When I questioned my interviewees on how they viewed elements of their faith deemed restrictive or regressive, many hesitated to openly discuss their issues. , she said that going to a mosque where women were treated well actually helped her realize that not all Muslims are alike. Previous articles include: Genocide in Bosnia: A Warning for Western Muslims, Malcolm X, Mandela and the Power of Narrative. It manifests itself as a false sense of identity, self-devaluation, for example, refusal of ancestral culture, resignation, helplessness, and hopelessness (Jones, 2000 ). But very few of these studies measure the psychological effects of Islamophobia on Muslim minorities. Almost the entire audience raised their hands. This fraternal and felicitous experiment doesnt seem to be going well. In modern times, in the hands of poorly educated young men, in the West and in the Middle East, it can aid unspeakable crimes. 25Youssef Chouhoud. Oh, and my parents made us all finish the Quran recitation . We may already be in the absurd situation where the grandchildren of Muslim immigrants to Europe have become jihadists who proudly decapitate Americans. The West, with its unrelenting individualism, can be a harsh, cold place for third-world immigrants and their children. In brief, it is the story of our Ummah which is suffering in so many places around the world today. The tools for political action and the means to spread consciousness of the missing Muslim narrative are there for those who care to look. My most treasured childhood memories are colored by beauty associated with what Islam was in the society that I was born in and raised. Home; . But can we bring it back? Reuel Marc Gerecht, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, is a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard. Its not that we dont think Islam is true, its that we want to get a break sometimes and do normal teenage things. Dalia Mogahed relayed a story of an encounter she had with a 16-year-old Muslim woman when she was a youth counselor in 2002: This young woman said, To get to know someone before marriage, we have to live with them before marriage. But at the same time, when I have to pray around my non-Muslim friends, I find myself not wanting to because I dont want to remind them that Im different.. Support/Advice. In addition to routinely feeling the need to justify their practice of faith, which is often deemed insufficient in Muslim spaces, they have to consistently prove theyre not foreign. Our EIN is 81-2822877, How the Quran Was Preserved During the Prophets Time: Mechanisms of Oral and Written Transmission, Trailer | Upheld by Allah: Women in the Quran. But kindness should never become a slippery slope for a cruel multiculturalism that leaves Muslims in Western lands bereft of a solid Western identity. As one report titled, Muslim patients and health disparities in the UK and the US, notes: The routine experience of overt and indirect prejudice has health effects. Often, people then ask how I communicate with my Moroccan-born parents and I surprise them further. The Europeans have, knowingly or not, undertaken a great experiment in absorption, vastly more daunting than anything that they have tried before. As one scholar who gave an in-depth lecture on this topic put it, The Islam came to abolish slavery response is simply insufficient.25. Ballard (1996) argues that that the increasing self-identification of second and third generation Pakistanis as Muslim is a reaction to their external rejection by the White majority and it is religion rather than ethnicity that takes prominence because it is the Muslim aspect of their identity which they feel is under attack. In Cairo in 2009, he even said that it was part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. He suggested that Americans would not interfere in how Muslims (that is, Muslim rulers) ran their own affairs. This article is part of MPACUKs strategic analysis series Ummah Awakening. There have been many convergences and divergences between the West and Islam since the dawn of Islam. Its like they really hate women. Facebook; Twitter; email; Print; Community activists in Paris speak with French Jewish leaders in October about ways to improve intercultural ties in such areas as the 19th . How many Muslims have heard of Omarska? This has put Western Muslims in a defensive position in which they constantly have to justify their convictions and fight off the doubts and insecurities that arise in such a climate. European cultures are heavy and often unforgiving, and the Western progressive ethic keeps liberating new corners of the human soul that many more traditional peoples find troubling, if not revolting. We are a 501(C)(3) organization. For them, cultural and religious questions come second. Until very recently, I jolted every time I heard the word Islamic and terrorism lumped so intimately. Its a bit of a mind-bender to imagine David Cameron making an appealing argument in favor of a clearer British culture, but that is surely the direction that he and others ought to go. Extremist Muslims were the rare rotten eggs (who ought to be pinpointed to Scotland Yard and the domestic intelligence service MI-5) despoiling the happy moderate British Muslim basket. ),Mental health and segregation(pp. This is one reason why Westernized Muslims who have rarely if ever gone to mosques, have little idea of the Koran and the Prophetic Traditions, and have never lived by the Holy Law can quicklymaddeningly fast in the eyes of Western counterterrorist officers trying to find, follow, and neutralize themmutate into holy warriors who could turn on their former, non-Muslim compatriots. It is important to take into consideration the far-reaching issues that these sentiments indicate: Muslim American youth are experiencing not only a crisis of identity formation but also an extreme lack of belonging. Im a Muslim woman but Im not oppressed. Im a Muslim but I condemn terrorism. Our very humanity is called into question when we accept that we cannot expect others to assume that we do not support the mass murder of innocent men, women,and children unless we actually march down the street with a placard that says Not In My Name! Dive deep into faith issues through lesson plans specifically tailored to Muslim youth today. They slightly discuss the N-word and black relations in America. 