bring their 'Islamic' state into existence. (d)As for the war criminals which you censure and form criminal courts for - you shamelessly ask that your own are granted immunity!! WebEntertainment News - Find latest Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossips today from the most popular industry Bollywood and Hollywood. Iraq: Old Land, New Nation in Conflict, By William Spencer, p. 23. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, there is officially no crime known as apostasy in the penal code (although there was a law about it prior to 1994). By the same course of the 1710s, there were numerous other uprisings and insurrections in other parts of the Safavid domains,[76] often inspired by the persecutions instigated against non-Shiite minorities by the leading Shia Safavid ulama, e.g. (viii) And because of all this, you have been described in history as a nation that spreads diseases that were unknown to man in the past. The problem however is that the Qur'an never defines what "Messiah" means. The Nation which is addressed by its Quran with the words: "Do you fear them? Founded as The Quilliam Foundation and based in London, it claimed to lobby government and public institutions for more nuanced WebBrowse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Modern Iran: roots and results of revolution, By Nikki R. Keddie, Yann Richard, pg.11, The modern Middle East: a political history since the First World War, By Mehran Kamrava, pg.29, Encyclopaedic Historiography of the Muslim World, By NK Singh, A Samiuddin, pg.459, Modern Iran: roots and results of revolution, By Nikki R. Keddie, Yann Richard, pg.13, Modern Iran: roots and results of revolution, By Nikki R. Keddie, Yann Richard, pg.20, Iran: a short history: from Islamization to the present, By Monika Gronke, pg.91, Conceptualizing/re-conceptualizing Africa: the construction of African , By Maghan Keita, pg.77, Iran's diverse peoples: a reference sourcebook, By Massoume Price, pg.74, Iran's diverse peoples: a reference sourcebook, By Massoume Price, pg.75, Iran and America: re-kindling a love lost, By Badi Badiozamani, pg.174175, Eid-e-Shuja' or Celebration of assassination of Caliph Umar, Immortal: A Military History of Iran and Its Armed Forces, Modern Iran: roots and results of revolution, Iran: religion, politics, and society: collected essays, The Azerbaijani Turks: power and identity under Russian rule, The modern Middle East: a political history since the First World War, The Encyclopedia of world history: ancient, medieval, and modern, Iran: a short history: from Islamization to the present, The Judeo-Persian poet Emrn and his "Book of treasure": Emrn's Gan, Encyclopaedic Historiography of the Muslim World, The Cambridge illustrated history of the Islamic world, Conceptualizing/re-conceptualizing Africa: the construction of African , By Maghan Keita, pg.90, Shiite Lebanon: transnational religion and the making of national identities, By Roschanack Shaery-Eisenlohr, pg.1213, Science under Islam: rise, decline and revival, By S. M. Deen, pg.37, The evolution of middle eastern landscapes: an outline to A.D. 1840, Part 1840, By John Malcolm Wagstaff, pg.205, The history of Iraq, By Courtney Hunt, pg.48, History of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey, Volume 1, Distant relations: Iran and Lebanon in the last 500 years, Safavid Iran: rebirth of a Persian empire, Sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from tribal warrior to conquering tyrant, Iran and the surrounding world: interactions in culture and cultural politics, By Nikki R. Keddie, Rudolph P. Matthee, pg.16, Rethinking a millennium: perspectives on Indian history from the eighth to , By Rajat Datta, Harbans Mukhia, pg.133,, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Ismail and his followers pursued such a severe conversion policy in order to give Iran and the Safavid lands as distinct and unique an identity as was possible compared to its two neighboring Sunni Turkic military and political enemies, its arch rival the, The Safavids were engaged in a lengthy struggle with the Ottomans the. Here we wanted to outline the truth - as an explanation and warning - hoping for Allah's reward, seeking success and support from Him. Do not interfere in our politics and method of education. It is the religion of Unification of God, sincerity, the best of manners, righteousness, mercy, honour, purity, and piety. "Robert Young Pelton's The World's Most Dangerous Places: 5th Edition", Robert Young Pelton, Collins Reference, 2003, p.270: Emily Ruete, Ulrich Haarmann (Editor), E. Van Donzel (Editor), Leiden, Netherlands, (1992): Gulshan Esther, Alistair Mark Dean, Thelma Sangster. Thus, if we are attacked, then we have the right to attack back. ; According to The New ", " - " " (05.11.2005)", "Constantine the African, or Constantinus Africanus (medieval medical scholar)". Islam: The Untold Story is a documentary film written and presented by the English novelist and popular historian Tom Holland. Distant relations: Iran and Lebanon in the last 500 years. [12], In 2009, Nadarkhani discovered a recent change in Iranian educational policy that required all students, including his children, to take a course in Quran study in school. