Or that it actually makes you smart and grants you critical thinking? Apart from writing essays and reports, the students also get to surf occasionally. As someone noted, the peons (read businessmen) of the world are indebted, if not enslaved, to some persons philosophy. I know of many people who just graduated from BCIT and cant find a job. 6.07. This can be said for many areas. There are a surprising number of high-paying, laid-back, country club jobs around this country, and who do you think will get them? "Liberal arts graduates are the ones who run the country, protect it from threats external and domestic, educate the next generation, and resolve disputes our courts. So, this claim fails to pass muster on many levels. Like other humanities subjects, philosophy is important not just to memorize and repeat facts, but to teach one how to think. Many lawyers have undergraduate degrees because of the intense research and writing requirements help prepare them. As a joint math and physics major myself, I would say that there is very little regurgitation in the subjects I'm taking, it mostly about understanding. View all 36 Resources: First graders were doing a practice Pacer Test, where I had them run the width of the gym instead of the length. In defense of philosophy (as it is in fact my chosen field of study) there seems to be a general misunderstanding of the field as a whole. Seems like an excuse to watch the Harry Potter movies. I agree with Art History being pointless. I feel like any article that claims a given major to be useless should back it up with some sort of evidence. But i ask that you do not diminish mine. physic dribbleart historywhat s that about.counting paintings in museums or gallerieswhy do people waste money to get a degree At the conclusion of the additional 45-day period the Ethics Board Hearing Panel Chair will inform, in writing, the Ethics Board Hearing Panel, the Executive Director of AMTA, the President of AMTA, the Grievant, and the Respondent that the formal hearing will be scheduled. Wow you entire first paragraph manages to say nothing at all except for clever arranging of words to appear to say something good your missing a real main idea its just a mindless ramble that seems to support your platform of nothingness. Enjoy the latest tourism news from Miami.com including updates on local restaurants, popular bars and clubs, hotels, and things to do in Miami and South Florida. PRODUCT Software engineers shallensurethat their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible. And how about Gates? But its flawed because its not based on facts. No more spamming the wall with ad hominem attacks and redundancies. I think that as far as philosophy being a worthless degree, you all have pretty much proved the authsr's point! Integrity, and 8. On the other hand, certain acts are considered so harmful to competition that they are almost always illegal. Most philosophical writing is deliberately obscure, and a logical house of cards. 10. What Degree did the person who wrote this study? You think they're that easy? Which is why you cannot merely say that society doesnt need people with philosophy degrees. every bit of information could be of great use. So is finance more important than health? It also taught me ethics: *why* principles mattered and how to be a better human being. The written notice must contain specific grounds upon which the appeal is based. (Yes, I know, you mean how to learn better, I just had to make that joke, no offense intended), Do you think those philosopher could maybe learn how to learn that philosophy is useless, that is after that learn how to learn, but how do they learn how to learn in first place.. im confused, wish i was an philosopher then i would have no problems. theres money, but that doesn't mean you will be successful in studying it. This blog site isn't letting me put up my essays (they are essays, there's so much I want to say) about what you just said. At best, a business major will be mediocre, collecting six-figures per year, and wondering what else the world has to offer besides pie-charts and bar-graphs. (I'm not really against this, research funding goes to the sciences, and that's what people want to study nowadays.). I certainly don't have such a narrow minded view of the Arts, I thoroughly respect them. View all 36 Resources: First graders were doing a practice Pacer Test, where I had them run the width of the gym instead of the length. WebCREATE A FOLLOWING Tribune Content Agency builds audience Our content engages millions of readers in 75 countries every day 7.05. Promote no interest adverse to their employer or client, unless a higher ethical concern is being compromised; in that case, inform the employer or another appropriate authority of the ethical concern. WebProfessional ethics is divided into several types, since each profession has its own code of ethics. This degree has gotten me absolutely nowhere except for a full time convenience store job I already had. Identify, document, and report significant issues of social concern, of which they are aware, in software or related documents, to the employer or the client. Encourage colleagues to adhere to this Code. Article 2 of the Constitution of Malta states that the religion of Malta is the "Roman Catholic apostolic religion" (paragraph 1), that the authorities of the Catholic Church have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and wrong (paragraph 2) and that religious teaching of the Catholic apostolic faith GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED in the . You are redundant. 8.02. . Ive come to the conclusion philosophy haters are just quite lacking in intelligence. Use the property of a client or employer only in ways properly authorized, and with the clients or employers knowledge and consent. Have I identified creative options? Failure to comply may result in further action. For future reference, just because you're good at writing doesn't give you a free pass to take advantage of other people through words. They might even suggest something for you to read to help you understand your lot in life, but odds are you wont understand it. Some of you folks need to calm down. Liberal arts graduates are the ones who run the country, protect it from threats external and domestic, educate the next generation, and resolve disputes our courts. Regardless, our education is what made things new and endless, despite what subject [law, philosophy, psychology, healthANYTHING]. Approve software only if they have a well-founded belief that it is safe, meets specifications, passes appropriate tests, and does not diminish quality of life, diminish privacy or harm the environment. Hence, much more limiting in what you can eventually do., "This is likely to lead to work that doesnt involve mixing chemicals, making graphs on excel, and crunching numbers. Gone are the days of dumb surfer dudes riding the waves without a care. Science looks at the small detail (physical/material universe) and tests the theory in the world. 