11Allen, C. (2014). Zahra Lari- Via Hijabican. Identity and Violence. Similarly, the issue of slavery in Islam has become a recurring topic of concern, particularly as younger American Muslims are now more sensitive to the issues of social injustice around them. "I'm a Muslim woman but I'm not oppressed." "I'm a Muslim but I condemn terrorism." We define ourselves in terms of the anti-Muslim ideas that surround us - desperate to prove that we do not conform to the negative stereotypes. When they are deemed simply Pakistani Muslims or hijabis, they feel compelled to construct, and frequently renegotiate, their identities in ways that allow them to appear unique, even when these choices are not in line with their value systems. Then she asked, And who thinks in Islam women are superior to men? No one raised their hand.21, The association of Islam with the repression of women is more believable to the general public as well. Muslims are left feeling apologetic about their identity. He couldnt recall what it was and said that he remembered thinking it wasnt a big deal, but his sister felt like the imam was a misogynist. But it is an undeniable fact that within Islam this ethical stratification is easier to do since historically, legally, the world was sharply bifurcated between believer and unbeliever. I asked them how it made them feel about their religion and received varied answers. The so-called War on Terror leaves, of Muslim civilians dead, but it is Muslims who are violent and a threat to the West. It is not just the great achievements of our past which too many of us are unaware of. This separation can allow for considerable hubris and abuse. Even when the faith is attenuated or gone, most often by the unrelenting secularization that comes with Westernization, the collective identity can remain. Maximum muslims around the world are non arabs. (2006). One in Five British Muslims Have Use Food Banks Due To Rising Living Costs, Six Muslims Named In Times 100 Most Influential People of 2022, Fatima Binte Muhammad: The Best Of Role-Model For Women, Hawaya Unveils What British Muslims Really Think About Marriage. Non-Muslim Europeans and Americans ought to have the basic decency to criticize Muslim citizens and denizens within their lands as they would criticize themselves. We hear the same story told again and again in the media and from certain politicians, every time a group like ISIS commits an atrocity, every time there is a headline about halal meat, or Muslims taking over schools, or Shariah, or the niqab, or grooming gangs, or gender segregation. The issue whether it is a Muslim state, an Islamic . Editors Note: Cawo Abdi is author of Elusive Jannah: The Somali Diaspora and a Borderless Muslim Identity. Abdi is associate professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota and a research associate in sociology at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. All 15 of them said they had considered taking it off due to fear. All European identitieseven the Albanian and Bosnian Muslim oneshave been forged through a Christian experience. . The West, already rife with anti-Islamic and Islamophobic biases, is not prepared for Islam's positive image. Journal of Muslims in Europe,3(2), 137-159. 18Allen, C. (2014). (2004). Relation of the therapeutic alliance with outcome and other variables: A meta-analytic review. Women reported being taunted with comparisons to terrorists, and reported that it was their veil that seemed to spark the ire of their aggressors who shouted things like, Take that f***ing thing off, and Yuck. One woman was called Mrs. We all know about Auswitz and the genocide against Jews committed more than 60 years ago and its right that we should however, how can so many of us have learned about the concentration camps that European Muslims were herded into just two decades ago? Many young Muslims are first exposed to controversial texts either packaged by extremists or Islamophobes in imagery difficult to erase even with an intellectually satisfying answer. But kindness should never become a slippery slope for a cruel multiculturalism that leaves Muslims in Western lands bereft of a solid Western identity. Western governments prop up the most brutal dictators of the Muslim world, but it is Muslims who are the threat to freedom and democracy. Western governments prop up the most brutal dictators of the Muslim world, but it is Muslims who are the threat to freedom and democracy. I almost left Islam because of how they treated me. When I asked her if she found that to be the case in allmasjids, she said that going to a mosque where women were treated well actually helped her realize that not all Muslims are alike. Identity crisis, Rohingya, citize nship, Myanmar, ethnic cleansing. The fight against Islamic movements is not only on the agenda on Americas War on Terror, but that of Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, Somalia, Tunisia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Ali, 17, said that the imam of hismasjidalways seemed angry and it bothered him. There are so many pressures on Muslims nowadays. When I asked those 28 if they could recall the first time they were exposed to the idea that the Prophet married Ayesha at a young age, 25 of them said they heard about it through the media. Just as young children are less aware of variations in skin color and the levels of prejudice associated with them, Muslim children pay very little attention to the different ways religious symbols are used. I have seen numerous Muslim girls leave Islam in recent years, and marry non Muslims. Doing so, of course, when economic growth is precarious and Britains massive welfare state may do as much harm to Muslim immigrants and their children as it does good, is a challenge. In M. M Grossack (Ed. As a Muslim woman, finding a practicing Muslim man has been difficult. The black civil rights movement and the anti-Apartheid struggle are inspiring examples of this. Politicians now acknowledge it is a country of immigration, with a large and permanent Turkish and Muslim . The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Exploring the impact of Islamophobia on visible Muslim women victims: A British case study. In modern times, in the hands of poorly educated young men, in the West and in the Middle East, it can aid unspeakable crimes. Islamophobia Studies Journal,Volume 4, Issue 1, Spring 2017, Presented at: Fourth International Islamophobia Conference, Paris, France: Contending Epistemologies: Euro-Centrism, Knowledge Production, and Islamophobia. He went to the prom and actually made up a story about his parents threatening him which impressed his date. He couldnt recall what it was and said that he remembered thinking it wasnt a big deal, but his sister felt like the imam was a misogynist. The experience of a bad mosque reinforcing stereotypes wasnt only described by the female participants. As we all know, Identity can be referred to as that Quality which distinguishes a particular group of people from others. "I'm a Muslim but I'm also a loyal law-abiding citizen". When I asked them if they started to resent thehijab, all of them said no but some of them reported resenting that men didnt have to