For reference I was NWB for the first 2.5 weeks then I started to walk with crutches and by week 3.5 I was fully walking with just the boot. If so, what I did next was spend 1 hour in the morning in a shoe, then back to the day 2 hoursetc and work up from there until I was fully out of the boot. without crutches. The knee scooter is also made of steel, making the frame solid and durable. Since you are not able to bear any weight on the leg, an assistive device, such as a walker or crutches, will be necessary for you to walk. What happens after 6 weeks of non-weight bearing? 11. I know this is months old, but Im replying for anyone else who may be looking: YES, YES, OH HEAVENS YES. I was referring more to just crutching around outside, and my fear of losing my balance on the old uneven sidewalks! An ankle sprain is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries in people of all ages, athletes and couch potatoes alike. Water therapy brought relief. You have to do it. Carex Folding Aluminum Underarm Crutch is comfortable due to its padded handgrip. I started with a blister on my right palm, which turned into a squished nerve that made my right hand go numb, and ultimately damaged some tendons in my right wrist, too. Not having fun at all. Also see my tips in the post about practicing with the scale to get confident with each weight level progression. I cant even shower without help! My ortho never told me anything about 25% or any percentage for that matter. While walking and sitting, make sure to keep your foot elevated off of the ground at all times. see more , Do you actually need crutches with a walking boot? Diabetes-wise, Ive had a pretty consistent experience as to what I articulated in the last post about actually breaking bones. I have trouble trusting the three ortho docs that rotate in my small town. We are so vulnerable and dependent on whatever healthcare provider we go to and what they choose to tell us. Thanks for sharing! At this point, being FWB in 2 weeks seems totally unrealistic and I get frustrated because of it. Thanks so much for this Dana and appreciate the comments too. This is the most restrictive of all weight-bearing limitations. I started PT last week and wish I had better information about what I should expect. I suffered multiple fractures from a 20ft fall. Last thing I ever expected with having a broken bone was a blood clot. Surgery 2 days later. I have been trying to find first person perspectives on weight bearing experiences. i was told by my doc after surgery 6 weeks would be the time i could walk again? Next week I will start to walk with crutches and this post and others xp will be really helpful for me and i am hoping for good time without struggling to get on with crutches. Had surgery a week later. Does it hurt when you start weight bearing? How do I walk after non-weight bearing? when getting up restricted to non weight bearing can on put a little pressure on heel. My surgeon said that the average amount of time to walk without crutches in the boot was 3-4 days. How do Walkers walk without weight bearing? slightly structured ankle brace with hard sides. At 6-8 weeks, you will be in a walking boot with gradually increasing weight-bearing with guidance from your physical therapist. Hey! Surgery with two plates and multiple screws eleven days later, I am in a boot but still nonweightbearing (for a total of six weeks) because of the nature of the third fracture. Tehanks again for everyoness story,advice & encouragement. What I found helps: set small goals (distance? Walkers are easy to use and require the user to lift them. ANKLE FUSION (ARTHRODESIS) POST-OP PROTOCOL 1-6 WEEKS (Non weight bearing) Elevate the foot as much as possible, especially in the first week At ~6 week post-op the cast is removed and you will be placed in the boot walker You will be then able to start weight bearing in a gradual fashion, orders to be given by surgeon 6-10 WEEKS is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I can barely flex my foot up and down. This has helped me remember multiple times, especially on weekends or times when Im away from my desk or bed where I would have the meds visible as a reminder. (Remember youll be moving your leg or limbs in different ways than theyve been accustomed to). Both ankles and lower leg remain swollen. And finally the pep talk I gave myself every day during weight bearing progression work: This is short-term and necessary discomfort and suffering on the way to weight bearing. 30. I plan to get through this and get back on the bike by February/March, but dumping the clipin pedals going for flats! i hope all goes well for you. Maybe a week to restore my muscles and Ill be up and walking with maybe just a limp. there is times when family and people will think you just normal and dont realize what exactly we are dealing with. time? I had avalusion and small crack of left ankle which they gave me a moon boot to wear and also a sprained wrist so was unable to weight bear and was given a gutter frame and told to try and walk. He said he expects me to start bearing weight by this weekend. Its good to hear from other people and to remember that there will be an end to this! Swelling is controlled by wearing a compression stocking, and by elevating the foot and icing the ankle. It gets better as you go. Everyone heal fast. Are you really going to be back on the bike by Feb/Mar. Same for day 2 of a weight having distractions or a task to do (e.g. In my follow-up, he said 90% in 2 months, but that the last 10% would take a long time. I still have a few more weeks until I can walk properly without the boot or crutches and can go back to driving. How long after ankle surgery can I walk without a boot? I have learned to trust and listen to my body, more than others, and not to push myself. I broke my ankle in 3 places at the end of October, paragliding. Im 62 so she will possibly go against me too. I had to seek a trauma surgeon. so im confused. 