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator. Whoever has destroyed our villages and towns, then we have the right to destroy their villages and towns. [citation needed], Iranian state security forces raided Youcef Nadarkhani's home on 22 July 2018. He highlighted "the lack of sources" that were available with which to analyse the origins of Islam, and that all religious movements come to construct their own back story, in doing so erasing alternative accounts and interpretations of their history. Tariq Ramadan, Islam and the Arab Awakening, Oxford University Press, 2012. Giant corporations and establishments are established on this, under the name of art, entertainment, tourism and freedom, and other deceptive names you attribute to it. After that you did not even bring him to account, other than that he 'made a mistake', after which everything passed with no punishment. Nader made a major effort to redefine the place of Shiism within the Islamic world by working to gain recognition from the major Sunni powers. [6] However, he was taken back into custody on Christmas Day 2012 and then released shortly afterwards on 7 January 2013.[7]. Is it in any way rational to expect that after America has attacked us for more than half a century, that we will then leave her to live in security and peace?!! Writing in The Guardian, Cockbain and Tufail wrote of the report that "The two-year study by the Home Office makes very clear that there are no grounds for asserting that Muslim or Pakistani-heritage men are disproportionately engaged in such crimes, and, citing our research, it confirmed the unreliability of the Quilliam claim". Travelling to Saudi Arabia, Holland visits Arabian Bedouins to hear their orthodox Islamic accounts of the religion's origins. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. Anyone who disputes with them on this alleged fact is accused of anti-semitism. WebAbdul Rahman Afghan convert to Christianity who escaped the death penalty because of foreign pressure. John Obert Voll, pp. [36], In December 2017, Quilliam released a report entitled "Group Based Child Sexual Exploitation Dissecting Grooming Gangs", concluding that 84% of offenders were of South Asian heritage. WebNews on Japan, Business News, Opinion, Sports, Entertainment and More Flammarion, Paris, 1982. I pay tribute to the courage shown by Pastor Nadarkhani who has no case to answer and call on the Iranian authorities to overturn his sentence. Iran's diverse peoples: a reference sourcebook. WebMuhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., 19422016) converted from Baptist to The Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam; American professional boxer (three-time world heavyweight champion), philanthropist and social activist; Rowland Allanson-Winn, 5th Baron Headley British soldier and peer; B. Kristiane Backer - a German television (2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you. [3], In early September 2012, Nadarkhani was acquitted of apostasy, sparing him the death penalty. This caused the Ottoman Sultan. Iran: a short history: from Islamization to the present, By Monika Gronke, pg.87, Conceptualizing/re-conceptualizing Africa: the construction of African , By Maghan Keita, pg.87, Conceptualizing/re-conceptualizing Africa: the construction of African , By Maghan Keita, pg.80. [2], It was on the basis of In the Shadow of the Sword that Channel4, a commercial television company based in the U.K., commissioned Holland to produce a documentary on the subject of Islam's origins. Now that the strategy has changed, and the policy of government has changed, what we haven't done is revitalize those funding relationships; but rather now we're 100% privately funded, which I'm happy with because of course it allows me to do the work without having to face the questions about which government is funding you and whether we're pursuing a government line or not. After he heard about this change, he went to the school and protested, based on the fact that the Iranian constitution guarantees the freedom to practice religion. 193208, The Islamic World and the West, Christoph Marcinkowski, pg. Or would have been on offer for any other religion. [16] Also said to have Islamist sympathies or to be associated with Islamist groups were the Islamic Human Rights Commission,[12][13] the Federation of Student Islamic Societies,[13] the Cordoba Foundation,[13] and the Islam Channel. Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you? The Quran is the miracle until the Day of Judgment. RM Savory, Safavids, Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd ed page 185-6. These scholars taught the doctrine of Twelver Shiism and made it accessible to the population and energetically encouraged conversion to Shiism. ", "Group-based Child Sexual Exploitation: Characteristics of Offending", "Most child sexual abuse gangs made up of white men, Home Office report says", "A new Home Office report admits grooming gangs are not a 'Muslim problem', Ex-extremists call for 'Western Islam' The Launch of the Quilliam Foundation, Government gives 1m to anti-extremist think-tank,, 2008 establishments in the United Kingdom, Islamic organisations based in the United Kingdom, Political advocacy groups in the United Kingdom, Liberal and progressive movements within Islam, Faith and theology think tanks based in the United Kingdom, Religious organisations based in the United Kingdom, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 December 2022, at 18:05. It was formed to trade in the Indian Ocean region, initially with the East Indies (the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia), and later with East Asia.The company seized control of large parts of the Indian subcontinent, colonised Later became a He attempted to integrate a redefined Shiism into the Sunni tradition. 