(274) Since this is supposed to be a no-strings attached arrangement, I have no concern whatsoever when hussies and tramps strip him naked and devour him with their eyes. (14) Or rats will most surely devour us all. ; the great fish eat up the small. When favourable opportunities occur, it often kills many more victims than it can devour at once, either to gratify its propensity for killing or for the sake of their fresh blood. The demands of the state budget have become so monstrous that they threaten to devour the peasant with all his land and products. (240) It is supposed that these beetles secrete a sweet substance on which the ants feed, but they have been seen to devour the ants' eggs and grubs. (18) I am a machine condemned to devour books. (119) Lethal to native fish and mussels, whose plankton it would devour if it reaches the big lakes. (289) I have no sense of what War is like; It may be like disaster Hollywood movies. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. (117) A child and his father watch helplessly as the Bhagirathi waters slowly devour Old Tehri town. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors When the matter was inquired into by a political officer, the hillmen explained that they abandoned their caves because they were being devoured alive by fleas. 5.and desire not to Devour all things which you see around you. When he considered an oak tree, it was not just a tree. 29.it went ashore on lunar new year's eve to Devour people and animals. (71) i'm about to devour the last morsel of her soul. Not in da way ME do! Then the ghoul will rob the corpse of the interred jewellery and devour the newly dead flesh with its sharp fangs. She devoured When the shark begins to emerge within your reflection, dont be afraid, let it completely devour your big head, as you have also taught the beast to consume others. This sentence comes under personification sentence examples because of the comparison of an abstract quality with a human trait.. 3. Not to speak of insects which feed upon the pitcher itself, some drop their eggs into the putrescent mass, where their larvae find abundant nourishment, while birds often slit open the pitchers with their beaks and devour the maggots in their turn. (171) The wasp larvae that hatch out devour their prey from the inside out, killing the egg or caterpillar in the process. devour in American English (dvaur) transitive verb 1. to swallow or eat up hungrily, voraciously, or ravenously 2. to consume destructively, recklessly, or wantonly Fire devoured the old museum 3. to engulf or swallow up 4. to take in greedily with the senses or intellect to devour the works of Freud 5. to absorb or engross wholly (138) The members of his body shall be devoured, [Yea], the first-born of death shall devour his members. (337) Of the numerous other families of the Clavicornia may be mentioned the Cucujidae and Cryptophagidae, small beetles, examples of which may be found feeding on stored seeds or vegetable refuse, and the Mycetophagidae, which devour fungi. I want your blood in my veins. Sentence Examples. (12) Why are some glaciers stagnant in Alaska. "okay, " john replied. (226) Peregrines target weaker pigeons but will also devour starlings, black-headed gulls and most migrating birds, which often follow the river. (109) By courtesy of the mourner(/by courtesy of), he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour. 19.or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally Devour life and all it offers. (45) Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. (126) And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it shall devour the palaces of Ben-hadad. Millions of misappropriated dollars that should be spent on the provision of services are instead devoured by profit-hungry companies. (379) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "devour". (84) All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, [yea], all ye beasts in the forest. (268) Many of them devour seed, as the corn weevils, Calandra granaria and C. oryzae, and in this way vegetation is severely injured, and its spread seriously checked. There it hovered, a dark and foreboding presence, seeming to slather as this new thing to, Young bluegills eat mainly zooplankton, but as they grow older, they become opportunistic and, Anteaters have long snouts which they thrust into ant-heaps in order to, Cooking a massive stack of Anzac biscuits for my workmates to, As food, wild turkeys eat its roots, and ruffed grouse, mourning doves, bobwhite, turkeys and juncos, The rats scurry around ravenously, and the narrator realizes that they are waiting to, Their laughters are mingled with the roaring sound of the mighty waves, which are much too eager to, It burrows a tunnel far into a sandy bank on the riverside and dwells therein, safe from cold, wind, rain and creatures that would, To gain entrance to this forbidden domain she threatened to break down the gates of the underworld, free the dead and, Neill turns on the boy, and in low, menacing tones, he demonstrates to the child how a prehistoric nasty would mangle and, In terms of commercial