The health of your employees is your most valuable asset. Other times, people visit a network chiropractor because they want to connect their mind and body more. And I knew that in my early twenties and probably even before that, and when I found chiropractic, Im like, this is it. My challenge to anyone reading this article or watching the video or listening to the podcast is to start to ask some different questions and to ask yourself if you can just give yourself the permission to open up to some magic and to open up to something that you didnt maybe believe in before, because it didnt go in alignment with your belief system. The bone-one-nerve theory has actually been disproved in a lot of ways. From small bouts of anxiety to larger episodes, it can be a challenge for anyone to deal with this type of emotion. He was taking these gentle contacts on his patients body and it looked like he was sewing something in the air, above the guy. There are three levels of care (see below) reflective of newly developed voluntary and involuntary musculoskeletal and neurological strategies for spinal self-correction, improved relaxation and recovery of illness. You actually dont have to wait for some huge loss or some huge thing to happen in your life to up level. Everyone heals differently, and progress isn't linear. It was very uncomfortable and I had my hands kind together facing my body. Improved overall health and wellness. Life is too short to be in pain. Studies are now in progress examining the long-term benefits of care, and changes in brain and spinal cord function. The most valuable commodities in your business are your employees, and the most important quality of an employee is their health. It is very effective at releasing spinal and neural tension patterns that develop from physical (injury), emotional or chemical stresses that have occured throughout a lifetime. You can release stored tension and trauma. Furthermore, when you put too much force into a really solid structure the system cant handle it. Dr. Shea: The straightforward and simple answer to that is my first goal is to help the nervous system release what we call adverse mechanical cord tension in the body. It promotes unique healing waves that spontaneously release spinal tension and improve nerve energy. The Guide will help pinpoint where you are on the map of the healing journey so youlll have an idea of where you are in the bigger picture and what the next steps are. Significant relief of various types of neck, and back pain and spinal disabilities. These can also change over time and throughout the day for people. The second, which is called the facilitated subluxation, is an elongation or twisting of the spinal cord and nerves. And so I was looking into physical therapy and interning and doing all these things. But we have to teach them that they can work with that pain and look at it and get what its trying to tell themthen they can grow from it. Dr. Jay is the founder and owner of BioSoul Integration Center in Louisville, Colorado. These promote involuntary waves of breath changes or muscle movement along the spine. I always start with that fact that its a gentle technique. New and more efficient channels of communications are initiated between the brain and body. Two unique healing waves develop with this work. This eventually leads to reduced progress and productivity. While on the chiropractic table, you can unleash any type of feeling that your body needs to. Life will keep nudging us in that direction, anyway. There are so many choices available to you. These tears can be both positive negative or somewhere in between. We want to give their system the best chance it can adpt to and process all the information its getting. do you want to know what we find most interesting about this emotional release? Ultimately, this can relieve you from stress and anxiety. As we get even higher in it, and we start to connect with the heart. Dr. Jay: When people see Network Spinal being performed, it might look strange. It is believed to bring a release of deep seated mental or physical tension held in check by the brain and nervous system. However, a network spinal entrainment works with the emotional intelligences is within the body to help people heal. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is a system of assessing and facilitating the integrity of the spine and the nerves., Yvonne Connell, Homeopath & Wellness Practitioner, New Directions in Health Merges with the Marsden Centre. Dr. Shea: This brings up the question of restorative healing versus reorganizational healing. With Embodied Leadership Coach, Anne-Marie Marron From Boulder, CO, Embodied Living With Past Trauma: Interview With Womens Empowerment Coach, Alison Rothman, From Boulder, CO, The Pain Body: Its Strengths And Shortcomings As A Concept & Resources For Dissolving It, How Transformational Life Coaching Saved Her Life, Interview With Womens Life Coach, Alejandra Duenas From Broomfield, CO, What Is Network Spinal Analysis? He said I hope that the pain or the symptom doesnt go away one week before it was supposed to teach you what you were supposed to learn as a result. And then I got into Network Spinal because I had that experience of suddenly being liberated from years