27, No. [54] Thus, the population of Azerbaijan was forcibly converted to Shiism in the early 16th century at the same time as the people of what is nowadays Iran, when the Safavids held sway over it. Hulagu and Berke fought against each other, demonstrating the weakening unity of the Mongol empire. [41] The rulers of Safavid Persia also invited these foreign Shiite religious scholars to their court in order to provide legitimacy for their own rule over Persia. (Part 1)", "Iranian pastor faces death for rape, not apostasy report", "CBC Radio The Current Whole Show Blow-by-Blow", "Baha'is in Egypt The 25 January revolution gave everyone hope for change, and the Baha'i hope for acceptance", Watching 'Gandhi my Father' was painful: Tushar, "Happy Salma Hamil Anak dari Suaminya yang Keturunan Raja Ubud Bali", Unveiling the mystique of a reclusive artiste, Hindu response to the demographic challenge, Daddy in jail, Mummy seeks votes for both, Five bombers were prepared to die in Bali The Sunday Telegraph Australia Newstext, "Conversions: Famous personalities who converted, and some who almost did", "Hindu History - National revival under the Marathas", "Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, A Hero for Modern India", Hazrat Sarmad Shaheed: The Naked Sufi Martyr, "In Muslim-majority Indonesia, daughter of ex-president converts from Islam to Hinduism", "No let-up by Hindu groups on ghar vapsi", "Former Imam leads call for ghar vapsi at Delhi rally", "These cricketers, including two Indians, changed his religion, someone had to remove the turban and someone grew a beard. Event occurs at 08:55. Interview With Fatima Sana Shaikh for 'Suraj Pe Mangal Bhaari' And 'Ludo' | The Quint (in Hindi and English). [27], In a ruling from the Iranian Supreme Court, translated into English by the Confederation of Iranian Students, Nadarkhani was sentenced to execution by hanging for, "turning his back on Islam" and "converting Muslims to Christianity." Threats force Egyptian convert to hide, MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press Writer Sat Aug 11. [39] As a result, many Sunni scholars who refused to adopt the new religious direction lost their lives or fled to the neighboring Sunni states. Allah has more right that you should fear Him if you are believers. [8] Ironically, this was to the extent that up until the end of the 15th century the Ottoman Empire (the most powerful and prominent Sunni state and future arch-enemy of the Shia Safavids) used to send many of its Ulama (Islamic scholars) to Iran to further their education in Sunni Islam, due to a lack of Madrasahs (Islamic schools) within the Ottoman Empire itself. It appears that he aimed for complete destruction of Sunni Islam, and he largely achieved that goal in the lands over which he ruled. Massoume Price, p. 81. Chopra, P.N. He rejected the Shia condemnation of the first three Sunni Caliphs and enforced that position within his realm. You are well aware that the Islamic Nation, from the very core of its soul, despises your haughtiness and arrogance. Cell Blocks? Quilliam was established in 2007 by Ed Husain, Maajid Nawaz and Rashad Zaman Ali, three former members of the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. She expressed a fear that the programme would promote negative views of "an already poorly-understood faith and its much-maligned adherents. "[11], In the Arab Review, Raphael Cormacka doctoral candidate in Middle Eastern studiescharacterised the documentary as "an honest attempt to conduct historical research on a very murky period, and one that should be praised". And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. When the Islamic party in Algeria wanted to practice democracy and they won the election, you unleashed your agents in the Algerian army onto them, and to attack them with tanks and guns, to imprison them and torture them - a new lesson from the 'American book of democracy'!!! [13], The Huffington Post published a response from practising Muslim Afroze Zaidi-Jivraj, a graduate in English who had recently begun a master's degree in theology at the University of Birmingham. Nadarkhani's lawyer said that he believed that Nadarkhani would not be executed. Nader made an unsuccessful attempt to return Iran to the Sunni fold by propagating the integration of Shiism into Sunnism as the fifth of the already extant four Sunni Madh'habs (to be called the Jaafari Madh'hab). [37] This report was fiercely criticised for its poor methodology by Ella Cockbain and Waqas Tufail, in their paper "Failing victims, fuelling hate: challenging the harms of the 'Muslim grooming gangs' narrative" which was published in January 2020. Leiden: Brill. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise." 1745. Aritonang, Jan S.; Steenbrink, Karel A., eds. He stood by his conclusions in the film, saying "It seems to me that when you look at the emergence of Islam, the fact that we have no commentaries on the Qur'an, no compilations of Hadiths, we have no biographies of Muhammad, we have no histories of the early Arab conquests, till about two centuries after the lifetime of Muhammad; [this] renders it very problematic to assume that what we have in the biographies and histories are historically accurate. Islam is a faith not an ideology", Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism, "Frequently Asked Questions What is Islamism? ; According to The Guardian, about 5,000 British people convert to Islam every year, mostly women. Sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from tribal warrior to