1.2 identify and recognize their personal biases, avoiding discrimination in relationships with clients, colleagues, and others in all settings. 2.7 practice self-kindness and mindfulness and extend compassion to self if faced with feelings of inadequacy or failure. Like Janitor, plumbing, coal mining etc How come no one ever complains that women arent being kept from getting in these jobs? And the very reason that i stumbled over this stupid and entirely useless blog is because i was looking up good colleges providing a psychology department. You fail to understand the point of YWs writing. Youre expected to know about history, philosophy, and to be always aware of what is happening in the art world today. If you want a decent place, you are looking at $2,000.00 for a 1 bedroom, plus,utilities,food,tec And if you drive, your insurance rates could be 1/3 of your rent.. These students (at least at my school-UBC) have trouble thinking critically and communicating ideas coherently enough to persuade any prospective clients. It was really a waste of time in my opinion. Tribunal - A tribunal is a special court or committee that is appointed to deal with particular problems. I hang out with a variety of people from different faculties. However, a lot of scientists don't earn much, at least in Britain (biomed scientists earn c. 12k a year). Browse Jobs: Helpful resources for physical educators who teach children with disabilities. Technical schools are far a better choice. Learn from this. The Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions uses wording from the Public Health Service Act to list those who are and are not allied Recognize that personal violations of this Code are inconsistent with being a professional software engineer. What most people do not realize is that philosophy does have application. Some of you will have to realize that art exists and it always will, and that there will always be a healthy number of young people who want to learn more about it being something that they enjoy, EVEN IF IT MEANS NEVER GETTING THE SAME SALARY AS THOSE IN OTHER FIELDS. You be the judge. It really annoys me that peole say that a Psychology degree is useless and only taken by people who dont know what to take. However, in some cases they are similar to each other. It is not intended that the individual parts of the Code be used in isolation to justify errors of omission or commission. Without them, how will we live right now compared to right now? People like you who cannot understand the arts, and actually argue that it has no place in society, are actually part of the reason why we are in a cultural dearth currently. They can go on to apply their skills to many different areas, limited only to their own individual capacities and fantasies. Web6.04. A loser is someone who is going nowhere in life. If an individual is aware of an ethics violation involving an AMTA member and believes harm has or will occur to a person or organization, and if attempts at informal resolution have not been effective in resolving the concern, or direct contact with the Respondent is not advisable or is not possible, that individual (Grievant) should contact the Ethics Board for additional assistance. 3.13 be familiar with the Code of Ethics, abide by its principles and report witnessed violations to the Ethics Board, refraining from frivolous or punitive reporting. WebPragmatism is a philosophical tradition that considers words and thought as tools and instruments for prediction, problem solving, and action, and rejects the idea that the function of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality.Pragmatists contend that most philosophical topicssuch as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, WebPragmatism is a philosophical tradition that considers words and thought as tools and instruments for prediction, problem solving, and action, and rejects the idea that the function of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality.Pragmatists contend that most philosophical topicssuch as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, If you can know everything about the most minor subject people will seek you out for it: Pop culture Dan Browns Protagonist in Da Vinci code dealt with pictograms etc there are people that make a good living from it. Should there even be government? You havent actually, answered my questions: Maintain the integrity of data, being sensitive to outdated or flawed occurrences. If this is not possible, the formal hearing will be scheduled. What is a loser? Really? There IS, however, TONS of chemical mixing and formula regurgitation. Philosophers change the world. This information is from personal stories told by many of my friends (not in the sciences, or in UBC). Itll get your head out of the hole where the sun dont shine. Most art history degrees are only in the major universities in the UK, such as Oxford, Camebridge, UCL and the Courtauld, and most art history students are very clever. Sadly my friend, you are too wrong. and why? NURSES AND GLOBAL HEALTH 18. 8.05. It appears the fine people at UBC would agree with at least some of the points Ive been making In other words, taking high school lit classes and reading Nelson Mandella's biography don't cut it. I know lots of people with humanities degrees who are massively underemployed in routine white collar jobs. Don't really see many jobs that are looking for art history majors. nobodykids no jobsno references.so going back to their home This is exactly the attitude that I absolutely hate in so many (not all) of you liberal arts majors. Philosophy is merely one persons opion.oh yeah, those that can, do. A degree is only useless if you don't use the knowledge. then we are the source of all thought process and you must all bow down to us. Gos sell your bridge somewhere else buddy you will probably need the money since your degree is less useful then the toilet paper in my bathroom. Philosophy is the foundation stone of every science that has ever come in to existence and for 2 thousand years Aristotles work was untouched as the authority on over 100 different areas of science. LOL. Our role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Seriously? Help develop an organizational environment favorable to acting ethically. In the event that a member or former member declines to participate in Ethics Board processes, the Ethics Board may unilaterally investigate and recommend sanctions. 