of anxiety and fear. Dr. Jay: Well, that makes me wonder, what happened to us that we couldnt hear those messages in the first place? And then I opened my arms up all the way and my answer changed again. And also if you have little ones, teaching them how to be with their body. The spine houses most of the nerves that control body function, these effect the health and status of most of our internal organs and tissues, head, trunk and limbs. Do I Have to Keep Going? By Dr. Marc Wind, Stress! NSA is an evidenced-based approach to wellness and body awareness in which gentle, precise spinal contacts cue the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Level Two is associated with two separate spinal oscillatory regions working in tandem. Do you ever randomly feel anxious throughout your day? When we have less energy it changes our perception of reality. Injuries and other traumas, including emotional trauma, Although chiropractic's origins are very holistic, looking at the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual aspects of a person, in the minds of the masses conventional chiropractic has become . He can be reached at (303) 444-4498. Were helping the person create strategies to help them adapt to stressors in their life while theyre not even in the office. They can be extremely groundbreaking for that person and help them through transitions in life. These are the ones that people usually hide. To say, maybe the way that weve been doing it hasnt been working and there are other ways, right? It is an evidenced-based approach to wellness and body awareness. We offer Network Care as a primary form of health and wellness care. Copyright 2022 MH Sub I, LLC dba iMatrix. Were not putting direct force into any bone. Network chiropractic works with locating and releasing stored stress and tension. laughter during an entrainment can be about nothing. It is a holistic way to heal emotionally through light touches and focused energy. Because what I was looking for, and what I knew, thanks to my upbringing, was this trust in the human bodys ability to heal itself. Were just really not taught how to tune in to that emotion, or to that feeling, or whatever the sensation is in our body. As a result, health is compromised. Another analogy is to think of our nervous system as a garden hose. When we start Network Care, a lot of times those pains and those struggles come from wounds. Dr. Jay: So you felt something bigger than you calling you to do this work? I walked out of my Network Chiropractors office one day and I remember it felt like a 300 pound weight had been lifted from my shoulders and the sky was alive in a way that I dont remember it being before and the trees were more vibrant. It could be a few minutes after theyre in an entrainment. As a result, the bodys ability to function at its optimum level can be compromised. Full Biography . Network Spinal Analysis is clinically designed to further evolve the spine into an instrument of great flexibility and support (224) 836-1556| 4880 Euclid Ave #104, Palatine, IL 60067 Request Appointment Menu Home About Us Dr. Nathan Gerowitz Techniques Webster Pediatric Chiropractic Care Network Spinal Analysis SOT Zone Technique NSA uses a gentle touch at specific physical points (gateways) which initiate the body's self-organizing wisdom. Over the course of that time hes worked intimately with thousands of people. Network Spinal Analysis Can Help Relieve Stored Tension And from there I continued care and my relationship to my anxiety changed. Benefits of Network Spinal Analysis Improved physical health Pain relief by treating and root cause solutions Release muscle tension Improved posture and alignment Regain flexibility and motion Strengthen immunity Improved mental & emotional state Reduce anxiety and depression Release tension and stress Supports healthy stress response I had a highly overdeveloped stress response. Everyone laughed, but I didnt think it was funny. How can you wade through it all and arrive at the solution that is correct for your business? They are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension, as fuel . My point is: it matters what your goals are in the first place. How did this phenomenon occur, and how can your business turn the tide? Using network spinal analysis, wellness counseling, and emotional healing, we support the transition into positive permanent life changes. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. I want them to have a similar experience. If youd like to explore more deeply click the link to get your free, personalized BioSoul Integration Guide. The way that it is different thank other energetic techniques is that we are accessing the nervous system directly. Network Spinal is still a chiropractic technique. In late Level Two of care deep spinal releases clear out a tremendous amount of stored tension. So I have those patients that come in and they just bent over to pick up their keys and threw out their back. this can come with an emotional release but not all the time. These strategies are associated with a spontaneous release of spinal tensions and the use of existing tension as fuel for body/mind reorganization. I had this amazing feeling moving through my spine from this place where my back usually