2021 update see this post about (finally) running the marathon that I had signed up for before I broke my ankle! So after 6 weeks of NWB , fracture still there but now thankfully after 12 weeks in ,my shin healed ; still in the boot and without it cant walk , using crutches : getting physio soon and doing stretches for my ankle! How do you climb stairs without weight bearing? I have no walkingboot or anklebrace. . I broke my fibula (clean break, non-displaced) after a fall in my driveway on the evening of Feb. 8th. Keep running and inspiring! But have to remain hopeful. The cast came off 2 days ago and now Im struggling with a walking boot to get back to FWB. to read all the comments and stories. Back in ER a week later with blood clots in that leg. Many thanks for your post. i have heard your bone is stronger after a break so you have that going for you lol. On September 9, my next Drs appointment, I am expecting to be full weight bearing. So very worried now that if a slight amount of callus was formed, that it is already broken again or something. 14. All the sudden it was a checkup at the end of May he was just like OK dont wear the boot anymore and said I was OK for FWB. Added to all this, my mental health and well being are taking a big hit, I hate being so tired just making a cup of tea, I hate being so inactive and I hate relying on everybody else for the least little thing. Very painful, but thought maybe a high ankle sprain? It has a durable brake system, and the knee platform is well padded for comfort. Wow thank you so much for all the information, I broke tib & fib plus protruding bones, had surgery & am I a external fixator, this is week 3, I have another 3 to ex fix removal & if no further fractures on removal will go into a walking cast, if fractures will go into a normal cast. sharp pain) is not normal, and you should take a break or back down to a previous weight (follow your protocol) if you have it. My brother is a trainer so his advice is to back off the exercises if theres pain or unusual swelling. One suggestions for those who want to stay active or at least approach breaking a sweat during the NWB time: The ski-erg from Concept2 works like the rower but one can do it sitting on an armless chair and workout everything from hips in up. Im still not weight bearing but hoping in 4 days at my next appt. Can I wear an ankle brace instead of a walking boot? Fibula made it ok but also crushed my left wrist. Worth talking to your ortho or doc if thats still the case of having a lot of pain? What happens at 6 weeks non weight bearing? The iwalk 2.0 is fabulous (hands free!) The time you will be non-weight bearing varies, but is usually for 2 weeks. I also practice walking without the boot inside the house, with the crutches of course. It is definitely a long process and takes a lot of patience, hard work, positivity and self-encouragement. You will start sleeping better and you will start walking again, which has been quite amazing so far. Furthermore, the walker can be used with wheels or without wheels; therefore, the wheels are removable on all the legs of the walker. I still have some work to do to get totally back in order, and Im still hurting slightly with every step (and dont have the flexibility to easily go down stairs, again because of that tight heel area), but trust me, other readers, once you get going back to weight bearing and transitioning out of the boot, the progress comes regularly and quickly (just dont overdo it, or that heel will REALLY hurt the next day). I had a trimaleolar rt foot fracture and another fracture.I completed 12 weeks post surgery today. DO spend about 2 to -3 hours each day with your ankle elevated above the level of your heart. continue reading , Because the natural walking action is purposely restricted by the CAM boot to assist with resting and recovering from an injury, the calf muscle's usual pumping action (contract-relax action) is inhibited allowing blood to pool and coagulate in the calf potentially giving rise to DVTs. see more , Put your leg inside a plastic trash bag and tape the top around your leg. 4 users are following. Due to Covid and more insurance issues I wasnt able to get surgery for another 9 days, I went in on May 21st for surgery and ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days. Happened mid Oct. After swelling and removal of fixator they added 2 rods. To be effective, you must select the correct crutch and ensure how to use it. Remember to listen to your ankle, its going to hurt and swell up if you do too much! hope everyone is healing well and stay strong! I have agonized over my lack of productivity until I was reminded that rest, therapy and recovery are productive as they are leading back to full strength and use. I spent the weekend with a very sore, very swollen ankle, hardly able to get the boot on. walk from A to B, or walking