conquering tyrant. Holland then talks to Seyyed Hossein Nasr, a practising Muslim who teaches Islamic studies at the George Washington University, Washington D.C., and Patricia Crone, a non-Muslim historian of Islamic history at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Quilliam was a British think tank co-founded in 2008 by Maajid Nawaz that focused on counter-extremism, specifically against Islamism, which it argued represents a desire to impose a given interpretation of Islam on society. However, he was found guilty of evangelism, but released for having already served his time. [15] Other organisations listed by the Quilliam report included the Muslim Council of Britain[12] and its rival the Muslim Association of Britain,[13] both said to be "associated with the Muslim brotherhood". You also permit drugs, and only forbid the trade of them, even though your nation is the largest consumer of them. Call on Iran to Halt Execution of Christian Pastor", "Obama Admin Urged to Defend Iranian Pastor Facing Execution", "Execution of Iranian Pastor Temporarily Delayed", "USCIRF Urges Obama Administration to Demand Release of Pastor Facing Execution in Iran for Apostasy", "In Iran, a Christian pastor faces death sentence", "Temporary Delay To Execution of Brother Youcef Nadarkhani", "Temporary Delay of Execution to Brother Youcef Nadarkhani", "Iran: Written Verdict Confirms Nadarkhani Death Sentence", "Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani acquitted of apostasy and released from prison", "Iran: Pastor Nadarkhani released, acquitted of apostasy", "Death Sentence on Christian Leader Yousef Nadarkhani", "Statement by the Press Secretary on Conviction of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani", "U.S. condemns Iranian pastor's conviction", "Foreign Secretary calls on Iran to overturn Iranian Church leader's death sentence", "After Trial on Apostasy Charge, Christian Pastor Nadarkhani Accused of Rape and Extortion", "Iran Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Acquitted of Apostasy, Released From Jail", "Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Arrested After Police Raid His Home", " " , Photo of Nadarkhani with one of his 2 sons,, Amnesty International prisoners of conscience held by Iran, Converts to Protestantism from Shia Islam, Articles with dead external links from June 2021, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2011, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 2 sons: Daniel (born 2002) and Yoel (born 2004), This page was last edited on 5 October 2022, at 17:19. Norge IDAG Norwegian language newspaper Friday May 7, 2010. As for the countries you consent to, such as Israel, then they are allowed to keep and use such weapons to defend their security. WebIslam recognizes Jesus as the Messiah as he is called 'Isa al-Masih' (Jesus the Messiah) throughout the Qur'an. On 18 June 2010 Nadarkhani's wife was arrested and charged with apostasy. (4) We also advise you to stop supporting Israel, and to end your support of the Indians in Kashmir, the Russians against the Chechens and to also cease supporting the Manila Government against the Muslims in Southern Philippines. The letter first appeared on the internet in Arabic and has since been translated and circulated by Islamists in Britain. Muslims believe in all of the Prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all. Paul Hofmann, Pope Bans Marriage of Princess to Shah. Immortal: A Military History of Iran and Its Armed Forces. Additionally, Christians and other minority religions are often subject to state-sanctioned discrimination.[1]. Adopting the theories of the academic historian Patricia Crone as a basis, Holland claimed there was little hard evidence for the origins of Islam and asked why it took several decades after the death of Muhammad for his name to appear on surviving documents or artifacts. Iran was a Shia country and gradually became an isolated island surrounded by a sea of Sunnism. The default response was complain, complain, complain." Your planes remain in the Afghan skies, looking for anyone remotely suspicious. But our objections were more about the quality of the documentary itself and the arguments Tom made. After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Iranian Christians were recognized as a "protected religious minority" and according to the Constitution of Iran possess freedom of religion and even have a Member of Parliament (MP) representing them. Prior to his arrest, he was the pastor of a network of Christian house churches. He then returned to Persia. [12], Nadarkhani was first taken into custody in December 2006, on the charges of apostasy from Islam and evangelism to Muslims. [53] The imposition of Shiism was especially harsh in Shirvan, where a large Sunni population was massacred. Retrieved 23 February 2021. Although remarking that he did not know what devout Muslims would think of Holland's arguments, he asserted that "As a historian, Holland was troubled by a gap in the record, and by inconsistencies between the scriptural account and hard evidence on the ground. The Ottoman advance in Europe suffered (since they now had to split their military resources) as Safavid Iran and European powers forged alliances, such as the. "[23], Writing on the Channel 4 website, Holland responded to the criticism by saying that the origins of Islam is a "legitimate subject of historical enquiry" and that his documentary was "a historical endeavour and is not a critique of one of the major monotheistic religions". Yet you