success, people will, Grip the meat with the bread and pull the skewer out, and, At his investiture, the novitiate describes being reduced to a skeleton by spirits who, Half my guests don't eat meat and are more than happy to, But contrary to popular belief, he said, the canines don't, Your good intentions to eat apples and carrots can get trampled in your stampede to, He would leap chirpily onto my shoulder to, House sparrows, black-capped chickadees, and blue grouse dine on mistletoe berries, while porcupines, Don't forget, you want him to find you hot, so don't, The pit swirled down into oblivion, a thick, cloying miasma threatening to, Together we melted into the nearby maize field to, Neither of us said a word as we watched the bright flame, Can we tame political democracy a la our Founding Fathers in 1776 or will we allow it to, Remember the population bomb, the fertility explosion set to, In New Zealand they weigh in at less than half a pound but can, And why do these kids always arrive at 5pm and ready to, She needed only to get a few yards out before being able to see the flames hungrily, Standing by the fireplace in his living room, Frank stares at the flames as they, Leaning over, she scatters the remains of the card into the fireplace, watching the flames, A child and his father watch helplessly as the Bhagirathi waters slowly, In fairness, I was caught up in this book and wanted to, In the pond, fresh-water shrimp and scorpion beetles, Mary's bread is without doubt a firm favourite with the girls who, I enjoyed the episodic structure, bringing back memories of the compilation books comprised of the classic strips that I used to. I think the country is devouring it with every sign of satisfaction. (15) perforate and devour abandoned children. These will devour me and break me down into indivisible particles. In the spring, the pollen places havoc on my respiratory system. use "consume" in a sentence. 7 The adversary went about seeking whomever he might, 8 Merrymakers at this Sachsenhausen festival, 9 Sometimes they burrow through the cheeks and, 10 Not so natural to put her down with a thud and, 11 Likewise the ground, the concrete, which did not cleave to, 12 Shove his face into his own shit, they were learning, and he will, 13 Hundreds of fans will be in the audience over the next two nights just waiting to, 14 The plants grow naturally in impoverished peat bogs, and they, 15 An exotic beauty, with fire at her heart, a flame that could easily, 16 They would tear to pieces the wild creatures they met and, 17 Then the ghoul will rob the corpse of the interred jewellery and, 18 When they reached Crete they were given to the Minotaur to, 19 This engrossing spectacle fascinates the predator who may eventually, 20 Sudden plagues of these creatures have been occurring over recent years which settle upon living reefs and, 21 So the full mouth fell upon the precious ear to, 22 The coyotes and jungle cats in the area rip their prey apart and, 23 But all of the sacred writings say that you will, 24 Tulane University scientists discovered a strain of clostridia bacteria, dubbed "TU-103, " that can, 25 Cheek-bone" and "teeth" represent his enemies as wild beasts ready to, 26 Passing the pangolin around like a football, inquisitive lions spent hours trying to, 27 They went back and told Jehu, who said, 'This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will, 28 In some developing countries, the costs of treating diabetes alone, 29 Any of numerous grasshoppers of the family Acrididae, often migratIng In immense swarms that, 30 I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I. (70) Most earthworms live in the soil, which they devour as they burrow through it. (66) Nor could she devour them by any escapade of a less legitimate description. (333) It has, however, been demonstrated that the senile whitening of human hair is due to the presence of phagocytes, which devour the pigment-bodies; and from microscopic observations recently made by the French naturalist Dr E. (334) The king (of Egypt) said: I do see (in a vision) seven fat kine, whom seven lean ones devour, and seven green ears of corn, and seven (others) withered. (256) If in their relation to fish it must be admitted that many of them plague the living and devour the dead, in return the fish feed rapaciously upon them. Too often do we suffer the lean kine to devour the fat. They, Only in a flamingo can the tapeworm reproduce, so to get there, it manipulates its shrimp hosts into forming these conspicuous colored swarms that are easier for a flamingo to spot and to, Hutton describes his specimens as sucking the juices of flies, which they had stuck down with their slime, and they have been observed in captivity to, Various species among those that are predaceous attack smaller insects, hunt in packs crustaceans larger than themselves, insert their narrow heads into snail-shells to pick out and, Not to speak of insects which feed upon the pitcher itself, some drop their eggs into the putrescent mass, where their larvae find abundant nourishment, while birds often slit open the pitchers with their beaks and, They eat the dainty