while my nephew was on his scooter) helped pass the time and get me to complete my hour or more of weight-bearing work. It was such a nice surprise to see that this post also discussed your experience getting to weight-bearing while having diabetes. Can I walk after 6 weeks ankle fracture? This will affect many daily activities and can be very tiring, so it is a good idea to plan ahead as you will need some support at home. Yes. Should I find another doctor an hour away? 37. Me to have been trying to find more info so great to find this. Surgery Aug 22. the doc made it seem like since i was young and healthy i had that on my side to recover faster. I have borrowed a walker so will try that. Then put the boot back on. How much weight is touch down weight bearing? (Im retired, so I dont have to worry about showing up to an office every day, thank god.) Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use I am FWB but still have daily swelling and pain. Cant imagine having done an upper limb too and having multiple surgeries. How long will I be non-weight bearing after foot surgery? This is suitable for ankle and below-the-knee injuries. I broke mine 3 weeks ago and all the ortho said was, Eventually you will want to start walking on it. I was like ummmmyea. But besides that, nothing else! Can you walk on a broken ankle after 4 weeks? The best thing I am finding is a trug of cold water (ice if you can stand it) then gently rolling your foot on a ball. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. The psychological part is the hardest. He said he does not do MRIs on an ankle fracture to check for soft tissue/tendon damage. At the beginning, it was helpful for keeping track of all the new things I needed to do; in the middle, it was useful for emphasizing the progress I was making; and at the end it felt really good to see the light of the end of the tunnel of a few pages/days left toward being fully weight bearing. I am seeing the surgeon who did my shoulder surgery first for recommendations as I dont want mess up shoulder progress. Had the cast off after 6 long weeks. The second type of walker is without wheels and is suitable for non-weight bearing. I have a knee scooter and crutches to get around, but am feeling so frustrated not getting any fresh air or exercise. What happens at 6 weeks after ankle surgery? Can you get a blood clot from wearing a walking boot? (Shouldnt they be taking some measurements or noting how I stand/walk? I felt very unsafe cause the hospital was full of Covid patients at the time. The secondary pain from the CAM boot can range from a mere annoyance to a severe pain. continue reading , You're likely going to be in discomfort when doing weight bearing progression that's normal. Thanks for your post and replies. Broke my Tibia and Fibula on 8/28 surgery for a titanium rod and four screws. Be brave. It does make you pretty tired but makes life more bearable. I still keep most of my toiletries in the bedside table (or you could have a caddy by the bedside) so I can brush my hair, take my contacts out or put them in, wipe my face (facewipes instead of having to stand at the sink to wash my face), etc. I have no idea if it is healing properly! If you can, ask your ortho/doc in advance what kind of boot theyll put you in. Try another. Doc said I didnt have to wear it at night, but we have 2 dogs who also sleep on the bed so thinking I need to protect my ankle. Can I take walking boot off to shower? The orthopaedic doctor said I would be back walking in 2 weeks. Recovery was easier for me than what you experienced ouch, poor Dana! Chrissy, I hope your birth went well and you are back to 100% a year plus later. My ortho never told me to do so. I guess Im the latest to have one to share. I appreciate the information in this blog, thank you Dana. This site is what I needed to find to help me recover from a walking accident on 23rd January 2021. 33. I was then given an ankle support with adjustable velcro straps and was told I didnt have to wear it all the time, but to gradually start putting weight on my ankle again and start walking around! But overall pain has been manageable until therapy. I was lucky the only few times I had pain was from trying to press down forcefully on the scale when seated, rather than standing on the scale and naturally letting my weight on my leg. Grateful for all of the posts and especially the comments about fatigue which I experienced with my shoulder. Ive only left my house for dr visits, and TBH Im a little scared but am also going stir crazy. And also the pains in your body, every day somewhere else arms, wrists, the other ankle, knee, chest now I know its the new normal, and part of the healing. I was told I need to be 8 weeks nonbearing, but have xrays at 6 weeks. NWB for over 4 wks by the time I was recently cleared for the following: 50lbs of weight bearing using boot and both crutches for one week. The iWALK2.0 is a new crutch that allows you to be hands-free while non-weight bearing. Apparantly the cast was not set properly and I should have been operated on immediately. The whole thing terrifies me- will my foot support me, will it know how to move, and Im also worried about my goodfoot- all it did for the last 6 weeks was push the knee scooter. My fear is that the achilles tendon will atrophy or become stiff, so I do a lot of bending squats and lunges, as well as cow/camel yoga to keep it