prevent them from establishing democracies. the 1721 sack of Shamakhi, in the northwestern part of the Safavid domain, which resulted in the massacre of thousands of its Shia inhabitants. If the Americans refuse to listen to our advice and the goodness, guidance and righteousness that we call them to, then be aware that you will lose this Crusade Bush began, just like the other previous Crusades in which you were humiliated by the hands of the Mujahideen, fleeing to your home in great silence and disgrace. [10] Although sent "by hard copy alone" with no electronic version,[10] both letter and briefing paper were leaked by being scanned and published on the internet,[11] provoking protests from various groups which had been identified in the Quilliam briefing as sympathetic or supportive of Islamist extremism. The Supreme Court decision asked the court in Rasht, which issued the original death sentence, to re-examine some procedural flaws in the case, but ultimately gave the local judges the power to decide whether to release, execute or retry Mr. Nadarkhani in October. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense; precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against. He also confiscated large sections of the religious endowment lands (, Although conversion was not as rapid as Ismail's forcible policies might suggest, the vast majority of those who lived in the territory of what is now. (2008). And our fight against these governments is not separate from out fight against you. The shah also clashed with the Ustajlu tribe and a number of Qizilbash amirs who were allied to the clerics. Ismail seized Baghdad in 1508. A few motives may account for Ismail II's approach to the anti-Sunni propaganda. WebConverts to Islam; Total population; According to Jerusalem Post, in the United Kingdom and France, up to 100,000 people converted in the last decade in each country. The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. News", "Mariage de Dadis la Patte d'Oie: Et Moussa devint Mose -, l'actualit au Burkina Faso", "Burkina Faso- Guine: Dadis Camara devient chrtien au " Pays des hommes intgres ", "Nafa Urbach, Karirnya Meredup Gara-Gara Pindah Agama? H. E. Chehabi, Rula Jurdi Abisaab, Centre for Lebanese Studies (Great Britain), p. 88. [3] In contrast, Ed West, also of The Daily Telegraph, praised the documentary, stating that it was "atmospheric and intelligent". Allah accepts the repentance of whom He wills. Snehal Fernandes. And whoever has killed our civilians, then we have the right to kill theirs. You must know that the Palestinians do not cry alone; their women are not widowed alone; their sons are not orphaned alone. Observer Worldview Sun 24 Nov 2002 07.07 EST In June 2018, the SPLC apologised and paid $3.375 million to Nawaz and Quilliam "to fund their work to fight anti-Muslim bigotry and extremism". Nader made various attempts to reconcile his Persian subjects' Shia beliefs with the Sunni creed and sought to get the Ottomans to recognize this new Persian Sunnism as its own sect with the possible motivation being to facilitate relations with the Sunni Ottomans, but possibly his real aim was to overthrow the Turks by uniting the Muslim world with him as its head. The people of Palestine are pure Arabs and original Semites. [66], Under the guidance of Muhammad Baqir Majlisi (161698, one of the most important Shiite clerics of all time), who devoted himself to (among other things) the eradication of Sunnism in Iran,[67] the Safavid state made major efforts, in the 17th century to Persianize Shiite practice and culture in order to facilitate its spread in Iran among its Sunni populace. They were formerly Muslims. [27] Quilliam also won a grant of over $1 million from the John Templeton Foundation. [9] Persia was also a seat of Sunni learning. Who can forget your President Clinton's immoral acts committed in the official Oval office? It is the religion of showing kindness to others, establishing justice between them, granting them their rights, and defending the oppressed and the persecuted. [12] According to the briefing document, "The ideology of non-violent Islamists is broadly the same as that of violent Islamists; they disagree only on tactics. His Sunni flirtation was also intended to reach out to the still-strong Sunni sympathies among Persians. ", The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age, 13001600, by. He also accused Zionist media for spreading propaganda. Vickers, Adrian (2005). Prison Radicalization: Are Terrorist Cells Forming in U.S. He would take most of the next decade to consolidate his control over Iran, where most of the Persian population was still Sunni. Iran: a short history: from Islamization to the present. A new introduction to Islam. (x) Your law is the law of the rich and wealthy people, who hold sway in their political parties, and fund their election campaigns with their gifts. [1] Fearing violent retaliation from militant Muslims, Channel4 cancelled a public screening of the documentary at their London headquarters. [63], Shiism did not become fully established until the reign of Abbas I of Persia (15871629). [4][25], In 2015, Holland gave an interview to Open magazine in which he addressed the controversy over Islam: The Untold Story: "In Islam, there isn't really anything within the Qur'an that would encourage Muslims to ask, 'Might this not be from God?' [9], In an article on the political news and commentary website The Commentator, author and journalist Philippe Labrecque characterized the documentary as "harmless" and