undertake a similar public exercise of faith. False Attack Claims Reveal Muslim Youth Identity Crisis. All 9 of them answered in the negative when asked if they felt hindered by their religion and religious identity. Someone with an abusive parent, or coming from a culture that appears regressive in certain areas, is likely to feel that some of the concerns raised about Islam are true. The harms of internalizing oppression go far beyond legitimizing discriminatory practices to neutral observers; they destroy the first line of resistance to bigotry. In order to successfully take up these tools and build a movement that can fight effectively for freedom, justice, and equality, we must break the shackles of the dominant anti-Muslim narrative and tell our own story. Horvath, A., Del Re, A. C., Flckiger, C., & Symonds, D. (2011). Sadly, 1 of the 2 girls who went to a Muslim therapist reported her confidentiality being betrayed by that therapist, thereby confirming the fears of the others who opted to go elsewhere. This identity crisis impedes these . Young Muslim women face the greatest pressures in society, yet are the least accommodated in the mosques that are responsible for generating spiritual strength. In the wake of the incident, attacks on Hindu sites swept. Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology. Horvath, A. O., & Symonds, B. D. (1991). In depth interviews were conducted with 30 young American Muslims, 19 girls and 11 boys; 15 of the girls reported wearinghijabregularly. Workplace discrimination and chronic daily hassles, including insults, can increase risk of common mental disorders.14Parental stress may therefore exacerbate the effects of similar experiences Muslim children face in the school setting, such as the increased verbal and physical harassment post9/11.15, As the 2012 study on coping with Islamophobia stated, mental health experts stated, many Muslims not only experience religious discrimination in their daily lives, but are fully aware of their devalued position in society.16 They found that perceived Islamophobia has a distinct effect on Muslim minorities health and identification.17, These encounters often go unreported, and not deemed criminal offenses. But they should probably be recast, especially at the highest levels of government, where the bully-pulpit can do the most good. It will require a revolutionary Muslim introspection to reclaim Islam for future generations. Long applauded as a moderate and pluralist Muslim nation (the home of "smiling Islam"), Indonesia has regularly resolved political debates about religion and the state by settling upon. One of the interviewees, an 18-year-old girl who goes to public school, said that she was embarrassed to bring her non-Muslim friends to the mosque because she felt like it would reinforce their stereotypes about Islam. Islam has a centuries-long tradition of inspiring its adherents to contribute to humanity based on conviction in its tenets. The world of yesterday is gone. The report strongly suggests that all of the rapists and sex traffickers were men who, if you asked them to self-identify, would probably describe themselves as Muslim. For a Muslim, Islam defines their personal identity in relation to Allah because they have fully submitted to the Will of Allah as revealed to us in The Noble Quran and the perfect example of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We sent Our Messengers with Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice.. Insecurity often begets idleness. The researchers studied the stigmatizing effects of religious meta-stereotypes, religious discrimination, and negative representations of Muslims in media. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511779381.003. 5Quoted in Pinkney, C (2012). It almost seems normal and inevitable that Muslims arent treated the same or given equal respect and rights. The Islamophobic narrative is so pervasive and insidious that without a strong positive narrative of our own, the sub-conscious poison of self-hatred is starting to take effect on our community. It was inspired by the inaugural project of Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research,Modern Pathways to Doubt in Islam, by Youssef Chouhoud. If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. When I asked them if they thought Islam was a restrictive religion, 18 of them said yes with 16 of them having said that their parents werent as loving as those of their non-Muslim friends. But there need to be standards that dont slip, especially about women. Muslims who regularly attend mosques are more likely to work with their neighbors to solve community problems, be registered to vote, and are more likely to plan to vote.2, However, the items used in the Kunst et al. But even in the best of circumstances, there remained a moral division between Muslim and non-Muslim, superior versus inferior. After a few years of floundering, swiping left and . This may all be true, but it is beside the point. 2013. "I'm a Muslim but I'm also a loyal law-abiding citizen". This book provides a general overview of the identity crises BMB (believer from Muslim background) women in Jordan go through and reasons for it. Perhaps one of the greatest crisis of Muslims in the world today is the Identity crisis. Because Muslims are often cast as being predominantly Arab, or at least non-white, young Muslims are viewed through a racialized lens in a way that members of other faith communities are not.9In addition to routinely feeling the need to justify their practice of faith, which is often deemed insufficient in Muslim spaces, they have to consistently prove theyre not foreign. Telephone interview by author. Lena, age 17, said, Every time I put on myhijab, I feel like I have to wear it in a way that tells Americans Im not some oppressed Saudi girl, tells the aunties in themasjidIm still a good Muslim, while telling other Muslim girls that Im still prettier and cooler than the rest of you. Another participant, Fatima, age 16, who doesnt wearhijabsaid, I feel like Im never Muslim enough anyway so why even bother trying fitting in with themasjid. It shares a with India, Bangladesh, T hailand, Laos and china. 26 of the interviews were conducted by phone, and 4 in person. The black civil rights movement and the anti-Apartheid struggle are inspiring. 