hurt into my heart. He is available for personal consultation and also performs on-site computerized health and stress evaluations. I worked with athletes, training in the weight rooms, doing stuff like that for a long time. This method sponsors the body's healing through a progression of advancement termed 'Levels of Care'. Network spinal analysis focuses on the root cause of pain whether that be physical or emotional. D., Professor f Anatomy and Neurobiology, Florida Atlantic University. And so our goal is to help unbind that energy in the nervous system so that there is more free flow happening. As a matter of fact, It's a gentle approach to spinal alignment. Now, of course, I dont want to see people suffer. We oftentimes ask people who laugh while receiving network care what they laughed about. These tension patterns and spinal distortions arereferred to as "Vertebral Subluxation". It is scary to be vulnerable and to be emotional. Tension! And I was looking for something that could help me empower people. Were applying light contacts to the spine to help the system find the prefrontal cortex which allows our system to reorganize the tension. Network Care is the combined use of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) and Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI). So I think its about starting to retrain yourself as an adult. when receiving network spinal care, you can still receive a variety of different benefits outside of emotional releases. So, yes, were working with energy but we are also looking at the integrity of your nervous system. Im sure that anyone whos seen a regular chiropractor have heard the word subluxation thrown around. There are countless testimonials from people who have received network spinal analysis that their depression has been relieved. Medication? I also love the idea that life is evolving and were being asked to evolve with it and pain or symptoms are just one of the ways that life nudges us toward our evolution. So were looking at areas of opening where theres actually free energy around the bound energy. Why do I have such tension in my neck? Why do I always get these intense headaches? Why are my shoulders in such knots? My blood pressure is so high, Ive got to take it easy for a while.. Unfortunately, chiropractic, has become something that people use to get rid of back pain on average. This weekend he brought me up to the mic and it was very uncomfortable. It is the vibration or the frequency of that emotion. The levels of emotions that a person can experience when receiving network spinal analysis can range quite drastically. Dr. Jay: Sure, it starts way back when were little kids but even when were in the womb. Network Spinal works with areas of the body that are doing well and helps them positively affect other parts. Dr. Shea: That was one of the biggest conversations we really talked about at the seminar I was at this weekend. As their health deteriorates, employees become less tolerant to new problems, less open to new ideas, less able to control their temper and have poorer interrelationships between co-workers. Join Dr. Meschino as he explains the unique and vital approach to reduce pain, and improve your health and quality of life. Or if they do, they dont express it outwardly. I just really want to invite some curiosity into peoples thinking. These emotional releases are some of the biggest that people experience while receiving network spinal analysis. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. In addition, the longer the care, the more dramatic the changes. What Network Spinal does is It helps our nervous system change the meaning of pain, of symptoms, of struggle. High blood pressure! Gentle precise touch to the spine cue the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. From sensing into our parents and the other humans around us we learn how to rest in our own bodies and listen to our own knowing. They dont just want to come in and get a bone moved one day and have it moved the same way the next day. Network Spinal works by using very gentle and light touches (contacts) along the spine. His patient was writhing aroundon the table in an apparent state of bliss. But in terms of chiropractic, it is different because were not putting a force into the spine. A large study of more than 2,800 people receiving NSA has demonstrated a high degree of health changes, emotional and lifestyle improvement. NSA is a very gentle and non-invasive form of Chiropractic. Dr Ruth Ziemba discusses the healing movement and sounds that can emerge in a Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic session to release tension. Network Spinal Analysis specialized doctors help the body correct nervous system imbalances so that you are relieved from the pain of stagnant problems. This work will transform the planet. Restorative healing is to restore a person back to their prior minimal state. The results of Network Spinal Analysis are: Decrease intensity and frequency of pain and symptoms from a variety musculoskeletal problems Dramatic improvement to spinal health and posture Improved joint flexibility and increases muscle relaxation. You might be interested in the in-depth blog post I wrote about this Goop Lab episode and how the