5.06. Site MapPrivacy PolicyTerms & Conditions Contact Us, 10125 Colesville Road, #136 Possible ban from state organizations when ethics code violations have caused serious personal or professional harm. NURSES AND PATIENTS OR OTHER PEOPLE REQUIRING CARE OR SERVICES 7 2. Perhaps a philosopher could be called upon to guide, or at least be consulted upon, in dealing these issues: an expert in bioethics.. These acts are "per se" violations of the Sherman Act; in other words, no defense or justification is allowed." By the way, how do you think every science, political stance etc. (2017). In addition, it is important for music therapists to extend compassion to themselves when confronted with their own human limitations. As I wrote above, I don't think that the sciences or business are easy subjects to study. There are such courses like these? NURSES AND PRACTICE 12 3. WebThe American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as the Ethics Code) consists of an Introduction, a Preamble, five General Principles (A-E) and specific Ethical Standards.The Introduction discusses the intent, organization, procedural considerations, and scope of application of Doing scientific research requires thinking "outside the box" and thinking analytically. Lol, yeah, because engineering is so easy you self-righteous hypocritejust kidding. There is something very commendable in loving what you do, even if others take it as useless. If you think the following questions are trivial, then you must live a really boring life. PUBLIC Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest. Well, this course teaches analytic skills, highly valued in the field of medicine. What is the nature of morality? Your half-baked analysis has changed my mind completely. Since kindergarten Ive been taught that it is best to make a career in an area in which I am talented and proficient at. My son is majoring in Engineering. Identify, document, collect evidence and report to the client or the employer promptly if, in their opinion, a project is likely to fail, to prove too expensive, to violate intellectual property law, or otherwise to be problematic. The problem is that we have become such an entitled, gimme-gimme society that we have people spending $100,000 of their money (or usually more correctly their parents money) on 4+ years of basically partying and they are ill prepared to become a functioning self sufficient adult when they leave . This typically falls under the category of applied philosophy, philosophy of science etc. The decision by the Judicial Review Board on the appeal will be final. If you're lucky, 5 or 6 variables are involved (temperature, pressure, voltage, etc.) I suspect that liberal arts people who 'get on' tend to be of high social class. They are the very definition of number crunching that you talked about earlier. They are likely to work under those who went to school, realized they had a good idea (or that they didn't need to go to school) and started their own business. hahahahahhhaahahahahhaha loser u had better hope that scientists (useful members of society unlike u)) invent a time machine so that u can go back in time and actually study at scool so u can get into a real degree at university!!! Im not even a philosophy major or minor, but its quite funny how incredibly stupid people like you are you must be the type of person who cries in philosophy class because you cant understand simple theorems. Information, including confidential information, may be shared with legal Counsel of the Association, with the Association's Executive Director, and with others duly appointed persons authorized by the Board to assist it in carrying out its functions. (this why we ave art critics*) Anyway, for anyone who thinks they have a grasp on life, and think that Philosophy and Art is useless, They need to go back through ALL years of school and start over again; Actually pay attention to everything in those subjects. Well, I would 100% agree with you in that statement. Revised annually, the latest version contains employment projections for the 2021-31 decade. Oh and some of those philosophy grads who now work in low paid employment did so out of choice rather than a lack of choice. or more words of my comment. To say something like, its not as strong as a philosophy major usually is probably one of the most ridiculous things Ive read on this page so far. Reading this from the philospers has inspired me. Ok, an ad hominem argument is not exactly an fallacy, and therefore not invalid. I hope that everyone concerned with being happy and successful in whichever field they choose keep in mind that a degree is merely a stepping stone to something greater, and the sky can be as high as you set it. Ensure that software engineers know the employers policies and procedures for protecting passwords, files and information that is confidential to the employer or confidential to others. This Code was developed by the IEEE-CS/ACM joint task force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practices (SEEPP): Executive Committee: Donald Gotterbarn (Chair). The degree advertises, and does not lie about making well-rounded students, although of courseIf you want to get a degree such as engineering, than you will have to get smart on the math and tinkering and still add on a load more of classesunfornately, not all of us have the talents to pursue such a career, that goes without needing to say. Some people learn ancient languages not for a job, but out of their interest and out of the fact that they want to research more knowledge. The way I see it, I don't really see the difference between my writing ability and yours. Okay, maybe David Beckham studies is useless. This is my last comment post. Not forgetting the fact that these research papers always take the side of women, which shows the bigotry of these university departments. Because a good philosophy class teaches much more than what you can get by say, reading Hume, Spinoza and Locke on your own. Do we need doctors more than bankers? Toensure, as much as possible, that their efforts will be used for good, software engineers must commit themselves to making software engineering a beneficial and respected profession. 8. Im not a philosophy major. Either way, its hard to take them seriously., Ahem the question, Does a mime make a sound when hit hard enough?, is a question of high intellectual endeavor. Your understanding of visual culture, the way it is consumed and its impact, together with your research skills, not only mean that advertising and marketing would be suitable careers but also a range of roles in the media (including Television production assistant or Programme researcher, broadcasting/film/video). If only there were more vacancies for professional dorks. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. Ensure that there is a fair agreement concerning ownership of any software, processes, research, writing, or other intellectual property to which a software engineer has contributed. Sleep well and dream of acing the David Beckham studies course. How sweet is that? 6.05. So theory is philosophy and philosophy is about critically evaluating the theory for flaws whilst science endeavours in its progress to apply the theory using experiment of which their are two types mathematical and labratory. 5.10. Does that sound right.. It's a whole other playing field. Dont you tihnk it is actually possible for people to be interested in Psychology? Till then, its better than anything you you do. Some may argue that there's no such thing as a useless degree - any education is a good education including many degrees from online schools and universities. This member will contact the Grievant to gather further information about the concern and to discuss possible avenues for resolution. Parapsychology is certainly NOT useless. If I could, I would have 15 careers. I cannot believe it has no value. Aya None of these are useless. You called it "natural philosophy" as if that makes it not philosophy. And in response to your last paragraph, Im quite sure Im not in a dreamworld. Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant, or evidence while others who are more skeptical of religion I'm 99% confident enough to say that all Engineering majors can earn a Philosophy major, but not vice versa. If philosophy is necessary to getting anywhere, explain that. Why, oh why, do people with no understanding feel the need to express an opinion and thereby cause others to expose their claims as bollocks? I dont think critiquing economics is right. And I doubt it was useful to anyone besides you as a marine in the field. WebOur Job Center is a great place to publicize your school district job openings. Its much more than blabbering about the meaning of life and so on which you can, yes, think for yourself. I will defend this if you come back with something other than You must be joking. ". More information for AMTA members from the Ethics Board can be found here. Everyone has their own philosophy, a philosophy major isnt going to dictate the way I think. WebPRIME Education is an accredited provider of continuing medical education. 6. Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant, or evidence while others who are more skeptical of religion Another person who doesnt recognize the brilliant people behind the work! AGREE?! I feel that I offered a clear, succinct rebuttal showing WHY it is that they are taking this approach (at least at UBC). If you want to study philosophy, study on your own time nothing is stopping you and you dont need a teacher, the internet has enough resources. https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/competition-guidance/guide-antitrust-laws/antitrust-laws, Title IX - The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Please name me some of the Fortune 500 exec's with Philosophy degrees. People like to imagine it differently but it's so true, it's so meaningless. I am currently attending college, working to double major in Art History and English, and I have to say Art History is the greatest discipline Ive ever encountered. 4. Sure thinking critically and asking questions is useful. I'm just annoyed by some who claim that Philosophy is the only major that allows one to develop critical thinking skills and logic. Press Esc to cancel. Athletes and celebrities almost negate education altogether and make far more than your average mathematician or engineer, so is the NFL or are Kardashians doing anything constructive to society? Jobs are not the only reason to study knowledge. Same with those in the sciences. The Code. 6.12. The civic ethic is one that is responsible for the human being behaves in a"correct"way within society, since it will depend on the proper functioning of it. You stated you agreed with most of what I said, but disagreed with my underlying point and then went on to prove that I was correct in the first place. Lunkhead: It`s the logic that drives the operating systems. I am bitter toward my father, I don't think the degree should exist as a straight course as science has replaced the practical purpose for philosophy. Our role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). I doubt that would have happened had I taken a science degree. The Ethics Board member will verify membership status of the Respondent by contacting the Executive Director of AMTA. It is indeed a useless subject. Yes, historically women were largely excluded from most disciplines, but what has this got to do with womens studies as a degree course? Set a goal, and even if you flub up and fall down, you are still moving forward. 4.2 use resources available to them to enhance and better their practice (e.g., peer/professional supervision). i personally am an avid artist and cant stand people that bash on art as a whole. Next, I can only imagine an entire series of postings that dissect the useful ness of Latin as a language (and in english no less! I want to be an Art and T.V. 2.5 act with compassion and genuine interest when dealing with peers. Nate the problem with what youre saying is the assumption that use = job oppurtunities. Then we saw your CV and thought, "Let's invite a wildcard, see what we get.". Philosophy would have taught you that. I bet whoever wrote this list just had the image of someone asking a patient how they're feeling today while they sit on a sofa. Men, on the other hand, do. However, despite his new status, he remains open-minded about things: When I meet someone who says theyve seen something strange, thats fair enough, because maybe they have. A college degree can only do so much for a person, although I definitely think it is beneficial to at least learn a little about everything you can you never know when that information will come in handy! Please wake up to reality sir. Let me put it this way. Since you did not know what it meant, why were you using it so frequently? In days gone by, people graduating from school with >50,000 in debt were called Lawyers and (Medical) Doctors. Wrestling degrees? Uh, what do you think the branch of philosophy called "applied ethics" deals with? HAHA, YOU, sir, CONTRADICTED YOURSELF! However your personal grasp of the subject is arguably even less than mine. What individuals and groups have an important stake in the outcome? NURSES AND PRACTICE 12 3. READ MORE ABOUT THE CENTER FOR ETHICS AND HUMAN RIGHTS. A college education is nice but nowadays college is just for prestige. I believe It does have a place as a minor or second major if you are really interested in the subject. Now I'm a lawyer, make a lot of money, travel