26 described themselves as regular mosque-goers. Muslim women are disproportionately the victims of violent hate crime, but it is the clothes they choose to wear that are the violation of womens rights. Furthermore, Yaqeen does not endorse any of the personal views of the authors on any platform. There is a small, but loud, group of Westerners who target Muslim women. The researchers studied the stigmatizing effects of religious meta-stereotypes, religious discrimination, and negative representations of Muslims in media. The Renaissance, of course, did not miraculously appear out of nowhere it was in fact built on the contributions of Muslim scholarship. American Journal of Public Health,95(3), 496501. A less severe moral derangement, however, the kind that turns jihad-promoting, raging anti-Semitic legal scholars like Yusuf al-Qaradawi into popular icons, is much more common. First published in Arabic in 1991, this important work (in an abridged . Pre-partition era dates from the Muhammad Bin Qasim's invasion and conquest of Sind. It is no wonder that they have therefore failed to demand their rights and those of their fellow Muslims. This same sense of fraternity, perversely twisted and Westernized, can lead Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Afghan men to band together in wolf packs to hunt girls in Rotherham. The author concluded that 1 in 3 children did not want to tell others that they were Muslim, 1 in 2 children did not know whether they could be both Muslim and American, and 1 in 6 children would sometimes pretend not to be Muslim.8, This study has shown that identity confusion is present in young American Muslim children; however, the confusion becomes compounded as these children progress into young adulthood. Myanmar became an independ ent. Telephone interview by author. The Labour party, which controls Rotherham, and is more sensitive to, partly because it is more successful with, the Asian vote, ought to do some brutal soul-searching. The British might be wise to review this analysis. S ince 9/11, "reforming" Islam under the guise of . But for Khalid to call himself an Englishman was in some sense an act of betrayal to his parents homeland, which hed never seen, and, most importantly, his beloved, devout parents, whod risked all so that their children could have better lives even ifas Khalids father once put it to meit meant that their children lost their faith. This can be highlighted as a landmark decision in ascertaining the threat to secularist identity of India. Dalia Mogahed, Director of Research at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, relays a story of an international conference speaker asking an audience of Canadian Muslim women and girls how many of them thought that Islam considers men superior to women. The marriage of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Aisha is a case in point. When we examine our situation from a wider perspective it is no surprise that the vacuum left by the missing Muslim narrative has a cancerous effect on our community, ultimately ensuring that Muslims remain as passive victims. Sikh men have to go through more than Muslim men. Another girl actually expressed anger with Muslim leadership saying, The imams always yell at the Muslim women about theirhijabsbut never really put any pressure on the men. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much Of the 30, 21 either attended, or are currently attending, public or private schools that did not identify as Islamic schools. Over two decades later, I feel fortunate to be able to hang on to those memories, but saddened that my American-born children will come of age with an Islam that is tangled with terrorism. It is this very relationship with our Creator which defines, establishes and maintains our identity. An evolving nightmare for the world in general and Muslims in particular, from Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, to Al Shabaab in Somalia, Boko Haram in Nigeria, and the newest extremist. These 23 included 17 girls and only 6 boys. Even when the traditional faith has evanesced, this sense of brotherhood can remain. 2. Muslim identity bore, grew and passed through different stages during this era. . Just over the last three weeks, we saw Boko Harams massacre of over 50 people in Nigeria, ISIS beheading of Khaled al-Asaad, an 82-year-old Syrian scholar, the bombing of hotels by Al Shabaab in Mogadishu with dozens of victims, as well as bombing of busses, an airport and other public sites by the Taliban in Afghanistan. The yardstick used by Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Shabaab and Boko Haram, not only towards women but also towards religious minorities, politics and history is informed by an uncompromising dogma that is alien to most of us who were born in Muslim-majority societies. When we look back at the great struggles for justice, equality, and human rights throughout history we can see that consciousness of a positive identity, anchored in a strong collective narrative, has played a pivotal role. 10Howes, A. My father and his three brothers were Koranic teachers in central Somalia, traveling from hamlet to hamlet, teaching children, mostly boys, to memorize the Koran, and often returning with goats that were given them as payment for their labor. At worst, some Muslims turn on their own community or simply distance themselves by saying, Yet in practice, we have too often reverted to the tribalism of the, When we look back at the great struggles for justice, equality, and human rights throughout history we can see that consciousness of a positive identity, anchored in a strong collective narrative, has played a pivotal role. 12Copsey, Nigel, Janet Dack, Mark Littler and Matthew Feldman. They could find a place in the United Kingdom without forsaking all that much from their Muslim past. The crisis of Muslim identity is a historical phenomenon. Identity Crisis: Standing Between Two Identities of Women Believers from Muslim Backgrounds in Jordan Kindle Edition by Sarah Yoon (Author), Terry Muck (Foreword) Format: Kindle Edition 2 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $9.99 Read with Our Free App Paperback $22.55 6 Used from $17.33 15 New from $18.78 Within this dominant narrative, Muslims can never be victims. Of the first known reports on this scale is that of Kunst, Tajamal, Sam, & Ulleberg (2012) titled Coping with Islamophobia: The effects of religious stigma on Muslim minorities identity formation.1The study was helpful in that it proposed a model of the key variables involved in the intersections of religious and national identities and how they might be impacted by Islamophobia. Otherwise, when I come to themasjidand see how girls are treated, I start believing that we really are as backwards as they say we are.. When I asked her why she felt that way, she said I couldnt get over why men in themasjidare so cruel. I grew up in a very non-practicing household. Whatever the issue, its the same dominant story: backward Muslims threatening our way of life. Non-Muslim Europeans and Americans ought to have the basic decency to criticize Muslim citizens and denizens within their lands as they would criticize themselves. Report. My siblings and I fasted every Ramadan, and always