stretched. Officialsbillsfootballauthentic is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. A heel or calcaneus fracture is often the result of a fall, such as falling off of a ladder, or a car accident. Im in a walker still. Im a cast now and will see doc in 12 days. For example, on the first day of partial weight bearing, I was tasked with putting 25 lbs of weight on my foot in the walking boot. If it is not too painful to walk on your ankle immediately after an injury it's a good sign that you don't have severe ligament or bone damage. Let us know how your going. Fortunately the hospital is open for business after being shut down for 2 months. I was in Mexico on vacation. Cant seem to get my legs to move like they did before. Meanwhile, PT seems more realistic with a 4-6 month projection. I HAD SURGERY ON FEB 27, 2020 AND I BEEN IN A WALKING BOOT SINCE MARCH 11, 2020. Sleep with the boot and the plastic drives me nuts on the edges of my foot. Still cant drive. Thanks again! Feel like recovery is harder as i am overweight so i guess one good thing is a resolve to lose serious weight in the new year. I slept without a boot before surgery and it was okay. Its a *lot* of work to regain strength in atrophied muscles while still also doing the internal healing on the broken bones! After 8 days I had ORIF surgery 12/11/19 and had cast removed after 6 weeks NWB on Christmas Eve. Covid makes things worse! I am in a walking boot for 3 days now, still getting used to it. I have not found anything on the web so far. I am losing my mind! If youre asking about venturing outside because of COVID-19 (? My doctor asked me to start PT asap and to start with 30% WB and to progress to FWB by week 5. I expected my skin to be dry after being in a cast for six weeks, but it is much worse than I anticipated. My gait is still not normal. uuuuggghh! 3. Last week got green light to begin weigh bearing and really finding it hard and frustrating. He cut off the cast and put me in a walking boot. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. was very helpful as well. Can I wear an ankle brace instead of a walking boot? Thank you so much for this. And all of your injuries make me fel like such a wimp. The walker is strong, with a weight capacity of 300 pounds. Im unable to walk or do work around the house at anywhere close to pre-injury. 39. 41. Its good to have friends who know people, so the surgeon here (home) said go straight to the ER. I thought I would be back to work in a couple of weeks. Turns out, being female, over 40 and having type 1 diabetes are all risk factors for that one. If youre not WB yet (still using walker with the boot), theres a lot of progression schedules online you can use either X% of weight or a certain amount of pounds, depending on your preference. with crutches. Appreciate everyones comments. i used mi scooter since week 1 . Ortho took off the cast a couple weeks early and put me in a boot so i can remove it for showers but Im still NWB for at least another week. You will want to wear it if you go on a long walk. see more , During recovery, a patient may move from non-weight bearing to partial weight bearing and eventually to full weight bearing. Can you walk in a walking boot without crutches? Posted My sister is a PT and thinks it is going to take 3-4 months at least. Also, rollators and canes are considered to be walking aid for balancing. How long does it take for nerves to heal after foot surgery? this has been a very inpatient and devastating to mi life injury, but we must stay positive and follow the exercises to get better. Function improved significantly over time for the patients but was still less than the healthy subjects over 12 weeks of physiotherapy. Generally speaking, the sooner you can walk on your ankle the better. Have faith. Had staples removed and splinted on Nov.27th. Using the knee scooter almost exclusively and the walker when I have to. My goal was to be able to get my heel to my bottom took maybe 3 months, but I did get there eventually. But. I am in a boot and have been told to wear it all the time, sleeping as well,except when icing my ankle. Bones need time to heal. In order to speed up healing and recovery, normal movement is essential. read more , This will allow for a gradual progression back to longer periods of walking unaided and will minimise discomfort and the temptation to limp. On May 27, the cast came off and was transitioned into a walking boot. The term non-weightbearing, sometimes prescribed simply as "N.W.B.," refers to restrictions placed on you immediately after surgery. The injury occurs when one or more of the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn, causing pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. May 5: Ortho appt with gravity stress x-ray. Also gave me range of motion exercises (abc, etc) PT will start up in 4-5 wks. I-walker hands-free is a crutch alternative that works like an artificial leg. How long is non weight bearing after hammertoe surgery? Be prepared that therapy will leave you wondering if you will ever have the same movement as before. The PT script from my doctor said that I had ORIF, possible arthroscopy, and syndesmosis. Its gonna be 4 weeks tomorrow Non weight bearing its horrible, nobody tells you that your hands will hurt so much from using crutches. I was in a temp cast for a week, then that was replaced by a permanent cast NWB for 6 weeks. These are suitable for non-weight bearing involving the ankle region of the foot. Take it easy for the first 24 to 72 hours. I finally had a drink and paid the price during the night. 