the world and still enjoy art. If you want to be productive and have a good salary, go for something in the medical field, engineering, business or computer science and to hell with the other majors who are a waste of time and money. I didnt have a clue what I wanted to do when I graduate until I realised how great philosophy degrees are for graduate-entry law (law being something which Ive been interested in for a long time now). Epistemological studies especially are becoming increasingly important in the field, as in order to apply knowledge it is implied that we must first be able to determine what contitutes knowledge and what is in fact knowable. Are moral motivations always self interested? The problem with taking philosophy is precisely the lack of rigor in a typical study, in which almost anything goes for premises, and catastrophe follows. However, I must say, i did love formal logica philosophy course, but it felt a lot like math (NO excessive talking!! I am all for intelligent discussions, but damnHere I will make it incredibly simple: to the science majorsGood for you, you work hard making life more efficient, and apparently have shallow opinions and feel more entitled. We are both attending the same school, and from his naive view that his degree requirements prove that scientists care about a well-rounded education I would argue the contrary. The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, or The Code, is a vital tool for nurses now and in the future. If you have a question, concern, or complaint related to the AMTA Code of Ethics, please contact a member of the Ethics Board using our secure email address: amtaethics@hushmail.com. Theyre not the same, although many colleges are happy to offer b.s. Plus, with this degree you may be unwillingly thrown into a job with the government *Cough* Nasa *Cough* Dreamland *Cough*. obviously you guys have made a smart choice, and know a lot more about life than these whack-jobs who claim that Philosophy is useless. This Code is also applicable to music therapy students and interns under clinical supervision. Well, to look at it one way, philosophy is useless, but it is unavoidable. Its laughable how you think any of that could have changed my mind. 4.06. lol)I guess I just like rules and squiggly lines? "According to a study reported in the Chronicle of Higher Education, philosophy majors score: 8.7% better on the LSAT, 11% better on the GMAT, 17% better on the verbal section of the GRE, and 4.6% better on the quantitative section of the GRE, than other majors do. Next time please don't presume to assume, but instead keep quiet and listen (or read). WebThe latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing If we do not study historical artistic endeavors/artists we are sentenced to repeat the mistakes of the past. Neither am I and I freely say this as a physics & maths major. 2.4 empower clients to make desired changes in their lives. "However, with more experience I believe that I was bang on with that analysis. Practically every single member of the British parliament has a combined degree containing philosophy or even a straight philosophy degree. 6.06. However, with more experience I believe that I was bang on with that analysis. As for Max knowing way more than me Im not so sure about that. Justify spending money on your ba, ma, and phd? It is also impossible to have anybody not criticize the art that is made. Its is amazing how quickly people's feathers get ruffled when the importance of the subject of philosophy comes is mentioned (including my own). If you think about it, life is kind of useless it doesn't really serve any purpose at all. Accounting speaks for itself, lots of jobs, pretty good money, crunching numbers for a living. The dynamic and demanding context of software engineering requires a code that is adaptable and relevant to new situations as they occur. Take responsibility for detecting, correcting, and reporting errors in software and associated documents on which they work. The ethics is the branch of philosophy that studies the behavior of human beings by establishing what is"good"and what is"bad". Grievant - Individual or entity who submits a complaint or concern, Respondent - Individual or entity named in the ethics complaint, responsible for the alleged violation, Hushmail - The preferred method of contacting members of the Ethics Board is through Hushmail, a confidential, encrypted email service at the address AMTAethics@hushmail.com, Adopted by the Assembly of Delegates November 17, 2018, Effective February 1, 2019, So, to say it is useless just because YOU think it is boring doesn't mean it is useless. I think it is hard enough to get a good education, why waste it on a useless degree. Some may argue that theres no such thing as a useless degree any education is a good education including many degrees from online schools and universities. How sweet is that? Long winded, think they are always right, LOVE to hear thier own voices, and talk in circles. Admitting your mistakes is a very important part of life, whether it be your failure at choosing a major, or your failure in making an argument. 8. I will defend this if you come back with something other than "You must be joking.". Support, as members of a profession, other software engineers striving to follow this Code. She is always stressed. Its logic establishes that what benefits the majority of the population is good. What an embarrassment. A generic definition for the United States is in the Public Health Service Act.. I was an art major at one time but realized that one does not need a degree to be an artist and developed my skills without the help of professors. If there was no philosophy, there'd be no lawyers. Pay attention as we list the top 10 most useless college degrees. As I'm sure many of you who agree are probably business and science majors, (or more likely, didn't graduate high school at all), I'll offer my rebuttal. "Max is upset because I apparently didnt rebut his claim that the hard sciences are beginning to expand their curricula horizons. It has been shown that working class people's education is worth much less to them than a middle class person's education. And its quite amusing to see philosophers trying to defend their position by endlessly asking questions about accepted cultural definitions. New technologies which will, someday, have immense economic importance, in addition to contributing to the well-being of people as a whole. Therefore, a majority of people who go to university are in fact Liberal Arts majors (with accordance to the traditional definition of liberal arts) and are gaining a broader education and knowledge of a subject rather than the applications of that subject. :p. Here are some real jobs you can get with these degrees: Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Go me. The Ethics Board has jurisdiction over individual professional members of the Association and jurisdiction over student members, but only to the extent that the conduct at issue is not under the direct supervision of the student's educational program or of a training site that is officially approved by the program or association as part of the student's supervised training. 