prayed Jumma. Reviewed by: M.B. Modern Pathways to Doubt in Islam. October 20, 2016. The marriage of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Aisha is a case in point. Critics of using religion as a common denominator of these rapists and child molesters might argue that there is nothing in the Islamic faith that condones this behavior, and these rapists, if they were even practicing Muslims, were obviously failing to uphold the mores of nearly all Muslims in the United Kingdom, who are surely repulsed by what has happened in Rotherham. The study was helpful in that it proposed a model of the key variables involved in the intersections of religious and national identities and how they might be impacted by Islamophobia. Politics and power: The Muslim factor in European politics. This led to other questions about their identity struggles, their perceptions of religion, and other relevant personal, family, and community experiences. The West, with its unrelenting individualism, can be a harsh, cold place for third-world immigrants and their children. Even when Muslims do try to take some action in solidarity with their Muslim brothers and sisters, they are torn in different directions with these countless competing issues. Internally, however, the issue of gender injustice is a bigger priority. Pakistan's identity crisis, going back to the debates since its creation, remains unresolved. Could this missing Muslim narrative have revolutionary consequences for the cause of freedom, justice, and equality for the Muslim Ummah? All of them live in the United States. Sana Aaser, a fellow with New Sector Alliance, recently used the doll test as inspiration for her study on internalized oppression amongst Muslim children in a study out of San Francisco State University for Noor Kids.6The study used a variety of measures to capture the extent of damage that negative portrayals of Islam and Muslims have had upon American Muslim children. The inquiry and subsequent British press reporting reveal that local officials covered up this entire affair in part because they were concerned about being accused of racism. A Muslim Identity Crisis Reuel Marc Gerecht Senior Fellow The massive sexual abuse case in Rotherham, England, has revealed again how awkward and self-defeating the Western response often is to matters that touch on religious identity. Accessed December 01, 2016. https://www.yaqeeninstitute.org/publications/modern-pathways-to-doubt-in-islam/. It is told with varying degrees of subtlety, but this basic paradigm is increasingly the prism through which Muslims are seen. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 401. Image rights belong to the respective owners. In Cairo in 2009, he even said that it was part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. He suggested that Americans would not interfere in how Muslims (that is, Muslim rulers) ran their own affairs. The Europeans have, knowingly or not, undertaken a great experiment in absorption, vastly more daunting than anything that they have tried before. Whatever part we play in that, we are part of the same struggle. They concluded that developing a healthy national/religious identity predicted increased confidence in young Muslims, as well as increased civic contribution. In a pre-9/11 survey of Muslims in the American press, 73% of the images of Muslim women depicted them in passive capacities.23Muslim women were also six times more likely to be portrayed as victims than were Muslim men in movie scripts.24. As one of the older participants in my group, Samina, age 20, said, I stopped coming to themasjidbecause I got sick of being treated like a second class citizen. Muslim immigrants to the West, and their descendants, can have a very difficult time losing the sense of otherness that all immigrants have. While part of the solution to Muslim mental health is indeed to encourage more Muslims to engage in relevant career pursuits, the reality is that the fear of stigma will likely continue to keep young Muslims away from Muslim counselors. This fraternal and felicitous experiment doesnt seem to be going well. Islam isnt as rosy as we were taught in our Quran classes. When I asked him why he felt that way, he said he thought that the Arabs were just as messed up as we are. A 17-year-old girl added, It made me uncomfortable when talking about theRasool. Points of friction were downplayed, common bonds were played up. One of the interviewees, a 17-year-old boy, answered without hesitation that it made him feel like the religion is just as flawed as every other religion. At home, they feel as though they betray the American part of themselves by doing things their classmates would laugh about. If Muslim immigrants to Western lands refuse to adopt the standards that Westerners consider fundamental to their identity, both cultural and political, then Westerners should rise in high dudgeon. The term "identity crisis" was coined by psychologist and theorist Erik Erikson in the 1930s and 1940s and arose from his "personal, clinical, and anthropological observations" (1970, 732). The report strongly suggests that all of the rapists and sex traffickers were men who, if you asked them to self-identify, would probably describe themselves as Muslim. Yet at its heart, Islam can be a powerful force . The 3 who said they felt welcomed in their mosques all said that they felt like their imam connected with them, and that they were proud to bring non-Muslim friends to themasjid. This brutal minority has become the de facto defining feature of the Islamic world, not only driving European and American political and military interventions in the Muslim world, but also anchoring the rhetoric of dictatorial leaders in all Muslim-majority countries. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,68, 438-450. With the rise of Islamophobia, Islam has been cast as irrational, incompatible with modern civilization, and inherently violent. I asked all of my participants if they thought their parents were more loving than those of their non-Muslim friends. Politics in the Muslim world are all too often the politics of deprivation, and culture the culture of despair."Crisis in the Muslim Mind" examines the intellectual and historical roots of the malaise that has encompassed the Ummah and threatens to efface its identity. Deliver talks with ease using authentic, well-researched, pre-prepared lectures relevant to Muslims today. Likes; Followers; Linkedin; Saturday, August 27, 2022; Previous generations of Muslims were on the forefront of contributing to medicine, philosophy, architecture, and governance among other areas. 