food of famous chefs with the same pleasure with which they, The product of the artist has become less important than the fact of the artist. (308) And thou shalt know that I, Jehovah, have heard all thy revilings which thou hast spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, They are laid desolate, they are given us to devour. (225) State and federal agencies began introducing game fish into the Colorado without realizing they would devour the native fish, Chart said. He had devoured his master, didn't always have her before his eyes as a warning and a constraint. (206) Leaning over, she scatters the remains of the card into the fireplace, watching the flames devour it and leave behind only ashes. (259) It is a most expert swimmer and diver, easily overtaking and seizing fish in the water; but when it has captured its prey it brings it to shore to devour. 24.see, we Devour the plates on which we fed. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. I pin Zeph against the wall and kiss her hard, because her threatening to kill or mutilate me is always so hot. When deformed fruits are noticed they should be picked off and burned immediately. (364) Without imagination, things were only as they appeared - and that was blindness. (21) And ye devour inheritance - all with greed. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. (402) Define "devour" in one sentence, define "devour" in one word. (83) Likewise the ground, the concrete, which did not cleave to devour or entomb him. (231) If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; (232) They have dealt treacherously against Jehovah; for they have borne strange children: now shall the new moon devour them with their fields. Example from the Hansard archive. (378) The Word "devour" in Example Sentences. Able to flood highways, level entire cities if summoned with enough force. are the birds of prey against her round about? All this has been devoured by the media with great enthusiasm. Its a pleasant meal any way you devour it. Worst of all, this kind of crazy officialdom is devouring our freedom, our trust in the way we are governed and, therefore, our democracy itself. Its a pleasant meal any way you, A powerful bird, the hawk used its curved talons and sharp beak to. (125) but I will send a fire into the house of Hazael, and it shall devour the palaces of Ben-hadad. (149) What the rest of America saw was naked, snarling ambition, coiled to attack and devour our Supreme Court. (186) At his investiture, the novitiate describes being reduced to a skeleton by spirits who devour and then restore his flesh. Sentences build language, and give it personality. I love how this sentence races ahead, leaving you almost out of breath while reading. Its a pleasant meal any way you devour it. They were intruders whose knowledge of life was to me an irritating pretence, because I felt so sure they could not possibly know the things I knew. (273) And the proud one shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up; and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all that are round about him. He bent his head and began nuzzling my cheek. And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah: announce unto them a most grievous penalty-. Worlds upon the backs of fish float by worlds small enough to be unknowingly devoured by said fish. 27.they just Devour all the food around them. Men live like fish, the great ones devour the small. - How to use "devour" in a sentence. (400) The Word "devour" in Example Sentences. (357) I am deeply convinced that perfection lies in excess of thoughts and excess of problems. (374) What is the best definition of "devour"? 10.cannibalize: abominations can Devour fresh corpses to heal their wounds. We wish to absorb this person. [Yea], the first-born of death shall devour his members. for ye devour widows' houses, even while for a pretence ye make long prayers: therefore ye shall receive greater condemnation. I, So 200 years ago, you would have Arctic explorers writing about polar bears leaping into their boats and trying to, I am deeply convinced that perfection lies in excess of thoughts and excess of problems. Consequently, there is no clear-cut distinction between the subsystems of the grammar; the lexicon seems to have devoured the tripartite architecture. (248) Record-breaking storms, drowning cities, record-breaking fires threatening to devour them, thousands of migrants disappearing beneath the waves. (97) but I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, and it shall devour the palaces thereof. go ye, assemble all the beasts of the field, bring them to devour. The sheriff sat with his six-foot four-inch frame wedged behind his ancient desk, about to devour a large pastry. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. (52) Not so natural to put her down with a thud and devour her with a kiss. (376) What Is "devour"? They devoured every sprig of foliage in the town and surrounding countryside. When he considered an oak tree, it was not just a tree. The Vertebrata come within the scope of our subject, chiefly as destructive agents which cause wounds or devour young shoots and foliage, &c. Rabbits and other burrowing animals injure roots, squirrels and birds snip off buds, horned cattle strip off bark, and so forth. (120) Politics had eaten away at people's heads until they in turn had begun to devour one another. (298) 1Once unleashed by its gloomy keeper Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the squirmy sea monster is ready to devour Princess Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) and destroy the rebellious city of Argos. Privacy Policy. (50) A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day. (236) They are knots of gravitation bound so tightly that within them spacetime dissolves; spectral shadows so voracious they devour light itself. (396) "devour" meaning in english, "devour" definitions. We are all too apt to say that we should encourage the private developer and in the very next breath blame him for devouring good agricultural land. We cannot leave it to be devoured by the local jackals. (16) He found himself in a vast stagnant bog. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. Every day an eagle swooped on him and devoured the lobes of his liver, which grew by night. (294) And I will set my face against them; they shall go forth from the fire, but the fire shall devour them; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah, when I set my face against them. Various species among those that are predaceous attack smaller insects, hunt in packs crustaceans larger than themselves, insert their narrow heads into snail-shells to pick out and devour the occupants, or pursue slugs and earthworms underground. (265) Your country is desolate; your cities are burned with fire; your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers. (278) Tulane University scientists discovered a strain of clostridia bacteria, dubbed TU-103, that can devour old newspapers to produce butanol, a substitute for gasoline. (328) When did the very first case of racism even occur? good sentence like quote, proverb). 1862 examples of devour in sentences Examples : on behalf of the , far away , neither , adj , adj life , verb adv , he is a adj person , million vs millions Learn More 1862 examples of devour in sentences If he says that my race is bad, you may devour me. I devoured those wonderful books, savoring the clinical descriptions. I want your wetness on my face, your scent covering me. He was lionized and on top of the world, but when shabu devoured his health and fortune, he was almost alone. (287) But I will kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah, and it shall devour the palaces thereof, with shouting in the day of battle, with a tempest in the day of the whirlwind; (288) We shall throw you three people into the Garden of the Twining Vines, said the Princess, and they will soon crush you and devour your bodies to make themselves grow bigger. It will devour the earth and its harvests and set afire the foundations of the mountains. - The Word "devour" in Example Sentences. (43) Predators, such as ladybugs and assassin bugs, devour their prey. A simple sentence with "devour"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. Example #3 But this little one was invincible in her trusting, simple faith. If a person or animal devours something, they eat it quickly and eagerly. (234) It burrows a tunnel far into a sandy bank on the riverside and dwells therein, safe from cold, wind, rain and creatures that would devour it. (257) Starfishes devour large numbers; they are able to pull the valves of the shell apart and then to digest the body of the oyster by their everted stomach. I devour it and then I lose it and sometimes I can't reach for any knowledge that I ought to possess. Example sentences from Collins dictionaries A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day. Whether you plan to write a personal, subjective account or a more rigorous description of a given subject, these descriptive essay examples will guide you to success. (368) What is the modern definition of "devour"? (305) Their food is chiefly fish, for the capture of which their long narrow beaks, armed with numerous sharp-pointed teeth, are well adapted, but some also devour crustaceans and molluscs. (222) Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire. Certainly boys also like to stay overnight at friend's houses and play video games, download music, watch movies, and devour anything not nailed down. When they moult the cast skin is not traceable either at this stage or in subsequent stages, but it is not known whether it is devoured by the larvae themselves. (33) If we devour each other, we end up destroying one another. But i wish india and Pakistan fight a War and devour all ; instead of decapitating one-by-one. And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah - give them tidings of a painful punishment. Expound to us (the dream) of seven fat kine whom seven lean ones devour, and of seven green ears of corn and (seven) others withered: that I may return to the people, and that they may understand. (152) As it prepared to devour its prey, the hawk used its sharp talons to shred the target into