2. I'm just trying to teach you the lesson that you can't do that, and I dare say I did quite a good job of it too. More information for AMTA members from the Ethics Board can be found here. Sports Management is a multi trillion dollar industry. Art history majors can work in museums, do restoration, archivists, writers, researchers, art teachers, professors, auctioneer experts, art trade, field work which can be associated with archaeology, and art therapy. Consultation - the Ethics Board member will assist the Grievant in resolving concerns without need to contact other parties. 4. Its stupid, philosophy shouldnt be used as an educational tool for all, only for those who care, frankly because everyone has their own philosophy, you dont need to be a genius to question and wanting to learn more, why would you need someone to teach you such in a very complicated matter? Is there a God? So, many of us have no other choice but find someone you can share rent. A couple of universities here in Sweden have similar useless but fun classes like the Linnaeus University class called Harry Potter and his worlds, but at least over here its free to attend university. And as other people mentioned earlier, mathematics and science were started long before philosophy and in different countries (China, Egypt, and the like). WebEthics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior". Evaluate the options by asking the following questions: Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm? 1.3 respect, acknowledge, and protect the rights of all clients, including the rights to safety, treatment, respect, dignity, and self-determination, as well as the rights to choose a provider, to exercise legal and civil rights, and to participate in treatment decisions. All music therapy practitioners are expected to uphold the spirit and purpose of the Code, and to practice according to these standards. It might sound like a joke, but the squeaky-voiced soccer star actually has a degree course dedicated to him. Music therapy students and interns - individuals working towards the MT-BC credential in an AMTA-approved college or university, national roster internship or university affiliated internship. What is mind? The top ten useless articles, all start with top 10. You'll find that many scientists are really down to earth, well rounded individuals. Pay attention as we list the top 10 most useless college degrees. 5.02. Wow, this article was quite interesting until I saw option 5, philosophy. I have three college degrees; an associates, a bachelors, and a masters, as well as several masters certifications, along with various professional certifications. Web6.04. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The Christian ethic is one that is responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of the values taught in the Gospels, that is, seeks that people act as Jesus acted. We don't however use computers in order to formulate a problem (like come up with a unique formula/ expression for a given system) and this kinda does require a bit of thought (and it's not always as simple as going to a textbook and looking up an equation). Many programs can be base courses for another program or careers. Adapted definition based on in Goodtherapy.org online. It is a job that does not exist anymore- as the sheer quantity of desperate phds usher in the end of tenure-track jobs. Here is an interesting anecdote. Art, Philosophy, Gen. Would't philosophy be good for someone that was in pursue of a carrier like Keanu Reeves character in Sweet November? This is near the conclusion, is it not? It also shows how the main goal of the administration is to develop people who have the ability to communicate effectively. David Beckham studies So how many IT developers have them? You would also likely conclude that the fact that you "are required to take courses in the arts" is not so that you can appreciate them, but so that UBC can graduate students who have the ability to speak and write coherently. Consultation & Clarification: Music therapists can request a consult at any time to explore whether a particular situation is a violation of the AMTA Code of Ethics. without them. If you cant effectively convince people why they shouldnt be artists or enjoy art and philosophy, and if you are incapable of gathering enough people with the same sentiments as yourself in effort to end liberal arts programs and actively attempt to do so, just give up and take more time doing things YOU actually enjoy instead of raining on someone elses parade. After reading everything you wrote, I just want to say I'm so glad you're not in the sciences. WebThe HHS regulations for the protection of human subjects in research at 45CFR 46 include five subparts. ), an undergraduate degree in philosophy wont give you any immediately applicable knowledge. Every field of study stems from philosophical considerations. Are all human lives equally valuable? I am going to approach this in a way that refers to all the major sciences and not just chemisty. With that, you have just described almost every main major offered in university, including science and engineering. These principles do not preclude the Ethics Review Board from maintaining records in a secure place for archival or record keeping purposes, or from using or publishing information concerning ethics matters for educative purposes provided that individuals named in the records are not identified. Processes for this formal hearing follow. As a scientist you should be able to infer that UBC is full of people who have GREAT difficulty communicating effectively in the English language. Is death always bad? Normally a degree in philosophy leads in to a journalism or law conversion course as the unique way of thinking around normal problems is incredibly attractive to employers. That's what I mean by "beating you at your own game". I think anyone who comes across this discussion will agree with my view. These principles cannot merely be learned off by heart, you must understand them in order to derive equations. I have a computer science degree and took some Art and History classes. Here you go again. You my friend just hit that ugly nail right on the head. When we increase our awareness of the components of ethical behavior, it is easy to see ethical concerns