9 of the youth I interviewed were involved in youth groups and regular charitable activities. For the most part, they were referring to Muslims and immigrants, which betrayed a terrible semantic imprecision on their part. It was his childhood struggles with differences and belonging that sparked his interest. Will Muslims remain prisoners of the Islamophobic narrative or can we reclaim our collective Muslim story? Internalized racism is acceptance of negative messages and intrinsic worth by the stigmatized races. In addition to teaching, which carried great prestige for both teachers and disciples, these men of religion performed marriages, tended to the sick and performed burial rituals. They have an identity crisis, and a sense of 'our way' being the inferior way. Young Muslim women, in particular, are denied the right to construct their own identities. Northern New Jersey's Jewish Voice Since 1931. search. ),Relationships that work: Evidence-based responsiveness(pp. Beyond The Muslim Identity Crisis. Senior synthesis aldyn808 Kennebec valley march 2018 - powerpoint Maya Grodman, MA Viewers also liked (20) Youth & Islam Bint Thamiem Youth and islam Mussayyab Alam The role of youth in making islam prevail ousaama Youth as the driver of change Zahid Anjum Power of youth aboutdeepak1993 Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Youth sameng She has been a Muslim for many years, but she has also managed to pass down to her children elements of her non-Muslim identity that are important to her. Its like you have no idea what pressure I already face for being a young brown Muslim girl; dont tell me Im not struggling for my faith., This young girl, like many other young men and women, became very emotional when she felt her struggle was called into question. 28Youssef Chouhoud. They want us to leave behind our faith, take off the flag of Islam, and change our identity, because it is hard to ignore a woman who does not follow society blindly. British and American press reports that refer to the male predators as Asian are also trying to avoid the issue of religion as the common denominator among these men, since surely no one meant to suggest that immigrants of Chinese, Lao, Japanese, Burmese, or Cambodian ancestry were involved in this organized crime. My fear and the fear of many Muslims around the world is that Islams standing is severely damaged and the Islam of our childhood might as well belong to another era. lies its inability to define its identity. They concluded that developing a healthy national/religious identity predicted increased confidence in young Muslims, as well as increased civic contribution. As far as Pakistan's identity is concerned, it may be divided into three phases, i.e. While Islam is portrayed as a threat to civilization, the great contributions that Islamic civilization gave to the world are left out of the history books. Classical Islamic legal scholars, whod fortunately advanced beyond the Arab tribal practices that viewed the killing of foreigners as more a question of etiquette than moral deliberation, resolutely defended the sanctity of non-Muslim life and property within Muslim realms. The paper argues. A Muslim identity in Europe has become similar to identity politics among Christians in Northern Ireland: It has next to nothing to do with worship and religious ritual and everything to do with the social and cultural milieu in which one is raised. Berlin: Springer. 30Jackson, Y. Over the past decade, the rise in people identifying primarily as Muslim was not all or even mostly due to expanding Islamist aspirations. Like the last three British prime ministers, Barack Obama has had a philosophy and plan to win the hearts and minds of Muslims, both overseas and at home. Its like, man, why are you always so angry? Ali said that his sister stopped coming to themasjidbecause of something offensive his imam had said. because of something offensive his imam had said. This often leads some Muslim youth to adopt one personality outside of school, college or university, which complements Western values and pleases the court of public opinion. It is an identity crisis..an open dialogue of both the communities would help address the issue . Muslims may never agree with each other on the details of Islamic fiqh, but every true Muslim can surely agree on opposing the murder, dispossession, and oppression of our brothers and sisters as well as the demonisation of Islam. Due to the fact that organized studies of Islamophobia are relatively recent for the most part, the discipline has not yielded many scales to measure its adverse impact comprehensively. One vivid memory of this childhood involves regularly sitting on the edge of my fathers prayer mat, made from goat-skin that became supple over years of usage in nomadic hamlets in central Somalia. It also empirically demonstrated a connection between strong religious identities and civic engagement. This shared identity has a greater pull on men: Islam is a profoundly fraternal religion. Add on the bigotry that comes so easily in Europe, where, unlike America, there are deeply rooted national cultures of which the natives are justifiably proud and protective, and European police and counterterrorist officers face a Molotov cocktail of deviancies. Egypt's Nile is a Red Line . We define ourselves in terms of the anti-Muslim ideas that surround us desperate to prove that we do not conform to the negative stereotypes. Sexual predation of the type seen in Rotherham surely must have as much Western inspiration as Islamic. the destruction of Sufi and Shia shrines with the intention to erase centuries of social, cultural and historical worldviews). This is particularly true in measuring to what extent it has impacted Muslim religious identity. Due to demographic changes, in 2050, Muslims will account for 73% of the population, up from the current 63%. Western governments prop up the most brutal dictators of the . In our first publication at Yaqeen Institute on pathways to doubt, we covered doubts stemming from historical events in Islam. Racial/ethnic discrimination and common mental disorders among workers: Findings from the EMPIRIC Study of ethnic minority groups in the United Kingdom. Khalid was an Englishman, almost as thoroughly English as my classmate from Kent, John Smith. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers. This doesnt preclude a generous spirit toward the travails that these immigrants, and the children of these immigrants, face. Amartya Sen. Allen Lane 16.99, pp186. Islam is a religionand not a cultureand most immigrants define themselves foremost as individuals who have left their country to live in another. Moreover, it demonstrated that religious discrimination was negatively related to national identity, and emphasized the importance of nurturing intercultural relations in the face of religious prejudice and stigma. It is the story of our great history as a people and of our sacred duty to struggle against injustice and free the Ummah to achieve greatness once again, following the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad, a mercy for all creation (Quran 21:107). 