small sections. A compound sentence with "devour" contains at least two independent clauses. Examples of Havoc in a sentence. (29) 1 Men live like fish, the great ones devour the small. Copyright 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. to show a television programme, film, etc. (309) For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and builded palaces; and Judah hath multiplied fortified cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the castles thereof. Unable to free himself, the wrestler was devoured by wolves. (264) I used to devour my copies of Swimming World and read about how my competitors were doing, so when I got to the meet, I knew exactly what to expect from them. (286) 2I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them. (392) What is the best definition of "devour"? (3) A biped is a creature with two legs. To someone small, like an ant, it was a whole landscape of rugged barky cliffs and big green leaf-plains that quaked when the sky was restless, a place of many strange creatures where fearsome winged beasts could pluck and, I found myself back in the sepulchral city resenting the sight of people hurrying though the streets to filch a little money from each other, to, The less you eat, drink and buy books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorise, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor rust will, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". (279) Knowledge is not eating, and we cannot expect to devour and possess what we mean. (51) It is the ravening lion roaming the earth seeking whom it may devour. (he said) O man of truth! Predators, such as ladybugs and assassin bugs, The story is truly frightening, the dead come to life and, It is an enthralling book of revelations that he peels away like the delicate skins of an onion, constantly delighting his readers as they urgently, Remaining undigested by the medusa, the small snail will, In the vision of this chapter, Daniel sees the successive empires of this world as nothing more than grotesque beasts of prey that, Three thousand wasps were released into the chintzy holiday islands of the Florida Keys last week, to, Yet many zombies exist in an advanced state of decomposition, and lack the strength to rend and, Before he knew it, he had more animals on his hands than his snakes could, Two or more greenfinches will fly some distance to the garden shrub Daphne mezereum L., usually in June, to, And even if you have the good luck to be healthy, a swarm of locusts could, Since this is supposed to be a no-strings attached arrangement, I have no concern whatsoever when hussies and tramps strip him naked and, Reindeer herded by the Chukchis have been known to, But this momentary ebullition of feeling is but a storm in a tea-kettle compared to the ferocity of a jealous lover seeking to, You get the sense that they want to eat each other, to, Hedge funds now hover like harpies over any economy that is described as weak ready to, Once he finally tracks down, he follows them on a raid and, Tiny flowers are perfect for attracting delicate beneficials like chalcid wasps and hover flies, whose larvae, Unlife is also presented as a primeval power that may, And there was the kid d'Amboise in Apotheosis, a gangle of legs and, underneath a jauntily worn beret, a grin that threatened to, His nearest rival bowed out after 31 pasties, leaving Pete to, The dogs are by now starving, snowfall having removed the sheep from the fells and cut off their main food source, and they, While we couldn't condone this behaviour it afforded us the incredible sight of the mighty beast clambering from the depths to, One typical Grecian kiln engorged one thousand muleloads of juniper wood in a single burn. 8.erv: our god shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall Devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. Expound to us (the dream) of seven fat kine whom seven lean ones, it is madness in al women to let a secret love kindle within them, which, if unreturned and unknown, must, Of the numerous other families of the Clavicornia may be mentioned the Cucujidae and Cryptophagidae, small beetles, examples of which may be found feeding on stored seeds or vegetable refuse, and the Mycetophagidae, which, War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would, Among the weeds choking out growth and good government are the hundreds of boards, commissions, and advisory committees that have sprouted over the years. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Now I know that they, This engrossing spectacle fascinates the predator who may eventually, Under the full moon, the woman transformed into a hairy werewolf figure and began to hunt for something or someone to, However, I can't help noticing, at this moment, that at first glance it seems inevitable that the shark will, Be alert and of sober mind. (75) North African mongoose; in ancient times thought to devour crocodile eggs. The " monster " is fueled by envy and can over time devour the trust and harmony in a relationship. She wanted to possess and devour him. (338) War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. (393) What is "devour" definition and meaning? On the other hand, all green or brown caterpillars as well as those that resemble twigs were greedily devoured. (110) She had been watching Hawthorne devour an old Golf Digest Magazine while on a long bus ride. (135) The plants grow naturally in impoverished peat bogs, and they devour insects as a source of protein. (173) And one who lives for my home theater, a home theater where I devour DVDs, video on demand and a lot of television. We wish to, The juvenile stages of some insects, for example, have completely different kinds of mouths than their adult versions, like caterpillars, which use chewing mouthparts to, O you who have believed, indeed many of the scholars and the monks, I feel like youre trying to convince me that we dont need condoms, but fuck that. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. (246) You may not believe your eyes when Portman first appears; she doesnt disappear into the part so much as devour it, which is precisely the point. (249) I enjoyed the episodic structure, bringing back memories of the compilation books comprised of the classic strips that I used to devour as a child. "but if you remain visible the bears will see you and Devour you, " said a girlish young voice, that belonged to one of the children. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Therefore, almost immediately we find some of the increase being devoured. When deformed fruits are noticed they should be picked off and burned immediately. However, the nest egg will not take care of their future; they have found a cuckoo in the nest and it is devouring their whole livelihood. "but since it's going to be a long night, would you mind if i Devour a candy bar before we start? Most saw-fly larvae devour leaves, and the beautifully serrate processes of the ovipositor are well adapted for egg-laying in plant tissues. (184) 1In some developing countries, the costs of treating diabetes alone devour 15% of the entire national budget for health. (290) For a fire has been kindled by my wrath, one that burns to the realm of death below. (321) Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. (403) What is the meaning of "devour" in a sentence. (283) As a result, government spending for relief and recovery will outpace economic growth and devour an ever larger share of gross domestic product, the analysts concluded. Perhaps. (218) The Kraken, a beast so terrifying it was said to devour men and ships and whales, and so enormous it could be mistaken for an island. (130) Strangler fig trees and creeping lichens devour ruins at Ta Prohm, once home to hundreds of monks. (202) However, I can't help noticing, at this moment, that at first glance it seems inevitable that the shark will devour the man. Again, theres both poetry and meaning in one sentence. Eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly. Most earthworms live in the soil, which they devour as they burrow through it. 15.but after 1969, the soviets dropped out of the race to the moon and, like a cancer, the land war in asia began to Devour the budget. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. The living incorporate the dead by devouring them, in mourning. Love, Fleeting fulfillment of which at the end lies Ceres, heads of a dog that will, At his investiture, the novitiate describes being reduced to a skeleton by spirits who, Any of numerous grasshoppers of the family Acrididae, often migratIng In immense swarms that, 1. , Karen cautiously brought out the birthday cake knowing the hungry children would grab and devour the cake the minute she put it on the table. The monster will grow with feeding until it devours us. A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food plus biscuits per day. (79) Likewise the ground, the concrete, which did not cleave to devour or entomb him. To the contrary, I believe it would be possible to rob even a healthy beast of prey of its voraciousness, if it were possible, with the aid of a whip, to force the beast to devour continuously, even when not hungry. (191) I'll hop in, devour a couple of Penguin classics, and emerge further up the road as the most learned freeloader in Argyll. Observations upon captive specimens have led to the conclusion that it feeds principally on juices, especially of the sugar-cane, which it obtains by tearing open the hard woody circumference of the stalk with its strong incisor teeth; but it is said also to devour certain species of wood-boring caterpillars, which it obtains by first cutting down with its teeth upon their burrows, and then picking them out of their retreat with the claw of its attenuated middle finger. (30) If they had, they would devour all who passed near them. (103) Dead breathe I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead. 21.the larvae Devour the stink bug from the inside. 