in many places in our lives. is one of the biggest businesses in Britain, having a massive turnover. I own this blog, but didn't write the post. Ever heard of people saying homosexuality is unnatural? That has connection to natural law ethics. Heard of the enlightenment? But why should the public pay for this? Whatever would we do if people stopped suing eachother for slipping on sidewalks? Maybe if education were valued for more than the money it brings? Its questionable whether someone has a duty to contribute to society in the best way possible. I'd hardly flaunt it. It has shaped the whole way nations define themselves and how they relate themselves to others. Again, do your research. It will help you in the looking stupid department. Disclose to appropriate persons or authorities any actual or potential danger to the user, the public, or the environment, that they reasonably believe to be associated with software or related documents. If you really believe that, lets let others have a chance to weigh in (like Reuven Shiloah above). The higher you set your goals, the less you will eventually stumble. I am currently majoring in a useful major. By the way, going back for my M.A. We list openings at no cost to you. Making ethical decisions. Retrieved from https://www.atcb.org/resource/pdf/2016-ATCB-Code-of-Ethics-Conduct-DisciplinaryProcedures.pdf, Behnke, S. (2004). Neverendingcircles, So bad you don`t know anything about Parapsychology . In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment. Over 60% of my class is Law school had Philosophy degrees. Be careful to use only accurate data derived by ethical and lawful means, and use it only in ways properly authorized. Of course in labs as an undergraduate you're not expected to go off and discover the mysteries of the universe by yourself. Excluded professions. Be encouraged to volunteer professional skills to good causes and contribute to public education concerning the discipline. Again, you are so vague. Thats right every Ph.D. degree is, technically, a degree in Philosophy. But, one thing about artists is that many also got the jobs without an educationand it figures they can one may only need to go to a store, buy a computer animating program, practice and practice, make a portfolio and start job-hunting. A society without any philosophy would be akin to Sparta. A main chunk of what we have to learn is the biology of the brain and how it connects to human behaviour, and its definitely no walk in the park. Despite stereotypes, some of the surfers I know are interested in environmentalism and pretty good in science, including an old science professor. 3.11. 3.05. In other words, a much more fulfilling and bearable work environment. A lot of them were drama students also. HA! The Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions uses wording from the Public Health Service Act to list those who are and are not allied A generic definition for the United States is in the Public Health Service Act.. And yet here you are trying to teach me about grasping the English language. Professional Boundaries - provide the framework for healthy relationships between healthcare providers individuals being served. what if?). Subpart A, also known as the Common Rule, provides a robust set of protections for research subjects; subparts B, C, and D provide additional protections for certain populations in research; and subpart E provides requirements for IRB registration. Believe it or not, some people actually like biology, chemistry, and physics. I was doing that to save time because I wasnt sure if the blog site would let me post my essays. The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the government's premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupationssuch as carpenters, teachers, and veterinarians. Tesla (the inventor of ac power) died flat broke. ", but then again, this probably has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the lapsing education standards in this country. Ed., and History degrees are good for management in most companies. I realize that it's an uphill task to explain that parapsychology is not valid. This type of ethics is what is influenced by religion. Nobody's denying that. 8.08. Philosophy enhances oral and written skills as well as an amazing ability to persuade. Information, files, graphics, and other content on this site are the property of the American Music Therapy Association and may not be used, reprinted or copied without the express written permission of the American Music Therapy Association. Consequently, there is medical ethics, military ethics, teaching ethics, legal ethics, among others. Empirical ethics is what is created while living, that is, it is the one that arises from own experience and direct observation. Then I'd be qualified to talk about everyone's professions like I know everything about them while not actually performing them! Like any young profession, the historical development of public relations shows a progression toward more self-aware and ethical models of communication. Your entire argument hinges on the notion that Philosophy does not stand alone, but works to complement or edify other disciplines which was my point. This is absolutely hilarious. These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong. Updated November 2019, American Music Therapy Association. Hi, loser! Support, as members of a profession, other software engineers striving to follow this Code. For instance, in some sense, an agreement between two individuals to form a partnership restrains trade, but may not do so unreasonably, and thus may be lawful under the antitrust laws. I was very passionate about replying to you because I know that's what you're doing. Not unjustly prevent someone from taking a position for which that person is suitably qualified. The largest problem with claiming that one is going to study philosophy to become a philosophy professor is that one it trying to become a philosophy professor. I agree with almost all of what you said; however, with all due respect, I would like to comment on this: As a useful degree that adds to the production of society completely useless. Art History serves as a mirror to humanitys actions, and one of numerous platforms to generate new ideas and theories, much like philosophy. Philosophy, like sociology and psychology, is one of those degrees that people do when theyre not quite sure what vocation they want to follow . If it is good, I'll publish it and you can be a shining beacon for other philosophy majors. Those guys get the best jobs (research jobs), not teaching jobs. What is the ideal form of government? ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses. I also chuckle to myself when I see the same people I went to undergrad with STILL in school for this or that Master's degree. I am a Philosophy graduate and i have had plenty of Job offers! Despite what Max thinks, he will be competing with many of the graduates from BCIT that weve both mentioned. Think for a minute. Especially since your definition of the good ways to contribute to society is questionable and unclear. Almost everyone in my faculty understands we need social, reading, writing, speaking, and logic skills + technical skills learned in science. WebOur Job Center is a great place to publicize your school district job openings. People do some research. Thank you for your concern. It saddens me to see how little value education has now, Im 21 and Im disgusted seeing that only medicine or business are valid choices for my future in the eyes of many. ALL HAIL BIG BUSINESS! The ultimate effect of the work should be to the public good. It is the most important aspect of human existence and is studied in depth by Philosophers. 3.7 differentiate personal views from those of the profession, the employer or agency. WebContact the Center of Ethics and Human Rights at ethics@ana.org. The ability to express ideas clearly, succinctly, and with authority, especially in writing, forms the basis of most assessments of learning.. Then Id be qualified to talk about everyones professions like I know everything about them while not actually performing them! Medical ethics is one that is applied in the field of health and medicine. Philosophy has the top score on GRE verbal reasoning and writing ahead of English majors, 15th in quantitative reasoning (higher than all other humanities), outdid everyone except mathematics and economics on the LSAT, outperformed business majors on GMAT by 15% and everyone else but math, physics and several engineering studies. In fact this is why many losers such as yourself attend college. Do you know there's often a thin line between madness and genius? .I cannot think of any possible use for this degree. will be pushing the limits of human understanding while they create the things I use everyday, but they are almost by definition the extreme minority. Speaking from personal experience, as an engineer, the sciences and the maths are far from "a bunch of equations". The details of this model can be found in a publication of the Section on Health Policy and Administration of the American Physical Therapy Association. School system is only a reference point for the average, and if somebody takes pride in an art or philosophy degree, he missed the point of all things that he learned. One last thing. Doesnt the truth hurt (rhetorical)! I think that is why a philospohy degree has been coined as being 'essentially useless' because in the individualistic money making business world we all reside in, philosophy doesnt fit but fact is studying philosophy is one of the wisest, most calcualted decisions a person can make. WebThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. 3.10 provide comprehensive, accurate, and objective information about expectations for treatment outcomes. Why should other taxpayers be forced to pay for your way in life? As for business majors arguing about how useful your degree is Save your breath. 4.5 fully disclose any financial interest in products or services that they recommend to clients. Not much mystery solving there. If you are relying on your degree to get you your dream job, forget it. From the science majors, philosophy majors, business majors, etc. And youre basically trying to say that scientists are not well rounded and need to develop the much needed reading and writing skills that people like you apparently have. WebThe Socrates (aka conium.org) and Berkeley Scholars web hosting services have been retired as of January 5th, 2018. But that's ok. Because that's the kind of obsessive nature that's needed in order to get a project done or a new discovery made. If you feel that your need for money is bigger than the need to spend your years while enjoying living, then try going for business engineering or whatever is not useless. You can whine all day about how these fields are rooted in whatever you want them to be, in reality, however, a degree nowadays in these fields is fundamentally formula memorization and mixing substances in petri dishes.". I am baffled about your concept of contributing to society. Dileo, C. (2000). From my observations, the creatives are many times born intellectuals who make stupid decisions. Long-Acting ART: Navigating Uncharted Territory in HIV Treatment Recent approval of the first complete long-acting injectable antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen has set the stage for a new wave of long-acting options that stand to transform HIV treatment. You clearly aspire to get a job waiting tables. There are so many jobs related to this. "yet my engineering technologist room mate was unemployed because all construction projects in the city were stalled. CSUMB has or had a class dedicated to The Simpsons. It helps to have the shoulders of other intelligent men to stand on, and thats why we study through the lens of other thinkers as well as our own. What is time? As business owners, we consider our clients well-being first. and from his naive view that his degree requirements prove that scientists care about a well-rounded education I would argue the contrary. The world must know that saying they want to be a humanities professor is about akin to saying I want to be a football star, but I intend to spend 10 years not getting paid, followed by 10 years publishing and not getting paid enough to live on, in hopes that by this time I would be sufficiently established to attain a full-time job in the field. Is only useless if you really believe that I was bang on with analysis... That ugly nail right on the head you critical thinking many different areas, limited only to their human! Why you can share rent job offers appeal will be competing with many us... Or spaces about the Center of ethics is what is created while living, that is, however in. To surf occasionally can be base courses for another program or careers should back it up with sort... Education standards in this way, going back for my M.A education is worth much less to them to and... Money it brings looks at the small detail ( physical/material universe ) and tests the theory in field! For detecting, correcting, and use it only in ways properly authorized suspect that liberal Arts who. `` Max is upset because I apparently didnt rebut his claim that the hard are! Many different areas, limited only to their own philosophy, Psychology, healthANYTHING ] hang out a... Of many people who dont know what to take is merely one persons opion.oh yeah, engineering! 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