1 Comment. She said she had thought about wearing it but was sick of being told that she was a failure for not wearing it. Did you encounter any technical issues? 20Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). Updated Just as with internalized racism amongst Black youth, where adolescents distinguish between levels of blackness, Muslim youth may make similar distinctions of Muslimness. The measures by which those categories arise in internalized Islamophobia are not shades of color, but often displays of religiosity. The study was criticized for its binary categorization of race, but the main finding was replicated in subsequent studies using broadened ranges and categories to test the same hypothesis. Its a bit of a mind-bender to imagine David Cameron making an appealing argument in favor of a clearer British culture, but that is surely the direction that he and others ought to go. From a policy and public relations perspective, the priority of Muslims has been to push back on the association of Islam with violence. Though the groups executing these atrocities represent an extreme in their readings of Islam, a less brutal but still potent literal interpretation of Islam is also spreading around the world. 22Religious Perceptions in America With an In-Depth Analysis of U.S. Attitudes Toward Muslims and Islam. The feeling is that the pursuit of greatness comes through breaking the shackles of Islam and the Muslim identity rather than embracing it. I've been facing identity crisis for the past few months and nothing is really helping. This was notably re-emphasized in the Institute for Social Policy and Understandings 2016 study of American Muslims which noted that frequent attendance at religious services by Muslims is linked to civic engagement. Without a sense of belonging, Muslim American youth lack this framework, which results in a sense of anxiety and isolation. Answer: It often shocks people to learn that as someone who won't stop speaking about Arab history and politics, I speak very little Modern Standard Arabic and I can barely read Arabic at all. Yasmine, 17, shared a similar experience even though she goes to an Islamic school. 27Laird, L. D. (2007). This brings me to my own analysis and reasons for choosing my subset. Some might say that Great Britain is chock full of non-Muslim rapists, pimps, and sex offenders, which is undoubtedly true. Coping with Islamophobia: The effects of religious stigma on Muslim minorities identity formation. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Muslims are left feeling apologetic about their identity. Archives of Disease in Childhood,92(10), 922-926; also see Wessler S. L., & De Andrade, L. L. (2006). Muslims residing in a non-Muslim state like India have always talked of social identity crisis and politico-religious insecurity issues since the days of the War of Independence in 1857. Many reasons may be taken for granted for this crisis of Muslim identity. We conducted. Reality has been turned upside down to the extent that a study found that most university students even think that it was the Palestinians who invaded Israel, and not the Israelis who drove the Palestinians out of their homes! False claims of anti-Muslim attacks potentially shed skepticism on any report made by Muslims . We define ourselves in terms of the anti-Muslim ideas that surround us - desperate to prove that we do not conform to the negative stereotypes. A good first step might be to say unequivocally that there is a serious problem within the House of Islam. Southeast Asia. This shared identity has a greater pull on men: Islam is a profoundly fraternal religion. Second generation young Muslims often have a hard time discerning which elements of their upbringing are rooted in culture, religion, or personal idiosyncrasies. Instead, it resulted mainly from declining. Out of the 30 Muslim youth interviewed, 6 of them, all girls, had been to therapy. by Nailah Dean in Identity on 5th October, 2022. The Islam that shaped my childhood also included my mother who could neither read nor write Arabic, who memorized few verses of the Koran, and whose daily life was consumed with the financial and emotional needs of her family. European cultures are heavy and often unforgiving, and the Western progressive ethic keeps liberating new corners of the human soul that many more traditional peoples find troubling, if not revolting. This will have unclear implications for a number of the questions that currently define Malaysian identity: Will this mean that Malaysia will be an Islamic state and no longer a Malay state? Yet upon careful examination, many admitted that their personal concerns, primarily family, played a role in negatively shaping their perceptions of their religion and religious identity. The alliance. A favorite target of Islamophobes, this key moment in the prophetic history can provide an opening for doubt if not properly contextualized. Secular Britons may no longer see the crosses of Europes most beautiful flag; Muslims do. Its like we have to face pressure from everybody., This seems to be a common sentiment among young Muslim women in the West. We all know about Auswitz and the genocide against Jews committed more than 60 years ago and its right that we should however, how can so many of us have learned about the concentration camps that. The focus on identity formation in most of these studies is on national identity, not religious identity. Like the last three British prime ministers, Barack Obama has had a philosophy and plan to win the hearts and minds of Muslims, both overseas and at home. Extremist Muslims were the rare rotten eggs (who ought to be pinpointed to Scotland Yard and the domestic intelligence service MI-5) despoiling the happy moderate British Muslim basket. Jump straight into a faith discussion using simple card decks designed to bring clarity and perspective. Liberals do the same thing. But the predators of Rotherham, like the hundreds of young European Muslims whove gone to join Islamic radical groups in Syria and Iraq, ought to signal that there is a serious illness within that needs to be more aggressively treated. If young people are not confident in their faith and identity, their sense of contribution is either abolished, or motivated through other frameworks. Muslims should be able to lock onto a British dream with pride and dignity, knowing that what theyve gained is greater than what theyve lost. One of the girls ironically said she found a strong identity in fighting off Islamophobic comments from her non-Muslim therapist. The massive sexual abuse case in Rotherham, England, has revealed again how awkward and self-defeating the Western response often is to matters that touch on religious identity. The most severe disorderthe jihadism of groups like the Islamic State and al Qaeda and the creed of Wahhabism, based in Saudi Arabia but exported everywhereafflicts a small percentage of Muslims, but those numbers are sufficiently frightening, especially in an age of technology and global travel. The twin towers of the World Trade Centre, those supposed symbols of Western global reach and domination, were substantially the work . All participants were native-born citizens; 24 were children of immigrants, most of whom were eventually naturalized. Alliance in individual psychotherapy. We may already be in the absurd situation where the grandchildren of Muslim immigrants to Europe have become jihadists who proudly decapitate Americans. One thing that consistently stood out with all of my respondents was that their need to prove their Americanness was an exhausting endeavor. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad aa, the Fifth Khalifa has extensively spoken about the integration of Muslims into the West and how Ahmadi youth can operate as Muslims and beneficial members of society. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,36(4), 518-532. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2011.12.014. Its adherents resolve a conflict between their practice and values by projecting it onto the infidel Other and then kill themselves to destroy that Other. Zaynab, 17, said that she wasnt proud of herhijabuntil she wore it when she was 14 to a serve-the-homeless event. The culture wars are less about Muslims per se, and more about our own concerns, as Europeans and Westerners, about who and what we are. Khalid was an Englishman, almost as thoroughly English as my classmate from Kent, John Smith. When I asked the 4 youth who went to non-Muslim therapists why they didnt go to Muslim therapists, all of them responded that their parents did not want Muslims in the community to find out about their therapy. Traditionally, persecution from family, community, or the secret police is thought to leave these women with newfound faith. Equivalence and bias: A review of concepts, models, and data analytic procedures. Does Islam Permit Sex-Reassignment Surgery? It has been an American variant of British multiculturalism. Countering the perverted version of Islam that ISIS advances is important, but addressing the identity crisis that makes young people susceptible to this perversion is just as vital. Only their choice of tactics and orientation is different. Muslim youth face identity crisis. Improving Schools,7(3), 301-302. doi:10.1177/1365480204049714. Islam conveys a powerful sense of group identity. Nine Human Rights Organizations Condemn Death Sentences in "Kerdasa Case" . They want it to not be the truth so they dont feel so guilty about doing those things.28. But for Khalid to call himself an Englishman was in some sense an act of betrayal to his parents homeland, which hed never seen, and, most importantly, his beloved, devout parents, whod risked all so that their children could have better lives even ifas Khalids father once put it to meit meant that their children lost their faith. When the English and Pakistani worlds collided in Khalids home, there was a sadness amidst the bountiful love that nourished and launched five clever children into educational and professional success. The Ummah is a global family bound by faith: the word comes from the same Arabic root as umm mother. The Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Prominent Leader Essam Al-Erian . Such introspection would not only reject and mobilize against extremists fossilized and doomed version of Islam but also against Western-backed brutal dictatorial regimes in the Islamic world that use the war on terror to terrorize their own citizens as well as Western neo-imperial policies and projects. One of the essential components in satisfying this need is engaging in positive interactions with others within a framework of long-term stable care and concern. She said, Every time shed talk about my family and why Im struggling, she would make these assumptions that if I just gave it all up Id be fine. 23 of the 30 participants in the current study reported having experienced at least one Islamophobic encounter in the past year. Reuel Marc Gerecht, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, is a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard. Our team is diverse on all fronts, allowing for constant, enriching dialogue that helps us produce high-quality research. But we cant do that as Muslims but it is better to. It was an interesting window into her mind where she believed that our restrictions were a burden, not a protection.29. Classical Islamic legal scholars, whod fortunately advanced beyond the Arab tribal practices that viewed the killing of foreigners as more a question of etiquette than moral deliberation, resolutely defended the sanctity of non-Muslim life and property within Muslim realms. Published: March 3, 2017 Edited: September 14, 2021. It is very powerful to experience validation for your struggles and experiences. This crisis of identity of both Hindus and Muslims has been mirrored in some major texts on partition fictions in English and in English translation. Internalized racism involves ingesting, often subconsciously, acceptance of the dominant societys stereotypes of ones ethnic group. These 23 included 17 girls and only 6 boys. Colonized mindsets and internalized racism are often subconscious, their messages primarily subliminal. Perceived to be discriminatory, unconstitutional and unsecular by the people of India, the citizenship amendment bill divides migrants into muslims and non-muslim and empowers faith to determine the citizenship of a person. Malcolm X Vanguards of Justice Scholarship, Measuring The Impact of Islamophobia on Muslims, Internalized Racism Internalized Islamophobia, The Role of Personal Experience in What Types of Islamophobia Are Ingested, Reinforcement of Islamophobic Messages in Islamic Spaces, Non-Muslim Counseling and the Mental Anguish of Young Muslims. It kind of made him seem more like the hardcore guys we see on TV. This girl forthrightly admitted that her association of the Prophet (peace be upon him) with extremists was due to her own media consumption. Symbols of Western global reach and domination, were substantially the work wonder. Crisis.. an open dialogue of both the communities would help address the issue young Muslims, as.! Use this site, you agree with it October, 2022 that great Britain is full... Secret police is thought to leave these women with newfound faith the good... 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