media did what they often do, which was to put a salacious spin on it. This is the very thing we're aiming for as we progress through the Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) Levels of Care and SRI Stages of Healing. Network also has a major indirect effect on wellness by promoting healthy life-style choices. If you feel like you need an instant relief, hang in there. As these tensions continue to stay stuck, or stored, you may experience this tension is different ways. One is the structural subluxation, easily thought of as a pinched nerve. Take the steps that will ensure the optimal health of your employees and you will find your business growing to new levels. I had an entrainment, which is the Network Spinal version of a chiropractic adjustment. Donny said something really profound and provacative this weekend. So we want to see change actually in the physiology of the nervous system. The short answer is no. The net results of Network Spinal Analysis are: NSA utilizes gentle manual contacts over the spine that, in turn, changes its vibrational tone (or tension). So when I went to school, I actually was working on a sports chiropractic model and trying to move into working with rugby players and other athletes on their sidelines of their games. What do pain or symptoms represent when viewing through that holistic lens that you just mentioned? These contacts cause the brain and nervous system to transform stuck energy patterns into breath, movement, self correction and self adjusting. What are your strategies for improving the health of your employees? When we have less energy it affectts the way we hold ourslvesour tailbone is tucked, our chin comes forward. The Spiritual Meaning Of The Spine: Five Vibrational, Spinal Lenses That Shape Our Bodies And Lives, What Is Integral Leadership, Anyway? But all that joy was really novel to me and what I experienced after was similar to what youd said, a huge weight being lifted. Bear Dogz aka David Roy Green of WHEN interviews Doctor of Chiropractic and Network Spinal Analysis Ruth Ziemba in Topanga, California. Emotional Benefits of Network Spinal . Network Spinal Analysis is a gentle yet extremely effective method of chiropractic care developed in America over 25 years ago by Dr. Donald Epstein. R.H. Blanks, Ph. Patients report improvement in their ability to recover from stress and illness. Its function is to interpret and relay the millions of signals per second that keep you alive and healthy, acting like an information highway.. Waves are involuntary responses of the body and spine associated with the healing response. What do these real-life business situations have to do with reduced employee productivity, reduced creativity, poorer relationships among co-workers and increased employee problems? Interview With Amanda Love, Network Chiropractor In Boulder, CO. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Are there actual physical changes that happen with Network Chropractic? We are looking at your parameters and your nervous system and how you know whats happening there. We talked about what it looks like in your body and life when Network Spinal Analysis is working.. Depressive episodes and emotions are very difficult to overcome by yourself. For more information on how Network Spinal Analysis can play a vital role in your health care and that of you family and children please inquire our in-office information events. These tears can be both positive negative or somewhere in between. Pain! When you experience emotional, mental and physical stress, your spine and nervous system may store the stress and tension instead of releasing it. People from Boulder, Lafayette, Erie, Superior, Broomfield and Westminster come to my office in Louisville, CO to receive hands-on BioSoul Integration. In addition, there is a growing interest by psychologists, sociologists, neurobiologists, physiologists, biomathmaticians and bioengineers on the overall mechanisms and benefits of NSA. You wouldnt want a doctor of anthropology adjusting you, and you probably wouldnt want a doctor of chiropractic performing your surgery. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is an evidenced-based approach to wellness and body awareness. This can significantly impact individual mental growth and promotes optimum physical performance. The spinal cord and its overlying meningeal sheath are also believed to hold a considerable amount of stored emotional and physical tension. And then the other piece for that we really really look at is the fact that we are 99% energy and 1% matter, right? In NSA, spinal waves can evolve to varying degrees of refinement; each associated with characteristic changes in health and wellness parameters. Dont get me wrong, since then Ive had a lot of tears in my process, as well. That spontaneously release spinal tension and from there I continued care and my answer changed again that one... Is more free flow happening whos seen a regular chiropractor have heard the word subluxation thrown.... Prior minimal state more free flow happening were looking at areas of opening where theres free! Opening where theres actually free energy around the bound energy with thousands of people whats... 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