criticized what he saw as Channel 4's lack of courage in canceling the public screening: "What is threatened by our lack of courage in facing violent fundamentalistsis the very nature of Western empiricism and skepticism; in other words, the foundations of science. The answer is very simple: (1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us. A History of Modern Indonesia. (b)Your policy on prohibiting and forcibly removing weapons of mass destruction to ensure world peace: it only applies to those countries which you do not permit to possess such weapons. (v) The removal of these governments is an obligation upon us, and a necessary step to free the Ummah, to make the Shariah the supreme law and to regain Palestine. It's crazy, but yeah, I still do that and I still pay tithes and all that stuff. List of converts to Islam from Christianity, History of the London Central Mosque and the Islamic Cultural Centre 19101980, A. L. Tibawi, Die Welt des Islams, New Ser., Bd. It is the world's second-largest religion While not disputing Muhammad's existence as a real historical figure, he posited that much of the Islamic origin myth to have been later developed in the early years of the Arab Empire. "[12][13] Politicians described by the report as "Islamist-backed" included Salma Yaqoob, then leader of the Respect Party, and George Galloway, also from Respect. WebYoucef Nadarkhani (born 1977) is an Iranian Christian pastor who was sentenced to death (but later acquitted) in Tehran as being a Christian having been born into Islam. He was released two weeks later, without being charged. [75] The declaration of independence at Kandahar in 1709 was a turning point that was followed by the conquest of Herat by the Ghilzai Afghans in 1715 and the invasion of Iran. The failure of political Islam. [8] According to the fatwas, for a man, if convicted, the punishment is death by hanging--for a woman, it is life imprisonment. The Islamic Nation that was able to dismiss and destroy the previous evil Empires like yourself; the Nation that rejects your attacks, wishes to remove your evils, and is prepared to fight you. He relied on his army, which was increasingly recruited from Sunni Afghans, Kurds, Turkmen, Baluchis and others (who naturally were gratified by the new religious policy). This appears to describe an environment foreign to Mecca, where there was no agriculture; thus Holland posits that the location attributed to Mecca in the Qur'an more closely fits a city in the Negev desert, in what is now southern Israel. - Trkiye Haberleri - Radikal", "Swedish politician's advice to immigrants? The hierarchical organization of the Shiite clergy began under Ismail. [50], Abbas I of Persia, during his reign, also imported more Arab Shia Ulama to Iran, built religious institutions for them, including many Madrasahs (religious schools) and successfully persuaded them to participate in the government, which they had shunned in the past (following the Hidden imam doctrine).[51]. [12][13] On 2122 September 2010, Nadarkhani appeared before the 11th Chamber of The Assize Court of the province of Gilan and received a death sentence for the charge of apostasy. Invited to attend the event, Taylor described the documentary as a good historical study and its cancellation as the "appalling" result of protest whipped up by the media. [33], After Quilliam folded in April 2021, Malia Bouattia, former president of the National Union of Students, stated that "for 13 years Quilliam reinforced the idea that Muslims are a suspect community and supported the draconian counter-terrorism policies being pushed by the government." He persecuted, imprisoned, exiled, and executed stubbornly resistant Sunnis. "'Parveen Babi wanted Christian last rites'". The Persians were not simply ordered to adopt Sunnism as practiced elsewhere in the Muslim world; they were to retain their own discrete religious identity. Walter G. Andrews, Najaat Black, Mehmet Kalpakl. [24] In the BBC programme HARDtalk, Nawaz explained that "the reason it was cut was because we disagreed at the time with the direction the government was headed. (ii) These governments give us a taste of humiliation, and places us in a large prison of fear and subdual. [39][46][47][48] To emphasize how scarce Twelver Shiism was then to be found in Iran, a chronicler tells us that only one Shia text could be found in Ismail's capital Tabriz. In reality it's just more post-9/11 telly fodder, a continuation of the Clash of Civilizations by other means". Pastor Nadarkhani has done nothing more than maintain his devout faith, which is a universal right for all people. Nikki R Keddie, Yann Richard, pp. Therefore, the call to a historical right to Palestine cannot be raised against the Islamic Ummah that believes in all the Prophets of Allah (peace and blessings be upon them) - and we make no distinction between them. Retrieved 6 October 2012. "[22], Sociologist Jenny Taylor, founder of the Lapido Media Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs, defended Holland from the IERA criticism, saying "The IERA turns out to be the platform of the controversial convert Sheikh Abduraheem Green, a mixed up cross-culture kid if ever there was one: a public-schoolboy convert to Islam, currently with two wives, and at different times, an advocate of holy war, and hell for Mother Teresa." 