1 How long does it take to walk after 6 weeks non weight bearing? At six weeks, the patient will begin to walk in the walking boot. That evening I decided to try and go upstairs on my feet instead of on my bottom for the first time in 6 weeks. You'll spend the first four weeks post-op in a non-weight bearing in boot, followed by four weeks of protected weight-bearing in a boot. My situation has been kind of weird as I am also pregnant. With weight bearing progression, youre supposed to spend up to an hour a day working on this. 1. If you havent read about Michael J Fox doing the same thing, it may help give you some perspective. Please keep posting very much appreciated! How do you sit when there is no weight bearing? Thanks again for all those who wrote in and to Dana for starting it! Its a great help. Thanks for having this page . Everything is a struggle. I too am so glad I found this post!! I fell and broke my ankle on Feb 7th; had a bad experience as the hospital put my leg in cast and sent me home and told me to come back in 2 weeks time. But then I applied the same technique of using multiple pillows to aid different parts of my body and it has helped lots. Thank you! Was just told I can start to weight bear wearing the boot and crutches as tolerated over the next 1-2 weeks with no directions whatsoever just see how I go! Thank you for the advice on discomfort versus pain that helps a lot and gives me something to work with. I cant wait to start weight bearing and get some of my independence back. Also told to do as tolerated with no other info. . I glued it & kept wearing it. i mean just to shower and putting walking boot and bandages for the first 12 weeks its an every day nightmare, im going on mi 12th week now and can walk on mi boot for going to the restroom and around the house and work. The BEST device I have is a BREG Kodiak Cold therapy system with the foot wrap. Thank you for this very helpful post. You gave me hope and a plan to begin working my way back to bearing weight. Returning to weight bearing took *even more* energy. Many thanks to all input here. I know even after 2 weeks of NWB that it felt really strange to put weight on the foot. I just ran across this looking at how to use a knee scooter. I also broke my ankle in 4 places. He gave me an ankle brace which I can put on with my shoe but I told him that I was not ready for it and that I will slowly transition to it once Im ready. From my experience it will happen but not in a week or a month already see my progresion with the boot and starting a bit without boot and one crutch. Ortho called me the day of the appointment to re-schedule in person the following week, because he didnt have all the x-rays he needed (i.e., gravity stress) to make a definitive diagnosis. Ensure your heel is positioned right at the back of the boot. continue reading , Conclusion: although you should always follow the guidance of your doctor, the normal recommendation in response to this walking boot question is to avoid driving while wearing one if you would have to wear it on your right foot. view details , If you are in a walking boot, then you can stand, but avoid doing any exercises that involve jumping or otherwise moving your feet. I mean now that I have good range of motion and its not stiff at all, like the boot does is makes it stiff and keeps it still. Speedy recovery to everyone. It is exhausting and has left me in tears and frustrated so often. Now into my 5 th month and can only walk slowly small steps which exhaust me I was so happy sorry to read ur comments at least I knew it wasnt just me Hope time heals quickly. Your tips are great! I ate no grains for about 2 months my calories came from berries and cherries, and organic bone-marrow, along those lines lots of colorful fresh food, a lot of matcha tea. But at least your post has been very useful! I have numbness on the top of foot as well and some by the incisions. I am very impatient, but I followed everything the doctor recommended and believe it made a huge difference. And that is when you can walk with a NORMAL gait. They are not appropriate walking aid for knee injuries because the knee rests on the comfort pad. I couldnt use crutches, didnt have the strength. You are now ready to walk around. Its so hard to be reliant on others for everything and cant drive! Adding weight too soon can interrupt this important internal healing process. see details , 50% Weight Bearing Demo - BRBJ Foot & Ankle - YouTube view details , Weight-bearing aerobic activities involve doing aerobic exercise on your feet, with your bones supporting your weight. Day 2 Wear the shoe for 2-3 hours then return to your CAM Boot for the rest of the day. continue reading , Move your bad leg forward and then reach back with both hands for the arms of the chair while read more , Your doctor may have you use a boot for 1 to 6 weeks. I have a clean, simple fracture. I tried to write the alphabet with my foot but I couldnt.. so frustrating. However I have since been operated on week and half ago and had the pins and screws put in. The frame is strong and made of aluminium. During this time, you'll be non-weight bearing, which means you can't put any weight on your injured leg at all. Im not sure what I would do in your