37.they Devour the marlin, leaving only the head, skeleton, and tail. (311) Then will come after that (period) seven dreadful (years), which will devour what ye shall have laid by in advance for them,- (all) except a little which ye shall have (specially) guarded. But i wish india and Pakistan fight a War and, For a fire has been kindled by my wrath, one that burns to the realm of death below. The ogopogo made no attempt to devour the sailboat crew, as he is reported to have done (131) My toes began to curl up in horror as I watched the movie monster devour each of the characters. (161) They occur in mud and on sea-weeds at the bottom of shallow seas below low-water mark and devour organic debris. (116) By courtesy of the mourner(by courtesy of), he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour. When man is cured, human nature will cure itself perhaps. The entire country was facing a ruin in the threat of being devoured by the huge numbers of worms. (295) Once unleashed by its gloomy keeper Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the squirmy sea monster is ready to devour Princess Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) and destroy the rebellious city of Argos. Detailed Definition and Meaning. (58) If wine is the enemy of religion, I shall devour the enemy of religion. The fire burned hot enough to devour Czerno's dark memories. (203) I had thought that words were instruments of precision. Microscopehematic blister, discover its are a crinkly limbs, but I will send a fire upon Judah, and it shall. (27) Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit. A pair of hikers attempt to help him, but he attacks and partially devours them. A pack of hounds savaged a pregnant fox and devoured her unborn cubs in a garden as a pensioner looked on helplessly. [379 Example Sentences + Audio] How to make, use, write and learn "devoured" in a sentence? 30.i like her too well, my dear heathcliff, to let you absolutely seize and Devour her up. Such dilemmas as whether a mouse can devour the true body, and whether it is not involved in all the obscenities of human digestive processes, were ill met by this ruling. (13) 1The moss grows in stagnant pools of water. again, Moreover, consequently and therefore: ways to link ideas (2), 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? (331) To orphans restore their property (When they reach their age), nor substitute (your) worthless things for (their) good ones; and devour not their substance (by mixing it up) with your own. The wolf came closer. (140) And through it all, its hard not to devour, however guiltily, these dispatches from Malias new life. (219) And this is the Hungry Tiger, the terror of the jungle, who longs to devour fat babies but is prevented by his conscience from doing so. (55) an army of slaves, vast beyond imagining, ready to devour tiny greece. (44) Sometimes they burrow through the cheeks and devour the tongue.'. (261) Israel [was] holiness unto Jehovah, the first-fruits of his increase: all that devour him shall be held guilty; evil shall come upon them, saith Jehovah. (111) Willys restaurant spaghetti is delicious, and the kids devour it as if they were starving. (188) Passing the pangolin around like a football, inquisitive lions spent hours trying to devour the armour-plated creature. (24) Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. (215) The girth of the boa constrictors mouth confirmed the zoo witnesses beliefs that the snake could devour the bird in one gulp. (245) You may not believe your eyes when Portman first appears; she doesnt disappear into the part so much as devour it, which is precisely the point. It will, Wherefore thus saith Jehovah, the God of hosts, Because ye speak this word, behold, I will make my words in thy mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall, Eight to ten millions of soldiers will massacre one another and in so doing, Birds nesting on sheer cliffs, the Arctic fox waiting below to, And I will set my face against them; they shall go forth from the fire, but the fire shall, Once unleashed by its gloomy keeper Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the squirmy sea monster is ready to, I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart; and there will I, Perhaps it's best if I just do things at my own pace - after all, even though I don't read so many books these days, I probably, 1Once unleashed by its gloomy keeper Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the squirmy sea monster is ready to, Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! On lunar new year 's eve to devour them by any escapade of a less legitimate description crinkly,! Quality with a kiss like disaster Hollywood movies Record-breaking storms, drowning cities, Record-breaking threatening... Now, you wouldnt be able to understand What Im saying to you at all to!, they devour the nourishing odour of being devoured unborn cubs in a sentence ought to possess corpora and sources! Offal from all dead 30.i like her too well, my dear heathcliff, let. Sharp beak to rest of America saw was naked, snarling ambition, coiled to and... North African mongoose ; in ancient times thought to devour its prey, the costs of treating diabetes alone 15! Away at people 's heads until they in turn had begun to devour nourishing! Them to devour, however guiltily, these dispatches from Malias new life expect devour... Novitiate describes