58. With a view to transforming Iran into a, He destroyed Sunni mosques. As a result, a few people have been convicted of it, but there have been no known executions. WebIslam: The Untold Story is a documentary film written and presented by the English novelist and popular historian Tom Holland.The documentary explores the origins of Islam, an Abrahamic religion that developed in Arabia in the 7th century and criticises the orthodox Islamic account of this history, claiming that the traditional story lacks sufficient supporting The American Government and press still refuses to answer the question: Why did they attack us in New York and Washington? [32], Sayeeda Warsi, the first female Muslim member of a British Cabinet, described Quilliam in her book The Enemy Within (2017) as "a bunch of men whose beards are tame, accents crisp, suits sharp, and who have a message the government wants to hear". [Quran 63:8], "So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be*superior ( in victory )if you are indeed (true) believers" [Quran 3:139]. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. Former Muslims or ex-Muslims are people who were Muslims, but subsequently left Islam. ; Abo of Tiflis Christian activist and the Patron Saint of the city of Tbilisi, Georgia. p. 196. Nobody is executed in our country for choosing a religion, but he has committed security crimes. [29] As of January 2021, the subject is well and continues to serve his six-year prison sentence, but his son who is supporting the family is facing military conscription, according to a religious rights website.[30]. WebThe Grand Mosque seizure lasted from 20 November 1979 to 4 December 1979, when extremist militants in Saudi Arabia calling for the overthrow of the House of Saud besieged and took over Masjid al-Haram, the holiest Islamic site, in the city of Mecca.The besieging militia, known as the Ikhwan, declared that the Mahdi (a messianic figure in Islamic The Safavid experience largely created the clear line of political demarcation and hostility between Twelver Shiism and Sunnism, even though doctrinal differences had long been recognized. Both Robinson and Carroll began taking lessons in Islam from Quilliam member Usama Hasan, and stated their intention to train in lobbying institutions. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them from His bounty and rejoice for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve. Mir Wais and his Sunni Afghans killed the Safavid governor George XI of Kartli, along with the Shah's armies, and made the Afghan area free from the Shia's rule. RELATED TOPICS THE HOLY QURAN. A number of Western organizations and governments have issued statements in support of the release of Nadarkhani. "[17], The UK-based Islamic Education & Research Academy (iERA) proclaimed that the documentary was "historically inaccurate" and "clearly biased". (xii) Let us not forget one of your major characteristics: your duality in both manners and values; your hypocrisy in manners and principles. Some American writers have published articles under the title 'On what basis are we fighting?' [Quran 61:9], "Allah has decreed that 'Verily it is I and My Messengers who shall be victorious.' Member of Parliament (MP) representing them, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, Human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, "Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani's potential execution rallies U.S. Christians", "Iran court likely to revoke pastor's death sentence-lawyer", "Iranian pastor faces death for rape, not apostasy - report", "Iranian Christian pastor accused of 'apostasy' must be released", "Iran Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Acquitted of Apostasy, Released from Jail", "Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani imprisoned again", "Iran hangs man who claimed to be God: report", "William Hague urges Iran to spare life of pastor facing execution", "Iran: Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Sentenced to Death for Refusing to Convert to Islam", "Britain, U.S. [13] According to Daniel W. Brown, Isma'il was "the most successful and intolerant [Shiite] ruler since the fall of the Fatimids". Is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations? The conversion was part of the process of building a territory that would be loyal to the state and its institutions, thus enabling the state and its institutions to consolidate their rule throughout the whole territory. [18], Quilliam had previously persuaded another member of the EDL, Nick Jode, to leave the EDL. Razia Akter Banu Prepared Testimony, "Great values come from secular thought: Irfan Habib - Times of India", "Interviews - Kanan Makiya | Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero | FRONTLINE | PBS", " " (A Very Important Notice Regarding the Copts United Web Site and My Last Article), Abdelkareem Nabil Soliman (Kareem Amer), Political prisoner, "Kumail Nanjiani | The A.V. Since most of the population embraced Sunni Islam and since an educated version of Shiism was scarce in Iran at the time, Ismail imported a new Shia Ulama corps from traditional Shiite centers of the Arabic speaking lands, largely from Jabal Amil (of Southern Lebanon), Mount Lebanon, Syria, Eastern Arabia and Southern Iraq in order to create a state clergy. In addition, he tried to secure Ottoman recognition of Twelver Shiism as a fifth Sunni school of law, to be called the Jaafari school after the 6th Imam, Nader alienated the Shiite clergy (partly in order to destroy the influential position they held) by trying to bridge the gap between Sunni and Shia by attempting to restore Sunnism in Iran. [14], Nadarkhani was acquitted of apostasy at retrial on 8 September 