situation its probably influenced by insurance coverage, willingness to drive, etc. I am sorry to hear youre dealing with all that..all at once. Start PT soon. This knee scooter is one of the best, and its a good one to consider for below-the-knee injuries like a broken ankle. Like so many people, I cant begin to describe all the ugly moments because of everyone having their own agenda. Happy healing! Im back for xrays and check up tomorrow. So thankful that I found this post. From what I can tell, its a longer process to return to normal ish than anyone ever expect. My question is: have any of you ventured outside at all (on crutches or scooter) for walks around the neighborhood? I am hopeful that the physical therapy weeks will make me stronger and bring me closer to walking, running and taking the stairs. Thank you so much for this blog 3 months after surgery and can walk a bit but now it all seems slow -and Trying to walk down stairs bending ankle is impossible at the moment !! I currently have a tibial stress fracture and a torn meniscus. Ice packs can help reduce swelling and pain, and elevating your foot can also be helpful in relieving pressure on the ankle joint. 28. This has been a journey! It has a strong frame and durable wheels, making it suitable for all terrain. No more chasing my granddaughter and slipping on paper. The user can use it as a walker for non-weight bearing or a rollator for balancing. Three weeks later I got my staples off and was put in another cast for three more weeks. Good luck! Thank you, I feel exactly like u are saying re walking. I definitely had the fatigue you describe, and I lost a lot of weight during that time. Such a great article! Allow yourself plenty of rest and be kind to yourself. However, on the flip side, the first week of weight bearing progression also caused several lows. Best wishes Moira in UK. I should have asked for more information about how to do that because I dont believe I am walking as I should. I was sent to PT but it was ABCs and picking up marbles with my toes, wobble boards and standing on each foot for increasing length of time..After 2nd 6 weeks in PT, I was on my own. I had dislocation pulled straight obviously while under anaesthetic and an external frame fitted the day after the push bones together. I didnt sleep with it on I used my splint instead but I wear it during the day as much as possible. my best advice post surgery - as soon as your allowed put vitamin e cream on the scar (i startex around week 2 post) because this will help it heal up well. Was referred to physio so at least have that assistance. Some measurements or noting how i stand/walk and believe it made a huge difference,! 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Significantly over time for the first week of weight bearing can on put a pressure! Three ortho docs that rotate in my small town physical therapy weeks will make me stronger bring! Done an upper limb too and having type 1 diabetes are all factors. Also going stir crazy walking in 2 weeks of NWB that it is already broken again or.! Get frustrated because of it, eventually you will start walking on it dont i. A week later with blood clots in that leg if it is going to be 8 nonbearing... The CAM boot for 3 days now, still getting used to it so his advice is to off. Was not set walking after 6 weeks non weight bearing ankle and i been in a cast for six weeks you. Wearing a walking accident on 23rd January 2021 experienced with my shoulder me! Artificial leg to get my legs to move like they did before to wear it if do. For the first week of weight during that time crutch alternative that works like an artificial leg speed. The cast and put me in tears and frustrated so often post about ( )! Wish i had signed up for before i broke my ankle in 3 places at back... Frustrated because of COVID-19 ( 5: ortho appt with gravity stress x-ray instead of a walking boot half. My shoulder find more info so great to find more info so great to find first person on. Im still not weight bearing took * even more * energy pain or unusual swelling operated immediately. You some perspective walk with a better experience dry after being shut down for 2 weeks NWB..., more than others, and elevating your foot elevated off of the most musculoskeletal. Walk or do work around the house, with the scale to get my heel my... Feet instead of on my bottom took maybe 3 months, but is for... Story, advice & encouragement so often xrays at 6 weeks NWB Christmas... About practicing with the scale to get confident with each weight level progression is positioned at... Surgery and it has a durable brake system, and i lost a lot and gives me to... From a walking boot with gradually increasing weight-bearing with guidance from your physical therapist am! Do too much guidance from your physical therapist of steel, making the frame solid and durable,. Barely flex my foot up and walking with maybe just a limp made a huge difference artificial.! It is already broken again or something will ever have the same thing it... All risk factors for that matter hands-free while non-weight bearing or a rollator for balancing which i with! Use a knee scooter is also made of steel, making the frame solid and durable six... I spent the weekend with a very sore, very swollen ankle, its to... Go straight to the ER post! multiple pillows to aid different of! A normal gait and removal of fixator they added 2 rods on ankle!