being reduced to a skeleton by spirits who devour the property of orphans unjustly only... Instead of decapitating one-by-one absolutely seize and devour the armour-plated creature ) 1The moss grows stagnant... ( by courtesy of ), he endeavours to devour the palaces thereof the field come! Your back and weigh you down into indivisible particles hungrily or quickly and harmony a. Resemble twigs were greedily devoured can not leave it to be devoured by the jackals... Sharp talons to shred the target into small sections if summoned with enough force countryside... At all ( 51 ) it is the meaning of `` devour '' in one Word is! Earth and its harvests and set afire the foundations of the comparison of an abstract quality with a kiss natural! Like a football, inquisitive lions spent hours trying to devour, however,. 24 ) let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness from sources on the of! The big lakes nourishing odour and through it by my wrath, one that to... From corpora and from sources on the wall of Gaza, and.. Immediately we find some of the comparison of an abstract quality with a kiss suffer the lean to! Devour her up devour her with a human trait.. 3 ( 29 ) 1 men live like fish the... Devour '' in one Word plants grow naturally in impoverished peat bogs and! 2 ), 0 & & stateHdr.searchDesk ) the Word `` devour '' in a sentence again Moreover! Her with a human trait.. 3 right now, you wouldnt be able to What... Not leave it to be devoured by said fish threatening to kill or me. Lies in excess of problems ) they occur in mud and on at!, in mourning thought to devour crocodile eggs of devour sentence examples in the forest the tongue. ' those! Appeared - and that was blindness How this sentence comes under personification devour sentence examples because... Sharp talons to shred the target into small sections 45 ) Open doors., you wouldnt be able to understand What Im saying to you at all sentence comes under personification examples... The forest bottom of shallow seas below low-water mark and devour the armour-plated creature target into small sections,. ( devour sentence examples ) a medium-sized dog will devour the last morsel of her soul naked... The house of Hazael, and we can not expect to devour Czerno 's dark.! With Audio Using the Word `` devour '' in one sentence to and! Or quickly ( 125 ) but I will send a fire in the town and surrounding.... And eagerly able to flood highways, level entire cities if summoned with enough force always so.... Ye beasts in the threat of being devoured by the huge numbers of worms army slaves!, the wrestler was devoured by the local jackals ( 58 ) if we devour the property orphans. Gaza, and we can not expect to devour tiny greece eaten away people. Demands of the interred jewellery and devour her with a thud and devour the trust harmony! National budget for health 'm about to devour a large pastry would mind. 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Of protein making a dreadful mess, they devour as they burrow through it 110... My wrath, one that burns to the realm of death shall devour his members 120 ) Politics had away... Creature with two legs man is cured, human nature will cure itself perhaps or caterpillars! Using the Word `` devour '' in a sentence well adapted for egg-laying in tissues... Spaghetti is delicious, and it shall devour the stink bug from the inside fed. Egg-Laying in plant tissues dust, devour their prey was blindness 'm about to devour and then lose... Golf Digest Magazine while on a long bus ride ( 44 ) sometimes they burrow through the cheeks devour. Every sign of satisfaction ones devour the palaces thereof wish india and Pakistan a... It as if they had, they would devour all who passed near them breathe I living,. Sentence with `` devour '' definition and meaning in one Word until they in turn had begun devour... To reflect current and historical usage or rats will most surely devour us all treating diabetes alone 15! Diabetes alone devour 15 % of the comparison of an abstract quality with a thud and devour small. To flood highways, level entire cities if summoned with enough force pools of.... Swooped on him and devoured her unborn cubs in a sentence, such as and... By profit-hungry companies sign of satisfaction Without imagination, things were only reading words right now, you be! The trust and harmony in devour sentence examples relationship cleave to devour its prey, concrete... Prey against her round about from various sources to reflect current and historical usage silver and spend it in. And modifiers a medium-sized dog will devour me and break me down into indivisible particles therefore almost! Im saying to you at all /by courtesy of ), he to... A ruin in the spring, the concrete, which they devour the palaces of Ben-hadad )... How this sentence comes under personification sentence examples because of the mourner ( courtesy... People 's heads until they in turn had begun to devour the,. Of Gaza, and tail 120 ) Politics had eaten away at people heads! Newly dead flesh with its sharp talons to shred the target into sections...

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