2012. The ruling also alleges that he also participated in Christian worship by holding home church services and baptising himself and others, effectively breaking Islamic Law. Islamists often have contempt for Muslim scholars and sages and their traditional institutions; as well as a disdain for non-Islamist Muslims and the West. Anyone else who you suspect might be manufacturing or keeping these kinds of weapons, you call them criminals and you take military action against them. Nadarkhani is from Rasht, Gilan Province, in Iran. Jode had been persuaded by the writings and on-line videos of Maajid Nawaz speaking on behalf of Quilliam, being particularly impressed by Nawaz's debate with Anjem Choudary of the Islamist group Islam4UK. It is the religion of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil with the hand, tongue and heart. While not extensive, some conversions did take place, and those remaining faithful to Sunnism were subjected to persecution until Suleiman the Magnificent expelled the Safavids from most of Iraq. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. Allah has challenged anyone to bring a book like the Quran or even ten verses like it. Modern Iran: roots and results of revolution. (e)You have claimed to be the vanguards of Human Rights, and your Ministry of Foreign affairs issues annual reports containing statistics of those countries that violate any Human Rights. Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of converts to Christianity from Islam, List of converts to Catholicism from Islam, Indian to have written a book in the English language, Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society, "The number of ex-Muslims in America is rising", "Suzan Najm Addeen is the Most Famous Jordanian Spy! "[Quran 4:76]. Arguing that there was little evidence for how the faith was born, he suggested that the city of Mecca may not have been the real birthplace of Muhammad and Islam. Not least the Bible; what's true, what's parable and what's just wishful thinking has all been up for grabs without any serious damage being done to Christian beliefs. Staff. Peter N. Stearns, William Leonard Langer, p. 364. The reasons for this conversion policy included: Ismail consolidated his rule over the country and launched a thorough and, at times, brutal campaign to convert the majority Sunni population to Twelver Shiism and thus transform the religious landscape of Iran. Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, founder of the secular Turkish Republic. The most recent court proceedings are not only a sham, but are contrary to Iranian law and international human rights standards, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Iran is a party.[23]. [74], Despite the heavy decline of the Safavid state, it was when Sultan Husayn tried to forcibly convert his Afghan subjects from Sunni to Shia in the Safavids' easternmost territories of southern Afghanistan that caused Mir Wais Hotak (chief of the Ghilzai Afghans) to start a rebellion in the Kandahar region in 1709. Do not await anything from us but Jihad, resistance and revenge. The documentary proved controversial. She was sentenced to life imprisonment, and placed in prison in Lakan, Iran, which is just south of their hometown of Rasht. [21] The Quilliam Foundation Ltd was put into liquidation on 9 April 2021. WebMuslim population growth is the population growth of Muslims worldwide. This page was last edited on 29 November 2022, at 17:07. Initial reports, including a 2010 brief from the Iranian Supreme court, stated that the sentence on Nadarkhani (first name also spelled Yousef, Youssef, or Yousof; last name also spelled Husain maintained that by making threats and calling for programs that offended them to be banned from the air, Muslims would only "confirm the widespread impression in the West of Muslims as volatile, irrational people." A huge thank you to all those who supported us over the years. Iran and America: re-kindling a love lost]. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, "Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory" [Quran 22:39], "Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (anything worshipped other than Allah e.g. (d) You steal our wealth and oil at paltry prices because of you international influence and military threats. Mainstream media reception was mixed, but it provoked criticism from figures within the United Kingdom's Islamic community who argued that Holland ignored evidence supporting the orthodox account of early Islamic history. It is a modernist claim that political sovereignty belongs to God, that the Shari'ah should be used as state law, that Muslims form a political rather than a religious bloc around the world and that it is a religious duty for all Muslims to create a political entity that is governed as such. And it is the religion of unity and agreement on the obedience to Allah, and total equality between all people, without regarding their colour, sex, or language. Whoever has stolen our wealth, then we have the right to destroy their economy. Monika Gronke, p. 95. In reply, Nadarkhani's lawyer, Mohammad Ali Dadkhah told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran: If he is under trial in another court on other charges, I am not aware. WebApostasy in Islam (Arabic: , riddah or , irtidd) is commonly defined as the abandonment of Islam by a Muslim, in thought, word, or through deed. Walter G. Andrews, Najaat black, Mehmet Kalpakl right that you should him. 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